Your #1 Source of Unsolicited Life Advice

Category: Life Tips (Page 2 of 5)

A smorgasboard of suggestions for an improved quality of life. I wouldn’t be so bold as to call them “Life Hacks”, but they trend in that general direction of the spectrum.

What Happens When Your Love Of Melons Gets Out Of Hand?

4 Min Read

Sure, the feel of melon in your mouth feels great.

But sometimes, son, it’s better you just wait…

“Oh crap, I forgot the watermelon!”

Sheer terror and panic overtook my system as my world seemingly came crashing down around me right there in the grocery store.

“Well, we can’t have that!” the clerk empathized. “After all, that’s what the holidays are all about…”

“Aw, man! First I have to deal with spending the Fourth of July all by myself, and now this unspeakable tragedy? Woe is me!”

Throughout all this drama, the clerk somehow managed to keep his cool.

“Uh…so why don’t you just grab some from the produce section before I finish you checking out?”

That man is gosh-darn hero, I tell you. What would I have done without his sage advice? Celebrate my solo Independence Day without any refreshing sandia to salve the wounds of my abandoned ego? We can’t have that!

“Be right back!” I shouted over my shoulder as I took off in my cheap-ass flip-flops towards my soon-to-be prized possession.

About halfway there, though…


The front edge of my left sandal caught on the polished tile floor and bent in half.


My entire body flung forward culminating in my cheekbone colliding with the floor.

Fortunately, at 8:30 pm on a national holiday, everyone else has a real social life and are spending time with friends and family instead of trying to gather the supplies for a sad little BBQ-for-one at the grocery store. In other words, there were no eye-witnesses to my little spill, and so my ego wasn’t nearly as bruised as it could have been.

My body, on the other hand, was a little bit more banged up. As I got up and dusted myself off, a cursory systems check of my corporeal being noted that, while I hadn’t lost a tooth or broken my frickin’ cheek, I had done gone and busted up one of my big toes pretty bad. Yup…was gonna lose that nail.

Ugh…what a stupid, stupid, embarrassing way to injure ones’ self. But, if I was going to sacrifice well-being for some ----- watermelon, I was sure as schnitzel going to get my watermelon. I nonchalantly as possible scooped up a quarter of a watermelon–because, hey, I don’t need to eat a whole melon all by myself–and casually sauntered back to the clerk, who by now had to be wondering if I had been kidnapped or something.

“Wha–?!? What the hell happened to you?” He was clearly shocked by the tattered state I was in.

“Look man, have you ever hunted down a wild watermelon and killed it with your bare hands? You’re just not the same afterwards. It changes you, man, it changes you…”

“Whoa, bus!”

I had been power-walking to the bus stop in hopes of beating the bus I desperately needed to catch, but was still about a hot minute from our rendezvous point when I saw the speedy little ----- whizz past me.

It was a few weeks after my 4th of July pity-party1One that ended with me sitting on the roof of our house and watching fireworks off in the distance…which doesn’t actually sound that bad, so I guess you could say it had a happy-ish ending. You know, apart from the toe and cheekbone and what-not. and I was trying to catch a ride home after a long day in the lab–I had a super-hot date with Just Chillaxin’–but of course I was running slightly late, so I had to accept the fact that if I wasn’t on that bus when it pulled off, then it was all on me.

“Hold that bus!” I shouted…in my head, because, you know, I would probably look like an idiot shouting that on a mildly crowded college campus.

I could see off yonder the bus roll up and start to let the more timely passengers board.

“Well, sh*t, if I start awkwardly hustling/sprinting now, I just might make it…”

I had to make a judgement call, and I had to make it fast.

“On the other hand…”

I looked down at my blackened toe, which at this point featured a toenail so much on the verge of falling off that it was basically just flapping in the wind.

“…maybe I’ll just keep strolling at a casual pace. No need to hurt myself again, especially when I can just catch the next bus in 10 minutes.”

Proud of myself for actually having a grip on myself this time–unlike during the Very Unfortunate Watermelon Incident–I carried on my way like I didn’t have a care in the world.

As I got closer, I noticed that the bus hadn’t pulled away yet.

“Easy, Big Fella,” I told myself as I was once again tempted to make a dash for it.

Fifteen paces away, still the bus stood inexplicably stationary. Still I strolled.

Ten paces: “Ah, poo, I just know it’s going to pull away when I get tantalizing close–but…must…resist…urge to scurry.”

Five paces: “Okay, Universe, I get it–this is some kind of cruel prank you’re pulling on me. Just break my heart and get it over with!”



“No, not even skipping is an option–don’t you dare!”




Still lolly-gagging casually af, I walked up to the still-open doors of the bus and, just as I step on, the doors closed behind me…

The other passengers were in awe.

“It’s as if he knew all along that the bus was going to wait for him!” I overheard one particular comely female passenger whisper under her breath.

“Ooh, now, a man with confidence like that? That really gets my bus’ engine revving, if you know what I mean, wink, wink,” her equally buxom seatmate intimated, thinking I was out of earshot.

“Yeah,” quietly piped up yet another member of the hot-girl party, “and with bruises like that, he’s no doubt brimming with non-toxic masculinity. He looks like a man who would be the living sh*t out of someone to defend my honor…”

I couldn’t stop a sly grin from creeping across my face.

“You may have one the earlier battle, Watermelon, but it looks like I won the war. And now, speaking of ‘melons’, this melon-farming victor needs to enjoy his spoils.”

I wrapped up my conversation with my imaginary fruit foe, and turned my attention elsewhere.

“Hello, ladies…”

Content created on: 3 June 2022 (Friday)

Footnotes & References:[+]

A Fantastic Voyage On The Everything You Never Wanted To Know Bus

6 Min Read

So, I got on a bus headed in the wrong direction.

I just never thought it would be a metaphor for my life…

On a sunny Thursday in mid-June of 2018, I took off early from work to prepare for a family reunion I would be hosting the next day. Meanwhile, Our Dearest Mother was busy praying for the safe travels of her four other children and their families who would be traveling many miles over the next 24 hours to join us.

Let’s just say she forgot to pray for me.

What you are about to read is a real-time documentation of the events that followed…

June 14th, 2018, 11:51 A.M.: A Logistical Miscalculation

In addition to preparing for the family reunion, immediately after that I was going to leave for a work conference in Paris. This, too, weighed heavily on my mind. Apparently, it did for many of my co-workers as well, which became painfully obvious when I had an uncomfortable realization about my plans for the day…

So, in summary: my commute to work usually consists of driving to a shopping center parking lot, and catching a public bus from there. On this fateful day, though, I didn’t realize that I couldn’t catch my usual bus back to my car because it stops service during the middle of the day.

Despite my very unhelpful work friend, disaster was averted when I found an alternative bus route that would get me to where I was going.


12:22 P.M.: Better Notify The Wife In Case I Go Missing…

12:25 P.M.: A Harbinger1Did I mention how recently The Boss Lady kept talking about trying to find a ‘harbinger’…only to eventually realize she meant carabiner clip? LOL. Appears On The Horizon

Meanwhile, I receive the following text from Mom, which she sent to all of us kids (at the time, Our Dearest Mother worked at an assisted living facility, taking care of an elderly woman in her private apartment):

You know it’s not a good sign when your mom’s work shenanigans ends up with “…and so there I was locked in a burning building with a bunch of older people, my bladder about to explode…”

12:29 P.M.: Better Be Safe And Begin Two Live-Texting Feeds…

You know, to help out with the inevitable future police investigation*…

*Please ignore the extremely classist remarks my younger, much-richer-than-my-even-younger-self, self makes*

I better keep the family informed too:


At this point–and, again, not to be too classist–I am rightfully starting to wonder if I should be concerned for my safety:

12:34 P.M.: Out Of The Frying Pan And Into The Fire…

Immediately upon disembarking the What-In-The-Actual-F**k-Bus:

12:35 P.M.: Oh, This Family Conversation Is Far From Over…

Yes, you were saying mother?

What was that comment about me and ‘tips’ again?

You have no idea how long I have waited for the following two words to come out of my mother’s proverbial lips:

Thanks for clarifying, Mother. Fun fact, though:

12:30 P.M. Some Of Us Are Actually Trying To Have A Serious Conversation Here…

3:10 P.M.: Seriously, Though…

Of course, it wouldn’t be a true family-style text buffet without a typo-ridden run-on text from the elderly matriarch thrown in just for fun:

Confused? You’re not alone. It was so bad that our normally silent Sister “A” felt she had to say something:

My dude just outed himself as someone who does not read my blog. If he did, he would have known what a Venn diagram was from one of my very first posts.

So…maybe it was Bro #2 that would have felt more at home on that bus ride than me?

3:53 P.M.: No, We Will Not Let It Go, Mother, Thank You Very Much…

LOL, Mother, “lost” is a pretty appropriate typo to describe my entire day and the collective time of everybody unfortunate enough to be involved in this group text…

4:07 P.M.: First Trapped In A Burning Building, And Now Lost In A Viciously Confusing Grocery Store? Sheesh, Mother…

For the uninformed, those popular sweet fizzy drinks that are causing a nationwide obesity pandemic? In the Flyover States from whence my family comes, we don’t call that ‘soda’ like they do here on the East Coast and other more highly educated parts of this fine country.

Sometimes, you just have to speak in Elderly Kansas Woman’s native tongue, amiright?

Oh, good effin’ lord, Mother…

Anyways, once again, if you’re exhausted by this entire conversation at this point, rest assured, you’re not alone. Just ask Sister A:

Jeez…her very own little brother could have very well been inadvertently swept up in a bootlegging/panhandling/child pornography sting operation, entrapping all occupants of Durham Area Transit Route 10, Bus 2122, and she couldn’t have given a rat’s ass!


The point of the story is always make sure there’s an elitist bus route to take you to wherever you may have parked your car.

Otherwise–and whether or not you want to–you might just learn exactly how long it takes to bum $7 off complete strangers, exactly how much booze that will buy you, and exactly what, pray-tell, do they do to kiddie smut-mongers in prison.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go scrape this gum and/or dog sh*t of a life experience off my soul…

Content created on 14 June 2018 & 27 May 2022 (Fri/Fri)

Footnotes & References:[+]

Who Double Dares To Don A Big Old Sh*t-Eating Grin?

5 Min Read

What do you do when someone wants to pay you to eat poo?

Oh, what to do, what to do, what to doo-doo…

“Ring! Ring!

Great. Just great. The one night in my entire college career that I decide to go to bed before 10, and some jack-hole has to go and be blowing up the phone in my dorm room.

“Uh, hello?”

“Dude, dude, ’tis I, the Beautiful Love Muscle!1No, his initials aren’t actually BLM. Howdy!”

“Howdy yourself, BLM. Why the hell you calling me when I’m trying to get a healthy night’s worth of rest?”

“Yeah, uh, so there’s a bunch of guys here hanging out at my apartment, and…”

“…and what, you huge oaf?”

I didn’t give a crap if my impatience came through loud and clear over my landline or not.

“Well, we have a dare that we all thought for which you would be the perfect candidate.”

“Um, okay. What is it?”

I gotta admit that my ego was slightly flattered that little ol’ me was who they thought could handle this mystery challenge like no one else.

“We’ll tell you when you get here.”

“Nah, ----- that, amigo. I’m hanging up now…”

“No, wait! There’s could be a sizable amount of cash in it for you.”

The man sure did know the way to this poor college student’s heart.

“You don’t say? How much? I ain’t getting out of bed for any less than fif–“

“Two hundred fifty in cold hard cash. So are you in?”


“Dude are you still there?”


BLM opens door…

“Nah man, I’m here…”

“So, it’s pretty simple: you eat some poo, and we pay you $250. Any questions?”

I couldn’t believe that BLM actually was able to keep a straight face while he suggested that I eat a steaming pile of crap, all for the mere purpose of the juvenile amusement of the gaggle of dumbasses–many of which I called ‘friends’–that had congregated at his place.

“The ----- is wrong with you man? And me??? When someone suggested, ‘Hey, let’s see if we can dare somebody to consume human fecal matter!’ All y’all biscuits unanimously came up with my name? Noooo, that’s no disturbing at all…”

“Aw, c’mon man! We’re offering you a quarter of a cool grand. And don’t be too offended we thought of you–after all you yourself brag about how you’re a ‘human garbage disposal’, amiright?”

“Yeah, ‘human garbage disposal’–not ‘walking septic tank’. There’s a bit of a difference there, Broseph.”

Amidst all this banter, a plot to part these fools of their money started to incubate and then hatch in mind. At that point, I thought that I had bought myself enough time. I just need to build a little more suspense…

A “Please, oh please!” spontaneously came forth from some nugget-head in the crowd.

“Yeah, you already got out of bed and traipsed over here–you might as well make it worth your trip.”

“Do it! Do it! Do it!”

All of sudden there was a chorus of jackasses all chanting their encouragement.

“Okay, okay! I’ll think about it–and on one condition: only if it’s the dung of my beloved roomie, B-Nye, Not The Science Guy–wait. What are you doing here? You’re in on this scheme, too???”

B-Nye just gave me his trademark sheepish chipmunk grin.

“Ok, whatever. Let’s just go somewhere private and discuss it. If all y’all need us we’ll be at Jen & Em’s2Female friends of ours who just happened to live in the apartment across the hall from BLM. place across the breezeway. See you suckers in a few minutes…”

“Brownies! Brownies! You ladies got any brownies?!?”

I didn’t have time to mince any words on useless pleasantries.

“Oh, hey, it’s you two. What’s up?” Despite my brusqueness, Jen was as pleasant as ever.

“No time to talk. I need whatever brownies you might have in this apartment, stat! And whole corn–you got any whole corn?”

I could see out of the corner of my eye that B-Nye was starting to put the pieces together.

“Ahhh, I see now…so you weren’t really planning on eating one of my fresh turds? Well, that’s a relief–pun intended!–cuz I don’t think I quite have a proverbial ‘bullet in the chamber’, so to speak.”

Jen, on the other hand, had no ----- clue what we were going on about.

“Ummm…are you guys talking about eating poop? ‘Cuz one time I heard about some frat guy that ate poop, and then after that all the sororities put him on a do-not-date list. They even had Wanted-style posters printed with his picture on it stating ‘Do Not Kiss This Man!’ It was cray-cray, I say…”

“So…he got brown-listed, eh?”

“Yeah, I suppose you could say that.”

“Well, fear not, my dear Jen, I don’t plan eating poop for realz.

“Then why are you here?”

“Those fools across the hall have pooled their money together and will pay me $250 to eat crap. Fifty of that is yours if you can help me make a fake turd out of brownies and corn, and fifty of that will be B-Nye’s to pretend it was a fresh loaf he just pinched off. What say you?”

“Shouldn’t we split it evenly 3 ways?” B-Nye piped up.

“Oh ----- off. I’m the one risking my reputation here for a measly $150. No need to get greedy.”

“Okay, well you’re welcome to any brownies you can find, but I’m pretty sure we don’t have any.”

After a solid 10 minutes of turning their apartment upside down to no avail–and twice rebuffing BLM and the dumbass mob’s knocking on the door with ‘Go away, or you’re going to scare off B-Nye’s shy chocolate prairie dog!’–we sadly came up completely empty-handed.

In the end I totes be like:

Seinfeld George GIF - Seinfeld George Scream - Discover & Share GIFs

“Sorry to disappoint fellas, but I’m out. B-Nye couldn’t produce the goods.”

I wasn’t ready to reveal to this crew that my plan to take their money and run had only been foiled by Jen & Em’s tragic lack of baked goods in their household.

“But, you thought about it. Oh, man, I can’t wait to tell every girl we know that you seriously considered eating crap!” Cody, one of the many jackasses present, was all too quick to point this unflattering technicality.

Okay. So, I guess I was ready to reveal my plan to fleece them after all.

“You big dummy, I didn’t consider eating poo for a single second! I was going to eat a fake one made out of brownies and make off with your money. I was going to literally walk away with a pocket full of cash and a shit-eating grin.”

“But you still thought about it!”

“No, you see it was actually quite a diabolical genius plan–“

“Hey guys! He almost ate sh*t! He almost ate sh*t! Tell everyone you know!”

“No–wait–oh, fudge,3While that could be considered a pun, what I’m really trying to say is ‘FUCK’. nevermind. You’re all a bunch of ----- idiots…”

The point of the story is that the world is full of turds who don’t give a crap about nuance. Appearances matter. Simple interpretations and salacious stories–those are what are usually remembered.

If something you’re thinking about doing–like, say, pretending to eat sh*t to make a few bucks–that, on the surface, may reflect poorly on your judgment and/or character, well, you better think twice before you even think once about doing it.

Later on you can lay out in great detail all you want about how brilliant you really were, but take it from me: no one will still be listening by then. No one cares about the asterisk. No one gives two toots about parenthetical statements. No one has time for your lengthy over-explanations.

It will already be too late, your good name will be forever smeared4Fecal-based pun intended

Content created on: 21 May 2022 (Saturday)

Footnotes & References:[+]

Don’t Worry, I’m A Professional! What’s Bugging You, My Man?

5 Min Read

Sometimes simply being a listening ear can mean the world to someone.

Mainly because then you’re not a running mouth…

“Just hanging in there the best I can…”

I gave a slight smirk upon hearing the exterminator’s response to my question, “How ya doing today?”–my attempt at basic pleasantries one might be expected to proffer when interacting with a stranger.

He had come by for his bi-monthly visit to spray for bugs around our house, and, as usual, he was at our front door letting us know he was there and what he planned to do that day–you know, to preempt us from calling the cops upon seeing a random dude wandering around outside our house.

Now, I’m not really big on the whole “basic pleasantries” thing, on account of the overly-honest gene in my DNA that gives me a near-unhealthy penchant for authenticity in all of my inter-personal interactions. So it’s always a treacherous gamble to engage in such activities with me, as you might just get more than the usual lie of “I’m doing just fine” that typically serves as the lubricant that keeps society running smoothly.

Anyways, the bug guy had caught me in a particularly hectic moment, so let’s just say that he had no idea what he was in for…

“That was about to be my exact response!”

I didn’t want to leave the guy wondering why I had a half-grin on my face, so I was letting him know that I could relate to how he was feeling. But before I burdened him with my current woes, I decided to let him share first what was weighing him down.

“Yeah, I hear ya…what’s ailing you these days?” I continued.

Who says that two complete strangers can’t share a sincere human connection, amiright?

“Well…” he said before pausing for a brief moment.

“Don’t worry, Buddy, you got a listening ear in me.” I gently encouraged him.

“So, I just recovered from COVID after being knocked on my ass for couple of weeks…”

“Oof. That’s rough.”

“…but what was really tough was losing 3 family members to COVID in just the last 2 months…”

“Oh man, I am so sorry to hear that.” I asked for ‘realness’, and whether I liked it or not, he was sure delivering.

“And then…”

“Wait! There’s more?” I thought to myself. Hadn’t he suffered enough already?

“…I get off work two nights ago, and come home to find all my possessions on the front porch.”

Sh*t. That could mean only one thing.

“Turns out, out of nowhere, my wife leaves me for another guy. I had no clue; I was completely blindsided.”

“Oh, man, that is so terrible–on top of everything else, too…”

Honestly, this was new territory. The closest I had previously come to having to figure out how to respond to a random person sharing some incredibly personal trauma with me was that one time I tried to give $20 to a guy loitering outside the local Korean fried chicken joint, and, well, I don’t have to tell you how that went.

“She said she’s taking the house. So I’ve been sleeping in my work truck the last few nights since I have nowhere to go…”

“Dang…” I was pretty much speechless by this point. I just couldn’t believe The Universe would kick a guy so squarely in the cajones when he was already down.

“…and I’ve got exactly negative $124 in my bank account, so yeah…I’m just hanging in there best I can.”

I was officially speechless at this point, doing all I could not to cry in front of another grown-ass man who just poured his heart out to me.

“Welp, today I’ll be spraying around the perimeter of your home as usual–gotta keep the creepy-crawlies from getting in the first place. Oh, and have you noticed any issues with bugs inside the house lately?”

“Here you go, I want you to have this. It’s not much, but hopefully it’ll help take the sting off a little.”

I had been an unexpected emotional wreck for the past 20 minutes while he had sprayed around the house–and I was just as worried that he would leave without checking back in with me. After rummaging through a couple dressers, I found what I had hoped to pass on to him: a Ziploc baggy with a modest amount of cash in it–serendipitously within a couple of dollars of his negative bank account balance.1Not to #HumbleBrag, but I had discovered that they were $20 bills when I thought they were $50s or $100s, so it wasn’t as much as I had hoped to pass on to my hurting amigo. So I was rather relieved (and nervous!) when I heard the doorbell ring again.

He graciously accepted the gift, and just stood there for a moment.

“I’m doing all I can not to cry–this means so much to me.”

I, too, was doing all I could not to cry.

“I know hugs aren’t a good idea right now, but how about a fist-bump?” he offered.

I took him up on that, and in that moment, the much-maligned fist-bump became the vessel for one of the deepest connection I have experienced with another human being…

“You ever pondered over that part of the Bible where Jesus talks about ‘what you’ve done unto the least of these, you’ve done unto me'2 and what-not?”

“Yeah, I suppose I’ve given it some thought…”

Over a month later, and the Boss Lady and I were road-tripping to the beach for her birthday get-a-way, and I had just opened up to her for the first time about my encounter with the bug guy–it had been so emotionally heavy that I hadn’t been able to share it with another soul for weeks on end.

And she was indubitably wondering where I was going with it by bringing in theology.

“Well, I can’t help but wonder if I’ve just punched my ticket to Black Heaven3It wasn’t explicitly stated, but the bug guy is Black. So on top of everything else he has to deal with a baseline of systemic racism and racial inequity.…”

After a pause, my mouth rambled on to finish that train of thought.

“…and of course, by blasting my good deeds to the whole world, I’m no doubt voiding that ticket and going straight back to Caucasian hell…”

Empathy, generosity, and now humor?

Though I hadn’t meant to, my little tale had assaulted my dear wife with the Trifecta of Character Every Woman Wants Her Man, and thereby winning her heart back over after a little run-of-the-mill, very incredibly stupid 24-hour marital spat.

Again, yes I know that telling the whole world about my kind heart and valiant deeds kinda nullifies everything, but there really is a point in sharing all this.

I mean, it was her fault for trying to be infectiously gracious in the first place after I had mumbled a few choice expletives at an inept teen driver with whom we were stuck in traffic.

“Dear, don’t be so harsh–you never know what kind of day she’s been having…”

Sigh. That’s true. Speaking of which, boy, do I have a story for you…”

“I’m crying! I’m crying!”

Fortunately, the Boss Lady was crying tears of laughter at this point, despite the gravity of The Bug Guy Story I had just intimated to her.

“Whew! Oh boy, I can’t get over the thought of you sharing your woes first instead of him–what was it you were about to say again?”

“Well, first, in my defense, things had been pretty stressful for me then. At least relatively speaking.”

“Just tell me the exact phrase you were about to tell him, explaining why you had the need to ‘hang in there’ the best you could.”

“Fine. I was about to say, and I quote:

‘Yeah man, life’s been rough on me lately. I’ve been trying to upgrade our front and back porches with this really expensive composite decking, and it’s just been taking forever. And on top of that, me and the family are leaving for a 6-day Disney World vacation tomorrow, and I feel completely unprepared. I’m totally stressing out here, man!’

There. Are you happy with how incredible close to being utterly embarrassed while simultaneously making him feel even more horrible?”

*gasp! gasp*

“One moment while I catch my breath…”

I couldn’t help but roll me eyes.

“Are you finished with your schadenfreude yet?”

“Oh, Dear…again, it all comes back to you, Disney, and your First-World Problems…”

Content created on: 29 April 2022 (Friday)

Footnotes & References:[+]

Gotta Hand It To You, Girl, You Sure Were Special…

7 Min Read

Always celebrate those things that make your child unique.

And the more embarrassing, the better…

“Lay off of her! Our child is completely normal!”

Okay, so maybe my response to the innocent-enough questions, “Have you noticed that The Younger likes to religiously wipe everything with the back of her fingernails? Do you think there’s something wrong with her?” was a bit too impassioned.

Sure, one could argue our 4-year-old daughter’s habit was borderline O.C.D., but what good would it do it slap such a negatively-connotated label on the kid? When I asked why she would run the back of her fingertips over everything–couches, iPads, the perimeter of the kitchen countertops, various body parts of her family members, and even the occasional toilet seat–every chance she got, she simply replied, “Because it feels good on my fingers.” So why give her guff for her doing what just felt right to her, when it really wasn’t hurting anybody else? In fact, I was the opinion of that it gave her “character.”

“I can relate, kid, I can relate…”–that was my special Daddy way of helping her affirm her identity when other family members were less-supportive of her life choices.

And I could indeed relate, because–as it would seem–her unusual Savior Complex was not the only outlying behavior she inherited from her paternal genetic lineage. I tried to tell the other adults around her that, I too, took particular pleasure in running my fingernails along things when I was young.

So, yeah, I was actually a bit proud that she was taking after her Papa. Though, unlike her, I usually limited to my activity to my own pant legs…

“Stop. Making. Fun of me!”

So what? I was involved in one case of mistaken identity when I was about 4. Big deal. I was just a child for Heaven’s sake!

Yet, there I was, 6 years old, and Mom and 1SkinnyJ–my slightly older brother–would just not let me forget one teeny-tiny social faux pas I made well over 2 years earlier. It was almost a ritual for them, every month or so, drudging it back up and getting a good laugh out of my misfortune.

“Whoo-wee! You should have seen the look on your face! You were red as a beet, you were so embarrassed!”

“Shut up!”

I mean, really, who makes fun of kid for something that, frankly, scarred them for life? What kind of sick, twisted people am I stuck with calling “my family”?

Do you even know how emotionally impossible it is for a toddler to process such a psychologically damaging life event? Not to mention having to be repeatedly reminded of it by so-called “loved ones”?

What are these horrors that I wouldn’t even wish upon on the child of my sworn enemy, you ask?

Look, if you really want to know what happened, then fine, I’ll tell you. But you’ll be just as guilty as them for perpetuating childhood trauma.

It shouldn’t have been that big of a deal anyways. Where at a graduation at our local high school back in the mid-80s, and I recall standing in line with Mom to congratulate the new graduates…

“Hey there, kiddo, it’s good to see you!”

From across the way, I heard one of my aunts1If you really care about historical accuracy, I must state for the record that I don’t know if it was an aunt for sure. But it was either a family member or a friend of the family. holler my name. And in spite of being an incredibly shy child who was permanently attached to his Mommy’s hand, I bravely ventured out and scurried over to say “hi” to the trusted, friendly face of said family member.

A good 90 seconds was about all I could bear out in the dangerous world, so after offering Auntie my greetings and salutations, I made a bee-line straight back to the safety and security of Mom’s hand.

“Oh…well hello there, little fella.”

Wait, what was wrong with Mom’s voice?!?

In a panic, my eyes followed the path from the hand that I was gripping ever-so-tightly, up the arm, and lastly to…

“Aww, sh*t…YOU’RE NOT MY REAL MOM!!!”

That face.

That face was not my mother’s! Hell, I didn’t know who’s it was. Like a complete ass, I hadn’t bothered looking up and confirming that it was Mom I was sidling up to before making physical contact!

I was so stunned, I couldn’t do anything but just stand there petrified, forgetting that I was still latched onto the hand of a complete ----- stranger.

From a few feet up ahead in the line, I saw my real mom turn and around, and, a little beet red herself, scurry back to detach me from the mystery woman’s appendage.

“So sorry about that…he’s, uh…a little special…”

“Another Easter egg hunt? Yayyyyy!!!”

The Elder’s Taekwondo dojo2Is it racist that I knowingly use this incorrect term? was hosting yet another Easter egg hunt this past holiday weekend, and I was just too busy with around-the-house projects to go. So I convinced the Boss Lady3As a friendly reminder, The Boss Lady is my wife. to take our two girls by herself.

I would later deeply regret this decision, as it turned out that by not going, I missed out on perhaps one of the most formative childhood events in the life of The Younger.

When the Boss Lady came back, she had this weird grin on her face.

“So, I gotta tell you what happened at the Easter egg hunt, but you gotta be standing up for this story.”

“Uh, okay…” I humored her by standing up, though I couldn’t see what in the world that had to do with the proverbial price of rice in China.

“After the hunt they handed out prizes–The Younger won the award for least number of eggs found, LOL–and so most of the kids were standing by the prizes as the parents watched.

As they wrapped it up and everyone started to leave, I headed over to claim our two children. But instead of running to me, The Younger started walking behind this Hispanic woman in dark pants.4Although The Boss Lady is half-Asian, half-Caucasian, and 0% Hispanic, she can easily be mistaken for a Herspanic, especially from behind. I was about halfway over to get her when she did this:”

The Boss Lady proceeded to demonstrate The Younger’s aforementioned tic by firmly swiping the fingernails across my hind-quarters.

“She just straight-up ran her fingers across that woman’s butt!”

After a fit of tearful chuckling, I managed to quip, “Man…she really is my daughter isn’t she?”

“Indeed, she is your child. Of course, the woman was startled by the fact that someone in the crowd had just grabbed her ass. And I could only watch and try not to laugh as she turned around, and upon seeing who her assailant was, respond like any other woman would respond in that situation…”

After I caught my breathe from guffawing so hard, I eked out the natural follow-up question:

“What…whew…what did…wait, I need another second…so what did the lady say?”

“What do you think she said? ‘Oh…why, thank you.'”

I wiped the remaining tears from eyes.

“Well, it just wouldn’t be the holidays without a little bit of generational trauma…”

The Boss Lady gave me a slightly quizzical look.

“You keep using that phrase. I do not think it means what you think it means…”5

The point of the story is, no matter how humorous it may seem to you, when your child’s personality traits–ones that they inherited from you, no less–collide and form one magical and hilariously embarrassing moment, show pity on the child, and never ever remind them or tease them about the event. It only becomes generational trauma if you choose to reinforce it…

Aww, f*ck it–this is waaaaay too funny to ever let go of. So you can be danged sure that if and when the day comes that The Younger gets married, her slightly inebriated father will be up there slurring out an unforgettable toast to the bride: “Hey, hey, remember that one time you wiped a strange woman’s ass at an Easter egg hunt…?”

[expand title=”Bonus material: Title notes”]

I would hope that you, my Dear Reader, would pick up on the many puns and other nuances that I try to pack into the titles of my posts. Of course, this is not always easy because sometimes I make either obscure references and/or significant stretches of logic in the process. Or sometimes I’m lazy and settle for a less-than-optimal title in exchange for pleasing the search engine gods at Google.

But with this title, I can’t stand the thought of some the puns embedded in the title to go completely unnoticed, so I thought I would share some inside notes with you about it.

The seedling that I built the title around was “I gotta hand it to you, kid…” Of course, you can see that the final version is slightly modified from this, but nevertheless, much of the punnery remained intact.

The two main jokes here are, first: “I gotta hand it to you”, as in, “I’m genetically passing on to you, my child, some of the same tics and traumas that I experienced myself.”

Secondly, I just had to have “hand” in the title, because both the tic and the embarrassing incident(s) were very much hand-related. Yeah? See what I did there?

“I gotta hand it to you, kid…” Yes, prime dad-jokery abounding here.

Further, I wanted to actually entitle it “I gotta hand it to you, kid–generational trauma, that is!” But I didn’t want to ruin the sub-punchline of “generational trauma.”

On a side note–do you realize how ----- hard it is to find literary-friendly synonyms for “trauma”?!? But I digress…

Ultimately, the title ended up referencing the punchline–always a dangerous strategy in my book–i.e. toasting/roasting your daughter at her wedding.

Another variant riffing on that idea was: “I gotta hand it to you, you were one ----- weird kid…” Well, maybe not with the expletive, but really railing on the idea of lovingly making fun of your kid for all of their idiosyncrasies and particularly embarrassing moments.

It’s like, “Hey, I got made fun of these exact same things and was scarred for life in the process. So of course I gotta continue the cycle…”


Lastly, one of the final touches was including the term “special”, in part a reference to the end of the second section of the story where I claim that my mom apologized for me being special. Honestly, I can’t remember if she used those exact words, but nonetheless is a humorous tip-o-the-hat to my self-depracating habit of pointing out that much of my life I walked a fine line between “genius” and “complete ----- moron with no common sense.”

Ultimately, though, I’m as much a narcissist as the next guy, and take special loving delight when my daughters take after me in ways that are outside the norm, and, in my humble opinion, what really gives a person character.

Hey, after all, perfection is waaaaay over-rated. I mean, who wants to be that boring? But again, I digress…

The point of the story is I waste an incredibly disproportionate amount of my post-creating time on just coming up with a satisfactory title. (Note that it really helps when the title easily lends itself to my featured cut-and-paste picture creating process, which further complicates things.)


Content created on: 20/21/23 April 2022 (Wed/Thurs/Sat)

Footnotes & References:[+]

Hey, Who Recommended Drowning Your Moby D*ck In Love?

7 Min Read

If you love her, you’ll give her whatever she needs.

Even if that “whatever” involves 8 gallons of the slippery stuff…

“Thar She blows!”

I quickly ran to the window of our humble trailer home and looked out towards the dusty-ass dirt road that connected our farm to Kansas Highway 51. Soon enough, I saw what the heck my bro, 1SkinnyJ, was going on about.

However, the image of a white whale of a car–an early-80s1I’m embarrassed to say that I don’t remember the exact year, and may have been as old as a 1978 model. Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme, to be exact–barrelling down our driveway amidst a whirlwind of dirt and sand just didn’t quite compute in my head.

“What in the heck? We don’t know anybody who drives that kind of car…right?”

I turned to 1SJ, hoping he knew who might be paying us a visit on such a fine spring evening, but he appeared to be lost in thought.

“Let’s see, it’s 1998–that car must be pushing 20 years–yet from what I can make out, it’s in mint condition…”

We both stood there, frozen in suspense, as moments later it pulled up to our driveway, and out popped…

“DAD?!?” we exclaimed in unison, still not understanding what was unfolding before our eyes.

” ‘Tis I, your Noble and Beloved Father, and I come bearing gifts!”

I had never seen a bigger sh*t-eating grin on my old man’s face before in my life.

He continued: “Well, not ‘gifts’ per se, just one gift…”

His two dumbfounded sons just continued to stare blankly back at him.

“Do I really have to go all Oprah on y’all? Okay, here goes…*ahem*:”

Technically, this is an anachronistic cultural reference…

“Well…to be clear, you two get a car to share…”

Seeing as how, at the ages of 17 and 19, respectively, we were basically grown-ass men who hadn’t had their own vehicle up until that point, you can only imagine that we were pretty ----- pleased as a pair of pickles with this turn of events.

I feel I need to pause here for a sec and provide some context regarding our transportation situation at the time. You see, during the entire 1997-98 school year, we would roll up to RHS for class in Kountry Kommodities, a sweet, sweet–but somewhat awkward–ride…that looked much like this:

An artist’s rendition of what Kountry Kommodities might look like today…

“Holy shizzle, it’s even got that velvet-like interior!” 1SJ exclaimed as he peered inside our new ride.

“This day just keeps getting better and better!”

I could not contain my joy, as this was indeed one of the best unexpected and very pleasant surprises of my entire life.

Dad went on to regale us with the tale of how he was at an auction a few towns over, and saw this car, which had been owned solely by an older couple for its entire existence, and since they had mostly kept in their garage, had only 30k miles on it(!!!). He proudly recounted how he decided ‘what the heck!’ and put in a few strategic bids on, driving away with it for only $1200.

Dang straight, he should have been proud of himself–you score for your sons classic wheels like that that’s in mint condition, and for only $1200? That’s Dad of the Year level sh*t right there.

Unlike us, though, “Daisy”, our stepmom was none too pleased that he had gone out and dropped that chunk of money on a lark, but for once he put her in her place, and let her know that dammit if he wanted to do something nice for his boys, he wasn’t going to hear any crap from anyone who might think otherwise.

That there? Now that was a Dad of the Decade performance…

“Oh, one last thing, boys…”

The two of us turned our gaze away from our newfound love, and back towards the Amazing Father of ours.

“…you can do whatever you like with your car, but I will need you to drive it to work.”

Not that the “other shoe dropping” could put that much of a damper on our day, but nonetheless, the realization that our beloved Moby D*ck2If you’re curious, my censorship software can’t tell when I use words such as D-I-C-K in a non-profane manner, and will indiscriminately censor it unless I trick it by spelling it “d*ck”. would have to double as a farm truck wasn’t a pleasant one. So much for keeping it in mint condition…

…anyways, that’s how the Summer of ’98–not to be confused with the Crazy-Ass Summer of ’99–got off to a hot start.

We drove the hell out of that thing–well, 1SJ, in true big brother form, did most of the driving, and if I got lucky, I got to ride in the front seat on the rare occasion that one of his pothead friends didn’t join us for one of our many, many late-night joyrides around the desolate 5-state area.

Of course, during the day, ol’ MD served us faithfully as our farm vehicle, and surprisingly didn’t get too trashed or greasy as one might have expected under such conditions.

At least that was the case when I left my love behind in late June, as I headed off to Southern California to spend the remainder of my summer with my mom. But 1SJ was a pretty responsible guy, and I knew he loved Moby as much I did, so I was confident that our beloved white whale would be in good hands…

“So…she developed a bit of a drinking problem while you were away…”

It was early August, and my first full day back from SoCal, so 1SJ was catching me up on all that I had missed while I was gone.

“If you’re going to be driving ye ol’ D*ck to sunrise football practices, it’s important that you understand the oil situation. She’s been burning through motor oil like crazy, and you’ll need to fill her up with 2-3 gallons3Or was it 2-3 quarts? Maybe my inability to tell the difference was what led to the following events… every morning.”

“Dang, she burns more oil than gas…that’s crazy!”

“Yeah, I know, but we don’t have to really worry about it since we’re on the farm, and have plenty of 55-gallon drums of oil just laying around…”

“That makes sense…”

“…so just make sure you always have at least one 5-gallon jug in the trunk, and be sure to top ‘er off every morning before you take her out, okay?”

“You got it, dude!”

Never in my life had I encountered instructions so simple and so clear…

“That’s odd…the oil line hasn’t changed, and I’ve already put a whole gallon in…”

I stared at Moby Dick’s dipstick, slightly confused. Normally, you could pretty easily tell where the oil level was as you topped her off, but not this day.

Dad and Daisy were headed away for the weekend4The historical veracity of this needs to be double-checked, as another shit-hits-the-fan-when-the-parents-are-away story also happened under similar circumstances. and 1SJ had already took off for the day. Although I had taken a different vehicle to football practice that morning, somebody had picked it up and so our grand plan involved my grandma bringing me back out to the farm to pick up MD, and then I would ultimately meet 1SJ at the field he was plowing that day.

Okay, look, I know it sounds convoluted, but it made sense to Dad at the time, and the upshot is that I was the first one to drive her that day, so the responsibility of oiling her up fell squarely on my shoulders–and thus denying me the luxury of a second opinion in my moment of discombobulation.

I poured another gallon in, yet it still appeared that I wasn’t making any difference. I was starting to get nervous–last thing I wanted was to burn up the only reliable vehicle we had for the next few days, simply because I didn’t put enough oil in it. It would be another classic Farm F*ck-Up on my part, and I desperately wanted to avoid that if I could.

“Well…” I mused to myself, “…it’s much better to have too much than too little I suppose. Guess, I’ll just dump this whole 5-gallon container in here, and hope that the leak is slow enough that it’ll at least get us through the day…”


“Well, shoot, so much for ‘getting us through the day’!” I muttered as I rolled to a dead stop.

Not even 4 miles down the road, and I was discovering firsthand what a dying (land) whale sounded like. But given that I had no clue if I had really put enough oil in MD, I wasn’t exactly surprised when I found myself stranded on the side of KS-51–aka, ‘The Road Less Traveled.’

“Dang it, cellphones aren’t going to be commonplace for folk like us for another 2-3 years, so…I guess I better start walkin’ then, hadn’t I?”

In reality, it took me much longer than that to assess the situation in which I found myself, and only after being pointlessly pissed off at the situation for a good 15 minutes, did I realize that my ass was walking those 4 miles back to the farm, where I could call Grandma for a ride and get on with my day.

Eventually, once Dad got back into town we towed Moby back to the farm, where he could try to bring her back to life. He was only on the ground underneath her for 2 or 3 minutes before he solved that mystery.

“Let me just inspect the oil pan here…wait! What the he–?!? *glug, glug, sputter, sputter.”

Dad rolled out from underneath the car, looking like he had just made the poor life choice of going to a Halloween party in black-face.

“Who the ----- put 8 gallons of oil in this thing?!?”

“Don’t look at me!” 1SJ was way too quick to rush to his own defense. “I only put 2 gallons in her before I left for the field that morning.”

“Well sh*t, now you tell me!” That information would have been good to have had.

“Dammit, son, so you’re telling that you put another 5 gallons in it after it was already full? Sheesh, sometimes, I swear, kid…”

“Hey, at least it didn’t burn up, right? Now that it’s drained (all over you, mfffph!) to a normal level, it should be good to go, right?” I was optimistic yet that Moby D*ck had many voyages left in her.

“I dunno, maybe. 1SJ, you want to test drive her over to Hugoton5A nearby town about 15 minutes away. and see what your pothead friends are up to?”

“Sure thang, Dad!”

Sadly, that was to be her final voyage, ultimately finding herself forever beached in the church parking lot across the street from Druggie Drew’s house, never to see the black waters of the highway-ocean again…

The point of the story is, believe it or not, there is actually such a thing as too much of a good thing–and specifically in this case, that good thing was “too much lube.”

Remember this, kids, when one day you might find yourself falling head-over-heels in love with a sweet Supreme Ass–er, I mean “a sweet Cutlass Supreme”–of your very own. If you treat her to just the right amount of lube, you might get to sail the seven seas in her for years to come…

And no, if you’re wondering, this is not some kind of sexual metaphor. Just a whale of a tragic tale of a boy and his first car…

Content created on: 15/16 April 2022 (Fri/Sat)

Footnotes & References:[+]

Have You Or Someone You Love Been Taken For A Fool?

5 Min Read

You’ve always dreamed of being part of an international heist.

You should have been a bit more specific…

“You’re going to send how much via Western Union???”

“Only $800. This is a great deal on a laptop–I can’t pass it up!”

“…and you’re sending it to Spain?”

“Yeah, duh! That’s where the laptop is.”

“You’re sure?”


“Okie-dokie, Artichokie…”

*Turns to Western Union Teller*

“I would like to send $800 to Spain.”

“Are you sure about that…?”

That particular conversation transpired in a Dillon’s grocery store back in 2002 between myself and one Tiffany Chestnut1Not her real name…it’s actually her proverbial “Pornstar Name”, and I must say, I have never seen the pornstar-name-generating-algorithm work so ----- well in my life as it did in her case.–my forever friend-girl and occasional girlfriend back during my college days.2Side note: I had expected to have regaled you with many more tales about her and our relationship by now, but surprisingly, I think there is only one other reference to her, which you can read about in The Olde Timey Wheelchair.

Now, I’m not going to say which one of us was getting a sweet deal on an Iberian laptop, and which one of us was just along for the ride–that wouldn’t be fair to one of us. Nor am I going to disclose which one of us was contacted directly by an eBay electronics-monger moments after losing out on an auction–remember when that’s all eBay did?–for a laptop.

Should I specify which one of us thought, “Hey, I thought $1200 for a laptop with these specs is a steal, but now I can’t believe my good luck–I have the opportunity to get it for the low, low price of $800 (USD)!”

No. No I shouldn’t, as that could be considered to be in poor taste.

And you can already guess what my answer will be when you ask, “Well, which one of you felt totally cool with pulling $800 out an ATM before scampering over to Western Union?”

That’s going to be hard “negatory.” I don’t want to embarrass her. Or him. Or maybe her after all? I’ll never tell.

Hey, let me just stop you right there and pre-empt you by sharing this short list of three other questions that will forever remain Unsolved Mysteries:

  • “Which one of you was too busy congratulating themselves on scoring such a great bargain that they didn’t pick up on the not-so-subtle skeptical vibe the Western Union teller was putting out?”
  • “Who, oh who, was brimming with confidence that they would have some portable computing power in their hands in no time, after they received a confirmation email from FedEx International with a tracking number and the status that a ‘Shipping Label Has Been Created’?”
  • “Which one of you two characters was slowly drained of all hope and joy as they realized that, after two weeks, the package status remained stuck at ‘Shipping Label Created’?”

As a proxy for one or both of us, I do believe I have the authority to plead the Fifth on all 3 counts.

But this I can tell you for sure, that one of us would definitely like to pass this very important message on to you, Dear Reader:

“The point of the story is that one should really learn how do some basic risk/reward analysis. For example, let’s say the odds of this unnamed person losing their $800 in a classic online scam are 50/50 (which is being generous, given the many, many red flags). At the same time, they stand to save $400 since the laptop was going for $800. The expectation value of the monetary result of this transaction is thus calculated: $400*0.5 + (-$800)*0.5 = $200 – $400 = -$200. So, if the deal is 50/50 suspect, then on average, he/she/they can expect to lose $200.

In fact, with these numbers, it would need to be 66.7% likely that this dude hawking hardware outside the terms of eBay is legit, and only 33.3% chance that he’s blowing smoke up your naive ass before you would ever expect to break even: $400*0.667 + (-$800)*0.333 = $266.67 – $266.67 = $0.

So, in your better judgement, would you take 2-to-1 odds that this deal is for real? Hmmm?

And this risk/reward analysis isn’t that hard to handle: a probability estimate that one can easily intuit plus some basic quantum-physics-style math, and voilà! Pretty much anybody can make a wise, informed decision.

Practically anybody.


Oh, and more importantly, the other point of the story is you really need to trust your gut when it screams a whisper in your ear: ‘Everybody knows not to send large sums of cash to strangers–much less those in a foreign country–via Western Union, you ----- moron!'”

While I may be a little coy about who-did-what and what-not, I do have a question for you that I will gladly answer:

“Which one of you was actually going to Spain in a few months to study abroad, and thusly made some rather stern threats to the scammer? Oh…and has two thumbs?”3This is a reference to last week’s story where alcohol ruined the punchline of that tried and true comedic trope.

The answer, my friend, is “This guy!”

*Proudly points my two thumbs at myself.*

The money was sent to Salamanca, Spain. I was going to be living Ronda, Spain for 5 months. Hmmm…Google Maps, could you please help out us folks who aren’t so familiar with Spanish provincial geography?

Figure 1: The short, short route from Ronda to Ass-Whoopin’, Spain.

Well, looky what we have here. This phallus-face was only going to be a mere 592km from me. You better believe I was openly indignant to this guy’s (or gal’s) face. Well, not to their face, but yeah I definitely sent them several strongly-worded emails, letting them know they better be looking over their shoulder and sleeping with one eye open for a while.

In fact, thanks to my very specific skill set, I was able to hunt down a dramatic preenactment of how that conversation went down:

“If you return the $800, I will not look for you…”

Even though, Taken wouldn’t be released until several years later, I kid you not, my email was dang-near verbatim:

“I will look for you. I will find you. And I will kill you. Or at least recovery the $800 you stole, you prick.”4For the record, I never followed up on those threats. I mean, hey, 592 km may not be Trans-Atlantic, but it’s still a long ----- ways, especially when you’re relying on public transportation in a foreign country.

Now, I imagine you have one last question for me:

“Well, were you being a valiant knight defending the honor of the vulnerable maiden under your charge? Or were you merely a ----- moron trying to defend his own besmirched honor?”

Hah. I knew you’d ask that.

You’ll never know for sure…but you can always do your own expectation value calculation and take you’re own scientific wild-ass guess….

Content created on: 11/12 March 2022 (Fri/Sat)

Footnotes & References:[+]

How To Know When You Need To Surf Or Hit The Turf

4 Min Read

For those of you who believe “time is a prison”:

My Dude, you gotta look to the Surf Watch for wisdom…

“Never! I’ll never wear this prison-on-a-wrist! I simply refuse to do it.”

“But it’s that weird-ass shade of green that you seem to love so much. Not only will it make you look like you know what you’re doing out there–and lord knows you need every bit of beach-cred you can get–but it will coordinate perfectly with your board shorts and rash guard. Practical–and stylish, too!”

Admittedly, I probably wasn’t in the best emotional state to be shopping for a surf watch, which almost certainly factored into my over-reaction to the Boss Lady’s suggestion that I treat myself to such a purchase.

Being fairly new to Hawai’i, I had yet to learn some very important rules when it came to surfing. And that particular morning, I had learned from a very, very angry surfboard shop proprietor that you never ever go into a surfboard shop, take one of their surfboards, put it on the floor, and give it an in-store “test ride”.

Like, how the hell was I supposed to know? I mean, how else are you going to know if it is of the right proportions for your bespoke surfing style? It would seem that common sense would dictate that you do exactly that. But noooooo, you almost break a board floor-surfing one time, and you dang near get banned from surf shops state-wide…

Speaking of “surf” and “style”, back to the topic at hand (or should I say at wrist–#DadJoke): the alien-green surf watch.

Bonus lifestyle tip–“thou shalt not take surfboards for test rides in store”–aside, there was actually some philosophical nuggets of wisdom awaiting me in that water-sport accessory that I was convinced would only make me miserable.

You see, I’m what you might call a “wild spirit”–in general, I detest rules and other types of constraints on my personal freedom (or at least that’s the self-image I have of myself). For example, if I want to eat Miracle Whip on my bananas, that’s none of the Food Police’s ----- business. And I’m sure many a soul out there can relate. Well, maybe not to the Miracle Whip example, but I know that a disproportionate number of you out there are anti-establishment hippies at heart.

You can then easily imagine that the last thing a freeman like me wanted while surfing was to be enslaved to some turgid1To quote The Princess Bride, “You keep using that word…I do not think it means what you think it means.” timepiece hanging off his wrist. Who would want a constant, ever-present reminder that their time to enjoy themselves was steadily dwindling away?

Not me, that’s for sure!

“I bristle at your arbitrary chronological construct of ‘time’!” I shouted in my head at The Man.

However, despite my defiance and shaking of my fist at the wind, I ultimately gave into the Boss Lady’s observation that I would never regret buying and wearing an item of such a counter-culture color of green.

I mean it’s kind hard to argue with logic like this:

“Just think, Honey: with this, you can loudly and proudly give the Fashion Police the finger whenever you like. Oh–except when you’re out in public with me…”

It wasn’t too long before I made an utterly shocking, earth-shattering discovery: I was wrong.

Dead wrong.

That watch was no prison–nay, I dare say it was pure freedom. Yes, this was absolutely contrary to my preconceived notions about “personal liberty,” as I elaborated on above.

Instead of constantly wondering if I had overstayed my welcome in the water, and whether I was risking being late for work–yes, I had the luxury of surfing before work on a regular basis #HawaiianHumbleBrag–I had the peace of mind knowing that I was still on personal time, and that my only job in that moment was to enjoy myself. All without feeling the least bit guilty to boot!

On top of that, I got pretty good at estimating how long it would take me to catch a nice wave, ride it, and subsequently paddle back out and be ready to catch the next one. That meant I could pretty reliably tell myself, “Alright, My Dude, we can savor three more sweet, sweet waves until we need to paddle in.”

I wasn’t selling myself short by accidentally calling it a day too early, and thereby robbing myself of joy. Nor was I unintentionally cutting into my work day, and thus what could arguably considered stealing from my boss who faithfully employed me.

It was juuuuuust right. You know, like Goldilocks. Which is kinda appropriate, since, thanks to my luscious lion’s mane, I’m something of a Goldilocks myself.

In the end, it came down to this: knowing exactly when and where I was supposed to be, and fully embracing the moment of being there, then. That is a luxury we often don’t afford ourselves in this day and age…

The point of the story is please don’t get caught up in ideals about “personal freedom” and such, my friend. Trust me, unlimited freedom is way overrated anyways.

It’s that time of year2If you’re reading this expo facto, note that this is my first original post of the New Year. when we often take on new self-imposed constraints in search of a better self, whether it’s a diet, trying to stick to a budget, or a resolution to spend approximately 150 minutes a week showing yourself some self-love surfing under the early-morning Hawaiian sun.

The key is to be thoughtful about how you want to spend your calories, money, or time (or whatever limited resource you may have) ahead of time. Be deliberate about it.

Then, instead of feeling shackled to an arbitrarily-defined set of so-called ‘rules’, you can embrace the situation for what it really is: knowing exactly when and where and what you’re supposed to be doing, and fully embracing the moment of being there, then, doing that.

That, My Dudes, is the Wisdom of the Surf Watch.*

*Note: Blindingly-neon-green-give-the-Fashion-Police-the-finger-but-just-don’t-embarass-your-wife-in-public surf watch optional…

Content created on: 13 January 2022 (Thursday)

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When Casper’s In The Car, Scary Good Times Are Never Afar

6 Min Read

“What would Jesus do?”

Surely not be giving out rides when it’s not his car…

“Aww! Poor dude really could use a ride…and so what would Jesus do? Jesus would most indubitably tell him, ‘Hop in, Broseph!’, amiright?”

It was Memorial Day weekend back in 2005, and I was kicking it with my best college buddy Andrew at his parents’ home in good ol’ Kismet, Kansas. He had introduced me to the hobby of “High Pointing” where you try to visit the highest point in as many states as possible, and thusly we had decided to take a day trip in Andrew’s mom’s car to go hike Oklahoma’s High Point.

Of course, that meant a ~3 hour little jaunt to Kenton, Oklahoma, home of one of the few topographically interesting features in the state, Black Mesa (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: In case you ever need to get from Kismet, KS to Oklahoma’s Black Mesa…now ya know!

“Wait!” you say, “That looks like you’re headed to New Mexico!”

And you would be right–as Andrew would say, “The highest point in Oklahoma is New Mexico!” He’s not exactly wrong, either: the highest elevation in the OK state is a hilarious 1000 ft from being in the wrong state altogether (see Figure 2).

Figure 2: Oklahoma’s High Point is comically close to just being Slightly Below Average1 Point, New Mexico.

Flatlander jokes aside, it’s actually a really lovely hike, and I recommend you plan an entire vacation around it the soonest chance you get. You won’t regret it!

Okay, maybe there’s a slight chance you might regret blowing all your PTO and savings just to get a scenic view of New Mexico rather than going to, say, Paris. But I digress…

I bet you’re still wondering what happened to ‘Broseph’, the dude in need of a ride. Ok, sure, I’ll humor you.

After spending a very Bro-mantic half-day hiking around Black Mesa, Andrew and I were all tuckered out and finally ready to head back to Kismet.2Fun fact: Kismet was one of the names I floated when were trying to name The Younger aka our second daughter. We had stopped in at the first gas station along our route–the trusty Toot N’ Totum in Boise City–to get some snacks and fill up on gas.

That’s when we met Casper, the aforementioned “Broseph.” And while he technically wasn’t a friendly ghost, he was short, scruffy and as white as one–as a ghost, that is.

He had approached us as we were rambling into the convenience store, and had asked us for a ride. In response, Andrew mumbled something along the lines of “we’ll think about it,” but we were mainly just trying to avoid the awkward interaction–because let’s face it, they’re always awkward af–and get back home and get some rest.

However, I made the classic mistake of giving a rat’s ass about what our Caucasian Savior might have hypothetically done, were he in our hiking boots. You can call it having a crisis of conscience, if it makes you feel less sacrilegious; either way my compassionate side had got the better of me, and that’s when I started cajoling Andrew into letting Casper hitch a ride with us.

To my charitable delight, Andrew, with a Slim Jim and Diet Coke in hand, finally gave in: “Fine, whatever. But you’re cleaning my mom’s car out if he leaves a funk and/or stank.”

“You got it, dude!”

I was so excited about actually making it out of my comfort zone and making the world a better place, that the risk of a phantom funk was well worth it in my book.

Outside, I shared the great news with Casper–though even in fulfilling his request, it was still much more awkward than I had anticipated.

“Hey man, which way you headed? You’re welcome to hitch a ride with us if you like!”

“Um, yeah…I’m trying to get to Oklahoma City…”

“Oh. Okay.”

Aww fudge-nuts. Had I just got us in over our heads?

“Oh. Well, that would add…*checks notes*…7 hours to our 3 hour trip, so…”

*awkward silence*

“I guess since we’re headed east and you’re headed east, how about we take you as far as Liberal?3Liberal, a city of modest size in SW Kansas, situated on the border with Oklahoma. It’s no Oklahoma City, but hey, it’s much closer than you are now.”

“Um, I guess that would work.”

“Sweet, well then, hop on in the back and let’s roll out!”

“So Casper, tell us about your life journey…”

While Andrew focused on driving, I took it upon myself to make Casper feel welcome in Andrew’s mom’s car.

Casper went on to regale us with how he had recently spent a year or two down in Florida…as part of the entourage of rapper Ja Rule (see Figure 3)–“just kicking it with Ja” as Casper put it.

Ja Rule performs during Q 100.5's Nightmare on Q Street
Figure 3: Ladies & gentlemen: Grammy-nominated musical artist, Ja Rule.

Wow, I had never really met anyone who had spent so much time with a celebrity. Fascinating, simply fascinating!

Of course, that also left me with more questions that I probably shouldn’t (and didn’t) ask. Like, “So how does a super-white guy like you get into a guy like Ja Rule’s inner circle?”

Or: “Was this before or after you started living on the streets?”

Or, now that I’ve looked up Ja Rule’s Wikipedia page, “Wait, isn’t Ja Rule based out of New York, not Florida?”

I honestly didn’t think much of these potential discrepancies in the moment, and we carried on conversing about this that and the other.

Twenty or so minutes later of me taking my turn to regale him with some much less interesting stories of my own, Casper got real solemn all of a sudden.

“I haven’t really told anyone this, but…”

“Oh, go ahead. You can tell us…”

“But…I used to be a Spook for the CIA. Of course, I can’t really talk about all the crazy sh*t I did for them…”

“Oh, okay. Cool…”

*moment of silence*

“What’s a Spook again?”

“A spy. I was a spy for the CIA.”

“Oh, okay…”

Unbelievable. Simply unbelievable.

This dude must have been a prodigy or something. I mean, he couldn’t have been more than 24 years old, and already he had spent a few years living in Ja Rule’s Florida mansion and had spent multiple years as a veritable Man in Black?!?

I couldn’t believe that I was actually in the presence of a living, walking, hitchhiking legend!

What great fortune I decided to give this dude a chance by offering him a ride…in Andrew’s mom’s car.

It was like…well, it was like kismet…

“Are you out of your ----- mind?!?”

Andrew hadn’t been as gracious to our guest as I would have liked, and had somewhat rudely and abruptly dropped Casper off at the first truck stop we came to as we rolled into Liberal. And as soon as he was out of the car, Andrew had turned his attention to me.

“What are you talking about, man? We just got to share a vehicle with the Most Interesting Man In The World!”

This was the first time that I had noticed Andrew didn’t look like his usual unflappable self.

“He. Was. Crazy. How did you not pick up on that?!? He was making all that sh*t up, and I’ll bet you anything he was schizophrenic.”

“Now that you mention it…yeah, that makes waaaay more sense.”

“I started getting nervous once he started nonchalantly bragging about being so close to Ja Rule.”

“Oh. Yeah…”

“So, what were you thinking, having him sit in the back?!? You should have sat in the back and kept an eye on him. That way, if he decided to murder one of us, you might actually have had a chance to do something about it!”

“Oh. Sorry…”

“Thanks to you, I spent the last hour of that drive just waiting to be stabbed in the back any moment. Pfft! ‘Ja Rule’, my ass!”

We sat in silence during the last little leg of our trip back to Kismet, most assuredly pondering our good fortune to not have been slain by that hitch-hiking little ghost of a man. On the bright side, at least we had a better idea of what Jesus would have done: Jesus would have made his ass sit in the front.

At long last, we pulled into Andrew’s parents’ garage, and as we got out of the car Andrew breathed what I mistook for a deep, deep sigh of relief.

“First thing in the morning, I’m going to need you to help me clean the funk out of this car. Otherwise, one whiff, and my mom will know that we’ve been picking up sassy vagrants4…”

…and that’s my story of how we survived an evening with Casper the Fu*king5The ‘*’ is standing in for the letter ‘N’ today, who is out sick with a cold. Crazy Spook.

Happy Halloween, everybody!

P.S. Please enjoy these other Halloween posts from the Point of the Story:

Little Bo Peep Has Lost His…Respect For Mainstream Gender Norms?

Kandy Karma, Part 1 (and don’t forget Parts 2 & 3)

Content created on: 29 October 2021 (Friday)

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A Little Advice For Making Jail House Friends For Life

6 Min Read

“You boys have been found guilty of being incredibly frickin’ stupid.”

“I hereby sentence you little dumbasses to be friends for life…”

“I don’t want to go to prison!” *Sob* *SOB* *S.O.B.* “My daddy always said I had a butt that would make a black woman jealous…”

Our partner in crime was mostly assuredly dead, and my father’s racist and sexist commentary on my body image was only serving to egg on my worst-case-scenario imagination…

Oh, hello! I didn’t see you there! You maybe wondering what I’m going on about, and in that case you definitely need to take moment to check my previous musings, Introducing: Pony Boy and the Treehouse of Prison Time (as always, I’ll wait).

Ok, so now it makes sense right? My bro, 1SJ, my cuz, Pony Boy, and the new kid in town, NKOTB, had just been abandoned by my classmate and fellow posse member, Etu Brute, who wanted no part in our scheme to break into an unoccupied house in hopes of stealing any random items we might find inside. And thanks for reminding us all that the average of our Ring of Thieves was right around 11 years old–a key point of context, indeed.

So last I left you, us older idiots had sent NKOTB to break in through a window on the second floor of this house–which he had done successfully–and we had been waiting waaaaaaay too long for him to come downstairs and let us, his accomplices, in through the back door.

Fearing that gangly little ----- had managed to kill himself in the process, I was internally melting down at the prospect of, at only the ripe age of 9, being charged with murder, seeing as how it would be a death that occurred during the commission of a crime.

Oooooh…you can just taste the tension in the air…

“Um, guys, I kinda got lost trying to find the back door. I mean, I made it downstairs, at least…”

At the 6-minute mark, he popped his scraggly-toothed head out the same window he had entered through, and left us dumbfounded with the news of his failure.

It can’t help bring to mind the “You had one job” genre of memes, such as this one taken from the credits of Jurassic Park:

Jurassic World: Dinosaur supervisor demoted after letting everyone die in  Jurassic Park Phil Tippett | Metro News
Figure 1: Where the hell were you the entire ----- movie, Phil!?!

There was a moment of dead silence before we all busted out laughing. We simply couldn’t resist the temptation to drag his ass for another good five minutes over the fact…um, the fact that…well, just how exactly does one get lost in a 2-story, 3 bedroom house?!? It wasn’t exactly a labyrinthine chateau that he was working with here, amiright? Who let this dumbass into our group anyways?

“Okay, you just stay there,” Pony Boy called up. “We’ll come to you.”

Unfortunately, the back door was locked.

Even more unfortunate was that the front door was not locked, and therefore when we went around front and tried the knob, we were able to waltz right in…

“Man, there ain’t jack-sh*t in here!” You could definitely hear the disgust mixed with disappointment in Pony Boy’s voice.

I guess he was really looking forward to his acts of petty thievery–hopes which were quickly dashed when-surprise, surprise-the house was empty as vacant houses are wont to be.

The rest of us weren’t quite as vested in the whole endeavor, and quickly shrugged it off, taking the opportunity to explore the house like a bunch of curious kittens instead.

It was much to our chagrin, then, when we came back down the stairs, only to be greeted by the lone cop in Rolla. At his side was Sorg, the busy-bodied troll-looking middle-aged man who lived next door, and apparently had been watching us from his porch as we broke into the house.

“Oh, sh*t.” We collectively gasped, acknowledging that we were collectively screwed…

From that point, things were kind of a blur. What I remember so vividly was the all-encompassing sinking feeling of regret that leaves one questioning their life choices.

I also remember waiting outside with the Po-po for our parents and guardians to come, and guess who comes pedaling up on his bike to see what all the hub-bub was about? That’s right, the one person in our group with an ounce of sense in his brain, Etu Brute.

“Haha, you dummies! I told you it was a bad idea!” And then off he pedaled, enjoying the feeling of freedom breeze through his little 90’s bowl-cut, while we were left to sit and ruminate upon the ass-whoopings we were indubitably about to receive.

The real highlight though, was when NKOTB‘s mom showed up–and she was soooooo pissed

…at the cop.

But not because he had arrested her poor baby. Nope. She was absolutely livid that NKOTB appeared to still be able to enjoy the liberties of a non-criminal.

“What the hell are you doing? Put his ass in handcuffs! Teach that little shit a valuable life lesson…”

“Ma’am, your son is only 8. I don’t think that is either appropriate or necessary. We just–“

“I don’t care what you think! You need to scare his little thuggy ass straight! CUFFS. NOW.”

Sadly for her, she never got her wish. Instead of getting thrown in jail for the high crime of walking through an unlocked door to an empty house, we all just had to go down to the laughably-named “police station”–the back room of the lone hardware store in town–to be interrogated the next day.

Believe you me, that was the longest night of 1SJ’s and my little lives. Sure, Dad was pretty pissed in his own right–I mean, he cancelled all of our “Town Days” for the remaining few weeks of summer, and yes it sure sucked cornballs to have to go labor in the fields for the rest of our vacation.

But, still, knowing that you’re going to have to face the long tall shadow of the law when you wake up the next morning? Nothing like wondering if you’re going to be spending the rest of your life trying not to drop the soap in the shower to keep you up all night with ulcers, amiright?

Looking back, our “interrogations” kinda make me chuckle, but in the moment it was pretty traumatizing. I mean, the copper went through the trouble of separating us, and then–and I don’t why this is what really struck fear in my heart–he recorded the whole interview on tape.

He hit us with hard-ball questions like “Do you know who even owns that house?” and…and…and, um, that’s actually the only question I specifically remember (oh, what I would give to get my hands on those tapes now!).

In the end he was just like “Go, and sin no more.”

Well, he didn’t say that literally. It was more like, “All right you little sh*ts, don’t be going uninvited into other peoples’ house, you hear? It’s a waste of my time, and besides, I don’t really care to be publicly berated for not using handcuffs on minors…”

The point of the story is, first and foremost, even if you’re a kid, there’s no excuse for surrounding yourself by–and taking advice fro–shady characters with names like Pony Boy. Dammit, L’il Mee-Jay,1So that’s the tentative nickname for myself, whenever all my youthful escapades eventually get turned to an animated series: “The Many Shenanigans of L’il Mee-Jay”…has a nice ring to it, no? that nickname should have been your first clue that he was nothing but trouble…

But second and aft-most, if you want to forge a lasting friendship or two, all you need to do is engage in some mild larceny or other milquetoast act of criminal disobedience with some loose acquaintances.

You see, years later when I returned to Rolla to go to high school, that scraggle-tooted mother ----- we call NKOTB, with the little help of braces, blossomed into my high school bestie…also known as none other than the one, the only, Phillip K. Ballz, ladies and gentlemen!

And Etu Brute? You may know him from recent stories surrounding the events of The Crazy-Ass Summer of ’99–that’s right, ’tis The Bard!

Fuzzy feel-good life-lessons aside, in the end though, I can’t get help but always be reminded of this “headline” from the parody news website, The Onion, which pretty much sums it all up:

Content created on: 25 /26 September & 1 October 2021 (Sat/Sun/Fri)

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