Your #1 Source of Unsolicited Life Advice

Month: June 2020

His Name Is Robort Kirk…His Name Is Robort Kirk…

4 Min Read

No, the title is not a typo, and no, I didn’t accidentally get all trigger happy with Cut & Paste. Maybe this pop-culture reference from the 1999 hit movie, Fight Club, will provide the context needed for your appreciation of the mirth contained herein:

Okay, with that out of the way, let’s get right to today’s tale…

“My neighbor is a fellow that goes by the name Robort Kirk. He told me that he came from the U.S.S. Enterprise. He moved next door about two years ago. He acts strangely when he shaves because his hair grows back instantly.

Once, I saw him turn into a laser-beam & dissappear. He also has many models that appear to be out of a Sci-fi movie. The two most disturbing things about him is that he has no left arm & a robotic right hand.

Robort is usually depressed. He acts very disoriented with his surroundings. His legs are very short & stubby, so that might have something to do with it. He seems solemn because he never moves his eyes.

I guess he works at NASA because he is building a spaceship module. His probably has no doors, just ports. He could be an alien who android who has a human brain. He builds models in his spare time.

In the future he will finish his spaceship & go back to the Enterprise. I think when he got the brain transplant, they mixed up the programming disk with a disk with data about Star Trek.

Obviously, he will lose his job.

I think he is extremely weird. I want to move! I don’t like him or Star Trek!”

If you’re wondering what in the hell you just read, you’re not alone. Well, you see what happened was…I was doing a little excavating today and unearthed this sacred text:

His name is Robort Kirk. Hist name is Robort Kirk. His name is Robort Kirk…

That’s right, today’s tale was courtesy of a very special guest.

…and it was ME.1Watch this if you don’t get the joke:

Well, to be more specific, it was 8th-Grade B.J., joining us all the way from 1994!

And I have a lot of questions for him, such as, “What the hell are you talking about, man?”

Or “Dare I ask what the assignment was? Let me guess: ‘Imagine someone different than you and describe how you would be an intolerant asshat towards them.’ Am I close?”

Or “Dude, I’ve read much more coherent literature…written by our 7-Year-Old Self.

Seriously, this was a little embarrassing to read. I thought it was kinda cute when I originally read it, but that’s only because I just assumed that it was something I had written in 4th grade at the latest.

But I was almost 14 when I wrote this.

Amazingly, though, this wasn’t the most embarrassing thing I’ve read today written by 13-Year-Old BJ.

I also unearthed an old copy of the Hutchinson News2One of the most widely-distributed newspapers in the western half of Kansas. Seriously: from August 1994. One in which contained a Letter To The Editor which eloquently defended the honor of…Rush Limbaugh. I’m not going to say who wrote that letter, but I’m just going to say that I’d really rather not talk about that right now.

Oh! One last question:

That was your final draft? I’d hate to see what the first draft looked like…”

Well, guess who brought receipts?

Well, here’s a letter to my editor here (have no idea who my writing partner was): “You’ve been extremely helpful./s”3”/s” is Reddit-speak for “I’m being sarcastic, you dumb fuck.”

At least it would have been a fun drinking game where we take a shot of liquor every time that useless turd commented with “How can you tell?” or “So what?”

On the other hand–ooohh! Sorry, Robort, poor choice of words on my part. What I meant to say was, on the bright side, my editor did have a few good nuggets:

  • In reference to what happens when Robort shaves: “How can you tell? Have you been over when he has shaved?” Good point. And thanks for making me feel super creepy.
  • Why does he not have a robotic Left arm too?” Because, Good Sir, that would just make too much ----- sense. Who are you, anyway? The Logic Police?
  • “So he is not from the Enterprise, he just thinks he is.” Bingo! What a twist! Though in retrospect, I should give him/her much more for credit for actually pulling that key plot point out from my certified word vomit.

Welp! Thanks for taking this long walk down memory lane with me today. I know that it’s not necessarily a good look when I end it with an argument with an almost-imaginary editor from 25 years ago. Though I swear I haven’t been day drinking…again.

I suppose the point of the story is maybe you should be a little more cautious when “digging into the [proverbial] vault.” Just because you share it on a Thursday doesn’t mean that it was something you necessarily should be Throwing Back to.4This was such a throwback that I missed Thursday altogether and it landed on a Sunday.

Oh, yeah, and love your neighbor. How ----- hard can this be?5If you think this is personally directed at you, I would like to kindly point out that this was written well over 2 weeks ago.

Content created on: 3 November 1994 and 11 June 2020 (Thurs/Thurs)

Footnotes & References:[+]

They Thought No One Was Watching

3 Min Read

You might be tempted to think that today’s topic would be about holding public servants and/or private corporations to account, but alas, it ain’t that woke.

It is however, about trust. As in, we implicitly tend to trust the world at large to have its proverbial shit together.

So when tiny bits of incongruency flash past our eyes, it can leave one questioning the fabric of reality itself. You might even be asking yourself “Is me nuts, but…?”

Here are three tales of that trust being broke…our, if you prefer a more sensational, clickbait-worthy description:

“The Stories The [Name of Institution You Want To Feel Justified In Distrusting]1Such as Media, Government, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Police, Scientist, Industrial Meat-packing Industry, Koch Brothers, and/or Man (to name but a few). Don’t Want You To See!”

Now, where’s that ----- eye-rolling emoji when you really need it…

The Dyslexic Byo Scout

Did you know…that there is such a thing as legal insurance? Ja, it’s true. We had signed up for some through the Boss Lady’s job for the identity protection, and only later discovered that we could use their network of lawyers free of charge for quite an array of basic legal needs.

So far, we’ve probably saved around $1500 using it to make out our wills and covering a chunk of the closing costs on a recent real estate purchase, to name but a few examples.

I haven’t had to take legal action against any of the neighborhood canines [yet], but my spidey sense is all tingly and telling me that just might be right around the corner…

Anyways, they have a handy app for helping you find the services and lawyers to meet all your day-to-day legal needs. Not too long ago I opened it up and was mindlessly waiting for it to load up.

Now I had promised myself I wouldn’t waste time making a little video of the experience, but what’dya know, here we are…

Well, Hyatt Legal Plans, it seems you weren’t preapred for Eagle-Eye Cherry here to get all up in your business, now were you?

…to which they replied, “Oh no! We made a typo–THE HORROR! THE INJUSTICE! What are you gonna do? Sue us?”

2 + 2 = 5

Just today I was watching an instructional video about how to perform a certain relaxation technique by a certain Sifu who shall remain unnamed.

I thought I was imagining things or that maybe there was a glitch in The Matrix, but upon further review, it would seem that he indeed hates the Number 3 so much he won’t even say her name:

Now You’re Just Being Lazy

Recently I was indulging in my #1 vice, playing FreeCell (TM) on the toilet, when an in-game ad caught my eye:

Did they…did they just put the seat down for the “After” picture? I mean, I’m almost insulted by the utter lack of effort that went into this ad.

I even thought to myself “This is Object Permanence 101, here, folks. Who in the world would be fooled by such a transparent marketing scheme?!? Who’s the target demographic here? What a bunch of morons!”

Then a disembodied voice boomed out of nowhere: “Dude. You’re sitting on the toilet playing FreeCell. Just sayin’…”

Content created on: 25 June 2020 (Thursday)

Footnotes & References:[+]

The Prize Pig Story

5 Min Read

Did you know…that there’s such a thing called Childhood Amnesia? Most people can’t recall memories earlier than four years old, while the commonly accepted limit is around two and half years old.1

Yeah, in fact, it happens to pretty much everybody.

I had no clue such a phenomenon existed until I was 30 or so, when one day I was regaling my Hawaiian coworkers2They were actually mainly German & Indian–we just worked together in Hawai’i. about some extremely early memory of mine from when I was around a year old.

Very much to my surprise, those asshats absolutely refused to believe me, saying it was impossible to remember events before 3ish. Again, this was the first I had ever heard of childhood amnesia, so it never occurred to me that having such early memories would make me a particularly rare specimen.

…rare enough that your supposed esteemed colleagues would flat-out call you a liar to your face, nonetheless!

Okay, so enough #HumbleBragging about my memory. The point is, childhood amnesia exists, it is the norm, and for some reason I was passed over.

During my first year of graduate school, most of us had to earn our keep by teaching undergraduate physics labs. Now, at some point in time, I will get around to sharing with you the tale of how I know, with an embarrassing degree of confidence, that teaching is not my calling in life. Long story short: I absolutely hated having to teach.

The one saving grace that made this bearable was that for about the first 15-25 minutes of each lab I had a captive audience that had no choice but listen to me talk.

I was supposed to use that time to refresh the students about the physics concepts that day’s lab would be featuring. And sometimes I did that.

Other times, when I was feeling particularly loquacious, it would look more like a half-assed stand-up comedy routine than a scientific lecture.

By the way here’s a tip: turns out, they hate it when you do that. Apparently most of them only care about getting their lab work out of the way so they can get back to partying or whatever it is youths these days do in their spare time. After all, my childhood stories probably aren’t going to be on the test.

One day, for reasons that I ironically cannot recall, I felt compelled to share with them a particularly porcine-themed story from the days of my youth.

I grew up in rural southwest Kansas, and like most of rural America one of the most anticipated events of the year would be the county fair. And, as a yung’en, one of the most exciting events at the Morton County Fair was…the Pig Catch.

Well, at least that’s what we called it. It may often go by other names such as pig wrestling, greased-pig chase, and pig scramble, to name but a few.3 That reminds me–help me remember to tell you about the time in college that someone made the mistake of putting me in charge of a spring social event–just mention “Hawaiian County Fair” and you’re guaranteed to jog my memory.

Diversion aside, I’m trying to provide an explanation of what a pig chase entails, for those uninitiated souls out there. In the kiddie version that I’m acquainted with, you would have somewhere between 25-50 kids line up on one end of a dirt arena or otherwise enclosed field. Then, the adults would release a predetermined number of unlubricated piglets. According to my calculations, I figure that they would be shooting for a Kid-to-Piglet Ratio (KPR) of ~5.

After that, the local celebrity rodeo announcer would yell “Breakfast is served, now go get you some bacon!” and the kids would make a mad dash trying to pin one of the little porkers down for at least 10 seconds.

Do that, and the prize of a sweet, sweet $1 bill would be yours, along with the unmitigated respect of your peers.

Now, the pig catch is strongly tied to the earliest of my many memories of the county fair. Indubitably, the most likely reason for this was because my brother a couple years my senior, One Skinny J, aka 1SJ, was a ----- pig-catching champion.

I think you had to be at 2-3 years old to participate, and by the time I could throw my hat in the ring, 1SJ already had 3 years and 3 pig-catching titles under his belt. Naturally, I wholeheartedly expected to follow in my big bro’s foot steps and be a regular champion myself.

Okay, class, if you’ve been paying attention, the current setting of the story is the Morton County Fairgrounds, August 1984. And it’s my time to claim the glorious pig-pouncing destiny that awaits me.

My 3-year-old self took his spot amongst the 30 other kids, and nervously awaited the signal to go get ’em. After what seemed like an eternity, finally we got the green light to go tackle some livestock.

Turns out, it’s harder than it looks.4That’s what she said! ALOT harder.

As I was bearing down on my first prey, another, slightly more athletic kid came out of nowhere and straight-up knocked the pig off its feet and 5 feet to the side of me.

Nuts. On to the next one then!

One after another, though, some other kid would get there first.

I was running out of piglets fast.

But then I noticed something odd. As soon as a piglet was caught, several other kids would rush in to help keep the rascal pinned until a judge could come over and verify the take-down.

Before my eyes, all the kids were clustering into groups of 4 or 5. Usually the kid who actually caught it would be holding it by its neck, while their associates would be entwined with one of the various limbs.

Quickly realizing that I probably wasn’t going to be catching a pig myself that day, I decided, like every other literal hanger-on, that I could at least get credit for an assist.

Soon enough, all the piglets had been downed, so I found myself trying to find a group that appeared to need some help.

Instead, I ended up repeatedly pre-creating one of the more heart-wrenching scenes from the 1994 Robert Zemeckis classic, Forrest Gump:

I shit you not, I was the only kid not touching some part of a bacon-making machine. I, alone, was the sole non-pig-catching fool that day.

Or so it seemed.

At the last second, I spotted a lone hind leg that didn’t already have a child hanging off of it.

I rushed over to the group, and towering over 4 very much unwelcoming faces, I mumbled, “Umm, you guys need some help?”

Then with a grunt, I tried to pin the leg down with my foot. However, in my attempt, I ended up kicking at it instead, missing the pig altogether, losing my balance, and kind of lightly stomping on its foot as I came down.5Don’t worry, it wasn’t hurt.

Needless to say, I earned neither a sweet, sweet $1 bill nor the unmitigated respect of my peers that day.

And, class, what lesson have we learned today?

It was in that moment that I realized that I had whole life full of socially awkward moments ahead of me…

In retelling this story, I have to somewhat appreciate the meta nature of sharing that with my physics lab group. You know, since I decided the best way to explain to them why they were being forced to needlessly suffer through my own private therapy session…was by providing the origin story of my awkwardness in a very inappropriate classroom setting.

Anyways, the point of the story is be thankful if you were blessed with childhood amnesia like a normal person. Heck, I would give up bacon if it meant having my prize pig story zapped from my over-active memory.

Damn. Didn’t work.6This makes more sense if you have read Death By Hangnail…I’ll wait here.

Oh, and if you’re wondering about how 1SJ “fared” that year, yes, of course that beast7bastard would sound so much better here… won his 4th consecutive $1 bill moments later when the older kids got there turn.

Don’t believe me?

Here’s a picture that should be more than enough proof:

“Aww, shucks. I wish I had a dollar…”

Content created on: 10/11 June 2020 (Wed/Thurs)

Footnotes & References:[+]

The Mysterious Mister T.

2 Min Read

A few weeks ago I revealed to you the boy’s name that methinks to be the most dudest, sweetest boy’s name in the world. For the two of you who didn’t read all about it, I had lovingly named my sourdough starter Corin Thunderfist.

And let’s be honest, that name is so ----- mind-blowingly gnarly1I heard The Elder use this term a few days ago, and I don’t know who taught it to her, but all I can say is thank you. that it needed to be bestowed upon something. I would have been saving it for whenever we got around to getting a puppy, but A) the kids will probably have their own ----- opinions on the matter, and B) I long ago decided that my future canine was going to be named Doctor.

Anyways, I’ve had aspirations to use that name on a family member for nigh over a decade now, so I have had plenty of opportunities to play out in my head the many potential scenarios that such a moniker would avail to me. The strategy I eventually landed on was the “Cosmo’s Mom Method”–much like the beloved character Kramer from the hit NBC sitcom Seinfeld, I would keep the kid’s name in its fullest majestic glory a coy secret, simply referring to him as Corin T. [Last Name Redacted] in all public and private settings.

I imagined that year after year, people would constantly be asking what the “T.” stood for, and year after year, the suspense and allure would only grow.

Opinions would be formed. Theories would be formulated. Uninformed debates would rage like the fires of hell.

Until one day, the secret would be “leaked.”

The presses would be stopped. The Twitter would be ground to a halt. The Face would be melted off the Book.

Speculate no more, World! The Final Truth has been revealed…

Behold, The Thunderfist walks amongst ye mere mortals!

Whew! Okay, I really got lost in my own daydream fantasy there. The point is that it would have been pretty ----- awesome.

But in all of my haste to finally squander my precious CTF card on a bubbling blob of yeast, water, and flour, I managed to miss that I had actually played it at exactly the right time.

It wasn’t only until at least a full month later that it dawned on me the scale of wit that I had achieved.

Maybe it would help if you imagined what that little turd would be like if he makes it to the year 2033.

Or, more accurately, what stupid portmanteau of a nickname I might give him…

I get a little teary-eyed just thinking about that day when he transitions to that difficult phase in between Corin-Childhood and Corin-Adulthood.

But honestly, y’all, I gotta say that I’m not exactly looking forward to being stuck in the house with a Corin-T.een.

*rim-job*2The right word is actually rim-shot, a joke executed to perfection in a The Nice Guys.

Content created on: 18 June 2020 (Thursday)

Footnotes & References:[+]

The Case of the Cats Cradle

4 Min Read

Sometimes, there is no greater pleasure in life than coming across a piece of creative work made by a much younger version of yourself.

Except for publicly mocking it. That is definitely a greater pleasure.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you The Case of the Cat’s Craedle: Extended Deluxe Edition with Commentary. Please, enjoy.

“The Case of the Cat’s Craedle (sic).”1No relation to the music venue in Carrboro, NC.

“…and the Mystery of the Giant Glowing C—.” No, wait, that’s supposed to be a flashlight beam. Well, this is already going just swimmingly, now isn’t it?

Copyright 1988.

You don’t know how relieved I am that I put the exact date this content was created. It would have slowly eaten my mind up from the inside out not knowing.

“Once, three 1st graders went outside for some cases.”

Because, where else are you going to find “cases”? Also: nice gun.

“Then one of the kids shouted something.”

You gonna tell us what that something was, or…? No? Okay, that’s cool. Just leave us all hanging.

“All of the kids looked.”

…and saw the baddest mother-effing cat-punk in the world.

“And I got out my gun.”

“There’s only enough room for one mohawk at this party!” I indubitably yelled as I popped a cap in his ass.

“We gotchya. Bang-Boom-Pop.”

“Bang-Boom-Pop”?!? Hah. That would be a pretty stupid thing to say if it were to come out of the mouth of anybody but a 7-year-old…2Also, I have no idea who “Robert Lewis” is, nor what “Shot of a case” means. So stop asking.

“Uh-oh. He’s alive.”

Dude, is this cat…Jesus?3No. We all know Jesus wouldn’t need no weak-ass parachute to rise again.

You'll be dead any minute!
“You’ll be dead any minute!”
[Insert righteous Hooked On Phonics (TM) slam here.]
But he is going to melt!
“But he is going to melt!”

But is he really? That looks more like a wood-chipper to me.

But one thing that is left is the spirit.
“But one thing that is left is the spirit.”

Well. That really took a turn…

But the spirit got caught.
“But the spirit got caught.”

Care to explain how that happened? This picture of a phallic object tells me nothing…

And it went through the cage.
“And it went through the cage.”

Okay, well at least we know how our trio of geniuses thought they could contain a spirit. Great job, boys!

Bang, Boom, Pop. It blow-up.
“Bang, Boom, Pop. It blow-up.”

Nevermind ill-advisedly using that onomatopoeia again–somebody needs to tell this kid that adding that hyphen really changes the meaning of “blow up.”

A monster!
“A monster!”

A monster?!? Where the ----- did this ass-clown come from?

Bang. I gotchya.
“Bang. I gotchya.”

A dickhead. I literally drew a dick-head. I’m sorry folks. I gotta apologize on behalf of my younger self for this obscene art.

Uh-oh. He is dead.
“Uh-oh. He is dead”

I’m pretty sure this character with the fan-crotch and playing bullet golf was supposed to be me. So…the end?

The End.

Well, that plot went nowhere. I suppose that’s pretty on-brand for me, though…

…meanwhile, The Elder, who is several months younger than me when I wrote this burn-barrel fodder YA fiction, drew this just today:

“Family Going Out To Dinner” (2020) Pen and Color Marker on Printer Paper. Artist: The Artist Currently Known As The Elder.

The point of the story is: keep breeding folks! Eventually we’re bound to produce a generation better than our own. Gotta just keep trying!

Content created on: 15 February 1988 & 11 June 2020 (Monday/Thursday)

Footnotes & References:[+]

Vault Are You Thinking About?

3 Min Read

First, for funsies (and titular context):

When I normally say to my fans, “Here’s something from the vault,” what I usually mean is:

Probabilistically speaking, here is one of my more mildly interesting blog posts that you probably haven’t read. What? Oh, no I’m not being lazy. I could have written entirely fresh content. I just choose not to.

a man with the will to exercise free will

But now, that might take on a slightly different meaning. You see, today, I finally got off my duff and cracked into the real vault…the vault of my life, that is!

So now instead of enlisting a slightly younger version of my self to create content for me during my lazier weeks, I have the option of taking advantage of the underage version of me.

Wait. Shit. That didn’t sound right. Doesn’t matter–you know what little ol’ straight-forward me meant.

You have no idea how many autobiographical stories I have in store for you, but it’s a pretty big number. There’s many I have written yet simply because I haven’t invested the time yet to dig through the archives for the supporting documents and/or pictures. And so many of these just wouldn’t be the same without the historical evidence.

Today, though…today was the day that I finally dug through my two foot lockers/steamer trunks and three old suitcases of life memorabilia, and I gotta say, the winner was you.

Ironically, I didn’t find the one very specific picture I was looking for (turns out, my brother is the keeper of that particular one), but I did pull out the material for a few nuggets while I was there.

So, to whet your appetite, here is just a preview of what gems you might expect to be coming down the ol’ pipeline.

How about a “children’s book” that I wrote as a sophomore in high school? Bare beavers? That sounds fun!

This may look like an unassuming note that you would find attached to any old floral delivery. But inside is a cautionary tale about when celebrating half-anniversaries go wrong…

Oh, and here’s a book I wrote in 1st Grade. For what it may lack in quality, Present Me will definitely make up for with commentary. The good news is that this post is all ready to go. Get excited, ‘cuz The Case of the Cat’s Craedle is coming your way in but a few short days!

Meet Robort Kirk. Is this dude even for real? Don’t worry, you’re gonna find out real soon what’s up with…whatever the hell is going on here.

…and, if enough shit keeps happening, maybe even Captain Plunger will make an appearance. Get excited!

Content created on: 11 June 2020 (Thursday) *and also various dates in 1988, 1994, 1997, 2000, & 2008.

Staying Centered In A Time Of Uncertainty

4 Min Read

Hi friends.

As you may have noticed as of late, on several occasions I have alluded to the fact that I recently decided to explore the world of qi gong.

If you’re not familiar with qi gong, it “is an ancient Chinese mind-body practice that restores wellness, builds mental and emotional strength, reduces stress, and increases vitality. […] Sometimes called the grandmother of tai chi, is one of the four major branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Because Qigong incorporates a variety of gentle breathing methods, flowing movements, and mindfulness meditation, it can be practiced by absolutely anyone, regardless of their age, health, religion, or fitness level.”

That definition comes to us courtesy of The Flowing Zen academy–of which I am a paying student. If interested, you can check out their handy Qigong FAQ blog post for more of an inside scoop of the ‘gong.

While I could probably talk for hours on the Hows and Whys of my decision to invest time and energy into such an endeavor, I feel like it’s worthwhile to at least provide some context in that regard.

Much of it boils down to investing in my own well-being. I am on the edge of 40, and within the past year had a minor health scare that made me think much deeper about how I go about “building my tomorrows out of today.”1This is in reference to a fantastic song by The White Buffalo released only last month:

Long story short, I don’t have any interest in spending the last decade or so of my life clinging on to the shitty hopes provided by a largely unnecessary pharmaceutical cocktail. Frankly, it breaks my heart to think of the several people close to my heart that have gone on before me in such a manner.

What I realized is that I am at a critical junction within my lifespan where I have some relative control over the arc my health takes from here on out. My lifestyle choices now–both large and small–will determine the quality of life I will be able to enjoy 20 years from now.

In other words, carpe diem.

You can think of practicing qi gong as part of a larger plan of preventative health care. I could live a more convenient Western lifestyle now and play out my life as an average American.

But come on, Be Real Talk here: look around and ask if that is something worth aspiring to at all?

Like I said earlier, I’ve seen how that played out for someone with essentially the same genes and UV ray exposure as me, and I have no desire to follow in their footsteps.

Well, at least you have some background info now, albeit somewhat half-assed.

A key plot point here is that I committed to the year-long Qigong 101 online class back in January. You know–when the new decade was full of nothing but hope and optimism.

Oh, and sorry to disappoint you, but the practice of qi gong does not entail a newfound ability of discerning the future. I was/am just as taken by surprise as everyone else by the real shit-show that 2020 is shaping up to be.

So, I didn’t originally go down this path with the immediate need of intense stress relief, etc.

But, just like everybody else, I am finding that it is helpful–no, imperative–to have extra tools to help me navigate this fucked-up epoch in which we find ourselves, in hopes of leaving some shred of my sanity intact.

What this might look like is surely different for everyone, but either way I hope that you have found something to moor yourself to through this storm.

To that end, I want to make sure that everyone knows about the invaluable gem the qigong is, in case maybe–just maybe–that is exactly the right thing for you in these weird times. In these ----- weird as shit times…

Sifu2”Teacher” in many Eastern traditions–if you chuckle at using this term than congratulations! You’re as big of an asshole as I am! Anthony–the heart and soul of Flowing Zen Academy–has graciously modified one of his paid online courses and turned it into a free qigong-based resource for anyone interested in exploring it and its many benefits. From what I understand, it covers quite a bit of ground, giving one a solid foundation for practicing and enjoying the benefits of qigong longer term.

Mind you, I am paying good money for much of this information, so I can attest that even though it is offered for free, it is actually pretty high in value.

Check out the course here.

Image courtesy of The Flowing Zen Academy

Honestly, I did not plan on writing about qi gong when I sat down at the computer this morning.

But today being Thursday, around noon I received my weekly email from Sifu Anthony with the links to this weeks Qi Gong 101 videos and material.

Acknowledging the moment we find ourselves in, not only with COVID, but also with the long hard look in the mirror America finds itself currently staring down, he shared some words that I thought was worthy of passing on to any ears that might be listening:

I am inviting you to go deeper, to learn and to practice so that you become someone who has a great capacity for being solid, calm, and without fear, because our society needs people like you who have these qualities, and your children, our children, need people like you, in order to go on, in order to become solid, and calm, and without fear.

Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese monk and Zen Master

No matter how you get there, here’s hoping that you’re able to find your way to becoming solid, calm, and without fear.

People like you3This may, in fact, NOT describe you. Or at least not in this moment. Maybe it’s time to find out what you’re really made of, and I have faith in your ability to rise to the challenge. are needed now more than ever…

If interested in learning more about the incredible life of Thich Nhat Hanh, a good place to start is here.

Disclaimer: I am not compensated in any form by The Flowing Zen Qigong Academy. On the contrary, I compensate them for a worthwhile and quality-of-life-improving product.

Content created on: 4 /6 June 2020 (Thurs/Sat)

Footnotes & References:[+]

A Parenting Parable

2 Min Read

“So…what will you tell your kids when they asked what happened?”

Once upon a time, a close friend of mine had come to me in search of a listening ear.

His marriage seemed to be at an inflection point, and his next moves would be of grave consequence. Almost certainly they would determine whether it all fell apart, or if his Holy Union would come out the other side even stronger and better than before.

I was relieved to hear that both he and his wife were showing some willingness to put in the effort to stick together. Not only that, they both agreed that they wanted to raise their three kids in a safe and loving home environment, one where “they would have the stability and emotional nourishment to flourish as youngsters, then teens, and then eventually young citizens that brought more love into the world than they took.”

Critically, he identified his relationship with his wife as what would ultimately determine whether or not they would be able to give that irreplaceable gift to their children.

With much reluctance, he confided to me that he feared merely staying together wouldn’t be enough, though. If they didn’t make some difficult changes, then most likely they would just continue down their current path which was headed toward some seriously toxic quagmire–and that might be even worse for the kids than splitting up.

But what was really at the heart of our conversation came down to a singular decision: should they seek professional help?

Actually, that wasn’t even really up for debate: they both had acknowledged that they probably wouldn’t be able to sort things out on their own, and that they would most likely need the assistance of an unbiased third party, such as a marriage counselor.

The problem was that they lived in a small community, and had rather limited options. And in every scenario, the fact that they were seeing a shrink together would make its way through the gossip grapevine in no time at all.

His wife was not the overly-proud type, and while she disliked the idea of everyone being up in their business, she was of the opinion that there was no shame in seeking to be a better person.

He, on the other hand, did not exactly share those feelings, expressing concern that everyone was going to know that they had a ----- up marriage.

…which brings us to the point in the story where we had started:

“So…what will you tell your kids when they asked what happened?”

I was hoping to help him work through his thoughts by doing what I do best: extrapolating situations out as far as possible.

“What exactly do you mean?” He seemed sincere enough in his question.

“When your kids are grown up–or maybe even sooner–one of them is bound to ask you why you and their mom split up. What are you going to tell them?”

I didn’t let him answer. I thought about giving him the chance to respond, but I decided to cut to the chase.

“Because it sounds like the only real answer you will have is, ‘Sorry, kids, your future wasn’t worth nearly as much what people might have thought about me.’ You better get your shit straight, amigo.”

Perhaps now’s the time you should start thinking about what you will tell your kids grandkids when they asked what the hell happened.

Edited on 10 June 2020 to make clear that this is a Parable and not really about marriage at all.

Content created on: 4 June 2020 (Thursday)


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