Your #1 Source of Unsolicited Life Advice

Month: December 2019

Just Under the Wire

5 Min Read

As I write this, the western half humanity is only moments away from saying goodbye to the decade that was the 2010s and welcoming in 2020 and beyond.

I find myself going back and forth between whether or not I’m supposed to be doing something sacred and meaningful to bring closure and completeness to the last 10 years.

History is typically a good first draft of a guide, so I that got me to thinking, “Well, how the heck did I close out the first decade of the 2000s?”

It took awhile and little bit of detective work, but I was finally able to reconstruct my final moments of 2009.

Turns out, tonight will mark an important milestone for me as a physicist: it will be my “tin, aluminum” anniversary1 of submitting my first scientific paper!

Well, sort of.

You see, back in 2009, I was in the middle of my 6-year stint as a graduate student. I had spent a good half of that year trying to write my first paper, and it just seemed to be this endless churning month after month.

As the year wound down, my professors and I had worked our way through the 7th, 8th, and 9th revisions of the paper. Though it was never obvious to us, slowly but surely, the story it had been lacking was slowly congealing into something presentable.

I had received that 9th revision back when I went into work on December 30th. As I looked over it, I realized “Holy shit. I think it’s finally ready to be submitted!”

Honestly, this came as a complete surprise to me, as it had just seemed to be the Paper That Wouldn’t Die. I think a part of me expected to still be ----- with it 10 years on, so all in all this was a wonderful revelation.

I spent the rest of that day putting the finishing touches on it, and decided I would work a short day on New Year’s Eve, just long enough to get it officially submitted.

This was a pretty exciting thought, that I would be able to officially have it timestamped with “2009.” Some journals even go by the submission date when determining the year of publication for the official record,2Okay, okay. To the few published scientists out there reading this: ya got me. I don’t think any journals go by submission date. However, since this was my first rodeo, it is entirely possible I believed this to be the case. so it would be a badge of honor I could wear with pride, an immovable token signifying that I had actually accomplished something tangible that year.

New Year’s Day I rolled up into the lab all hopped up on adrenaline. Today was going to be the day. I could feel it.

So here’s a fun fact about the academic world that I learned that day: even with a complete manuscript in hand and ready to go, there is always a surprising amount of bullshit and/or red tape between you and finally pressing the Submit button.

It also didn’t help that I was going rogue just a wee bit. I knew that if I brought the professors back in for any of the process it would just add an extra 3-4 days to the whole thing, so I had made the executive decision to pull the trigger. My paper, my choice, right?

Anyways, the day continued to tick away as I made my way through the labyrinth of online submission forms, and so around 3 pm I decided that I was close enough to being done that it made more sense to go home and wrap it up from there.

Oh, what an ignorant chap3”Ignorant slut.” That’s the term I really want to use. It’s okay, right? I’ve seen it used freely on broadcast TV so it has to be somewhat acceptable now, ya? I was.

Once home, I got back to work, always seemingly 5 minutes away from washing my hands of the matter and being able to relax and enjoy ringing in the new decade with The Boss Lady.

Almost done…almost done…always, “almost done.”

While I sat on the couch, furiously pounding away at the laptop, my companion literally tired of waiting for me and fell into a deep slumber beside me.

But the finish line was RIGHT THERE. It wasn’t a mirage, I was certain of it. All I had to do was persevere, put my head down, and power through the pain. I was too close to admit defeat.

The evening hours evaporated away and when I finally glanced up at the clock, I found myself in the 11th hour.

Actually, it was 11:51 to be exact. And this time, I was pretty sure that there really was only 5 minutes left.

Focused like never before, I clicked that trackpad with certainty and an imperial sense of destiny.

Two-thousand nine in the year of our Lord was going to be the year that I submitted my first paper. Nothing was going to stop me.

Crap–11:57 and I still had a few more fields to go. But there was no time to stop and think–only do and click.

The clock hit 11:59 and I was…almost…there.


I had done it!!! I immediately turned on the TV just in time to see D1ck4Stupid ----- censorship plugin wants you to only read ----- Clark instead, hence the numbers-for-letters baloney. Clark and the rest of Time’s Square chanting “…9…8…7…”5OMFG, I had no idea what I just missed until putting this post together. Apparently all the real fun happened right before 9: I. Can’t. Even.

I turned to the Boss Lady and shook her awake, fully expecting her to share in my jubilation while the last seconds of the decade ticked away.

“I did it! I really did it! I got my paper submitted in 2009! Now, how about a big ol’ sloppy victory kiss?”

I went in to redeem that kiss I had just promised myself, only to be met with a healthy dose of Side-Cheek of Rejection.


Um, yeah…so it turns out that putting off a beautiful woman who only wanted to spend a romantic evening with you and instead ignoring all reason to focus on a completely arbitrary deadline…listen well, Young Grasshoppers: that is not the way to turn a woman on. Or even endear yourself to them. In any way. At all.

She more or less told me that if I loved my ----- paper so much than I could kiss that instead. Ouch.

The victory I had worked so hard for wasn’t tasting so sweet any more, now was it?

Oh, and the best part? I got an email from the journal a few days later, kindly informing me that they only accept submissions from current Ph.D holders.

“But what does that even mean?” you may be wondering.

It means that, as a grad student working on–but still a few years away from–a Ph.D., my submission was totally invalid, and that I would have to have one of my professors start up the submission process afresh…in 2010, obviously.

In the end, the paper didn’t even get its 2009 submission timestamp–the one prize I was really after.

The Universe has one ----- up sense of humor, that’s all I gotta say.

Anyways, the point of the story is this:

As you near the countdown,
Please, put the computer down.
Young man, don't be daft--
Put away that final draft!
And never leave your dear wife waiting,
Unless, of course, you prefer...

Remember what’s important is the people in your life and the moments you share with them.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to play bubbles with my 2-year-old and enjoy a round of Uno with the Elder.

Happy 2020, my ninjas!

Content created on: 31 December 2019 (Tues)

Footnotes & References:[+]

Best of the Best of 2019-The Doctor Edition

2 Min Read

Unlike the wholly unauthorized Boss Lady’s Edition of the Best of 2019, this time around I have actually commissioned a Top 3 list from a dedicated reader. These picks come to us courtesy of my pensive friend and former colleague, The Doctor.1As a bonus for the dedicated few who actually read these footnotes: “also the guy who couldn’t find Connecticut on a map”. You may have seen his comments floating around here on occasion. So many thanks to him for taking the time and effort to put this together.

The Doctor says:

…I think your best stories are those that make us think about how our presuppositions about the world are plain wrong. As humans, we tend to want to make things as simple as possible, because complicated is hard. You’ve had more than a few stories that illustrate the nuance and complexity of all the other people we share the planet with.

Here are [a few of] my picks along with some of my accompanying thoughts.

– The Doctor

3. Lawnmower Man

Click here to read Lawnmower Man

The Doctor says:

More and more, context matters. Not just when you do something a bit goofy in the shower, but when you’re making judgments about other people choices, culture, religion, etc.

Like John Stewart said, “Actually, that joke was brought to you by… Context. Look at how silly the world would be without context.2Watch the video here:

2. F*ck Bob Ross

Click here to read ----- Bob Ross

The Doctor says:

Just like context is important, so is the realization that we experience the world differently. Two people can have completely different reactions to something or someone because of different backgrounds and experiences.

Even more than that, how we experience and react to the world is based in our biology.We can all look at the same picture of a dress and come way of radically different ideas about what color it is3

1. The Olde Timey Wheelchair

Click here to read The Olde Timey Wheelchair

The Doctor says:

So, we like to think that we are master’s of our own destiny, and that if we do everything “just right”, stuff will work out. The world is not so simple. Small events, circumstances, and comments can have far reaching effects. We just can’t anticipate everything. (Although, I guess it’s important to realize that general principals still can tell you something…)

Editor’s note: If you really want to nerd out a la The Doctor, watch this video about The Butterfly Effect:

Footnotes & References:[+]

Best of 2019-The Boss Lady Edition

< 1 Min Read

As the year–and the decade–draws to a close, it’s only appropriate to partake in the time-honored tradition of substituting new and original content with Top 3/10/100/etc lists and other asinine countdowns.

This first Top 3 list comes to you courtesy of The Boss Lady, aka my wife (if you haven’t picked up on this by now). This is an unauthorized list, put together without directly consulting her; nonetheless, I’m pretty sure that she rather enjoyed the following ramblings of her husband.

If you are reading this and are NOT The Boss Lady, feel free to share which posts you have particularly enjoyed thus far in the comments below. Perhaps I will compile a new list of fan-favorites–sort of a guide for newcomers to the community.

Without further ado, I present to you Posts Which Have Caused The Boss Lady to Expel Liquid from Her Body:1Usually we’re talking tears here, due to laughing so hard she cried, but I like to hold out hope that on at least one occasion she has peed herself a little bit.

Have a Happy 2020, Everybodies!

Footnotes & References:[+]

A Degenerate Family Christmas

6 Min Read

No, not that kind of degeneracy.

I’m talking about a much more refined and pretension degeneracy.

Now, in quantum physics–and just bear with me for a few seconds–there’s this whole thing about being able to say what quantum state a group of particles1Or, more formally: a system. are in based on the result of some measurement, say, energy, for example.

But what if two different arrangements produced the same measurable energy?

Well, then, if you did your experiment and recorded this particular energy, you would be stuck not knowing which of those two states you were actually looking at.

This is called a degenerate energy level.

If you wanted to distinguish between the two possible states, you would break the degeneracy by doing something that can be thought of as measuring a different property of the system, like the total weight of all the particles.

Apart from breaking the degeneracy, you’re stuck never knowing exactly what arrangement your system is in.

At this point, it’s forgivable if all you’re hearing is “Laht, laht, lah! Physics, physics, physics! #HumbleBrag.”

Fortunately for you, the story of why in the name of ----- I ended up going through life using a synonym for fellatio as my name just so happens to be a pretty darn good analogy for degeneracy.

Now, if you will, take a step back in time with me, and all shall be made clear…

Christmas Day 1980, some undisclosed location in Kansas: during an otherwise routine family holiday gathering, an emergency meeting is called.

Unto them a child was born, and unto them they knew not what the hell to call him.

You see, this days-old youngster certainly had a name. It was just that this particular name was sorta…already taken.

And of course I was the hapless lad in this story, so I might as well stop referring to myself in the third person before we go any farther.

Figure 1. I await the decision of the Almighty Council of Nicknames…

So, there I was, just chillin’ like a villain, as depicted in Figure 1, oblivious to the fact that a major determinant of the arc of my life yet to come was hanging in the balance.

When I was born, “somebody”2Most definitely, unequivocally my dad. got the big idea to name me after his grandfathers, so the story about how I ended up with “Robert James” on my birth certificate is actually pretty run-of-the-mill. Big whoop.

But as I had alluded to, “Robert” was already spoken for–by my great grandfather, obviously–and so if from a physicist’s perspective in which one’s name is perhaps one of the most basic “measurements” of a human, I was clearly born into degeneracy.

If someone in the family starts talking about Robert, well, to whom exactly would they be referring?

One could break the degeneracy by a “secondary measurement,” such as age or size. Clarifying that they were talking about “Grandpa” would make it immediately clear that they were referring to the elder of us. Another option would be to call me “L’il Robert” and their point would be just as easily made.

Alternatively, the use of nicknames can be a reliable degeneracy-breaker, and the good news here is that “Robert” has many variants.

The bad news? My family tree (Fig. 2) is littered with one ----- Robert after another.

Figure 2. My abbreviated family tree.

First, there’s my namesake, my great grandfather Robert on my dad’s side, who everyone just called “Bob.”

Then there’s my maternal grandfather, Albert Robert, who–by the way–for some reason went by “Pat.” Go figure.

Moving down to the next generation: there’s my dad whose legal name actually is Bobby Jim, I shit thee not. Turns out that he got stuck/blessed with the nicknames of his two grandfathers.

Switching back to my mom’s side is her brother, the One True Robert. That’s just a fancy way of saying that of all the Roberts in the family, Uncle Robert was the only one who didn’t use a nickname as an adult.

And, for good measure, my mom & Uncle Robert had a cousin who was beaugarding the title of “Robby” all to himself.

Now, my dad was aware of all this when he haphazardly slapped a name on my back, and so honestly I don’t know what the hell he was thinking bringing yet another Robert into the mess.

Reviewing the situation: we now have six-fold degeneracy at the Robert name level, and the members of my family in the emergency Christmas meeting were hoping to break that degeneracy with a nickname.

Perhaps it went down something a little like this…

Individual 1: “So, what about Bob?”

Individual 2: “Nope, Grandpa Bob took that one.”

Individual 1: “Dammit. Of course he did.”

Individual 3: “Well, we can’t call him Pat…”

Everyone else: “Why the hell would we call him that?”

Individual 3: “Good question…why do we call Pop-Pop ‘Pat’? That makes no ----- sense.”

Albert Robert “Pat” “Pop-Pop”: “Yeah, why do you call me Pat?”

Everyone else: “NOT NOW, POP-POP!”

Individual 1: “Okay, okay…and I guess it’s obvious that Bobby is off the table as well. Yes, I’m looking at you, Bobby. YOU did this, we’re in this ----- mess because of you. We’re wasting our Christmas because of your utter lack of creativity and imagination. Good lord, we can only hope he doesn’t take after you in that department.”

Individual 4: “Remind me again what was wrong with plain ol’ Robert?”

Individual 3: “Uh, because you kinda took that one, Uncle Robert. Anyways, we can’t do Bobby, but how about this…[with a dramatic flourish] Robby?”

Individual 5: “Sorry, but there’s Cousin Robby…”

Individual 3: “Well, shit…”

Individual 1: “Okay, we got to start thinking outside the box here, folks. How about Bert?”

Bobby Jim “Bobby Jim”: “Sure, let’s name him after my ex-wife’s dad. That won’t be awkward at all.”3I had a rough idea of all the details up until this one. This one I discovered for the first time while researching this story.

Individual 1: “For you and me both. Though I still think he looks like he would make a fine Bert.”

Individual 5: “I’ve got it! So, I think we’ve been going about this all wrong. We’ve been trying to come up with nickname that is supported by some basic logic and would be patently obvious to any new acquaintance why he was called thus.”

Individual 4: “Go on…”

Individual 5: “Instead, we should eschew all logic and give him a name that will wear out anybody who is unfortunate enough to ask him about its backstory. How about Bobby’s initials?”

Individual 3: “Ummm, you mean B.J.?”

Individual 5: “Exactly.”

Individual 1: “No, I really don’t–“

Bobby Jim “Bobby Jim”: “It’s perfect!”

Individual 1: “Hey, I don’t think I like tha–“

Individual 5: “We don’t really care about your opinion, even if it was your womb. Let’s vote on it.”

[The Council–save a vigorously protesting Individual 1–all murmur in agreement or nod in approval.]

Individual 6 [whispering to Individual 3]: “You think maybe we should tell Grandma what a Blow Job is exactly before the poor kid gets screwed over?”

Individual 3: “Nah, I wanna see where this goes…”

[Seemingly out of nowhere, the meeting is interrupted by a frantically screaming Time Bandit…]

Future Bandit: ” ----- -sucker! ----- -SUCKER! Don’t you all know that’s what a ----- -sucker does?!?”

Individual 2: “The hell you say?”

Future Bandit: “Please, don’t doom me to a lifetime supply of ----- -sucking references! Especially with these lips! Nooooooo! It’s too late! I’m fading already…don’t…let…me…be…a…B.J………..”

[And just like that the Time Bandit is ironically sucked back into the vortex from which he came…]

Individual 4: “Was it just me, or did anybody else get the feeling that they were looking at a weird clone of Bobby’s when gazing upon that strange fellow?”

Bobby Jim “Bobby Jim”: “Yeah, it was like looking in a mirror…it must be a sign!”

All except Individual 1: “Hear, hear! Then B.J. he shall be! Merry First Christmas, Kid!”

Individual 5 [underneath her breath as she passes Individuals 3 & 6]: “…and a little ----- -sucker he shall be…”

[Individuals 3 & 6 stare at each other in stunned silence…]

The point of the story is I guess we now all know what I would do if I ever built myself a time machine… ----- stopping Hitler–that’s too bougie anyways.

Given the chance, I would go back and stop the degenerates in my family from screwing me over for degenerations to come…so suck on that, Grandma Individual 5.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, Y’all!

Footnotes & References:[+]

Back in the USSR

3 Min Read

Editor’s Note: This is a continuation of the loose theme introduced in In Soviet Russia (spoonerisms/transpositional humor…and basically just more abuse of the English language). While not essential, go ahead and read it anyways. Also, for your sanity, the title simply refers to the fact that we’re getting back to that original post that started this trainwreck of thought.

One time in high school, I entrusted my best friend, Phillip K. Ballz, to give me a very simple haircut that only required a single snip of the scissors. He proceeded to “accidentally” cut it at a sharp angle, resulting in the very front of my hair being notably shorter than the rest of my mini-puff.

Although I had enough historical data to know that I don’t look good at all as a human cue ball, he left me with no choice but to completely shave my head1Actually, we didn’t go straight to a complete buzzcut, but that story merits its own post. Patience, Young Grasshopper……which he proceeded to do with a little too much gusto.

Later on in front of some other friends, he made a frankly unimaginative attempt at mocking me for the follicular predicament that he had put me in:

PKB: “Hah hah! You’re like a Head and Shoulders commercial: Great hair can’t have flakes!

Me: “Bitch, please. I think it’s much more accurate to say Great flakes can’t have hair…”

Duly Quoted

Legend has it that, when asked by an editor why she had missed a deadline, writer and mistress of wit Dorothy Parker replied:

Tell him I was too f*cking busy–or vice versa.

Notable Badass Dorothy Parker

I mean, we’ve all been there, right? But now, now you finally have the words to properly express yourself…

As I previously stated in In Soviet Russia, spoonerisms can be a real fount of wit and humor, even if it’s not premeditated. Out of habit I will often find myself taking whatever phrase is in the moment and uttering a spoonerized version of it, just to see what pops out.

It blesses my heart that I have been able to lead by example and have successfully imparted this habit to the Elder.2My eldest daughter, to those unfamiliar with this nomenclature. On a regular basis I will overhear her applying the spooneristic algorithm to whatever phrase is currently on her mind.

However, if you are thinking about trying this out for yourself, I should caution against mindlessly spoonerizing aloud.

Please, it behooves you to workshop them in your head first.

I just know one day, when we’re at the theatre to watch the latest Disney/Pixar money-suck, the Elder is going to call loudly across the lobby to me:

“Dad, don’t forget the c0ck porn!”3If you’r curious, I had to spell ‘c0ck’ with a zero instead of the letter O on account of the fact that my Censorship plugin will censor it. It’s not as funny reading —– porn, especially if it’s not immediately clear that we’re spoonerizing “popcorn”. Here let me show you: ----- ----- cock-a-doodle-doo!

Or, maybe if I’m lucky, she’ll merely ask for “cop porn” instead…

That is the better option of the two…right?

Speaking of the Elder, I am usually responsible for getting her to bed.

I will routinely lay down with her and chat a bit before chilling next to her while she says her nighttime prayers.

She will sit there silently, [presumably] praying, and then when she’s done she will loudly proclaim “Amen!”

At one point I got the notion to introduce her to another favorite mental pastime of mine, taking ideas waaaaay past their logical conclusions.

Since she was at that age where she was all about ABCs and patterns, I asked her what she thought should come after “Amen”, et cetera.

Several nights later, it was the Boss Lady’s turn to lay down with her.

They chatted for a bit and the Elder said her silent prayers as per usual.

I about choked on my laughter when from the living room I could hear her excitedly bark in the Boss Lady’s ear:

“A-men! B-men! C-men! D-men!”

A 4-year-old

Needless to say, I got in trouble with the Boss Lady for corrupting our daughter’s soul.

But damn, was that spanking every bit worth it, though…

Content created on: 12/17/18 December 2019 (Thurs/Tues/Wed)

Footnotes & References:[+]

A Very Merry Bar Shitzvah

9 Min Read

In some cultures, a boy’s twelfth birthday is a very important rite of passage in his life. In Judaism this is marked with a Bar Mitzvah, in which, in the eyes of his society, he has officially become a man.

Although I wasn’t brought up in the Hebrew tradition, I was still pretty excited for my big one-two.

For reasons well beyond the scope of this story, Autumn 1992 was the very first time in my life that I didn’t have my slightly older brother J around. Up until that point in time I had been overly-dependent on him to guide me through pretty much all social settings. Thus, being rather shy by nature, transitioning to not living with him was scary AF for me.

Amazingly, only months in, and I was finding that I was actually capable of holding my own when flying solo. Yup, I was ----- proud of myself for adjusting–I wasn’t the helpless little kid I feared I would become. And turning 12 was going to help me mark this important milestone in my life.

Now all of this was in the midst of the 5 years that my mom and us boys spent living in Springfield MO while she attended Baptist Bible College.

About a month before my birthday, she had gone on a blind date with an older guy about her age who was also a student at BBC, whom we’ll simply refer to as Chaz.1Kind of his real name. I don’t know why I should even bother with protecting this fucker’s identity in the least, though. Little did we know he had his sights set on marrying her ASAP.

Even littler did we know what a complete ----- psychopath he would turn out to be…but that’s a story for another time. The key point here is that when I use the term psychopath, I’m not bandying it about lightly. This asshole was cunning and deceptive.

A critical component of his matrimonial plan was wooing the kiddo–which he was already doing a surprisingly good job of2She had dated another gentlemen a few years earlier. In summary, I did not take it well.–and he decided to swing for the fences by really treating me for my birthday.

He actually had put together a nice little itinerary for the three of us, and I was pretty pumped about it.

We would kick off the night with a professional magic show. I had never been to one, so for this wannabe David Copperfield, this was going to be a real treat. Spoiler alert–apart from the requisite anxiousness that the magician was going to ----- up–it was a real treat.

After that we would do some fine dining at my favorite restaurant, Ryan’s Buffet, and then cap the night off with a Living Christmas Tree Cantata at a rival church, High Street Baptist.

For those of you not familiar with Ryan’s let me expound a bit.

We never had much petty cash during those times, so one of the few times we would get to eat out was when our grandma would visit from Kansas. Almost every time she came out we would indulge in a trip to Ryan’s.

Ryan’s truly was a chubby kid’s paradise.

First, it was “all-you-can-eat.” However, one thing the execs running Ryan’s didn’t account for in their business model was under-privileged gluttonous underage geniuses3I.e. yours truly. hacking the system. You see, I never let the “can” part of all-you-can-eat stop me. I had a pretty solid strategy in which, once having eaten to my nominal capacity, I would take a “half-time break” trip to the restroom and make room for Round Two. I only had one shot at this a year, so I was going to get the money’s worth of whoever was paying, dammit.

Second, back then, it was one of the rare massive buffets that have become more ubiquitous in this day and age. It had all the bars a ravenous kid could want: Salad bar. Soup bar. Meats & Pastas bar. Bread bar.

And most importantly, a stacked-to-the-rafters Dessert bar.

GOD, I was obsessed with the Dessert bar. NOM NOM NOM! I salivate just thinking about my old friend.

So there I was, it’s my twelfth birthday, and I was there to party. I had my plate loaded up with all sorts of sweets and goodies. The only thing lacking was the pièce de résistance disguised as an accoutrement: the whipped cream.

Now the whipped cream posed an interesting dilemma for me. My gut instinct was to pass on it that day. And I literally mean my “gut” here: while I had a limited number of data points, I had noticed a clear trend in which consumption of Ryan’s whipped cream would almost inevitably lead to gastric discomfort later on, and on occasion, a moderate4…to severe case of the squirts.

On the other hand…it was my ----- birthday.

Unfortunately, the latter of the two won out.

I clearly and distinctly remember thinking, “Fuck it5Sorry, Mom, I don’t know why my censorship plug-in doesn’t catch this.–it’s my birthday!” and scooping approximately a snow-shovel’s worth onto my plate.

The point of this story is live life without regrets; indulge in the little things in life that bring you joy and happiness, especially if it’s a special occasion, such as your Bar Mitzvah, or the Gentile equivalent thereof…

J.K. Kidding. Oh, how I wish that were the point of the story.

But where would the fun be in that, right? No, the birthday celebration must go on…

So, after indulging in a healthy dollop of whipped cream with the rest of my desserts, we wrapped it up at Ryan’s and headed off to ol’ High Street for some light holiday revelry.

When we got there, we found comfy seats in the middle of the left third section, about halfway back. In front of us sat a mixed race couple and their three kids–a darker Asian6Perhaps Indian or Filipino? I’m not really much of racist that sees people in terms of color, so I’m not/was not very good at making such distinctions. man and a gorgeous blonde trophy wife.

Now admittedly, this last detail has exactly jack-shit to do with today’s story, but 1) it’s just another example of how, uh, “memorable” that evening was, and 2) I recall observing that family and formulating the following theorem: classy interracial relationship = exotic dark-skinned male + beautiful blonde female. The importance/irony of this is that 15 years and 2 weeks later I would prove the inverse of this theorem to be true when I became the gorgeous blonde trophy husband in an interracial marriage…

ANYWAYS,7I feel unnecessarily compelled to tell you at this point that I’m trying a new strategy at writing my blog posts more efficiently by concurrently imbibing fine licorice-flavored French liquor. In theory alcohol would make me more focused, but in this case it seems that it just helps me access deeper parts of an already overly-vivid memory. about what seemed like halfway through the performance, my tummy started to feel a little rumbly. I didn’t think much of it, other than, yeah, of course, because I had eaten Ryan’s whipped cream.

After about ten minutes of my stomach gurgling, I realized that a quick trip to the restroom was in order.

The reason I described in way-too-much-detail the location of our seats was because it determined my path to the nearest restroom. I needed to move to the left-central aisle and head to the back doors. After that I had to circle back around to where the restrooms that were, relatively speaking, nearest the front-left of the…nave?8This is what happens when drinking while blogging: (see Figure XXX).

As I scurried along that path, I gradually started to realize the seriousness of the situation. In response, I clenched my anal sphincter muscle as tightly as possible and power-walked even faster.

I was halfway down the corridor that had an almost direct path to the nearest men’s restroom, when I passed a fella I knew from High Street via Awanas.9Awanas has been previously referenced in: Kandy Karma, Part 1. I highly recommend reading that one if you haven’t already. As I passed him, he nodded a greeting, and I feigned my best “How do you do, good Sir that I know to the most modest of degrees? But please FOR THE LOVE OF ----- do not stop and chat me up. I beg of thee.”

I didn’t mean to be impertinent, but I had much more pressing matters.

And those matters? Approximately 3 seconds later they pressed a little too hard on my 144-month-old sphincter muscle.


My previously trustworthy sphincter gave up the ghost and a fount of fecal matter flowed down my right pant leg.

It was official: my Bar Shitzvah was in full swing.

Mind you, I wasn’t even to the restroom at this point. I still had a good 15-30 seconds to get to the relative safety of a stall, all the while thinking, “Mother ----- It’s my 12th birthday and I’m straight-up shitting my pants? ----- my life. ----- it in the ass. You’ve gotta be kidding me.”

Once I made it to the restroom, I holed myself up in the singular stall in the men’s bathroom, hoping to mitigate the situation.

I sat there for a good 10 minutes in shock from what had just transpired, unsure of how the hell I was going to get out of this one.

At this point you may be saying “Give it to me straight Doc. How bad was it?”

Well, I will give it to you straight, Bub. It was bad…real bad.

The good news first, though: my left pant leg was largely unscathed and still quite dry.

Now the bad news: my right pant leg was completely soaked through all the way down to the ankle.

Ever the optimist, I thought maybe, with enough toilet paper, I could dab the juices until it was dry enough to go back out in public without it being completely obvious that I had just shat my britches.

I went through about 2/3 of the toilet paper supply before giving up on that strategy and moving to Plan B: let it air dry.

Not that it was a great idea in the first place, but at that point what else was I going to do? But then, a fly appeared in the ointment.

After about 5 minutes of sitting in the stall, alone with some very emasculating thoughts and still dripping wet pants, somebody wandered into the bathroom.

It appeared that they needed to use the stall, as they just started loitering and not doing much else.

In my head I was like “Welp, buddy, sorry but I ain’t going anywhere for awhile. I highly recommend not trying to out-wait me, because that’s a losing proposition for ya.”

It’s not like there was anyway in hell I could actually explain the situation to him, so I just sat there quietly, hoping he would get tired of waiting and go find another, more available–and non-desecrated–restroom.

But, oh my god, this guy. Five minutes of awkward silence–still there. Ten minutes, fifteen minutes–that fuck-face was still there. I mean, couldn’t he smell that things weren’t quite right with me?

Admittedly, time was kinda at a standstill for me, so I don’t know how long the World’s Most Awkward Standoff lasted, but it was at least 30 minutes before he left.

You know, it’s bad enough being on the verge of your teenage years and defecating yourself in public, but can you imagine being trapped in a stall, with someone standing for over half an hour on the other side of the door, the whole time knowing that they have to know that you’ve done crapped your pants?

If there ever was a moment in my life in which I wished I could die, this would have definitely been it.

And where was this guy’s sense of humanity? His actions definitely went against the very spirit of Christmas.

Anyways, even with that poop-sniffing fool finally gone, I still didn’t have an exit strategy.

Eventually, the best I could come up with was mummifying my right leg with as much toilet paper as I could in hopes of at least not having my skin in constant contact with my liquified excrement between then and whenever I finally got home.

So I wrapped up my leg as best as I could with what remained of the t.p., pulled up my pants, tried not to throw up, and strolled out of the stall. I tossed my D.O.A. underwear in the trash and proceeded to wash my hands 5-10 times.

Now, I would have hung out in the warmth of the bathroom longer, but by my best estimate, the Cantata would be ending any minute, and I wanted to be ready to skedaddle the ----- out of there as soon as possible.

However, this was complicated by the fact that I absolutely did not want to interact with any other humans in my current state, so staying inside the church seemed too risky.

…so that left me with no real alternative but to wander out into the freezing cold parking lot without my coat10Like Kirk Cameron, obviously it had been Left Behind in the nave, since this Nostradamus didn’t exactly foresee where the night was going to head. and park my moist butt next to Chaz’s Blazer. And wait.

Again, alone with my thoughts.

God, I was miserable. Cold. Wet. Stinking to high heaven. Depressed.

And on top of that, it turned out my estimation of how much time remained was slightly inaccurate.

Although my mind and soul seemed to freeze while I waited, I was cognizant enough to note the passage of time. It was at least another 45 minutes to an hour of my personal hell before people started to trickle out of the church and into the parking lot.

Of course the nightmare wasn’t quite over, as I feared I would have to explain my little adventure to Mom and Chaz. I knew Mom would be gracious and understanding, so no problem there.

On the other hand, this was like the 2nd or 3rd impression that Chaz would have of me, and even if he was kind about it, BJ the Pants-Pooper would be ingrained in his mind FOREVER.

Fortunately, Mom covered for me, and just told him I had an upset stomach, so we loaded up and headed straight back to our apartment.

I almost cared whether or not I might be leaving watery shit-stains on his seats, but, nah, I was so done with life at that point. It ’twas what it ’twas.

Finally home and after a nice long hot shower, I had more than enough of my fill of the day, so I just went straight to bed and hoped I didn’t further degrade myself by crying myself to sleep.

I had woke up that morning a young man, and now here I was, going to bed a little boy. At last, my Bar Shitzvah was complete.

Happy birthday, me?

The point of the story is, you can say “fuck it–it’s my birthday!” all you want. But make no mistake, boy, you still gonna have to live with the shitty consequences of your poor life decisions.

Appendix A

Figure Triple-X: When you drink and blog, you can’t remember a key component of your childhood, the main area of a church, so you have to Google it.

Content created on: 11/13/14 December 2019 (Wed/Fri/Sat)

Footnotes & References:[+]

In Soviet Russia

4 Min Read

…according to Webster’s Dictionary, at least.

As one whose thoughts often outpace his mouth, I have experienced my fair share of unintentional spoonerisms.

At some point, though, I realized that spoonerisms weren’t something to be ashamed of, but rather embraced. There is much bemusement to be found therein, and sometimes by intentionally spoonerin’ it up one can result in getting easy credit as a humorous person.

Hell, Yakov Smirnoff made a whole career out of it. If you’re old enough, you may remember his whole line of In Soviet Russia… jokes, featuring such classics as:

In Soviet Russia…cars drive you!

Maybe Yakov smirnoff


In Soviet Russia…TV watches you!

Also Maybe yakov smirnoff

A few interesting side notes here. First, this specific type of literary construct is officially known as a Russian Reversal.1 Yes, a bit racist. I know.

Second, technically a spoonerism refers to transposition of the initial sounds of a multi-word phrase, whereas this falls under the broader informal category of transpositional humor–NOT to be confused with the more narrow trope of transpositional puns.2 Got it? Super.

And lastly, according to an uncited source on Wikipedia, while Comrade Smirnoff is most commonly associated with Russian Reversals, they long pre-dated him, and in fact, he rarely employed them.3

The point of the story is that if you’re going to blog about a poorly or misconceived notion of yours, maybe you should at least do a Wikipedia/Google-level of research before you manage to live-blog proving yourself to be an ignoramus,4I’ve noticed the phrase ignorant slut used on several occasions recently. Like, is that a thing? And is that a phrase that is certified cancel-culture proof? Asking for a friend… yeah?

Also…the joys of going down the rabbit hole of a Wiki-venture, amiright?

Well, my half-ass mental associations notwithstanding, I’m determined to forge ahead with my praise of transpositional humor in general. I present to you, in no particular order, a handful of spooneristic/In Soviet Russia musings.

One of the best ways we can contribute to society is by passing on our values to our children.5This point is actually quite debatable, given the subjective nature and wide spectrum of “values”, which pretty much statistically ensures that for an given value held, there is a non-zero portion of society who is diametrically opposed to it. My misguided adulation of Yakov is one of the many values that I’ve attempted to pass on to my offspring.

This transference of ideology began at my Elder daughter’s bedtime, for which I am typically responsible. At first it was a bit confusing to a 4-year-old why, whenever she told her Daddy she needed to “say her prayers,” she would be met with the retort:

In Soviet Russia…prayers say you!

A Very responsible and thoughtful father

In fairness to me, this was a step up from “Your mom says her prayers!” Side story: after enduring more than enough of my overplaying the your mom trope, she finally had enough: “You keep saying that. What does that even mean?” Oh, the wisdom of a child…

Anyways, she eventually grasped the general concept…except she didn’t quite nail the execution. For example, she graced me with this little nugget:

In North Carolina…you sleep in your bed!

The elder

I quickly figured out that she was actually doing a double-spoonerism in her head, somehow skipping to the spoonerified version of the phrase as her starting point, and ending up with a phrase in which the two spoonerisms just cancelled each other out.

She was thinking herself funny when, for all practical purposes, she was just stating very obvious things. Bonus points for switching “Soviet Russia” with “North Carolina”, though…

While not an exact analogy, and not quite transpositional in nature, I can relate to the Elder’s error, having done something similar with a familiar pun. An actual transcript from a conversation I had with myself this past year:

Some random external source: “Blah blah blah…Ships, Ahoy! Blah blah blah…”

Me: ” ‘Ships, Ahoy!’ Ha ha. That’s very punny, saying ‘Ships, Ahoy!’ You know, like ‘Chips, Ahoy!’ the well-known name-brand cookie…”

Also me: “It does seem odd though that the maritime/pirating industries would go out of their way to make a baked-good based pun…”

Me, again: “Oh…right. ‘Chips, Ahoy!’ is the pun. Yeah. That makes waaaay more sense.”

Overly objective me: “Good lord, I’m a ----- idiot…”

Normally, I’m a law-abiding citizen, always using crosswalks at the appropriate time and never jay-walking.

However, a few years ago, I really needed to catch my bus that was sitting at a red light, with the bus stop only a 50 yards or so past the intersection. Both of which were on the opposite side of the street from me.

With the bus’s light about to turn green, I knew that it would be impossible for me to catch it if I waited to properly cross in the crosswalk.

So, carefully dodging oncoming traffic in the lanes closest to me, I angled across the street from the corner of the intersection directly towards the bus stop, hoping to cross right behind the bus as it came to a stop, and then hopping on just in time.

As I made my way across the last two lanes of traffic and with the bus almost directly in front of me by now, I took one last look to the right to ensure that no more traffic was coming from that direction.

Seeing that it was all clear I continued along my path-of-least-distance, but as I turned my head back straight ahead–HOLY SHIT, THE BUS IS STILL IN MY PATH AND MOVING FASTER THAN EXPECTED!

Apparently, I had anticipated it to have been out of my path and stopped by time I needed to cross the far lane. Instead, I came within about 4 inches of losing part of my face to the back corner of a moving bus.

In other words:

In North Carolina…bus gets hit by you.

my inner yakov smirnoff

Footnotes & References:[+]

The Unbearable Lightness of Being a BJ

4 Min Read

Having been part of a Scholar’s Bowl1Also known as Quiz Bowl, Trivia Bowl, Knowledge Bowl, Clash of the Nerds, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera… dynasty in high school, I have ingested many a nugget of cultural knowledge. However, this knowledge tends to be rather shallow, and while I have plenty of trivial trivia tid-bits permanently half-baked into my consciousness, very few of them are accompanied by enough context to keep me out of trouble.

Case in point: I really wanted to incorporate a literary reference into the title of this article. You know, everyone has their own burdens to bear in this life, and I wanted a title that signaled that I was willing to open up about one of my own in particular.

The first thing that came to mind was a hard-to-find German title called Mein Kampf, which roughly translates to English as My Struggle–ah! Perfect for the occasion!

But then I realized, “What just a tick! I’m starting to remember something else about that book. Oh yeah…that’s right. That’s Hitler’s autobiography.2 It was probably just about his childhood, so I think I can use it and still be kosher…”

Fortunately, it didn’t take more than about 20 seconds of Wikipedia research to thoroughly dissuade me of that idea. I mean HOLY SHIT, I’m not sure what I was expecting, but yeah, no…Hitler’s “origin story” is about the furthest one could get from being kosher, and I don’t care to be basing any titular puns on His Dark Materials.3Wait, that’s referring to something entirely different, you say?

I figured that this article had enough concerns of it’s own already going on that it didn’t need any unwanted anti-Semitism thrown into the mix, amiright? And in it’s place you instead get a reference to an obscure Czech novel4 by Milan Kundera, which, by the way, I’m pretty sure I’ve confused with The Importance of Being Ernest

Most folks cruise through life without really ever having to really give fellatio much of a second thought.

But when your name is Blow Job? Well, you aren’t exactly afforded the luxury of living a life blissfully ignorant of the true meaning of such hedonistic acts.

In fact, I wasn’t even afforded a childhood of innocence.

For an incoming kindergartner especially, such a term can cause a particular amount of confusion and delay.5

You see, thanks to having an ample supply of older cousins and siblings, I was about 5 years old the first time when one of them smirkingly referred to me as Blow Job.

However, none of those jackasses decided to tell me what, exactly, a quote-unquote “blow job” was. I mean, I could at least infer that it was something less than flattering, but c’mon, we all know that no amount of standard logic would have ever led me to its true meaning.

So I spent a good two years of my childhood trying to figure out what the hell a blow job was before someone kindly filled me in.

Actually, I’m not sure that it was even a person who enlightened me. My memory wants to say I looked it up on Wikipedia, but we all know that no such thing existed in 1988, and I can’t imagine that I would have found that information in an encyclopedia. Yet, I strongly feel that I had to do my own ----- research to finally get some resolution in the matter. Maybe it was Webster’s Dictionary…?

Well, regardless of how it was that I found out, I remembering being one pissed off 7-year-old when I finally did.

No, it wasn’t because of the lewd and vulgar implications of those seven letters that had me up in arms.

I was incensed that the term made no ----- sense.

“Blow job”–who came up with that grossly inept euphemism anyways? Seriously, how is that even a remotely accurate description?

I mean, maybe the “job” part is dead-on, from what I understand now. Work is work, right? Otherwise, this choice of words really only serves to obfuscate the phrase’s true meaning…

Okay, I’ll get off my anti-blowjob6For the record, I’m very much a pro-fellatio fella–I’m just against that particular term. If that wasn’t patently obvious at this point. soapbox for the time being. You get the idea.

Now I’m pretty sure that it was no later than second grade before I had my eyes opened to this particular side of human nature. How can I be so certain of this timeline?

That’s because second grade was my last year going to school in Rolla before moving to Missouri, and I distinctly remember having a debate with a classmate in the lunch line there. By the time of this age-inappropriate conversation, I recall being well enough aware of oral sex and blow jobs, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

…except the problem was that I was confidently kidsplaining to my friend that, no, no, no, they were not the same thing. Oral sex, you see, is when your uncle calls a 1-900 number and talks dirty to the woman on the other end of the line…100% for sure that’s exactly what oral sex is.

Obviously, I had fallen prey to a common7Well, actually it’s probably uncommon. misconception;8Reproductive Pun #1. the truth is that neither of these acts of intimacy can lead to pregnancy, so it was more than appropriate that oral sex, to me, was inconceivable9Boom! Reproductive Pun #2.

Exhibit A. “Oral sex.” I kept using that word…

Now all of this begs the question: what kind of cruel and/or perverse parents name their child “B.J.” in the first place? Who is responsible for inflicting such a trauma-filled life on their own youngins?

Unfortunately for Present Moment You, you’re going to have to wait until Christmas to open the present that is the Origin Story of this particular Blow Job.

But one point of telling that story is that it’s not just a matter of who gets the blame for this whole fiasco–equally important is who doesn’t.

And in this case it behooves me to preemptively declare my dearest mother not guilty on all charges; I can’t afford to lose such a large chunk of my readership at this point…

Content created on: 7/8 December 2019 (Sat/Sun).

Footnotes & References:[+]

Physics Is My Middle Name

4 Min Read

Ok, so my middle name really isn’t “Physics.”

It was all just marketing.

You see, when I was an undergraduate at Kansas State, there was a solid 3 semesters in which I was a Secondary Education major. Yes, I had actually convinced myself that I was destined to be a high school physics teacher. It seems that the only person I’m actually capable of lying to is myself…or maybe I’m the only person gullible enough to believe me when I do lie? Hmmph. Never thought of that second option…

But I digress.

At some point during this self-delusional period of my college career, I decided to try to make a little money on the side by tutoring students in the freshman-level physics classes.

Being the master marketing wizard that I am, I slightly overcompensated for my mediocre understanding of the fundamentals of the topic, and chose a very subtle and nuanced email address to put on the flyers which were to advertise my services.

“Need a physics tutor? I can help! Email B.J. at physicismymiddlename@*******.com!”

Of course I was making an attempt at being mildly witty–I wasn’t taking myself super-seriously in selecting that name.

And apparently no one else was, either. It only took half a session for my first (and last) physics protege to realize $12 an hour was somehow simultaneously way too low, yet way too high of a price tag for my tutelage.

The point here is that when it comes to setting a price for your time or expertise, try to come up with as fair of a number in your mind as you can.

Then triple it.

Don’t feel bad about lying to yourself about how much you’re worth–the dirty truth is that clients want to be lied to.

I would have probably had much more success advertising a rate of $35/hour–an amount that says “I’m in high demand,” which, in the minds of potential tutees, is eagerly conflated with “he must provide a quality service if he’s in such high demand!”

So what I would really have been selling is my confidence. False or not, that is a lie most people are willing to buy.

But, noooo, I chose to sell the patently absurd lie that my parents legally burdened me with Physics as a middle name. Even I’m not that gullible.

A few autumns later, after I cured myself of the notion that I should be a teacher in any professional capacity, I made the move from Kansas to North Carolina to pursue an advanced degree in physics. #HumbleBrag

My bedroom at the new place had the walls painted the awfullest yellow with trim covered in the least complimentary blue possible,1It is possible for blue and yellow to be beautiful together; an excellent example of this is the flag of my ancestral Viking homeland, Sweden. so upon arrival in the new land, the very first order of business was to repaint that atrocious eye sore.

Fortunately, a couple of my Kansas friends had come along to help me move all my large furniture out, so there was three of us to tackle the paint job.

Now, when anyone helps you move or paint, it is customary to provide pizza as a token of gratitude. So once I got my friends up and running with the paint, I ducked out to find a local pizza place to procure some ‘preciation pie.

It being a college town, this was no problem at all, and I soon found myself ordering from a little joint called Amante’s…

Amante’s cashier: “…and can I get a name for that order?”

Me: “Sure! B.J.”

Amante’s cashier: “Uh…major?”

Me: “Physics.”

Amante’s cashier [quizzically]: “Physics?”

Me: “Yup! Physics!”

Amante’s cashier [with confused look on her face]: “Okaaaaaay.”

As I sat down and waited for my order to be ready, I ran the interaction through my mind, trying to figure out why something had seemed a little bit off about it.

I didn’t think it would be too unbelievable that I would be a Physics major, yet the cashier seemed oddly skeptical. Certainly I couldn’t have been the first person to take their back-to-school survey to have claimed that as their area of study.

Was it that I was blonde? Was I being stereotyped?

Was it my Viking-esque lion’s mane? Did my wild hair make me look too brutish to be a member of the intellectual elite?

These were interesting theorems in their own right, but still seemed to inadequately explain what had happened.

A few minutes later an employee came out from the back of the shop carrying a take-out box.

Employee: “Uh…’Physics’? I have a pizza for…Physics…I guess?”

Me: “Why do I have sneaky suspicion that must be mine?”

I opened the box and sure enough it was the pizza I had ordered, yet it had a sticker on it that said “Name: Physics.”

Driving back to my new place, I finally pieced together what the hell had happened.

She wasn’t asking for my major–she was asking if my name was ‘Major’.

My ----- big-ass lips had foiled me yet again: I said “B.J.”, yet she had heard “Major,” and was trying to figure out if she had heard me right. True, Major is not a common name, but at least it is a first name some people actually have.2For example…

As if her cognitive dissonance wasn’t great enough, I then reply with a completely different and even less believable name of “Physics.”

That look on her face that I couldn’t quite put my finger on? She was trying to figure out why in the world I was clearly lying to her about my name…and why the ----- I would choose such a ridiculous fake name.

The situation is exponentially absurd when you consider that, according to the throne of lies I sat upon at that point, I was claiming that both my first and middle names were Physics.

Any parent who would name their kid Physics Physics is somehow simultaneously way too creative, yet way too uncreative…

Anyways, when I get back to the house, my friend Andrew took one hard long look at the pizza box.

Andrew: “Who the ----- is Physics?”

Me: “It’s a long story… Maybe we should just go ahead and load all my stuff back up. I think I may have grossly over-estimated my own intelligence…”

The point of the story is Physics may not actually be that bad of a name, considering that my current moniker 1) just seems to generate confusion and delay when combined with the power of my big, juicy, mumbling lips, and 2) is a synonym for fellatio.

Oh, wait, that last one is the point of the next story…

Content created on: 5 December 2019 (Thursday)

Footnotes & References:[+]

Cuckoo for Kimchi Puffs

9 Min Read

Editor’s note: This is the 3rd installment of the Prissy Pet Project. While not required reading, it may be helpful to have previously read Epitaph: A Preface to Passive Income Adventures to Come and (more importantly) Prissy Pet Project Parte Primera.

Journal Date: 22 November 2019 (Friday)

To bring everyone up to speed, a few weeks ago I decided to get off my duff and get to developing some of the passive income streams that the Boss Lady had requested.

Trying to avoid the trap of overthinking every little decision, I decided to jump right into some internet maven’s guide to making money via Tumblr.1Tumblr is a micro-blogging site. My thoughts can’t be contained succinctly enough for a micro-blog. Pfffff.

As a reminder here is the basic checklist of such schemes:2All screen shots should be assumed to be from

Last I left you, I had honed in on the illusion of pets living in luxury as my niche–and hence the moniker The Prissy Pet Project.

Two of the primary motivations behind this choice were 1) if I picked something that I didn’t give a flying ----- about, then I could easily develop more passive income streams based around whatever arbitrary niche I or others chose; and 2) I loved how frickin’ absurd the whole idea seemed.

To that 2nd point: Luxury is such a poor investment of resources, why ya gonna go and double down on such a bad life choice by lavishing those little free-loaders who will never contribute to the household? At least with kids, the hope is that your investment will pay off come the day you can’t wipe your own ass and are at the mercy of others.3Been there, done that, and it suuuuucks. That story will most like show up at some point on the NSFM part of the Point’s Patreon page. So I confess that there is something seriously enticing about the idea of making money off a demographic that I feel little regrets looking long down my nose at…

But alas, I’m here today, sorrowful to inform you that we will not be profiting from pampered putty-tats anytime soon. I suppose putting the “ridicule” back into “ridiculous” will have to wait until another day…

Now that I’ve broken your hearts, we can move on to making progress on the overall project.

It’s interesting that I should use the word “progress,” as I haven’t really done anything concrete in either the physical or digital worlds since writing the last article on this topic.4@TheBossLady, for whom this functions as a project update: as of the actual writing and publishing of this article, I have made some concrete progress…I just don’t have time to talk about it right now.

However, the subconscious is a powerful processor, and while it may seem counterintuitive on the surface, distracting yourself away from a problem is often one of the most effective ways to solve it.

In fact, I’ve heard of an intriguing practice where you’re supposed to write a letter addressed to “Dear Future Genius Expert” laying out the problem vexing you, then mail it to yourself, having it delivered two weeks later. Then by time you consciously circle back around to the problem upon receipt of the letter, your sub-conscious has had a chance to really digest it, often leading to the pleasantly surprising discovery that you’ve already come up with a solution. I really want to try it out for myself sometime.

Anyways, all that micro-digression5Yes, that was indeed a micro-aggression pun. You’re welcome. to say that not forcing the issue with myself has really paid off. In the meantime, I’ve been able to refine my vision for this project, and have much more confidence and excitement moving forward.

Honestly, I think as soon as I said out loud “hey world, Ima be funny and develop a brand around fancy-ass animals” I could feel it in my gut that that would not be the topic of pursuit. Actually, come to think of it, I think it was really when I started doing a basic search on Tumblr for luxury/pet content that I thought “aww, poop. This was not a well thought-out and researched plan. Nuts.”

In fairness to me, at least I had made it clear in the previous post that my niche of passion was very much subject to change. Indubitably, my spidey-sense was telling me that I would want to explore more reasonable options. ----- you, Pragmatism. Foil me once, shame on you…

So, realizing that I was definitely going to want to keep my options open, in the back of my mind I slowly started ticking through the list of things that at least mildly interested me. With each one I would try to assess the passion others might have for it. Then, if it seemed like the potential candidate could merit a critical mass of consumers, I would try to size up how long I might be able to sustain interest in it.

One that I kept coming back to was what I like to call “Half-Ass Keto.”

Back in March of this year, I had come to a tipping point with my body. Despite working out fairly regularly, my excess body weight persisted, and in doing so was giving me all sorts of fits, particularly with my back and joints. Also, I was turning into a spitting image of my father, except that at 38 I was where he was weight-wise in his mid-40s.

It was at this particular moment in time when I happened to have the chance to catch up with a neighborhood friend I hadn’t seen in a few months. In the meantime, he had trimmed up fairly nicely, and attributed his success to the Keto diet. This mirrored similar success I had witnessed a close co-worker achieve over the previous 18 months using a similar approach.

With these two anecdotal data points at hand, I made up my mind then and there that I had to do something different, and that something might as well be Keto.

Now, surely almost everyone has heard of the Keto diet, where one consumes minimal carbs and primarily gets their caloric intake from fats, supplemented by proteins. Yeah, that one.

The idea is that you get your body into a bio-chemical state called ketosis, in which it develops a preference for burning fat over sugars.

The problem that I have with it is that it is totally bougie, almost as annoying as those Neanderthals amongst us who insist on sticking to a Paleo diet. The other issue I have is that I know myself well enough to know that it is not in the best interest of my mental health to try to force my body to walk a tightrope trying to stay in ketosis.

No, the punk-rock ethos in me insists that I refuse to adhere to the Keto principles religiously. However, by taking advantage of the vast Keto resources and eliminating the majority of carbs from my diet, I have actually been able to succeed in a sustainable manner.

Despite my half-ass commitment to the Keto cause,6As one astute co-worker put it, “So…you’re never actually in ketosis? Then aren’t you just on a low-carb diet then?” it has worked out pretty well.

Figure 1 illustrates this nicely, further dramatized by the 8-year window of data. In this view, my Half-Ass Keto adventure has been like driving my body weight off a cliff.

Figure 1. Eight years of historical weight data, explained.

The nice thing about Keto is that although it is something of a fad diet, it seems to have enough staying power that there should be significant interest in it for the foreseeable future. And there is definitely a tendency for those who get into to it to really get into it. Ergo, it checks my first box of something others are passionate about.

And although I’m not whole-heartedly, insanely passionate about Keto, I have enough interest in it to focus on it for this project.

So that’s most of the story of how I switched from luxury pets to Keto.

However, that’s only half the story…

For context for the rest of the story, the Boss Lady is half Korean, and because of this we regularly have our refrigerator stocked with one or two obscenely large jars of kimchi. For those not familiar, kimchi is a very traditional and very Korean side dish consisting of pickled and fermented vegetables. The most familiar of these would be Napa cabbage and daikon radish kimchis.

At some point in my Keto Half-Assery, I upped my kimchi game because, well, as my mother-in-law first explained it to me, “Kimchi: number two healthiest food in the world!”

We all really should be eating more kimchi anyways because it’s probiotic properties works wonders down unders, if you know what I mean.

It helps you poo real good, and healthy-like, too, is what I’m saying. So, while she didn’t intend it when she said it, it was comically appropriate that my MIL described it as the number two healthiest food.

Anyways, it was this particular property that made it a useful compliment to the Keto lifestyle, which–did you know?–is often plagued by chronic constipation. So it seemed like there would be some potential to meld the two concepts together.

Indeed, the point of the story is that my incessant constipation and kimchi consumption inspired the Boss Lady to suggest the great business idea of Keto-kimchi.7A surprising number of kimchi brands will add sugar, a mortal sin in Keto-land. And since many kimchis are naturally Keto-friendly, it occurred to me that we wouldn’t need to start a business to fulfill this idea. Rather, it would all be a game of marketing an existing product. Not that am I pro at that, but at least it’s much more conceivable than opening up a ----- factory, right?

With this idea in the peripheral vision of my mind, I realized that this flippant “make money off of Tumblr” project could actually morph into a much better change-the-world-for-good kimchi campaign.

Therefore, the current strategy is to try to build a Keto-centric following on Tumblr, then funnel that audience to my online kimchi shop, from which I can make a modest kimchi commission.

I must day though, I find this to be a rather funny thought: when the Boss Lady told me I should try exploring the idea of being my own boss, it never would have occurred to me to pursue the job title of Kimchi Baron. Yet here I am.

Speaking of titles, this leads to the next important step in monetizing Tumblr: branding. Success and failure can all hinge on nothing more than a pithy brand, so that requires a decent chunk of my attention.

Now, Kimchi King sounded like the first obvious choice, but whatdyaknow? It’s already taken. Naturally, my next thought was to hop onto Google Translate and see what kind of Korean wordplay I could come up with. But even the Korean word for king, wang, was taken. Wang Kimchi, sadly, is a no-go.

This little exercise degenerated incrementally. First I was looking into Korean synonyms for authority. So, king, ruler, lord, etc.

Oh? But then what’s that? Another member of that word family is master. Where have I used that term before?

Ah, that’s right:

(In case you’re curious as to the origins and relevance of that phrase, feel free to check out Paging Dr. Mix-A-Lot.)

At this point, the situation had become full-on degenerate: given that kimchi is so ----- good for your butt-health, an Ass-Master branded kimchi store would be oddly appropriate for the situation.

In my mind I could see the stars are aligning at this point. Remember me discussing asinine Venn diagrams?8Of course not. You have some catching up to do, and I forgive you for this. Read about it here. Well, it seemed like the circles of Make Easy Money on Tumblr, Score Major Points with the Boss Lady for Fleshing Out Her Brilliant Ideas, and All Things Ass were all converging to this singular point.

In my head, I couldn’t help thinking over and over: “Could it be? Am I the Chosen One? Am I destined to become the Ass-Master?!?”

Now, the only way to make this situation better is to add a fourth circle to the Venn diagram, Being Witty in Another Language.

I was chasing down all Korean variations of ass and master to see if I could come up with anything that would even roughly translate to my desired phrase.

…and this all led to this discovery:

Figure 2. “President” is close enough to “master”, right?

I hadn’t thought of exploring translations of master’s synonym (kinda), president. But where it really gets good is taking an even closer look at that particular Korean wordage:

Figure 3. The discovery of a digestion-related play on words.

So, if we’re in the business of compromising master for president, then we might as well accept what the universe has offered up to us and say that ileum is about as close to ass as we could hope for, right? It’s all digestion-related, so there’s that at least.

The point is that if President Ileum is a good enough translation of Ass Master, then in theory I could run with the brand:

회장 회장

which is latinized as hoejang-hoejang, which in turn can be bastardized as “Hey John…Hey John!”

It’s got a certain ring to it, doesn’t it?

Hey John…Hey John! brand kimchi: you will be president of your ileum in no time!

Advertisement voice-over

Alternatively, we could go off on a tangent and use President Ileum as inspiration for the next iteration of branding.

How about…

President Kimchi Jong Ileum brand kimchi: because if you’re going to abuse the Korean language and appropriate Korean culinary culture, you might as well piss off the Korea that has nuclear weapons while you’re at it…

The over-honest voice-over in my head

Well, folks, I’m going to have to leave you on the cliff-hanger of whether or not I fall ass-backwards into racism and/or a nuclear war with my branding.

Believe it or not, though, I have actually made real, concrete progress on the tasks of this project in the time since 22 November, but you’ll need to tune in next time9”Next time,” as in “before the end of the month of December.” to hear all about it…see you then!

Content created on: 22/30 November and 1 December 2019 (Fri/Sat/Sun).

Footnotes & References:[+]


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