Your #1 Source of Unsolicited Life Advice

Month: March 2021

Gold, Guns, Girls: Is It Ever Going To Be Enough?

4 Min Read

Disclaimer: no gold was harmed in the making of this film.

But, fellas, you’re probably not going to like it when you hear what was harmed…

“Keep It Simple, Stupid”–aka the KISS Principle. Many scholars maintain, present company excluded, that the less complicated a plan is, the less likely it is to go off the rails, and therefore the better it is. And personally, I think it’s simply ----- stupid. But that’s just me, over-complicater extraordinaire.

However, every now and then an idea floats past me in the aether that is just the right amount of simple that I can’t deny its beauty and its genius.

And before I float this beautiful, genius, simple idea, I’m just gonna throw in the disclaimer that, on account of its simplicity, that there’s no way in hell that it can be an original idea of mine; I’m sure this has been posited by someone else long before I showed up.

Also, you may utterly hate this idea, so I may or may not actually want to take credit for it, even if it were actually original. Anyways, I digress…enough intellectual foreplay–let’s get to the real action…

“It’s a story that’s tragically familiar, and all too easily avoidable: another man with a gun, another tragedy…” At some point in the last week I scrolled past an article that started this way, in reference to recent mass shootings in Georgia and Colorado. And yes, the article was making a case for common sense gun control.

Now I’m well aware that gun control is a rather controversial topic, but just humor me for the next 2 and 1/2 minutes, will ya?

That line from that particular article got me to thinking, “What singular characteristic best predicts who may be responsible for future mass shootings?”

Of course, the answer one gets when they ask that depends pretty heavily on who you’re asking. Some might say that if you look at the cold, hard data, it’s actually white men you need to be constantly giving the side-eye. But focusing on this demographic would have let the shooter in Denver–who is most definitely not your average white guy–slip past unnoticed until it was too late. Others might point out that it is precisely these guys with “hard to pronounce names” are exactly who you should be afraid of, and warrant an extra level of surveillance and/or restrictions of personal liberties.

In short, it’s a politically loaded question, and we all know that if it’s that subjective, then we’ll never agree enough on how to combat the problem effectively.

But hold up–has the obvious blown right on past us?

Really, though? What’s the single most accurate predictor of the perpetrators of senseless gun violence?

This particular scholar maintains that the undeniable answer is: a penis.

Indeed, the one thing nearly every last one of these assholes have in common is a dick.

So I’m just going to throw this ri-dick-ulous idea out there, and let you do with what you will. What if…what if we simply banned men from owning or handling guns?

Yeah, that may be a bit of blunt tool for a nuanced issue, but let’s just stop ----- around already and solve this problem. Us men have repeatedly proven to society that we simply cannot be trusted with firearms. In-laws, outlaws, crooks, & straights–if Brooks & Dunn can sing about them, then they are statistically way too likely to shoot someone or something that they shouldn’t.

Only female cops get guns? You know what, that sounds pretty ----- good to me.

Only female soldiers get to handle loaded weapons? That one probably doesn’t matter because it won’t be too long before the military has outsourced all their violence to drones and robots. In the meantime, though, sure, I think we would do just fine with that policy.

Oh, and would this solve all the domestic violence problems in the country? No…but, yeah, maybe. I say it’s well worth the risk, the Patriarchy be damned!

Girls, go get your guns! If you can’t be trusted with them…well, it’s going to take a lot to prove to us that you can’t be trusted with guns, given the infinite amount of heart-breaking and senseless shit that we’ve tolerated thus far from your brethren…

Like any idealistic and naive proposition like this one, there are bound to be unintended consequences that the creators never could have foreseen. And no doubt that would be the case here. But after all the dust settles, I would wager that our society would be a much better place for the vast, vast majority of us.

There is, however, one unintended consequence that I can foresee, and it makes me chuckle a wee bit: I can only imagine that the support for transgender rights would suddenly find proponents from previously untapped and unexpected sources (this is not to denigrate the very real struggle of fellow citizens who are very worthy of basic respect, but rather a critique of those who for some ----- reason think they have an opinion in the personal matters of other people).

Is it morally wrong of me to take some sort of secret delight in envisioning gun-loving gentlemen across this great nation of ours agonizing over that age old question? You know the one: “Which do you love more: your dick…or your gun?”

So…how much do you really love your guns, buddy?

*Giggles like a schoolgirl packing heat*

Content created on: 28 March 2021 (Sunday)

Treasure Isn’t Valuable If It Can’t Be Found, Silly Rabbits!

3 Min Read

Usually, it’s the Easter Bunny doing the hiding.

But seriously, somebody should have hid the fire water from these two drinking bunnies…

“Hide my presents and then I can search for them like a pirate searches for treasure!”

The Elder, our older daughter, was celebrating her 8th birthday at the beach and was understandably overly-excited and full of um…”interesting” ideas for the present-opening portion of the festivities. Now, in fairness, hiding her gifts and then sending her on a scavenger hunt wasn’t that bad of an idea…had 1) we been in a familiar location, & 2) us adults had some time to prepare ahead of time. Without those two pre-conditions, though, the whole scheme could quickly become much more of a dubious endeavor.

But fortunately, I have enough life experience under my belt to foresee how this seemingly fun and cheeky idea could turn out to be a darker shade of shenanigan. So I waved The Elder over and said, “Come young lass, I have a very important story to share with you…”

Back in my early grad school years when I was a single young buck, I would spend my holidays with either my brother (One Skinny Jay) or sister, who lived near each other in Virginia. One particular Easter we were at my sister’s place out in the country, and 1SJ had brought the wife and kids over that morning to celebrate.

And celebrate we did–it seems that us bros had the idea that there was no better way to commemorate the rising of the Lord Jesus Christ than raising a few bottles of booze “in remembrance of Him.” Further, just like Jesus’ female fans found His grave empty early that Sunday morning, we made sure that we likewise found our previously-full bottles empty this fine Sunday morning.

Oh, what’s that? Oh. You wanted to know how the kids celebrated, not the adults? Gotchya.

Well, seeing as how there were 5 of my nieces and nephews running around by that point, it was only logical that us adults hosted an Easter Egg hunt, a classic neo-Pagan American vernal pastime, indeed.

Our sister, seemingly the only responsible adult present that day, had filled up a bunch of brightly colored plastic eggs the night before with candies, quarters, and one-dollar bills, so us boyz only had to hide them in her front yard. It should come as no surprise (or maybe it does) that we knocked out our part of the bargain lickety-split without any trouble.

In less than 5 minutes we had hid all 25 eggs in and under the porch, in the thick half-dead grass, and in/under/around the small lone tree that stood in her yard. Given how starkly featureless the space we had to work with was, we were actually a bit proud of ourselves for finding hiding spots for all of them. Patting ourselves on the backs, we called the butt-munchkins1This is a bespoke portmanteau, created by yours truly for his siblings children, an amalgamation of the words “butt-munch” and “munchkins”. out into the yard and let them go buck-wild with their Easter baskets.

After all was said and done, we sat around the dining room table, eating ham sandwiches and deviled eggs, helping the kiddos sort through all their loot. Eventually, when we compared notes, we discovered that only 21 eggs had been successfully recovered. Not wanting to leave any valuable booty left undiscovered in the yard, me and 1SJ headed back out to there, bottles o’ rum in hand.

We quickly found one of the stray eggs, but the other 3…well, even after another 20 minutes of combing through the yard, we simply could not figure out where the hell they could have disappeared to. I mean, c’mon, there was 1 porch, 1 tree, and…grass. They couldn’t have gone too far, right? Apparently that logic wasn’t as air-tight as one might guess.

We finally had to call off the search for the sake of our sanity, and all agreed that we would just chalk this loss up to the alcohol. Still to this day, though, we still wonder if there is unclaimed silver doubloons languishing in oblivion at the bottom of her yard…

The point of the story is you probably should avoid the responsibility of hiding the kids’ Easter Eggs if you’ve been day-drinking (again). But, if you do, drink & hide responsibly–make a map of your treasures as you go, you big enebriated pirate, you!

Content created on: 18 March 2021 (Thursday)

Footnotes & References:[+]

Life Lesson #2: Quickly Kick Cookie Cravings To The Curb

4 Min Read

“Oh sh*t…” you say, as you do your best Fred-Savage-from-the-Princess-Bride impression. “Is this a pooping story?”

“This is a pooping story, isn’t it…”

If you’re lucky, you probably have little to no memory of your early childhood years. If you’re unlucky, you might be cursed with remembering every ----- detail since birth. And if you’re real unlucky, you could be stuck with all-too-vivid recollections of those wonderful Golden Years1You bet your un-wiped ass that was urine pun! of potty training.

Guess which shat-agory I fall into? Yup, you can bet your darned left butt-cheek that I remember way too much from that particular era in my life. But the good news is…wait for it…yup, you guessed correctly again! There is a gem of life advice buried somewhere in all that brown gooey muck, and I’m about to dump–er, I mean, “share” it with you right now!

Our 3-year-old daughter, The Younger, is pretty well potty-trained at this point, but she hasn’t quite mastered the art of wiping herself up yet. And since she is like her old man, she typically is left on the potty to do her business for extended of periods of time while her caretaker takes care of other business elsewhere in the house.

But instead of patiently waiting for someone to come clean her up when she’s done, she’s gotten into the habit of just wandering around the house casually with her pants around her legs, butt-cheeks red from sitting to long hanging out and all, loudly proclaiming, “CAN YOU WIPE ME UP PLEASE?!?”

I got to thinking about this the other day, and realized that I am extremely grateful that her little habit is so low-key. Well, relatively speaking, that is.

You see, she could have turned out just like me…

By the age of 3, I, too, had mastered the art of defecating in receptacles previously designated for just that. But unlike The Younger, I had actually become well-versed in the whole wiping thing by then. The only problem, though, was that I just didn’t know when to quit.

Like, literally–I had no clue when it was okay for me to be done wiping. So what did I do? I got a second opinion from someone with better judgement than me, of course!

My standard post-poo protocol was to wipe 2-3 times, then traipse down the hall shirt-on-but-buck-naked-below-deck to the living room where Mom was, do a 180, bend over with my cheeks spread in her general direction, and loudly inquire “AM I CLEAN YET?!?” Then repeat as necessary, until she gave me a clean butt of health.

This probably went on for a good few months without anyone batting an eyelash until one day my much older sister pulled me aside and shared her most precious life-tip with me:

“If you look at the toilet paper after you wipe, you can tell roughly just how clean dat ass be. And you just simply have to keep wiping until it comes back clean–no need to involve our poor mother in this!”

The Ancient wisdom of an older sibling

Now I have had a few experiences in my life that just shook my worldview to the core. This was indubitably the first one of these.

My mind was simply blown away by the genius of it all. And best of all, I wouldn’t have to choose between living with my mother for the rest of my life or smelling like crap all the time.

I recall excitedly sharing this amazing revelation with my slightly older brother One Skinny Jay, and he was like “Pfffft! Everyone knows that! How did you not know that?!?”

Well, excuuuuuuuse me, mister. Apparently, no one in my life could have bothered enough to share that ----- memo with me!

So, from that very moment in time, I knew that I never wanted any child in my purview to ever suffer the indignation that I did of having to regularly perform the uncouth ritual of what I now refer to as “Behold The Gobbler.” Always and forever, I told myself, I would solemnly vow to pass on to my nieces & nephews–and eventually my own children–Life Lesson #1: How To Wipe Your Ass Clean When You’re All Alone.

Speaking of which, I think it’s about time I sat down and had a little chat with The Younger

Do you like Oreos? I bet you do. Especially if you’re [Whole-Food] Plant-Based like me. They’re a classic treat that simply can’t be beat!

For my part, I distinctly remember falling in love with Oreos at a young age…unfortunately it was during, um, “a particular era in my life.”

Shortly after discovering The Joy of the Big O’ around the age of 3, I had a rather indulgent session with them that involved probably a third of a package and the milk to match the task. Hey, it seemed like a ----- fantastic idea at the time, so sue me.

Well, shortly after “at the time” I experienced one of my earlier life lessons in “consequences of my actions” (surprise, surprise). Not to be too gratuitous, but…yeah, it wasn’t quite diarrhea, nor was it quite solid, rather, my poo was a 4th state of matter more akin in nature to flubber.

Actually, after all these years, I just realized the perfect description for it: “super slow-motion semi-solid diarrhea.” Yeah, that pretty much sums it up.

Anyways, after all the damage was done, I was going through the usual steps of running out to Mom with my short shorts around my cowboy boots for inspection. But unbeknownst to me, there was a hanging chad hiding in one of my crevices, and I only discovered Chad when he became dislodged and landed squarely on my calf before preceding to sloooooooowly creep down to my ankle.

Now, I don’t remember much that happened after that, but I do recall gagging like I had never gagged in my life before or since, and I think I…I think I touched it. It was traumatizing. I couldn’t eat Oreos again for another 4 year or so.

…aaaaand that’s it. That’s the story.

Sorry, I meant The Story, as in “That’s The Story that I actually told–out loud–to everyone sitting with me in Kramer Dining Hall back during my freshman year of college, thinking it to be a relevant tale after making myself the ingenius dessert of crushed Oreos in a glass of milk. You know…the kind of story that begins, ‘This chocolatey mush reminds me…’ “

And guess what? Now you, just like all 15 of my [former] friends and acquantainces present on that fateful day, have officially been cured of your Oreo addiction.


Content created on: 10 March 2021 (Wednesday)

Footnotes & References:[+]

Wait, Baby Is Coming NOW? I’ll Be Waiting Under Here…

2 Min Read

Finding that perfect baby name is every expecting couple’s dream.

But the process can be a real nightmare…

Naming a child is no easy task. While it’s a great honor indeed, it is also a great responsibility that one must not enter into lightly. I mean, the poor kid is going to have that name yoked around their neck for the rest of their life, so you gotta choose wisely!

Now, I’m not one to over-think things…wait, that doesn’t sound right. I am one to over-think things, and believe you me, naming our first daughter something less generic than The Elder was the grand-daddy of all the many over-thought thoughts I’ve had in my long and storied career as a professional over-thinker (with the lone exception being what I should get for a tattoo).

And it doesn’t help that the Boss Lady and I are a notoriously bad combination when it comes to making mutually agreeable decisions in an efficient manner.

I mean, we actually ended up watching the 1994 Tim Robbins/Meg Ryan/Walter Matthau not-so-much-of-a-hit-movie, I.Q., on Netflix once, for fuck’s sake. The only good decision we made that evening was to call it quits on I.Q. 20 minutes into the bore-fest, and just re-watch the 1997 Bruce Willis/Milla Jovovich/Gary Oldman/Luke Perry/Chris Tucker actually-entertaining-movie, The Fifth Element instead.

And that example is, incidentally, how we coined the term “Netflix Name.”

Giving our child a Netflix Name was our worst nightmare: the fear was that we would do such a crap-ass job at compromising that we would end up giving her a name that no one was happy with. Just like is bound to happen when any couple–you know who you are (everybody)–tries to jointly decide what movie to watch on that ubiquitous content-streaming service.

Anyways, after collaboratively slaving away at the task for a good 7 months, the prospect of coming up with a name that was desirable to one of us and at least satisfactory to the other was looking pretty bleak.

It even haunted me in my sleep.

One night, with less than a month to go before The Elder was due, I had a dream that I was a miner of precious ore and gemstones, and that I had fallen victim to every miner’s worst nightmare: trapped in a cave-in.

In dreamland, I was trapped underground for over two weeks before being rescued, and when I came to the surface, I received the fantastic news that the Boss Lady had had our child in my abence.

Now usually one would be irreparably upset at missing out on the once-in-a-lifetime of an event like the birth of their first child. But strangely, I wasn’t.

In fact, I was ecstatic–it meant that she had figured out what to name her! After being tormented for so long, I would finally have the resolution of knowing The Name To End All Names. Oh, sweet revelation!

I got on the phone with the Boss Lady, and with tears of joy trickling down my face as I wept, I told her how much I loved her and the new life we had brought into the world together…and then I immediately pivoted to “So what did you name her?!?”

…and then I woke up.

The point of the story is, the Universe can be so ----- cruel sometimes. May you never forget that.

Oh, and Happy Birthday to The Elder! Here’s to 8 years of knowing the true Name To End All Names…

Content created on: 10 March 2021 (Wednesday)

Getting The Best Seats In The House For His Buttercup? This Farmboy Will Never Compromise!

6 Min Read

When she said “Farmboy, fetch me the finest seats in the house,” you know what he said?

“As you wish…”

“Hana hou!” In Hawaiian, that means “one more time!” or “encore!”1 And for the Boss Lady and myself, it meant getting a second chance at a missed opportunity from our childhoods: seeing Rob Reiner’s 1987 block-buster movie, The Princess Bride.

“What?!?” you say? “How can this be true? Inconceivable!

Yea, verily I say unto you, ’tis but true! You see, back in 2012 when we were living in Honolulu, one of the local theaters decided to start up their Hana Hou movie series, in which, on one special Wednesday each month, they would play a classic movie from Hollywood’s movie vault. I believe this is actually common now, but back then it wasn’t really a thing yet, so it was super exciting.

When we first saw the poster for The Princess Bride we ’bout crapped our britches in shear excitement! But although it was being shown on the largest screen in all of Hawai’i,2 we were lucky to reserve ourselves 2 of the 225 seats available for this twice-in-a-lifetime event. In fact, I think we scored the last two tickets next to each other, so it was nearly an opportunity missed.

Well, it indeed lived up to the hype, and was perhaps one of the most incredible movie-going experiences of my life. It’s a pretty incredible energy when you get 224 hardcore fans of such a classic movie in an enclosed space–the place was literally buzzing with excitement!

Now, you may have noticed that I said “224 fans,” when there were 225 seats. Let me explain…

The Princess Bride is perhaps one of the most quotable movies ever. From “As you wish.” to “Inconceivable!” to “Stop rhyming, and I mean it!” *pause* “Anybody want a peanut?”, there are a plethora of opportunities to jump in and say your favorite line along with the character on screen. And believe you me, there was a lot of that going on that night, with at least a handful of audience members reciting dialogue during any given scene.

However, there was one quote, occurring several times throughout the movie, that seemed to unite the entire audience in what I can only describe as a religious experience: Iñigo Montoya’s “Hello. My name is Iñigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”

The only way I know how to explain the phenomenon we experienced that night is this: if you’ve ever gone to just about any church in America, there is a good chance that you’ve been in the congregation when they’ve recited the Lord’s Prayer. Well, it was exactly like that: everybody knew every word, but nobody ever figured out how to say it in unison, so you endup with this eerie asynchronous chorus of whispers, which would be freaky as ----- if you didn’t know what was going on. It literally gave me the chills. Or was it the creeps…?

Anyways, I was at first astounded that everybody in that packed-out movie house was still obsessed with this film 25 years later…but then I realized that there was one auspicious exception: the guy sitting on the other side of me was strangely silent the whole time.

It seemed that it was this virgin’s maiden voyage into our collective world of fantasy, and this grown-ass man was just now seeing The Princess Bride the first time in his whole life. How was that even possible?

I mean, are you kidding me??? The lone heretic in that entire place just happened to be sitting next to me? Super. When the gods of Hollywood would inevitably smite this infidel with a bolt of lightening, I just knew that my ass was going to get zapped too…

Shortly thereafter, and based on our experience the previous month with The Princess Bride, we made sure to be ahead of the game and bought our tickets early to Quentin Tarentino’s 1994 cult-classic Pulp Fiction–a movie that I, as a grown-ass man, actually had never seen.

Now, I was particularly proud of my purchase this time, as I had scored seats right in the middle, 3 rows up from the open aisle that divided the front seats from the back. I’m talking primo, grade-A location, man. This experience was going to be even better than The Princess Bride, I just knew it.

It turned out, though, that around that same time, the Boss Lady was kicking around the idea of getting a Master’s degree from the University of Hawai’i, and her on-campus interview inadvertently got scheduled for the same night as the showing of Pulp Fiction. It ended up causing us to rush across town to the theater, only to show up about 5 minutes late.

I really had to use the restroom, so I told the Boss Lady which seats were ours, and told her to go on in before someone tried laying claim to them. When I came out of the john, I knew that our seats–25 & 26, to be precise–was slightly closer to the right side, so I took the hallway that went to the right going into the auditorium.

To my surprise, the place wasn’t nearly as packed as it had been for The Princess Bride, but the first 5 or 6 rows where our seats were were plum full. Assuming my life partner was already in her seat, I “excuse me, pardon me’d” my way past 20+ fellow patrons trying to enjoy the movie…only to find that the Boss Lady was not in her seat, and further, somebody else’s fat ass had set up camp in one of ours.

So what did I do? Well, I worked hard to reserve those highly-sought after seats for my Buttercup, and this Farmboy wanted what was rightfully his. So I went down the row, trying to figure out who didn’t legally belong, and who had just scooched over one seat out of courtesy to the mother- ----- squatter. It wasn’t until about Seat 7 or 6 that I found the culprit and kicked him out of our row. And then, after that, I had to “excuse me, pardon me” back over approximately 20 people who I had just forced to move one seat over…

Meanwhile…in the back row of the front section–on the far left side–the Boss Lady had set up camp in the handicap seats and was vigilantly watching for me to come in, so she could tell me that it wasn’t worth trying to get to our single seat and that it would be much simpler to find some open seats closer to the front.

Patiently watching for me in the dark, she heard a commotion behind her. Turning around the other way to see what the hub-bub was about, she quickly had her worst fears confirmed: there I was, “excuse me, pardon me, you need to move over to the seat that’s on your ticket”ing to the whole ----- row, single-handedly disrupting everyone’s movie-going experience.

Wondering where the hell she was, I started scanning the place as I viciously guarded my hard-fought prize–that primo, grade-A empty seat with my wife’s name on it–before I eventually locked eyes with her…sitting on the left side, of all places!

We had a bit of a stand-off, impertinently waving at the other to get their ass over to our respective locations: “Come over here!” “No, you come over here!” and what-not, until finally she very reluctantly caved. Of course, getting to her seat at this point was no easy task in the least, and she ended up having to climb over the bars in front the first row, “excuse me, pardon me” a couple seats over in Row 2 so she could climb over the lone empty seat there, and then “excuse me, pardon me” over a few more very perturbed patrons to finally get to me.

Needless to say, that was perhaps the least romantic date we’ve ever been on. Now in all fairness, from my perspective, I was fighting for the honor and comfort of my fair maiden. But in reality…

Well, if chivalry wasn’t dead already at that point in time, I had just murdered it in cold blood and then skull- ----- its rotting corpse, in front of roughly 125 onlookers…

The point of the story is: don’t be like me–be adaptable! In the end we decided the best way to deal with that utter fustercluck was to laugh at our incredibly embarrassing shenanigans–so embarassing that I had totally forgot that there had been a power surge that night and the theater had totally blacked out about 10 minutes from the end of the movie.3I found this out when searching old emails for the exact seats we had that night. Apparently, due to the black out, the theater was offering us free tickets to the next month’s showing of SpaceBalls. But you wouldn’t believe how many times I have had that used as Exhibit A against me since then, as irrefutable evidence of my inflexibility, single-mindedness, and inability to compromise.

These days, the Boss Lady only has to utter a mere 2 words to win any argument of that nature: “Pulp Fiction.

To which, my only real reply is a solemn, demoralized whisper, also 2 words in length: “#NeverForget.”

Oh! And speaking of “adaptable,” the whole reason why I brought any of this up was so I could have an excuse to share with you the “Home Movie” version of The Princess Bride that I recently came across. If you ever wondered how your favorite celebrity spent their time during the Great Quarantine of 2020, may I present to you: Exhibit A.

“A” as in “f***ing AWESOME,” that is:

Content created on: 6/7 March 2021 (Sat/Sun)

Footnotes & References:[+]

You Better Listen, Punk, Or I’ll Miracle Whip Your Ass

2 Min Read

Nothing tears apart close friends like a friendly disagreement over…condiments?

What the fu…

Honestly, I’m not the type of guy to make a scene. At least not in public, anyways. But every once in a while, a hill comes along worth dying on, so to speak.

So, pray tell, is the one hill that I can remember actually almost dying on? What was the topic so controversial, the opponent so clearly wrong, the stakes so unbelievably high, that I would be willing to come thiiiiis close to getting into a raging fist-fight and nearly getting hauled off in handcuffs?

The hill I chose to die on, my friend, was the one slathered in an undeniably delicious sweet, tangy zip.

You see, back in my grad school days I was on the Physics Grad Student Body’s Social Committee, and me and a couple of my fellow chums in the department were in charge of putting together the annual end-of-the-school-year/spring picnic. We had met up for lunch at a restaurant near campus to do the most banal of all tasks imaginable: put together the shopping list for the event.

It was easy enough to agree on the condiments we felt we should have in ample supply: ketchup, mustard, relish, and mayonnaise…wait, what?

Back that up just a second buddy!

No, I don’t agree that mayonnaise is the universal white condiment of choice! I mean, if that’s what you need to lube the food before you shovel it down your gullet, then who am I to judge? People who prefer the Good Stuff–Miracle Whip–are probably nearly as prevalent as the folk who somehow enjoy vinegar mixed with eggs, and should be considered as well.

I made the completely reasonable suggestion that we should just get both and everyone would be happy.

But in the name of all that’s holy, I have no idea how such a simple topic and such a clear-headed suggestion took the turn it did. But a turn indeed did it take.

Wool E. Mammoth, one of the other committee members, decided to be a complete troll about it, and basically forced me to decide whether I was passionate enough about my ‘Whip to defend its honor to the end.

Turns out, I was. I’m almost ashamed to say that things got a little heated and a little loud, and some of the other patrons at the restaurant were starting to give us nervous looks. Yeah, I might have yelled a little bit.

But here’s the deal: when I reflect on that interesting moment in my life–one that cooled off before the cops were called or punches thrown, by the way–I only regret it so much. Why? Because I realized that it wasn’t a matter of oozing white slime on sandwiches that was at issue.

It’s about giving a voice to the voiceless…considering those with slightly less popular opinions…being a champion on behalf of those who are not there to defend themselves…standing up to the condiment bullies who are trying to screw over the little guy…

*Braveheart music*

*Fist-pump of victory*

Huh? Oh, pardon me, I got caught up in the moment, righteous anger, social justice and all.

Now only if I would get off my sandwich high-horse and actually champion a truly worthy cause…

Content created on: 4 March 2021 (Thursday)


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