Your #1 Source of Unsolicited Life Advice

Month: March 2020

The First Rule Of Dealing Club

7 Min Read

Ahh, Early March: perhaps most widely remembered as a nation-wide period of mourning, year in and year out.

Feeling depressed around this time of the year, every year, without fail? Yeah. #MeToo.

Most people go throughout life never knowing the reason behind this annual mood swing. If you count yourself amongst that legion, then count your lucky stars, for today I shall enlighten you.

You see, early March is the official end to the 2-month jubilee commonly known as “Girl Scout cookie season.”

After ~60 days of binging on the finest sugary baked goods $4 can buy, should one really expect anything less than to come completely crashing down in a state of withdrawal? I think not.

Anyways, consider that your fun fact, “The-More-You-Know,” nugget of knowledge for the day. On with the real story.

This year I had the opportunity to see this whole experience from a slightly different perspective. Our eldest daughter, “The Elder,” joined the Girl Scouts this year, so we had the joy of helping her push them cookies onto any and every poor addict we could find.

I quickly started to notice a disturbing trend in our new lifestyle:

  • Boxes stacked on end in the garage, full of highly coveted goods with a street value of over $3.99/box…
  • Constantly asking friends, co-workers, and strangers alike, “Pssst! Hey buddy, I got some of the real good shit if you’re looking to score some…”
  • Finding yourself making cash transactions that at least feel shady-as-hell, on multiple occasions…

It didn’t take me too long for the thought to cross my mind: “Oh, crap, am I a dealer?”

I told myself that as long as I let the Elder do at least 40% of the legwork, then a minor’s significant involvement and instigation in the project would absolve me of all immorality in the eyes of society. At least that’s how I got to sleep at night.

And despite being quite the youngster, she actually pulled her weight in our new business enterprise. Being too smart to go door-to-door like your average chump, she had the grand idea to have a “drive-thru cookie stand” out by the entrance of our neighborhood.

Without going into too many details, this was a ----- good idea, in part due to the strategic location she had selected that included high car and foot traffic. Additionally, the spot featured a long row of rarely-used parallel parking spots, forming the convenient drive-through lane where “clients” could easily pull out of traffic and make the deal without even getting out of their cars. Brilliant!

Now, the key to any successful young business–legitimate or otherwise–is advertising. Conveniently, our neighborhood has an email listserv (remember, those?) to which probably 2/3 of the local population subscribes. The Boss Lady decided to actually put this to good use for once, instead of its intended purpose of bickering over whether or not one of the residents was racist for complaining to the listserv about the volume of the Latino music lightly emanating from the construction site of our new neighborhood apartments. It sure did make for some good entertainment though…but I digress.

The day before our first Drive Thru Cookie Stand, the Boss Lady blasted the neighbors with an email advertising our goods. We ended up unloading 40-50 boxes from our inventory in under 2 hours–definitely better than trying to move that much product door-to-door. In fact, that was so successful that we decided to do it again 2 weeks later.

Only this time it was my turn to help her run the stand.1Famous last words…

Well, actually, the real reason why I pushed the idea of doing it again was because we had inadvertently bought a $15 set of fancy-ass markers to make the signs for the stand, and I was pretty adamant about getting our money’s worth out of all that capital we had sunk into the business overhead. But, again, I digress.

Anyways, the Boss Lady had pretty strongly lobbied for us running the stand from 12-2 p.m. because she wanted, and I quote:

…to catch the after-church crowd–you know–those mini-vans full of kids going nuts after being cooped up in Sunday School and church for the last 2 hours against their free will.

The parents will be desperate for any way to get them to shut the ----- up. Then BOOM! Our cookie stand magically appears and saves the day!

A woman with some solid business acumen

Well, The Elder and I were running behind this tight schedule that the Boss Lady had kindly set for us, so come 11:50 that morning, we were shoveling pasta down our throats while haphazardly throwing our supplies in the SUV before speeding off to “our corner.”2As in, the corner where one would regularly sell drugs, turn tricks, etc.

We got set up in time, and the business started to trickle in. Now, previously, we had waaaaay too many Peanut Butter Patties (aka PBPs, aka Tagalongs) because it was the favorite of one of us two parents–not saying which one, though–and that affinity had instinctively been extrapolated to the general population. In other words, I ordered too many boxes of the wrong ----- cookie.

So I was pretty eager to push those on our customers.

About 30 minutes in, The Elder asked me if I had remembered to pack a snack for her. Of course, in the rush to get out the door, I had completely overlooked such a key parenting detail.

But, being the problem solver that you know and love, I realized that if I considered the 4 extra dollars in my wallet to be a “problem,” I could kill three birds with one stone and feed my hungry child , lighten my wallet, and remove a potentially unsold box of PBPs from the inventory, all in one fell swoop.

Careful to maintain all fiduciary integrity, I put my $4 in the money envelope, and we proceeded to split one of the three rows of cookies between the two of us. Problems, solved!

Another 45 minutes or so of solid business passes, and to my delight, the PBPs are actually selling pretty well. Around that time, the Elder asked if she could have some more cookies. I told her I supposed it wouldn’t hurt to take another quick hit from our paid-for box.

She started rummaging through the box of non-cookie supplies underneath our table where we had stashed our box. It kinda surprised me when she was underneath there for over a minute, given that there was almost nothing else in that box.

I ducked under the table and began to help her look for it. Panic slowly started to wash over me as I started to realize that, even when I searched through the cardboard box full of our spare PBP inventory, I couldn’t find one that was already opened.

Ah, poop. We had just sold a partially pillaged box of PBPs to a paying customer.

It may sound silly, but my lizard brain was totally awash with the chemicals of embarrassment…and maybe just a little bit of fear. For some of these people, this would be the only chance all year that they would get to enjoy their favorite Girl Scout treat. And here we where, effectively robbing them of 33.3% of their annual happiness.

Just imagine if you were a “Christmas crackhead.” You know, people who somehow have enough executive function to limit their enjoyment of crack-cocaine to once a year as a yuletide treat.3TOTALLY ----- KIDDING. These people don’t exist. Addiction is not a matter of being “strong-willed.” That is possible one of the stupidest and most dangerous ideas out there. Folks, that is simply not how brain biochemistry works. Educate yourself before you end up losing someone you know and love because of this ill-informed dumbassery. You wouldn’t be too happy if you opened up your Christ-blessed dimebag4I think that dimebags are the unit of marijuana distribution, not crack, but I have to at least pretend I don’t know too much about the drug trade. of crack, only to find it’s actually just a 6.66-cent-bag, would you? Didn’t think so. You would probably grab your gun and go hunt down who ever screwed you over.

Now, since these were primarily semi-anonymous cash transactions, we had no way of tracking down the aggrieved party and rectifying the situation with a pristine box of PBPs.

The best I could hope for was that whoever they were, wherever they were, they were getting and reading the neighborhood emails. So I furiously tapped out a neighborhood-wide apology from my phone, begging for any information into the identity of the recipient of our bone-headed ----- up so we could set things right. I pride myself in being a provider of award-winning customer service5So much so that it actually appears on my resume. and wasn’t about to let 5 cookies be the death of my hard-earned reputation.

Alas, days passed, and not a single brave soul responded to my email.

So that was just wonderful. Not only had we screwed over a customer, but now my extremely high level of competency was on display for more or less the whole neighborhood for no good reason. Doh! I wanted to die from embarassment.

Eventually I got over it, thanks in part to some pseudo-therapeutic conversations with the Boss Lady. Her opinion on the matter was that either the afflicted customer wasn’t too bothered by it, or most likely, there were multiple members in their household, and they all just assumed it was somebody else in the family that had busted into the package.

True, I could see that being the case…but instead of it being an assume-the-best-in-your-family-members scenario, my ever-optimistic imagination envisioned it being the proverbial “pebble in the shoe” in an otherwise happy marriage.

Five years down the road, I just know that I’m going to find myself subpoenaed as a key witness for some divorce proceedings. The poor couple never will have stood a chance after they independently realize that they couldn’t trust their partner. After all, what kind of person lies about eating a few Girl Scout cookies, and, when caught, isn’t adult enough to own up to their actions.

Instead, they got to blame it on an innocent 6-year-old Girl Scout, for g-o-d’s sake.

And then I’ll get caught in the middle of that because one of them will discover my email somehow persisting for years in their Spam folder.

Yes, they will have uncovered the email that would have absolved both parties of any wrong-doing…had the irreparable damage to their mutual trust not already been done.

It’s a sad tale really. Though I can’t be 100% certain until I actually get that subpoena, I’m going to go out on a limb here and say “True story.”

Anyways, as any experienced distributor of a controlled substance will tell you, the point of the story is never, ever, ever-ever-ever ever forget Rule #1 of the industry:

Thou shalt not get high on thy own supply.

The First Commandment of Dealing

It will only end with a soiled sales reputation and the blood of a whole family torn apart on your hands.

Content created on: 11 & 14 March 2020 (Wednesday/Saturday)

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Speaking Of Balls

3 Min Read

Back in my good ol’ college days, I spent one summer working as a counselor at a camp for troubled-by-Jesus teens.1See also: Wrestling the Machine It being a camp painfully trying to impress these youths, it included such amenities as a zipline, swimming pool, snack bar, and, critical to this story, a paintball field.

Once a week or so, us counselors had the option of engaging in paintball wars alongside the kids in our respective cabins. I took advantage of this on occasion, but didn’t really enjoy it nearly as much as I expected I would.

The main reason why was because engaging in these wars taught me something very discomforting about myself:

In general, I am one timid pussycat.

Okay maybe it’s fairer to say that I’m “extremely risk-adverse, even when the stakes are embarassingly low.”

Shamefully, my instinctive battlefield strategy was to hide out like a sniper, hoping my more bold teammates would do all the dirty work for me. For some dumb reason, I was deathly afraid of getting hit by a stupid little paintball. This was further stupified by the fact that, unless you were a fancy kid and brought your own high-quality paintball gun, you were stuck with a standard-issue, low-muzzle-velocity gun that the camp provided.

I mean, it would probably more effective and painful if we were just throwing them at each other.

As I am wont to extreme introspection, I found myself diving deep into my psyche, trying to understand this fear of slow-flying paintballs, and how I could better my image of myself in my own eyes. After all, if a man-boy doesn’t have his pride, then what does he have?

So what solution did I come up with? I was going to stare down my fears head-on…by means of a firing squad.

You see, the camp had a policy that required that “any paintballs taken onto the paintball field must remain on the paintball field.” So at the end of the match, if there were any unfired rounds, they had to be expended. In other words, the participants were already pointlessly shooting off an immense amount of ammo. Instead of letting all ‘dem ballz go to waste, why not just have them all unloaded on me?

Following the next session after I had had this ----- brilliant idea, I gathered my campers around and explained my plan to them. Sure, it took a little convincing them that this was what I did indeed want to do, but I was ultimately able to get them on board with my awesome, can’t-go-wrong plan.

Wearing no more protective gear than a face mask, I took 25 paces from where they had been instructed to line up shoulder-to-shoulder.2Bonus points for historically accuracy, right? I gently crossed my hands over my own precious paintballs–after all I had my legacy to protect–and yelled:

Alright you little mother ----- , give me all you got–and don’t stop until you got nothing left in the barrel!

Somebody THat was implicitly hired to be A positive role model

I had to resist the urge to dodge them, given that most of them were coming at me so slowly that I could have gone all Matrix on them. But two of those little ----- had brought their own weaponry…and, not coincidentally, knew how to aim. Yeah, they made me pay the price for my hair-brained idea.

Afterwards I counted around 25 welts and bruises covering me from neck-to-toe. You can bet your sweet butt that I wore every single one them as a badge of honor. Though it wasn’t my plan, I ended up being revered as a God3Sorry Mom, if I try to use g-o-d (with a little “g”), it gets censored, and then this sentence makes no ----- sense. walking amongst those teenage boys the rest of that week.

And I though I wasn’t some sort of paintball pro after that, at least I could be a true fearless leader to them youngsters. No longer afraid of death, my new strategy for being a positive role model was charging head-on at the pubescent enemies in an insane manner as possible. Usually I would go down in a blaze of glory–but not before providing more than enough cover for my kids to come in behind me and take out all those enemy chumps.

The point of the story is that sometimes you just gotta face down your fears in the most uncomfortable way possible if you want to truly overcome them. As a bonus, you just might inadvertently demonstrate to some kids what it looks like to have someone willing to “die” for them.

Well, won’t you look at that? In the midst of my sheer stupidity, them kids got their Jesus-themed lesson in after all…

Content created on: 12 & 13 March 2020 (Thursday/Friday)

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Blowin In The Wind

4 Min Read

I’m not quite Over The Hill yet, but you know how I can tell it’s clearly coming up over the horizon? Wait–that’s a poor invocation of that metaphor. To be more accurate: you now how I can tell I’m pretty much firmly atop the Hill, mere months away from tumbling down the other side?

Two words: Leg. Acy. Or, if you’re a normal person, one word: Legacy.

I’m about at the age where I’ve really started to think about my legacy and how the world will have been changed because of me. I mean, just looking at some of my fairly recent posts, such as Epitaph…, My Time To Go, and Dear Doctor Future President, and it’s pretty clear that’s been on my mind lately.

Speaking of which…

I have big legs. Like, those-aren’t-legs-those-are-tree-trunks legs. And don’t even get me started on my those-are-not-cow-calves-those-are-whale-calves calves. Seriously, though. I need you to stay focused on my thighs.

I have had big thighs as long as I can remember, and the historical record will attest that this has been the case at least since my sophomore year of high school.

One of the plethora of problems that teens face at that age is their ever-changing bodies. One way this is manifested is that one does not always have clothes that fit as well as they should. And for me, this played out in the form of having too-big thighs and not-big-enough pants.

But we haven’t reached the end of this path of logic yet; we need to go one step further.

How this really played out for me was that my wondrous-thunderous thighs would incessantly rub together and wear a hole right where the two pant legs met. So almost every pair of pants that I owned would sooner or later fall victim to the friction, making an eventual wardrobe malfunction1Mind you, this was circa 1996, almost a decade before Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake made that phrase infamous. statistically inevitable.

One day in Sophomore English, after the main lesson was through, the gang and I were just sitting around and chillaxing in the back of the classroom. Feeling particularly chillaxed that day, I casually had one leg up, with my foot resting on the seat of an adjacent desk.

At some point in time, one of my female classmates, whom we’ll call “Ms. May” for privacy purposes, got real quiet before eventually piping up, “I hope you’re wearing underwear, because you kind of have a hole in your pants and I can see your leg.”

*Record scratches*

As if I would reply with anything different, all I could really say was, in classic form, “Well, actually…”

Time out. I need to back up the story to earlier that morning.

A key detail that I had previously omitted was that, by some sick twist of fate, the weekly laundry cycle at home had gotten out of whack, resulting in a dearth of clean underwear in my drawer.

But who wants to wear dirty underwear, especially when you’re a greasy, smelly, sweaty teenage boy? I did what all y’all would have done in the same situation. I went commando.2AKA free-ballin’, in case you’re more familiar with that term.

The stars had mis-aligned, and as a result, I was sitting there caught with one leg up, the first-ever victim of a double wardrobe malfunction.

Time in.

So, sadly I found myself dashing Ms. May’s hopes, responding with a long pause that said that all that needed to be said.

To which someone else logically pointed out, “Then that’s not his leg you’re looking at…”

This being high school, of course everyone had a heyday with my predicament. One might even say they went a little nuts.

Later that day, I came back to my locker to find a note on it asking the question on everyone’s mind: “How’s it hanging, Breezy?” 3It was either that or “How’s it blowing, Breezy?” Same idea.

I wasn’t surprised to find out later that none other than Ms. May herself had been the primary instigator behind the sign, though at that point it could have been anybody since pretty much the entire school was privy to the story of my exposed privates by then.

Being the negative-attention whore that I am, I actually didn’t really mind all the ribbing, and secretly basked in the glory of the moment. A little bit of infamy is better than a lotta bit of obscurity, right?

On a brief side note, my best friend and owner of a blog-alias ironically appropriate for this story, Phillip K. Ballz, has claimed that there was a certain young lady in the crowd that had noticed my fleshy patch long before anyone had said anything, and that she chose to enjoy the view rather than ruin her moment of bliss. But, unless this happened on more than one occasion–and I can’t be 100% certain it didn’t–I’m not so sure about the veracity of his account, as he was one year younger and it doesn’t make sense that a freshman would be hanging out in sophomore English. But I digress…

It wasn’t until several months later, at the beginning of our Junior year, when the real payoff came. During back-to-school orientation, we were tasked with the chore of reviewing the boring ol’ student handbook. In the front we happened to find an insert highlighting the changes that had been made since the previous school year.

To my surprise–and to my delight–I found this little nugget, lightly paraphrased due to memory constraints:

“No jeans or shorts with holes in or near the crotch region shall be worn to school at any time…”

The “breezy” Amendment, Rolla High School Student Handbook (1997-98)

The point of the story is that’s not my leg you’re looking at.

That’s my “Legacy.” *wink*

Content created on: 19 February 2020 (Wednesday)

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Dear Doctor Future President

3 Min Read

In a recent post, That Is Not What She Said, I explained what an MRI coil was, as I deal with them regularly in my other line of work. In addition to that vignette, I had another coil-related story that I wanted to share…

Tale 2: Or Is It ‘Dear Future Doctor President’?

A nice perk of being a professional scientist is going to exotic locales for conferences and meeting exciting new people. It’s a chance to network and really move one’s career forward.

For example, the first big MRI conference I got to attend was in Melbourne, Australia. At the time, I was a postdoc in Hawai’i with Vandy,1Almost his real name. You may remember him from Paging Dr. Mix-A-Lot. the closest science will ever come to having someone like The Dude from The Big Lebowski.

Another nice perk about these conferences is that the companies that make MRI magnets like to use them to connect with their loyal users. And by “connect with their loyal users” I mean “ply current and potential buyers of their multi-million dollar machines with free food and alcohol.”

So one night of the conference, I found myself with a few of my colleagues at what I recall to be a fancy Australian Museum of Natural Science, or something of the like. Being a true aficionado of free shit, I was very much so indeed enjoying all the consumables Siemens AG had made available for our bribery.

Now I had thought that I was doing a good job of balancing the ratio of food to drink that went down my gullet, but you know how easy it is to lose track of these things when you’re socializing and taking in museum exhibits.

In short, I was feeling good in the neighborhood.

Towards the end of the evening I had met up with Vandy to split a cab back to our hotels. We just so happened to run into one of our collaborators, “Harry,”2Not quite his real name. who was the head of a rather large and prestigious MRI lab at Harvard.

As Vandy was taking the opportunity to introduce us to each other, I decided to take the timeless strategy of connecting with him by referencing something we had in common. In this case, our commonality happened to be the custom-built head coil that the Harvard team had promised to send to us in Hawai’i…over a year earlier.

Shaking his hand, I channelled my inner Vandy and gracefully blurted out:

Where’s our ----- coil?!?

An enthusiastic, yet inebriated, Young Scientist

The next day when I saw Vandy, I could tell he was Duding his best to abide. Half-laughing, half-incredulously, he exclaimed “What the hell was that last night?!? I am so embarrassed! I can’t trust you with anything.

“Fortunately for you, though, Harry has a pretty good sense of humor and he got a good laugh out of your antics…”

You may be shaking your head as well, but a mere two months later,3Okay, okay, I can’t remember exactly how long it was…Vandy, if you’re reading this, maybe you can fact check this? guess what mysteriously showed up at our lab’s doorstep?

That’s right: our ----- coil.

Since then Harry has continued to do well for himself in the field of MRI. In fact, just this last year he was elected el presidente of our entire (rather large) scientific community.

So if you ever find yourself attending one of our annual MRI conferences, be sure to hang out wherever they’re serving free alcohol. Listen closely, and your bound to hear some drunken jack-ass proclaim:

…and then I said to him, “Harry”–yes, that Harry–I said, “Harry, where’s our ----- coil?!?” True story…true story!

Scientist Reliving all the wrong highlights from his career

The point of the story is sometimes all you need is a little alcohol with a dash of youthful ignorance of who the Big Dogs are in order to “speak truth to power.”

The counterpoint of the story is, on the other hand, you might just end up embarrassing your boss, never to be entrusted with confidential information again.

Either way, I recommend embracing and proudly owning what may very well be the apex of your scientific career. After all, while not every one of us is destined to grow up to be President of the MRI world, you can grow up to be That Guy Who Dropped the F-Bomb on him…

Content created on: 26 February & 4 March 2020 (Wednesday/Wednesday)

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The Men Of Her Dreams

5 Min Read

When it comes to sharing interesting life stories, a part of me thinks that it is a little bit cheating to retell dreams one may have had, rather than real events that have been experienced in real life.

Today’s tale lands somewhere in the grey area. First off, technically it’s not my dream. Secondly, the dream is actually part of a larger narrative and integral to the plot.

So for what it’s worth, you can rest assured that this is not yet another self-indulgent post about my dreams.1If interested, see these previous dream-centric posts: Stranger Dreams, Shotgun Wedding, I Had A Dream…Or Two, and/or Killing Them Hardly.

Also please note: all dreams described herein are relatively family-friendly, and would have been able to air on network TV without further censorship. Just to make that point clear.

*Ahem* Now, without further ado…

One morning over breakfast, back in the early years of our marriage, the Boss Lady all of a sudden got this smirk on her face, saying that she needed to tell me about this dream she had had.

In it she had found herself in the arms of another man, attracted to his irresistible animal magnetism. She said that in the dream she realized that she was a married woman, but found that she couldn’t stop kissing his succulent lips.

Most of the dream centered on her internal conflict, torn between her commitment to me and the siren’s call of this mystery man. I kind of chuckled at this, and couldn’t help but insert the skeptic’s catch-all comment: “Likely story…”

She said that after a few good rounds of lip-smacking, she rolled over in bed and started making out with…me. Turns out, I had been there the whole time, and had approved of her shenanigans! And now I was partaking in what apparently was now a little home-grown love-fest!

That revelation begged the question: what kind of loose-moraled man did she deep down think I was?!? It’s one thing to be caught up in the throes of passion; having your system bio-chemically hijacked by a cocktail of hormones and pheromones gives one at least some pretext for such actions, so I wouldn’t fault anyone for having such a dream.

But I guess her dream version of me actively seeks out and encourages such corrupting-of-souls situations.

As she told me all this (back in real life, that is), the smirk on her lips steadily grew even smirkier. Finally, she revealed the Ace hidden up her sleeve:

“…and then I finally got a good look at this other man. It was you, but with even bigger lips!”

I about fell out of my chair laughing at that point. I mean, there was so much to unpack there, right?

First, even in her dreams, she couldn’t cheat on me without being thwarted by the version of me that had seemingly crossed over from that one parallel universe where everybody’s lips are comically large.

And even if bizarro-me hadn’t been the “other man,” the real2”Real” as in the dream version of the character that corresponded to me in real life. me decided he would show up and crash the party.

Then there’s the whole topic of the lips, right?

I have big lips to begin with, so any dream–or the inevitable satirical made-for-TV movie about my life based on this blog–is already landing in the land of the absurd if my lips are portrayed as any larger than they already are.

And the best part of all this? It would have to be the inner-dialogue her subconscious most definitely had with itself as it wrote the “script” for this steamy dream–imagined here in the form of a writers’ room meeting:

“What genre should we run tonight in our favorite venue, Arthouse Dream Cinema?”

“Hmmm…let’s spice things. How about something a little risqué?”

“Oooh-la-lah, baby, I like the way we think! Should we keep it, how you say? ‘Right in the Eyes of the Lord’?”

“Nah, I was thinking some light infidelity might be a nice change. You know, keep things interesting.”

“Well, who should we have play the lead male role?”

“Dunno, who’s the sexiest hunk we can think of throughout time and history? If we could spend one romantic night with anybody, who would it be?”

“No limits–only our collective imagination, right?”


“Well, then, if it weren’t for the size of his lips…”

“Wait, are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

“Probably, since we’re both a part of the Boss Lady’s psyche…but, yeah. I’m definitely catching your vibe.”

“Shall we say it together then?”

“Sure…on 3?”

Together: “3…2…1…The Hubby but only with bi-sm-gg-all-er lips!”

“Oh. I thought you were thinking of a version with smaller lips.”

“Hell, why not? He can be there, too.”

“Playing the ol’ ‘there’s more than one of everything‘ card, eh? So, science fiction it is…I like it!”

Together: “We’re ----- geniuses! This will be the wittiest dream ever!”

Here’s a fun bit of trivia: during that period in time we were actively involved with a local church, even going so far as regularly attending a weekly “small group” comprised entirely of other couples who had been married six years or less.

An even funner bit of trivia is that some of the church leadership thought it would be a grand idea to strong-arm me into leading the group when our original leader and his family had to move out of the area. If you know me, then you know how short-sighted this decision probably was.

Anyways, I thought that this particular dream was so hilarious that I just had to share it with the gang. And, since I was the gang leader, no one with better judgment was around to step in and stop me.

I exuberantly proceeded to regale them with the sordid tale, including the very critical plot twist there at the end. As I concluded my Fabio-worthy fantasy sequence, I was slightly disappointed when it was met with a few chuckles, but most of them were oddly nervous chuckles–especially amongst the other husbands. More noticeable was the palpable sense of relief in the room the moment I revealed that it was me.

Later the Boss Lady and I were discussing why my story hadn’t absolutely killed it with the crowd. She’s really good at picking up on subtext, and she noted that maybe it was the way I had set up the story that made all the men in particular real nervous and uncomfortable.

You see, I had thought that I would really play up the drama for this crowd, and put my own spin on the story.

But instead of using “Who’s that kissing my wife?” as the key plot element like the Boss Lady had in her original retelling, I took a slightly different angle.

Personally, I had thought it a fantastic idea to frame it as a classic whodunit, and opened with this:

“She had a dream that she was having an affair…with one of the men in our small group. That’s right ladies and gentlemen, he is in this very room with us now! Which one of you could it be?!?”

While I would have loved to have had my story-telling met with a hearty round of laughter and applause, I think I enjoyed even more the laugh I got out of realizing how comically uncomfortable I had made the other fellows. To this day I have absolutely zero regrets in the matter…

Anyways, much like the Holy Trinity, the point of the story is actually three-fold this time around: 1) for the love of God, know your audience; 2) truly, for the love of God, Church Leaders, you really need to vet your Bible study leaders better next time; and 3) for the love of your spouse, when they need a momentary escape to FantasyLand, I suggest you and your Botox twin don’t go poking around their dream like a pair of dicks.3True story: in the first draft I accidentally omitted “don’t,” leaving everybody with this terrible advice: “I suggest you…go poking around their dream like a pair of dicks.” Yeah…that kinda changes the parable…

Content created on: 19/29 February 2020 (Wednesday/Friday)

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