So, I got on a bus headed in the wrong direction.
I just never thought it would be a metaphor for my life…
On a sunny Thursday in mid-June of 2018, I took off early from work to prepare for a family reunion I would be hosting the next day. Meanwhile, Our Dearest Mother was busy praying for the safe travels of her four other children and their families who would be traveling many miles over the next 24 hours to join us.
Let’s just say she forgot to pray for me.
What you are about to read is a real-time documentation of the events that followed…
June 14th, 2018, 11:51 A.M.: A Logistical Miscalculation
In addition to preparing for the family reunion, immediately after that I was going to leave for a work conference in Paris. This, too, weighed heavily on my mind. Apparently, it did for many of my co-workers as well, which became painfully obvious when I had an uncomfortable realization about my plans for the day…

So, in summary: my commute to work usually consists of driving to a shopping center parking lot, and catching a public bus from there. On this fateful day, though, I didn’t realize that I couldn’t catch my usual bus back to my car because it stops service during the middle of the day.
Despite my very unhelpful work friend, disaster was averted when I found an alternative bus route that would get me to where I was going.
12:22 P.M.: Better Notify The Wife In Case I Go Missing…

12:25 P.M.: A Harbinger1Did I mention how recently The Boss Lady kept talking about trying to find a ‘harbinger’…only to eventually realize she meant carabiner clip? LOL. Appears On The Horizon
Meanwhile, I receive the following text from Mom, which she sent to all of us kids (at the time, Our Dearest Mother worked at an assisted living facility, taking care of an elderly woman in her private apartment):

You know it’s not a good sign when your mom’s work shenanigans ends up with “…and so there I was locked in a burning building with a bunch of older people, my bladder about to explode…”
12:29 P.M.: Better Be Safe And Begin Two Live-Texting Feeds…
You know, to help out with the inevitable future police investigation*…
*Please ignore the extremely classist remarks my younger, much-richer-than-my-even-younger-self, self makes*

I better keep the family informed too:

At this point–and, again, not to be too classist–I am rightfully starting to wonder if I should be concerned for my safety:

12:34 P.M.: Out Of The Frying Pan And Into The Fire…
Immediately upon disembarking the What-In-The-Actual-F**k-Bus:

12:35 P.M.: Oh, This Family Conversation Is Far From Over…
Yes, you were saying mother?
What was that comment about me and ‘tips’ again?

You have no idea how long I have waited for the following two words to come out of my mother’s proverbial lips:

Thanks for clarifying, Mother. Fun fact, though:

12:30 P.M. Some Of Us Are Actually Trying To Have A Serious Conversation Here…

3:10 P.M.: Seriously, Though…
Of course, it wouldn’t be a true family-style text buffet without a typo-ridden run-on text from the elderly matriarch thrown in just for fun:

Confused? You’re not alone. It was so bad that our normally silent Sister “A” felt she had to say something:

My dude just outed himself as someone who does not read my blog. If he did, he would have known what a Venn diagram was from one of my very first posts.

So…maybe it was Bro #2 that would have felt more at home on that bus ride than me?
3:53 P.M.: No, We Will Not Let It Go, Mother, Thank You Very Much…

LOL, Mother, “lost” is a pretty appropriate typo to describe my entire day and the collective time of everybody unfortunate enough to be involved in this group text…
4:07 P.M.: First Trapped In A Burning Building, And Now Lost In A Viciously Confusing Grocery Store? Sheesh, Mother…

For the uninformed, those popular sweet fizzy drinks that are causing a nationwide obesity pandemic? In the Flyover States from whence my family comes, we don’t call that ‘soda’ like they do here on the East Coast and other more highly educated parts of this fine country.

Sometimes, you just have to speak in Elderly Kansas Woman’s native tongue, amiright?

Oh, good effin’ lord, Mother…
Anyways, once again, if you’re exhausted by this entire conversation at this point, rest assured, you’re not alone. Just ask Sister A:

Jeez…her very own little brother could have very well been inadvertently swept up in a bootlegging/panhandling/child pornography sting operation, entrapping all occupants of Durham Area Transit Route 10, Bus 2122, and she couldn’t have given a rat’s ass!
The point of the story is always make sure there’s an elitist bus route to take you to wherever you may have parked your car.
Otherwise–and whether or not you want to–you might just learn exactly how long it takes to bum $7 off complete strangers, exactly how much booze that will buy you, and exactly what, pray-tell, do they do to kiddie smut-mongers in prison.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go scrape this gum and/or dog sh*t of a life experience off my soul…
Content created on 14 June 2018 & 27 May 2022 (Fri/Fri)
Footnotes & References:
The latest word on the street