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Back in January–a much simpler time, indeed–I was hanging out with one of my friends in the neighborhood while our kids played together. He asked me what I wanted to talk about, and I told him anything but politics–I wanted to relax and that was the last thing that would help me do that.

Somehow, he took that as an invitation to dive right into talking about the Democratic presidential primaries. Thanks, man.

Anyways, I humored him, as he was clearly much less jaded about the state of the American political system than I was. At some point he gushed, “Isn’t this exciting? I mean, we are living through history!”

I commented that I thought living through history was a little overrated.

However, it wasn’t until the COVID-19 situation started to get serious before that nugget of a thought really crystalized in my head.

After putting much thought into the matter, my profound philosophical conclusion was:

Screw that–I don’t want to live through history!

An eternal optimist with a finite amount of time to enjoy life

In fact, you can give me the most boring era in the annals of time to live through. I would be fine with that.

There. I said it. It may not be the coolest opinion, but it’s my heartfelt truth.

It turns out that I’m just about as bougie in these times of crisis as the next guy. Yes, what you have heard is true: I’ve fallen into the rabbit hole of baking sourdough bread.

In the local coupon circular that shows up in my mailbox every week, I recently read an article about how everybody was into sourdough now. I’m not gonna lie: that bruised my snowflake ego just a little bit.

But nonetheless, it was a pretty interesting article with some pretty handy tips. My favorite was “You really should name your sourdough starter.”

Without a moment of hestitation, I knew exactly who that was that had been living rent-free in our fridge for the last month. I busted into the house, and without any context trumpeted to the Boss Lady:

“Friends, family, and fans of all ages, I’m proud to announce the newest member of our household:”

Corin Thunderfist

And now, an original Tweet:

Content created on: 14 May 2020 (Thurs).

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