Your #1 Source of Unsolicited Life Advice

Tag: Kansas State University

Behold: The Magic Jell-O Keeping You Out Of Jail, Bro!

5 Min Read

When you hear ‘pudding’, you’re bound to ask “Yum! What flavor?”

This time, though, you best not ask (and you’re welcome for the favor…)

“The sign of a true friend is…’pudding on a condom for Phillip’?!? Um…I have so many questions that I’m not sure I want the answer to.”

My beautiful bride looked up from my phone, wide-eyed and side-eyeing me at the same time. She had been poking around my Notes app looking for my grocery list, and instead she apparently found my reminder where I keep a short list of potential stories to blog about in the coming weeks.

“That doesn’t sound quite right…lemme see that!”

I took a quick glance at it then got my eyes back on the road like the safe driver that I was.

“Ahh, I see, it’s just a typo,” I reassured her.

“Whew! No condoms were involved. That’s a relief,” she demurred.

“Oh, no, there was a condom alright.”

“So, it’s supposed to be ‘putting’? ‘Putting on a condom’ for your male friend is any better?!? Is there something you need to get off your chest, my dear hubby? You been keeping any skeletons in the ol’ proverbial closet?”

“What? No, no, no. I meant that the it was supposed to in, not on,” I clarified.

“Hold up, mister! ‘Pudding on a condom’ was a gross enough mental picture, and you mean to tell me what you wanted to describe was ‘pudding in a condom’?!? You’re one sick puppy” she deftly passed judgement on me.

“No, no–“

“Wait just one sec,” she interrupted my rebuttal and proceeded to open up the car door and wretch lightly.

“You’re lucky we’re at a stoplight,” I said in an attempt to implicitly reassure the Reader that I didn’t marry a woman who would have such poor executive function as to open the door while in a moving vehicle.

“Are you done ye–“

She held up her hand to stop me as she went for one last round:


“You’re such a drama queen,” I commented once she was done with her over-the-top expression of disgust. “And for the record, ‘pudding’ was a typo, too. I guess I got double autocorrected when I hastily made that note.”

“Oh great,” she said as she rolled her eyes. “Lemme guess: I’m going to have to wait in suspense to find out what you really meant while you regale whoever will listen with another one of your trademark ‘short-story-long’ tales…”

“Hey, man, can you come over? I’m kinda in a pickle and really was hoping you could do me a favor.”

A little over a year after my ol’ buddy, Phillip K. Ballz, tried to sabotage my post-college career, I got a somewhat desperate sounding phone call from him. We had hung out on occasion since that particular incident–we both still lived in Manhattan after graduating from Kansas State–so it wasn’t completely abnormal for him to blow up my phone. However, I could tell from his voice that he wasn’t his usual laid-back self.

“Yeah, sure thing, amigo. I’ll be right over,” I said, blindly agreeing to whatever.

On the drive over, I mused to myself about the possible nature of his request.

“I probably better stretch my back first thing–it’s still a little tweaked from that one reckless round of disc golf, and I bet he needs my help moving a piano or some other heavy object.”

“Or maybe he needs my help giving Da Vinci, his cat with 6 fingers on each paw, a bath?”

“Oh, the possibilities are endless–but the truth is probably something completely asinine,” I thought as I got out of the car, somehow switching gears from bright-eyed imaginative optimism to overly-honest cynicism in the same mental breath.

“Jeez, there you are! Did you get lost on the way over here? Took you long enough!” PKB greeted me, clearly in the early stages of panic mode.

“I mean, I got a little lost in thought, maybe, but I otherwise came straight over here. What’s up?” I quipped, then inquired.

“Dude, so you know how I’m on probation, right?”

“Yeah, I’m mildly aware that you got into trouble with the law over some stupid recreational drug-related incident. So what about it?” I asked.

“Well, I have to take a certain test every couple months, if you know what I mean.”

“Really? That’s a condition of your parole?”

“My probation, not parole, you jackass. And yes, if I don’t keep my nose clean, then I’ll actually have to serve some time in the county jail,” he said with all seriousness.

“Well, good thing you know they’re going to test you in advance, right?”

His lack of response was starting to unsettle me.


The look on his face said it all.

“You really are a proper dipshit, aren’t you? You mean to tell me that your dumb ass knew that you would get thrown in the can if you done and went and smoked a fat blunt…and then you done went and smoked a fat blunt? Un-effing-believable.”

“Look, it was several weeks ago, and it should have been out of my system by now, but when I took a home version of the test, it still showed up. You gotta help a brother out, man!” he begged of me.

“Uh, I don’t know what I could possibly do to help you out of this j–“

“You can pass the test for me, that’s what!” he said, interrupting me.

“Wait, what? Oh. I see…Well, you’re not going make me complicit in your illicit activities! I’m a man of honor and integrity! You can get one of your other heathen buddies to do it, and leave me out of this!”

PKB looked at me like I was dumb as a rock.

“All my other friends are potheads like me–you’re the only friend I have around these parts that hasn’t gotten high in the last two weeks!”

“Oh,” was all I could muster.

You can’t argue with airtight logic like that.

“So…what do you need me to do?” I asked resignedly. I couldn’t stand by and let one of my oldest friends go to jail for a crime he did commit.

“Here you go. And you know where the bathroom is,” he said.

I looked down at the box he had just handed me.

“You gotta be ----- kidding me,” I muttered.1See the note at the end about the alternate ending that splits off at this point. “You could have at least got me some Magnums–I’m a ‘bigger’ guy, if you know what I mean.”

“Dammit, I got my test in less than 40 minutes, so forgive me if I don’t have time for your weird flex. Just go take care of business, will ya?” PKB said impatiently.

I didn’t bother shutting the bathroom door behind me to make sure he could hear everything.

“You know what they say really is true: size does matter…” I hollered across the house.

“Just shut your pie-hole and keep pissing in the condom!” PKB so rudely interrupted my punchline.

Nevertheless, I persisted: “…and you’re in luck cuz’ this big boy’s got a big ol’ bladder…”2As promised, here’s the original/alternate ending before I changed it at the last second.:

“Here you go. And you know where the bathroom is,” he said.

I looked down at the box he had just handed me.

“You gotta be ----- kidding me,” I muttered.

“Make it snappy though–I got my test in 45 minutes.”

“What the hell, Phillip? Cutting it kinda close, aren’t we?” I said somewhat incredulously, as I had no idea how close his head was to the chopping block. “Dammit, last thing I needed was pressure–you know I’m bladder-shy!” I said.

“Just go take care of business, will ya?” PKB said impatiently.

I skulked off to the bathroom, but intentionally left the door open so he could hear me when I loudly proclaimed, “I feel like this is a good time force some of The Jesus on you–and I quote: ‘Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life be pissing in a condom for his friends.’ This is literally What Jesus Would Do.”

“So, what’s your point, my dude?” he hollered back at me.

“Well,” I yelled, leaning back so my head was poking out the open bathroom door, “as The Jesus always says: ‘You’re welcome, you ----- dirty hippie…’ “

Content created on: 6/8/9 June 2024 (Thurs/Sat/Sun)

Footnotes & References:[+]

How To Be An Unhelpful Friend To An Unemployed Man

4 Min Read

When you’re down on your luck, a helping hand should sound great.

But when your pal’s a dipshit, you have to worry about what you just ate…

“Would you like a cookie or two before you go, my hard-working amigo?”

Phil–not his real name, but not not his real name–proffered me a pair of mealy-looking cookies.

“Sure, why not? I did break a bit of a cold sweat this afternoon, and I sure do love me an…um…oatmeal, maybe?…cookie or two on occasion,” I said, graciously accepting.

Ol’ Phillip K. Ballz (or PKB, as I like to call him in these parts) and I had been good buddies back in high school, but for the most part had lived our own separate college lives–despite going to the same prestigious land-grant university. At this particular point in time, I had just graduated a month or so earlier (sorta), and was in the middle of “finding my way as an adult”. And by “finding my way as an adult,” I mean that I had no idea what kind of career I wanted to pursue, and was in the middle of job hunting just so I could pay my rent and put food in my mouth.

So when we randomly ran into each other and he discovered that I was hard-up for cash, he mentioned that his roommate and landlord, John–a guy I remembered from my freshman year as that one slightly strange hippie dude in the dorm that always wore a train engineer’s hat–was doing some landscaping in their backyard, and would be more than happy to pay me $70 for an afternoon of labor.

Of course I jumped on that meal wagon gravy train in an instant. I mean, what a deal: I would be getting exercise, some late-January sunshine, a wad of cash worth at least 5 weeks of groceries, and–best of all–get to hang out and reconnect with one of my oldest, most trustworthy pals. It was a win-win-win-win situation all around!

And now, after our hard day’s work, he was throwing in some bonus cookies?!? Heck, yes, this day couldn’t get much better!

As I started to chow down, it dawned on me that the baked goods weren’t oatmeal as I had previously surmised.

“Mmmm, say, Phil, what kind of cookies are these?” I said in between bites. “They’re not bad, per se, they just have an interesting texture I just can’t quite place. Somewhere on the spectrum between coconut and papier-mâché, if I had to guess…”

“Oh, those are John’s creation–and they’re full of exactly what you would expect a groovy dude like him to put in there.”

“So…dirt? Leaves? Is this nature-lovin’ mother ----- just collecting random items on the forest floor and throwing it in the oven or what?” I fancied a guess, knowing that it was slightly ridiculous–but that theory couldn’t quite be automatically ruled out, either.

“Nah, man, nothing like that, though he likes to sticky with ingredients on the more ‘natural’ side. You know, honey…seeds…nuts…plant fibers. Granola shit like that.”

“Oh. Ok. Yeah, I guess that tracks. And that is good enough for me. ‘Don’t look a gift house in the mouth’ and what-not, right?”

“Yup,” PKB agreed and then sat and watched intently as I polished off the second cookie along with two more that seemed to magically appear on my plate. “Now, where we? Let’s get back to regaling John and the others with the tales of our shenanigans from our youth…”

“You notice anything different?” PKB asked after getting lost in nostalgia for at least a good 45 minutes.

The question kind of came out of nowhere and caught me by surprise a little bit.

“Ummm…can’t say I really do. Anything different about what, exactly?” I replied, lightly confused.

A slight squeal came out of his lips–which I found rather quite odd–before clarifying.

“Like, do you feel any different, man?”

“Well, I am kinda full for once. You didn’t really have to offer me those 3 extra cookies–though I do immensely appreciate the generosity of you and John,” I said, taking care to express gratitude to my hosts for the 7 cookies had consumed in my state of hunger.

“No, not your stomach–does your head feel any different?” he queried with a cryptic grin.

“Alright, dude, what is up? You’re acting a little suspicious,” I said, cocking an eyebrow.

“They…*snort*…were,” he blurted out in between school-girl-like giggles, “POT COOKIES!”

He then bust out in a full-on fit of laughter after making his big reveal.

“WHAT?!?” I was slightly shocked. “So that’s why they felt like muddy straw in my mouth and had that odd after taste.”

“Ha, hah! I got you high-igh! I got you high-igh!” PKB reveled in having pulled a fast one on me.

“NO. Not funny. Bad friend. Bad friend!” I chastised my favorite dipshit.

“C’mon, you needed to relax and take your mind off of being broke. I’m doing you a favor.”
“Yeah, except that I’m in the middle of job-hunting. And now, if I finally land a job, what am I going to do if they make me take a drug test, huh? DAMMIT, you idiot. I can’t tell them ‘so sorry, but my so-called friend loaded me up on marijuana cookies and was too ----- naive to catch on in time. Please let me have this job anyways.’ Jeez, you’ve really screwed me over on this one, you fricking moron!”

Saying that I was displeased with his little stunt would be a gross understatement.

“Nah, man, you’ll be fine. Plus, there’s nothing you can do about it now anyways, so you might as well sit back and enjoy it.”

I sighed a sigh of resignation. He was right–at least about the fact that I couldn’t ‘un-high’ myself at this point–so I should soak in the time we had together.

“Ok, fine, whatever. But I can only stick around for another 15 minutes or so, and then I’m off to–oh for fuck’s sake, that’s where I have to go tonight?”

“What? What’s tonight?”

“You jackass, you better hope that I don’t say any incredibly stupid shit at Bible study…”

Content created on: 23/25 May 2024 (Thurs/Sat)

Legendary Myths Of Kansas: The Most Wanted Man On Campus

5 Min Read

I knew I was doing something right when a University big-wig asked to meet one-on-one.

Problem was, I had no idea what good deed I had done…

“The Dean of Engineering would like to personally meet with you.”

It was a voicemail from the Dean’s secretary, and I was pretty sure this message was a bearer of good news.

I couldn’t help but wonder what I had done already that would have made me stick out in the mind of the guy who basically ran Kansas State’s entire Engineering program. I was merely a sophomore in college–in the thick of my third semester to be exact–and I had only taken ~1-1/2 classes in the actual Engineering Department.

But, yeah, a glaring dearth of evidence aside, I would say that I was no stranger to being recognized for my bright mind and plucky personality. My proverbial belt was notched with countless scholarships and other such trappings of a high-achieving academic such as myself. A plethora of articles in the local SW Kansan newspapers had been written about me during my high school years. And once at college, I quickly made a name for myself based on, uh…my “drinking” ability. Oh, and of course there was what I was probably most well-known for: my hair.

Yeah, it most definitely had to be the hair. By that point in time I had been rocking bright blue on the left side, neon pink on the right, and purple up top with a classic ‘Jesus fish'1Also know as the ‘Ichthus fish’, which is actually kinda redundant, since ‘ichthus’ just means ‘fish’ in ancient Greek. So it’s a fish-fish, I guess? in green running from front to back on the peak of my dome.

Ya know, the kind of hair that screams to upper administrators, “This kid is really going to go places in the field of mechanical engineering–you better ingratiate yourself to him and hitch your wagon to his star while you can!”

The more I thought about it, the clearer it become that of course the Dean of Engineering wants to see me–who wouldn’t want to rub shoulders with one of the coolest cats on campus?

I just hoped he didn’t get greedy and ask for my autograph or anything…

“On as scale of one to ten…” the Dean paused for dramatic effect, “how would you rate the job you did as an Engineering Mentor?”

The Dean had been so eager to meet me that he had actually stepped out of an important departmental meeting…to ask me that?

I had almost totally forgotten about that, though I had completed my duties as a Mentor only a few weeks earlier. Concordantly, I had to refresh myself on that experience, and I might as well bring you, Dear Reader, along for the ride.

The Engineering Mentorship program recruited rising-star Sophomores such as yours truly to meet with incoming Freshmen/women Engineering majors for a couple evenings early in their first semester on campus. These somewhat informal meetings gave us the chance to show the them the ropes and help prepare them for the 5-6 years ahead of them. At least that was the ‘official’ purpose of the program. But all us Mentors knew that it was really just a chance for us to show off to these youngsters how cool and hip we were, and to really let our flaming personalities shine (did I mention my awesome hair already?).

For example, on my résumé–my first chance to impress upon their malleable minds how absolutely ----- cool I was–I put something along the lines of ‘1998 Morton County Speling Be Champ-ye-uhn’. Now, I didn’t really win any local spelling bee two years earlier, but I looked super-cool claiming to have done so while simultaneously misspelling almost every word in the title. Pretty clever, huh?

And then there were other real accolades that I truly did earn…ya know, like Twinkie-But-Actually-Swiss-Cake-Rolls-Because-I-Shit-You-Not-There-Was-For-Realz-A-Twinkie-Shortage-That-Year Eating Champion.

Real classy stuff, I tell ya.

And let’s not forget the fact that I was desperately seeking their approval and validation–oh, sh*t, wait…did I just say that out loud?–and so really tried my best to be a ‘cool’ teacher. Like the ones in high school whose class every student so desperately hoped to land in: the ones that mingled with us little people, always began class with a short stand-up routine, graded super-easy, and would let just about anything slide. The kind that would never send a kid to the principal’s office, no matter the offense, and would instead high-five the offender for having the courage to ‘stick it to the Man’.

So, given all that, let me think…did I totally kick ass as an Engineering Mentor, the likes of which had never been seen before or since?

Indubitably. (Though being I’ve one to toot their own horn was never in my nature…)

“Hmm…good question. I would say maybe a solid five or a six, perhaps?”

Like I said, I was the type of guy/mentor/teacher that knew he was cool and never felt the need to brag about it.

“Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahh! Just let me stop you there, Arthur Fonzarelli. Try ‘one’ or ‘two’. In fact, I would probably give you a negative rating if I could, but I’m being nice and respecting the 1-to-10 range that I set forth to begin with.”

Needless to say, the Dean was sorely displeased with me, and in fact, was not meeting me to tell me how rad my hair was.

“Oh,” was about all I could quietly muster, as I realized that I had just walked into the trap he had so carefully set for me. Dammit, I should have known that whole ‘rate yourself’ was a trick question.

“So it turns out,” the Dean continued, “that one of your students came to my secretary trying to figure out where to turn in the work you had allegedly assigned him. Well, what we found mighty odd is that you had officially recorded this guy as having faithfully turned in every last one of his assignments. Yet, in a written affidavit, he swears that you never asked any of them to turn anything in.”

“Oh. We were serious when we gave them that work? Really?” I eeked out.

“YES WE WERE SERIOUS. Why, you realize that what you have done constitutes academic fraud, and the only reason why you haven’t been kicked out of the School of Engineering altogether is because my secretary talked me into giving you a second chance. We barely have any tolerance for slacker punks like you around here.”

Damn. ‘Punks’, eh? This mf’er was going after the hair? For realz?

“Ummm…thanks for taking mercy on my poor soul?”

“You’ve wasted enough of my precious time, and I need to get back to my meeting. Now get your ugly face out of my sight before I change my mind!”

“Yes, sir,” I said quietly and very, very humbly (this time I didn’t have to fake my humility), as a slinked away with my tail between my legs.

*a few weeks later*

Having quickly realized that my talents were going to be unsung and underappreciated in the engineering world, I changed my major to…education.

In retrospect, that was a bold move, given that I had just about got kicked out of my department for being a sh*t teacher. But of course the irony of situations like this aren’t apparent until 20 or so years later.

Anyways….The point of the story is, kids, it’s always cool to follow the rules. And if the rules you have to follow suck the life out of your soul, then go find yourself another piece of proverbial land in a far-off place where the rules are actually cool…

Content created on: 8 & 10 May 2024 (Weds/Fri)

Footnotes & References:[+]


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