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Your Homeboy’s Little Hack For Getting That Hi-Q Edge Back

6 Min Read

You swear you weren’t meaning to get a leg up on the competition.

But now you gotta fix the situation without drawing too much attention…

“Hello, old man! Hi there, old woman!” I said in my head as I tipped my proverbial hat to the elderly couple sitting at the table at the front of the relatively small room. “Don’t mind me,” I said aloud. “I’m just killing time until my old teammates show up for their turn.”

Back in December of ’99 I was a freshman in college, so I was still tight with my younger homies from the Rolla High School Scholars’ Bowl team–especially Jerome1Okay, so his real name is Jeremy–and yes, it’s true, I’m pretty much half-assing this whole ‘protecting the innocent’ schtick., the current senior and captain of the team. So when they traveled to Wichita right before Christmas break to try out for Hi-Q, you bet your sweet ass I hopped in ye’ olde Taurus SHO and drove the 2 hours from my college town to show them my full-throated support.

And maybe, just maybe, relive my glory days just a well bit. Have I ever mentioned that during my time at RHS I was a 3-time State Champion, was on the only Rolla team to take first place at every tournament in a season,2Unless the 2023 tea managed to accomplish this feat… and made the Sante Fe Trail All-League all 4 years of my career (sorta)? What? No, I haven’t? *stifles laugh*

Anyways…sorry, I forgot to explain what Hi-Q was…it was basically a Jeopardy-style tournament for 16 of the finest academic teams in Kansas. This was different than our regular quiz bowl business in two respects: first, it was televised. Sure, it may have came on at 7 am on Sunday mornings, but it was televised nonetheless. And secondly, they held open tryouts and invited any and all high schools to send a team, regardless of size.

Sure, Rolla could smack around other Division 1A schools all day long. When we would pick on someone our own size–specifically schools with an entire Freshman-to-Senior student body of 69 students or less–it was not uncommon for us to p*mp slap up ’em up side the cranium. Being a big fish in a little pond is nothing particularly special. But Hi-Q? That was our chance to take down some of the biggest dogs in the state. The year before I started high school, the Rolla team got runner-up, and ever since then the following iterations had been chasing that achievement…but sadly, the furthest any team I was on only made it to the second round. Even though I had never been able to take care of unfinished business, I would have been almost equally as content to vicariously bask in any victories Jerome, et al. might attain at this year’s Hi-Q. I may have not been officially on the team that year, but I definitely was full-fledged member in spirit.

And apparently I was a little over-eager, as I had showed up to the Community College that was hosting the tryouts for the morning session, unaware that Rolla wasn’t due to give it a whirl until the afternoon session.

“Ah, what the hell, I might as well see what kinds of questions they’re asking this year,” I muttered to myself as I sat down to watch some random school do their best to field the set of 50 or so morning-session questions this particular elderly couple was about to lob at ’em. Unlike regular competition, the tryouts only featured a single team at a time in a room with two moderators–and the top 16 scores throughout the day got the privilege of partaking in the real tournament held at a later date.

“Eh, not too many of us here in the audience,” I noted as I looked around to see what appeared to be a total of 6 or 7 other random-school supporters sitting with me. “Not that it matters…”

“Oh, I’ve been here since 9 am. Where the ----- have you slackers been?” I razzed Jerome when they finally showed up. “In fact, I sat in on one of the morning tryouts…y’know trying to get a feel for what kind of questions are on the docket this year.”

“No sh*t? So what was your take?” Jerome replied. “Was it all stuff we know like the back of our hands? Or was it obscure, fancy big-city type of stuff we can expect people from Wichita to come up with?”

It was pretty clear that he was carrying on the tradition of carrying a small-school chip on his shoulder.

“Mostly stuff that we practice regularly, and you better get those questions right lest I beat yo’ ass otherwise, I simultaneously assured and threatened him.

“That’s good to hear, good to hear…”

“Oh But there were at least 2 or 3 that I had never heard before today.”

“Oh, yeah?” Jerome looked at me inquisitively. “Such as?”

“Well, since you’ll get a totally different set of questions in the afternoon session, you might as well know that Margery Williams wrote The Velveteen Rabbit,” I intimated freely.

“Really? I never had a clue who had written that children’s classic. Heck, I barely recognize the name of that book, now that you mention it.”

“Yeah, I know right? What kind of snooty left-coast question is that? Anyways, um, lemme see. Here’s a few other bits of trivia I picked up today. Did you know that…?”

“Good afternoon, Ma’am. Good afternoon, Sir,” I greeted the elderly couple as nonchalantly as I could manage.

I turned to Jerome right before I took my not-so-randomly chosen seat.

“What the ----- are they doing here?” I half-joked through gritted teeth.

“Who?” he asked with a confused look on his face.

“This old couple, man…ha, ha…what a coincidence: this is the same room I was in earlier today. With the same elderly man and woman as moderators, too.”
“Hah. That’s mirthful,” Jeremy flirted with patronizing me. “Now if you excuse me, I gots me a Hi-Q to qualify for…

“Attaboy! Go get ’em, Tiger!” I straight-up patronized him back.

We all took our seats and let the proceedings get under way. I, for one, was eager to see what the set of afternoon session questions looked like.

About 3 questions in, an internal monologue started up in my head.

“Hmm…why am I getting a sense of deja vu? Ah! Maybe it’s because the answer to this question is…”

Right about then Jerome buzzed in. In unison, we said, “The movie Groundhog Day.”

Ah, yes, already it was the classic deja-vu-themed point of cultural reference.

“Wait a minute, now this next question seems oddly…familiar,” I thought to myself about Q #4. “That’s probably because the question asked what the term was for a vampire’s assistant. So that makes sense.”

Question Five was a different story altogether.

“What British author is best known for her work…” the elderly woman paused dramatically, “The Velveteen Rabbit?”

Jeremy looked back at me chuckling in mild disbelief with a look that clearly said “You gotta be ----- kidding me!”

I kinda shrugged back at him, with the expression on my face indubitably communicating, “How was I supposed to know they were going to ask the exact same set of questions during both sessions?!?”

To which he silently replied, “Well, I can’t unknow anything I may or may not have learned in the 30 minutes before I entered this room…”

“Wait!” I mentally reached out to him like Nic Cage trying to retrieve a loose ball of bio-toxins in the movie The Rock. “Don’t answer that! That contraband information can be traced directly back to me!”

But it was too late; he had already buzzed in.

“Margery Williams…I suppose,” he said, doing his best to pretend that this was foreknown factoid for him.

He looked back at me with something of a sheepish grin, implying “What’s a guy to do?”

I just planted my face in my palm, though I quickly looked back up at him with piercing eyes in order to send him a very clear message: “We’re in this together now, you cheating mother fucker.”

He kinda nodded. “We take this to our graves?” he said only with his eyes.

I nodded back. “To our graves.”

He then looked at the elderly couple then back to me. “And the eyewitnesses?” This time there was a certain sadness in his eyes.

We were long past the point of no return by now: we were no longer the two upstanding citizens that had walked into that room. I wiped a nascent tear from my eye–they were a precious and kind old couple, after all–and steeled my resolve.

With the slightest of nods and the gaze of a man who no longer had a soul, I telegraphed to Jerome those fateful words:

“To their graves as well…”

Which was a real shame, seeing as how, despite our bumbling cheating scheme and the ensuing cover-up, in the end Rolla didn’t even qualif for Hi-Q that year…

Content created on: 9/10 March 2024 (Sat/Sun)

Footnotes & References:[+]

The Confidential Tale Of The Know It All Going To Hell

6 Min Read

Just cuz somebody is a real smarty-pants doesn’t mean they don’t make dumb decisions on occasion.

And, no, I’m not returning my medal, man…

“And in fourth place…”

I held my breath. There were only five spots on the All-League team, and three out of my four teammates already had had their names called. I was but a lowly freshman, and I could merely hope to land a spot behind Ryan, the junior on our team, who was still aspiring to make the cut himself.

“…well, it looks like we have a three-way tie! All earning the honors as co-fourth-seats on the team are Ryan H. and BJ A. from Rolla High School (no surprise there), and Hanston High School’s very own, Local Kid! Come on up and get your medals–you earned them!”

I was slightly in shock. As a freshman, not only had I pulled it off, but I tied with the big-headed junior on our team!

The three of us walked to the front of the lunch room where the awards ceremony was being held. It didn’t take much more than that short walk for us whiz kids to quickly realize that the math didn’t add up here.

“Uh…I’m sorry, Local Kid, but we’ll have to send you your fourth place medal later in the mail,” the Hanston principal, who was emceeing the show, looked as compassionately at his student as he could, hoping not to kill the buzz of the dude’s modest victory…

Back in the day when I was attending Rolla High School, I had the great pleasure of partaking in the one activity in which our humble little school from Kansas was consistently a powerhouse: Scholars’ Bowl (aka Quiz Bowl, aka Jeopardy Light, etc). ‘Twas my freshman year, and at the time I was the runt of the proverbial litter, usually just relegated to watching the four upperclassfolk on my team kick intellectual ass. If I was lucky, I would get to sub in a late round once the tournament was already well in hand and I couldn’t possibly screw us over.

But at long last, here at the Santa Fe Trail League tournament–hosted by perennial football rival and now-defunct Hanston High School–I finally had the chance to prove myself and give the world a glimpse of the 100% Grade-A Quiz Bowl stud that would soon rise to state-wide domination over the next 3 years. Making the All-League Quiz Bowl team was an honor that any scholar could attain strictly on their own merits, even if they had 4 other mental dead-weights dragging them down.

Conversely, even if your other 4 teammates were frickin’ brainiacs–as was my case–you had to punch your own dang ticket onto the team.

And unlike most other Scholar Bowl activities which were oral-based and relied on one having speedy reaction times, admission into the exclusive All-League team featured a written test as it’s bouncer. Halfway through the tournament, the academic administrators running the show would herd all 35 or so of us youths into the Hanston lunch room and let us sit wherever we wanted. It should go without saying that they would precede to hand out pencils and sheets with roughly 20-30 questions,1The typical quiz bowl round consisted of 16 questions, so maybe that’s how many questions were on the test…but it seems like they should have given us more in that situation. Hell, I don’t remember. It’s been almost 30 years! set a timer for 15 minutes or so, and let us go to town.

Apparently, it was just the right conditions for my species to thrive…

“Ah, crap, a trigonometry question!” I muttered under my breath. “I won’t take trig until next year…I have no chance of getting this one right.”

Up until that point on the written test, I had been doing fairly well, but for some reason, not being able to throw out a wild guess and thus having a non-zero chance of getting this one right seemed to stick in my craw. It was only one of many questions, so I should have just counted my losses and moved on, right?


I simply could not bear the horror of that lone blank spot on my paper staring back at me.

I looked up from my test and locked eyes with David, the sophomore on our team and young man of noble character, who was sitting two feet away from me on the adjacent side of the lunch table. Yes, you heard me right–the dumbasses running the show haphazardly let us all sit together as a team. With my eyes, I drew his attention to the sad little empty spot on my sheet.

“I got you covered, my man,” he replied only with his eyes, as he slightly angled his answers just enough so I could see his chicken scratch scrawled at the bottom of the page.

“Tangent!” I proclaimed in my head as if I had just had an epiphany. “Hah! I knew it was something I would have never guessed on account of my complete lack of acquaintance with the topic of trigonometry. But now I will always and forever know that the tangent is ‘the ratio of the vertical leg of a right triangle to its horizontal counterpart.’ Done and done!”

I gave David a nod of appreciation and proceeded to jot it down, finally feeling at peace about turning in my test–all of which I had otherwise answered all on my own with my little freshman mind…

“Sorry, Local Kid, but we’ll have to send you your fourth place medal later…”

Those words hit a little differently now, don’t they? Now that you, Dear Reader, know that it should have been a two-way tie for fourth place and, ergo, enough medals to go around. Poor Local Kid.

“Sh*t. Had I known that one question would end up being so significant, I wouldn’t have even cheated on that singular occasion,” I thought to myself, acknowledging that I hadn’t really thought about how my error in judgement might possibly play out–it was only one question for crying out loud! I hadn’t done it to win, I had done it to avoid the wounded pride and shame that comes along with leaving one question blank. But whether premeditated or not, I was in this predicament either way.

“Welp, looks like I’m in too deep now,” I thought as I accepted my medal, still stunned not only by making the team as a freshman, but under the circumspect circumstances which it had happened.

“Guess I’m taking this one to the grave with me…”

“Why come clean now?” you may be indubitably asking.

Well, Dear Reader, that is a fantastic question. After all, I’m not dead…yet.2I do have some unresolved health issues indubitably related to officially becoming middle-aged over the last year, so my longevity actually can’t be taken for granted. Well, if nothing else I’m honest, and honestly it was never that big of a secret. I’m sure I’ve told some people over the years, including past girlfriends and current wives.

Heck, I figured I would just toss it out there for sh*ts ‘n giggles…and, in the spirit of Primary Season during an election year, I thought that just in case I ever want to run for President, I might as well get out in front of this scandal. Control the narrative and what-not. And I do want to point out that at least on the bright side, I hadn’t robbed anyone of a rightful spot on the All-League Team–had I let the tangent question go, Ryan and Local Kid would have filled the last two spots on the team, and I would have been left with the bragging rights of “making All-League 3 out of my 4 years of high school…”

So basically the point of the story is that if you’re going to cheat, you better be prepared to win–and all the emotional baggage that comes with carrying that unwelcome weight around until the statutes of limitations expires or you die, whichever comes first.

Anyways…I almost forgot the coda to the story: the following year when it came time to head to the host lunch room and take the All-League written test?
“This year we’re making a slight change,” they announced. “We’re randomly assigning you to a table, children, as no two of you from the same team are allowed to sit together…”

Okay, now I can’t confirm that the little stunt that David and I pulled was the cause for this much-needed ----- common-sense rule to be put in place–as far as I know that secret stayed between the two of us well into our college years–but a part of me can’t help be just a wee bit proud for perhaps making the world a tiny bit better place.

Of course, leaving an ass-backwards legacy was already kinda my thing by then.

What’s that? You don’t know what I’m talking about?

Oh, my friend, just listen: the answer is Blowin’ In The Wind

Content created on: 23/24 February 2024 (Fri/Sat)

Footnotes & References:[+]

Candy-Man’s Secrets Of The Summer That Got Out Of Hand

5 Min Read

Who can make a boy’s wildest dream come true? The Candy Man can!

And who can trash that dream? The Anti-Candy Ma’am can! Or so she thinks…

“My wife says I’m getting too fat…”

As a youngster, this was probably the first time I heard this phrase come out of the mouth of a grown-ass man. Of course, it wouldn’t be long before I wizened to the ways of the world, and realized that, actually, this was sort of a theme in many marriages.

The grown-ass man that first uttered those words to me was Matt, a military co-worker of my brother-in-law, Joe. The previous year we had lived with Joe and my sister on the local Navy base–right around the corner from Matt–and while I had moved back to Kansas to live with my old man for the school year, Mom had got her own apartment in the nearby town. Though I had come back for the summer, Mom had her day job, so most days I would try to convince somebody to sneak me onto base. Otherwise, I would have been stuck by myself in Mom’s apartment with nothing to do but play videogames, watch reruns of Mr. Belvedere and Dinosaurs, and eat the stupid health food with which Mom stocked her pantry.

Anyways, so there we were, the three of us dudes, plus my slightly older brother 1SkinnyJ, chillin’ in Matt’s garage (for a youngster like me, it was a real treat to get to hang out with ‘the big boys’).

“…so, lads, today’s your lucky day,” Matt continued. “Gentlemen and, well, uh, boys, behold: my candy stash!”

I looked at 1SkinnyJ, mouth agape, to see him giving me that same look. We could not believe our eyes. We had never seen so much candy in our lives outside of Mr. Bulky’s infamous sweets shop.

“Sadly for me–but great for you–the wife is making me get rid of every last bit of this sweet, sweet junk food,” Matt lamented. “Please. Take it all out of my sight before I change my mind.

“You’re just messing with us, right?” 1SJ asked Matt. “There’s no way any man with half a sweet tooth would let this go freely.”

While 1SJ probed the veracity of our apparent windfall, I eyeballed the stash up and down. Kit-Kat. Snickers. Pay Day. Twix–both caramel and the highly sought-after peanut butter version. And that was just a mere sampling of the American varieties. I mean, this dude had it all. Even several boxes of exotic Asian candies. I’m guessing they were mostly of Japanese origin, though I had yet to learn Kanji, so I couldn’t be 100% sure what the strange writing on the packaging said. However, I suspect they were from Japan mainly based on the fact that they were weird af, which just screamed ‘I’m Japanese!.’

“Nope, I sh*t thee not,” Matt confirmed the good news. “But I told the wife I was throwing it away, so you best skedaddle out of here with it all before she finds out what we’re up to. She’ll lose her mind if she finds out I’m contributing to the cavities of minors.”

“I have no place to keep this on base,” 1SJ turned to me with a solemn look on his face. “We’ll have to smuggle it into my room in Mom’s apartment. I’m entrusting you to protect it when I’m not around. Can I count on you, bro?”

“You got it, dude!” I said, despite not actually being a bona fide fan of the 80s sitcom, Full House.

I turned to Matt, placing my hand of my heart, “You can rest at ease: I promise you that we’ll provide a safe and loving home for your candy. Don’t you worry, it’ll be thoroughly enjoyed.”

“In your chubby little hands, I have no doubt it will be,” he replied. “Just don’t let your mom find it, or else…well, ya know…”

“Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity-dog!” I sang to myself as I woke up mid-morning the next day.

Mom had already long headed off to work and I finally had the apartment to myself. What kid wouldn’t be incredibly enthusiastic to greet the day, knowing what sugary delights that lied in wait for him? Especially an adipose-advantaged adolescent1I.e., “fat kid”. like me?

Knowing I would need my energy if I intended to spend my day indulging in all sorts of confectionery delights, I amazingly had the patience and discipline to start off with something that actually had some nutritional value: a big ol’ bowl of soggy Grape Nuts. I dutifully chowed down, one mushy mouthful at a time, all whilst fantasizing about which treats I wanted to eat first (there is something to be said for letting some anticipation build up, know what I mean?).

At long last, it was time to engage in some pure, unadulterated hedonism. I couldn’t help myself from skipping across the apartment and back to 1SJ‘s bedroom, where I carefully peeled back the layers of bean bags that I had employed to abscond our precious cache to reveal…absolutely nothing.

How could this possibly be??? I shook my fists to the heavens, fell on my knees, and rent in half the Nirvana smiley-face t-shirt I had been wearing.

My heart caught in my throat, while simultaneously the pit in my stomach dropped like a brick, as the realization overwhelmed me: Mom had found us out.

And not only had she found us out, but she had completely wiped us out. Not a wrapper, nor a crumb, nor any trace of the glorious treasure that had sat hidden in our room only mere hours earlier.

“How could I have been so sloppy, so stupid?” I chided myself. “I knew I should have hidden it so much better! Dammmmmmit.”

And just like that, all my hopes and dreams for what should have been the most glorious summer ever, down the drain…

“Down the drain…down the drain…down the drain…” I kept muttering to myself.

I pounded the video game controller in frustration as I processed the cold hard fact that I had blown the opportunity of a lifetime. Needless to say, I wasn’t getting over the heartbreak quickly.

“Down the drain…down the drain…down the–wait just a tic!” I was starting to realize something.

W.W.M.D.–What Would Mom Do?” I pondered.

“If it had been 1SJ’s weed stash she had found, sure, I could see her flushing it down the toilet. But…but…but, there’s no way in hell that’s what she did with all that candy. What did she do with it?”

I mean, something like that doesn’t just vanish into thin air, right?

“Hmmm…I wonder…no, surely she would have been more careful–surely!”

I about completely put the thought out of my mind. Almost.

“Oh, what the heck do I have to lose at this point?” I continued my monologue with myself. “Buckle up, Buttercup, it looks we’re going dumpster diving…”

Not that I thought that anything would really come of it–as evidenced by my lack of footwear–I nonetheless wandered casually out to the nearest dumpster, which happened to be right next to where Mom tended to park her Pickle Wagon.

Needless to say, I was completely unprepared to find sitting completely unblemished and easily within arms reach, there on top of the rest of the rubbish, basking in an angelic beam of light shining on it from upon high…every last piece of candy that had been prematurely ripped from their loving candy-daddy’s arms.

I sh*t thee not, I swear I heard this playing in that moment:

As much as I had been in shock when I discovered my goodies had gone missing, I was twice as much so when the Good Lord smiled upon me and gave me a totally undeserved second chance at achieving diabetic Nirvana. There really is no greater feeling in the world than that of a dead dream being brought back to life with a vengeance like ol’ Lazarus…aaaaahhhhhh!

Eventually, though, I gathered my wits and collected the goods before Mom could come home for her lunch break and spoil the party permanently. You better believe I hid My Precious much better this time–so good in fact, that I can’t find the slightest of slivers in my memory where I had squirreled it all away for the rest of the summer.

The interesting part is that Mom never said a word to me about what she had discovered amongst those bean bags, presuming that such a gut-wrenching loss would be punishment enough.

Oh, ho ho ho! Little did she know that Child Protective Services would have come and taken me away had they known all the abuse my teeth suffered that one glorious, glorious summer…

Content created on: 31 January/2/3 February 2024 (Weds/Fri/Sat)

Footnotes & References:[+]

Don’t Punish Me, You Old Fart–Punish The Technology!

4 Min Read

That sweet tooth of yours already got you in trouble once, kid.

But just you wait until Dad discovers the second half of the damage you did…

“Dammit, son! I thought we were done with this whole candy-peepin’ business!”

I looked up from my comic book1Well, if we’re going to be completely accurate, it was probably my Game Boy. to see one very pissed off father figure holding some papers in a tightly-clinched fist.

“What are you talking about? I haven’t gone near any of that since last month–and that was a one time thing! Believe you me, I’ve learned my lesson…” I stated, figuring that since it was a matter of fact(s), then the facts would exonerate me.

“You went and put $200 worth of your childlike foolishness on my credit card behind my back, and now this?!? Boy, I oughta beat your ass into oblivion right here and now!” he seethed through increasingly gritted teeth.

“Yes, I know–you made such a big to-do about the AOL charges last time,” I said, and I would have sighed in exasperation, but even then with my only partially-developed limbic regions of my brain–and specifically my visual cortex2,3–I could read ol’ Papa Bob’s body language and tell he was about to lose his sh*t.

(You remember the whole AOL Incident, don’t you, Dear Reader? Of course you do! You just read all about that last time…right?)

Anyways…I retroactively blame what happened next on account of my prepubescent amygdala kicking into high gear. In a truly meta moment, what little executive function I may have had at that age was not enough to stop from blurting out:

“I’m a frickin’ kid, Dad–you don’t actually expect me to have any executive function, do you?”

Ah, yes, if I had a time machine, I would go back and advise my younger self just to plead the Fifth and keep my mouth shut (not that that was a particularly self-incriminating statement, or anything).

“Don’t you try to get out of this by using your big brainiac words with me, boy!”

Did I mention that Dad’s intelligence got insulted easily?

“Oh, sh*t!”

Did I also mention that besides a love of sweets, another of my father’s legacy passed down to me was cussing like a sailor–even though I was waaaaay too young to be so proficient in potty words.

I skedaddled out of the kitchen where we had been having our discussion, through the office and into the living room, as I attempted to evade an encroaching ass-whooping.

“Get back here!” he demanded, further pursuing me on through our weird dining-room-like area and back into the kitchen.

“But I didn’t do anything!” I protested. “Whatever you’re pissed about, it wasn’t me racking up charges on your credit card this time!”

“Wait…credit card?” Dad wheezed as he stopped to catch his breathe. “Who said anything about a credit card?”

“Well, then what’s that in your hand?” I asked suspiciously, safely on the other side of the window-like opening between the dining room where Dad was now, and the living room, where I had scurried around to.

“This?!?” He held up the papers, shaking his fist at me. “This is the phone bill!”

“Oh, schnappes!” I muttered under my breath realizing what had happened.

“You can’t be angry at me about this–please!”I attempted to mount my defense. “I can explain everything…”

“I’m pretty sure I would know if candy factories or stores had 1-900 numbers that you could call and listen to them describe the experience of eating exotic sweet treats that you’ll never get to enjoy in your lifetime–” I didn’t let Dad finish his sentence.

“Wait, what? That’s a thing? Good to know, good to know…”

“NO, that is NOT a thing. Weren’t you listening to what I just said?”

I should also note that I had sort of a talent for frustrating Dad when it came to the Communications Department (and a talent for aggravating him when it came to the Actions Department).

“This clearly isn’t a 1-900 number,” he continued, “so who the hell are you calling in Amarillo in the middle of the night for hours on end? Is it the local Mrs. Bulky’s candy store down there?”

“Dad, Dad, I wasn’t talking to anyone. That’s the AOL Internet Service Provider access number…” this time Dad didn’t let me finish my sentence.

“WHAT THE HECK?!? You said you were done with AOL, you lyin’ little bastard!”

“I AM DONE WITH THEM!” I shouted back. “You already grounded me for this, don’t you remember, you old fart?”

“That was for the credit card bill. This is the phone bill, you dummy!” he retorted.

“IT WAS THE SAME CRIME! You can’t punish me twice for the same offense! That’s double jeopardy!”

“Well, your step-mother isn’t going to see it that way, and frankly, neither do I, so you can expect to be grounded another 3 weeks.”

“DOUBLE JEOPARDY! DOUBLE JEOPARDY! You can’t do this to me! Help! I’m being oppressed!” I said, making a big scene for an unseen audience.

“Son, it was $350,” he said, literally bringing the receipts up to my eye-line so I could inspect the evidence.

“Oh, damn, Dad, you need to call the phone company–those per-minute long-distance rates are tantamount to highway robbery! We can’t let such skullduggery stand!”

“Again, with the big, fancy words,” he warned me.

“Oh, right. In words you can understand: yeah, I kinda deserve another 3 weeks…”

The point of the story is–much like a progressive (or German) parent might do with their teenager when it comes to alcohol or recreational drugs–perhaps you should let your kids have sweets in moderation, where they will at least be under your supervision.

Or you could, ya’ know, just leave them to their own devices–devices like 1400 baud modems–and learn about their midnight shenanigans after the fact. Oh no, I’m sure you won’t be cleaning up after their short-sighted sh*t-show for months or years to come.

Oh, and maybe even more importantly, parents please, please, please understand its never to early to have the dreaded “technology talk” with your kids. Sure, it may be even more difficult and awkward for you than infamous “candy talk”, but I cannot stress how crucial it is.

I mean, how else are we budding Boomers going to learn how to run the latest new-fangled devices and navigate the dangers and pitfalls of the hottest social media platforms? We sure the hell ain’t going to figure it out on our own…

Content created on: 21/27/28 January 2024 (Mon/Sat/Sun)

Footnotes & References:[+]

The Sweet Magic Of The Boy’s First Tragic Dial-Up Download

4 Min Read

Young man, pay no heed to the siren’s call of 90s technology!

It’s not worth the cost for some sweet eye candy (and I mean that literally…)


“C’mon, c’mon, c’mon!” I muttered impatiently to myself.

“Keeeeyyy errrrr beeeep ong dee ong waaahhh urrrrrr!”2

“You gotta be kidding me! I gotta start all over again??” I exclaimed in impertinent disbelief.

“Urrrr EEEE urrr NNNGGGG CRRRRcrrrr KEEEEEEE grrr nnnnnng!”3

“What the hell are you doing?!? Connect already!” I seethed, but quietly so I didn’t wake up anybody else in the house.

…then out of the darkness came a digitized voice…

“Well, since you asked, let me show you exactly what I’m doing…”

On my computer screen flashed this overly-informative diagram:

I rubbed my bleary eyes and took a good hard look at it. I rubbed my chin as if deep in thought and pretended to understand what it all meant–but I didn’t have time to waste so I just faked comprehension as best as I could so we could get on with the show.

“Oh…okay, I see now. As you were then, Mr. Dell, as you were…” I said humbly.

In response, my Dell computer with its blazing-fast 1440 baud modem simply replied:

At that sound, a chill of excitement and anticipation went down my spine. If all went well that night, by dawn we all know what kind of pictures I would be in possession of…

“Candy, candy, candy!” I half-bragged to my elementary school classmates.

“No. Friggin. Way! Really?” one my buddies was clearly in disbelief.

“Yes friggin’ way!” I replied. “Come hang out at my house after school, and I’ll show you all the pictures I have of people eating candy on my computer.”

“So, like, do you have alot of these pictures, or what?” he gave me a side-eye look, suspicious whether I had the goods.

“Well, okay, not alot alot…maybe 15 or 20?” I confessed. “It also depends on how you count…I got a bunch that are mostly foreheads, maybe eyes too–can’t really see what they’re actually eating. I mean, do you know how long it takes to download a single picture at 1440 baud?”

“No, not really,” he admitted as well.

“Um…neither do I because I keep falling asleep before the picture even gets to their hairline…”

…And thus was the blessing and the curse of coming of age at the same time as the internet.

Oh! The promises the world wide web held for us sugar-deprived youngsters who had a healthy sweet-tooth streak in us. Like most kids, we rarely were able to get a first-hand sugar fix, but then along came AOL and with it, the allure of being able to vicariously watch someone else enjoying some gratuitous simple carbohydrates. When you’re that young, there’s a certain thrill in dreaming about one day, when you’re all grown up, what all different kinds of candies and other goodies you’ll be stuffing your face with–whenever you want, wherever you want!

Of course the down side to all this was that if you hoped to get anything besides plain text from the internet, you had to have patience that certainly no 7-year-old I knew4I never said I was 7 years old… possessed.

“Um…does your dad actually know that’s what you’ve been doing with your AOL subscription?” someone else just had to chime in and bring our little party crashing to Earth.

“Look, that old man eats junk food all the time–” I attempted to deflect the question, but no one was really buying it.

“So, he has no clue. Hmmmph. Figures.”

“Uh…yeah…so I sorta kinda snuck his credit card out of his wallet to sign up for all the interwebs stuff. Don’t worry, though, we signed up for AOL for a month or so last year when we first bought my computer–I told that Boomer that it wouldn’t work at all unless we paid a monthly fee, and he totally bought it!” I was back to half-bragging again.

“Yeah, dude, I’m sure this will end well…”

“Son, what in the hell have you been doing on your computer?”

So…Dad apparently gotten his credit card bill, eh?

“Uh…candy?” I timidly replied.

Candy?!?” he replied incredulously.

“Well, actually just pictures of people eating candy,” I said, somehow even more timidly.

“Son, there is a charge on here from something called ‘AOL’ for almost $200!” he said, admirably holding himself together given the situation.

“Oh, snap! Did you just say $200? It was supposed to be $9.95 a month…for the first 5 hours, at least.”

“And after that? Hmm?” he inquired impatiently.

“…and $2.95 for each additional hour…”5 I barely eeked out.

“When the hell did you have that much time–wait, no, it doesn’t matter. There’s an important life lesson to be had here,” he said, seemingly cooling off a bit.

“Oh yeah, what’s that?” I let out a sigh of relief.

“For $200, I could have just taken you down to Mrs. Bulky’s on Amarillo Boulevard and buy you waaaay more candy than your little mouth could ever eat.6For the historical record, no, my father did not offer to take me on a a questionable candy store shopping spree. That would just be some downright irresponsible parenting… So much, in fact, that you might not be able to eat candy for the rest of your life… But I digress. Really the point is, my boy, if you need a candy fix, you don’t have to go behind my back. In fact, your old man is something of a junk food connoisseur himself…”

“Awesome! So, I’m off the hook then?”

Dad looked at me like I was crazy.

“Oh, hell no, you’re not. You know what you’re step-mother–and mother!–thinks of candy: ‘it rots both the teeth and the mind!’ Yeah, even just finding salacious pictures of candy anywhere in the house will really set her off–whew, lemme tell you!”

“Wait, wha–” I attempted to protest.

“Yeah, and you think she didn’t see the credit card bill? I’m going to have to sit here with you and watch you delete every one of those ‘goody pics’ off of your computer,–or she’s going to be up my ass about this for lord knows how long.”

“Oh, c’mon, man!”

“Oh. And you’re grounded for 3 weeks…”

You gotta be ----- kidding me…

Content created on: 19/20/21 January 2024 (Fri/Sat/Sun)

Footnotes & References:[+]

All Is Fair In Love And War And Scientific Research

6 Min Read

Face it: your science project sucked, but it can’t be that bad, right?

On the bright side, at least that nightmare is finally over…

“Um…how about I use ‘laser beams’ to measure the speed of light?” the 14-year-old me hesitantly suggested.

I looked expectantly at my mustachioed science teacher, hoping that this would be a solid enough idea for my mandatory science fair project.

“We already know what the speed of light is. I’m sorry, but you’ll have to come up with something original,” Mr. Susman calmly replied.

And thus began my career as a half-assed scientist…

Actually, now that I think about it, the half-assery began a year earlier, when I was in 7th grade at Christian Schools of Springfield (Missouri). That year, the science project I really wanted to do was to put various metals in the microwave and see how long it took before the sparks started to fly. I honestly don’t know why that got shot down without any reasonable discussion; nevertheless, I was forced to come up with a different project altogether. Finally, the night before it was due, I threw together a project that measured how long it took various small objects, such as string, a button, belly button lint, etc. to fall/float to the ground when dropped from about 6 feet up. I know, I know: half-assery, at it’s finest, but I figured since my Christian school didn’t take science seriously, then why should I?

When I showed up the next day with my hand-drawn charts and graphs exploring the aforementioned topic, I was directed to setup next to my dyslexic best friend, Josh. What was my C-Average amigo’s science project about? Surface tension of water. Even if you accounted for the gross disparity in access to resources (his dad was a doctor; mine wasn’t–if you get my drift), the contrast in our core intellectual content was stark. Needless to say, for being the token smart kid in our class, having my kindergarten-level experiment on display directly next to real science was incredibly embarrassing.

Fast-forward roughly 12 months to my 8th grade year, where I found myself at Ocean View Junior High, a public school in California, in the extremely science-focused ‘Research & Development’ class for so-called ‘gifted students’.

If I didn’t want to be laughed out of the classroom by my high-IQ peers, then I had to seriously up my science game from the sloppy shenanigans I had pulled in 7th grade.

But in the end, the most original idea I had come up with wasn’t much more evolved–sorry, I mean, ‘intelligently designed’– beyond the stereotypical model ‘erupting volcano’: at the heart of both was the well-known chemical reaction of mixing vinegar and baking soda to make bubbles. In my case, though, I posited that dosing young tomato plants with a little carbon dioxide on a daily basis would result in a measurable growth spurt.

In retrospect, it wasn’t a completely horrible idea, but it wasn’t the most imaginative either. But when you combine that with limited financial resources, then the execution really starts to suffer.

To begin with, mixing a cup of vinegar with the appropriate amount of baking soda for each plant in the ‘treatment’ group probably only provided a barely perceptible boost in the CO2 available to that plant–and even though those two ingredients are cheap, they still aren’t free, Bub (I did at least have the plants isolated from the surrounding atmosphere by having them covered in plastic bags, though).

Of course there was the cost of the tomato plants themselves, and thanks to my budget, I was able to buy a whopping FOUR plants–2 ‘control’ plants (no dosing) and 2 ‘treatment’ plants (dosed). Honestly, if I would have been able to, say, triple the dosage, and, ya know, have 50 plants in each group, then it might have passed for a decent scientific endeavor. Alas, this ’twasn’t the reality I was living in.

But, wait! There was even more poor-kid shenanigans afoot…

“Thanks for printing these graphs for m–hey, what is up with the colors? That’s not how it looked on the computer I borrowed to make them!”

I peered over the several sheets that Michael, one of my richer, computer-with-a-color-printer-owning friends had printed off for me the night before our science projects were due. My sole graph, which charted the growth of the four plants over several weeks, was supposed to feature four lines of four different colors, yet what I was staring at was 2 red lines and 2 blue lines.

“What can I tell you? My printer ran out of yellow ink,” he replied, communicating the helplessness that he, too, felt about the situation.

I let out a heavy sigh.

“I guess beggars can’t be choosers, right?” I said, honestly acknowledging my current lot in life.

“Hey, it still looks pretty good. I’m sure it will be fine…well, mostly fine.” said the guy who would go on to become the Chief Scientist at Numerai (and, coincidentally, uses the exact same WordPress theme for his neuroscience/machine learning blog that I use here).

“Yeah, I guess no one will notice and and it’ll still get the message across,” I figured aloud.

*Later that day, in R&D…*

“So you’ll see here in Figure A1The joke being is that there was no Figure B, so calling it Figure A was a bit misleading… a plot of the plants’ growth from Week 0 to Week 6.”

I didn’t have the strongest project, but I was trying to at least pretend that I did.

A kid halfway back in the classroom raised his hand–oh dear lord, it was that Jackass Jacob.

“So…which line is which plant?” he queried with a smirk on his face.

“Well the blue line is…oh, sh*t, uh, I’m not sure which blue line is Control 1 and which one is Treatment 2. Uh…um…dammit, Oliver,2Michael’s last name you and your printer have screwed me over!”

I eventually fumbled my way through the rest of my presentation, buoyed only by the promise that, no matter what, 10 minutes from now this nightmare of a scientific endeavor would be over forever, never to haunt me again…

“Listen up, youths, we got the Ventura County Science Fair coming up in a few weeks, and unfortunately, we can only send a select few of you,” announced Mr. Sogioka, our other R&D teacher (there were so many smarty-pants 6th, 7th, and 8th graders at our school, they needed two classrooms to contain us all and two teachers to wrangle us rascals).

Half the class groaned in disappointment, already knowing full well they weren’t going to make the cut. For my part, I could have cared less. My project had sucked chestnuts and I knew it. I was at peace with that hard truth.

“Let’s see here…first on the list: David Chandler,” Mr. Susman announced.

“Good for David,” I thought to myself. “If your project is ‘The Impact Of Computer Monitor Radiation On The Development Of the Fruit Fly’, you sure the hell deserve to go show that sh*t off to the world. You sir, are a true scientist. A bit of a pompous ass, yes, but a ----- good scientist nonetheless.”

“Next: Michael Oliver…” Mr. Sogioka proclaimed.

“…for his study, ‘The Impact of Not Knowing How The F*** To Change A Depleted Printer Cartridge On Your Lower-Income Resource-Strapped Classmate’, no doubt,” I quipped as I elbowed Michael sprightly.

“Har, har, you’re hilarious,” he responded.

“Seriously, though,” I whispered to him, “I’m kinda glad you suck at printing things off in color. It got me out of the County Science Fair, at least!”


I jerked my head back to the front of the class at the sound of my name.

“I’m listening! I’m listening, I swear, Mr. Sogioka! I promise,” I lied. I had been chatting Michael’s ear off the whole time and hadn’t been listening as our two most esteemed educators had read off the rest of the List of the Damned, the poor souls who had to go to the county science fair.

“Huh, what? I was just announcing the students moving on to the next level of science.” Mr. Sogioka seemed confused.

“Congratulations, B.J., you were the last one to make the cut–you’re going to County! Wait…what?” Mr. Susman said, seeming just as surprised as I was at this turn of events.

“Nooooooo! Why me?” I rended my shirt in two and shook my fist to the heavens.

“Oh, you know exactly why,” Mr. Sogioka looked at me with…no, it wasn’t quite a sh*t-eating grin on his was more of sh*t-eating smirk.

“Dammit, Sogi-yoki, you’ve screwed me again!” I muttered.

“What was that you said, hmmm?” he inquired, clearly full of the power he be trippin’ on.

“Nothing, Donald, I didn’t say anything at all.”

“Hey, look on the bright side,” Michael interjected, “At least I can reprint your graphs in full color this time around.”

I stared daggers at him.

“Yes,” I replied with all the sarcasm I could muster, “CYK graphs will prevent it from a being a complete and utter fustercluck this time around…”

The point of the story is never make fun of your bald Japanese American teachers by racistly butchering their name and calling them Sogi-Yoki. Yeah, you read about that last week right? Of course you did. And of course you would have also known that it was just an honest, oh-fudge-I-wasn’t-really-paying-attention mistake on my part. But not in ol’ Donnie-Boy’s eyes, no sirree, Bob!

And now, finally, Karma had smiled upon his shiny dome of a head and had given him the chance to rain down retribution on me, the proverbial thorn in his side: he was sending my sorry ass to the county state fair–not based on merit in any way, shape, or form–only for the sole purpose of seeing me scientifically embarrass myself on an even bigger stage.

So, in the spirit of the holiday (Festivus, of course), I am officially airing this grievance in the general direction of one Mr. Donald Sogioka. Sogi-Yoki, sir, what you did to me was just plain ----- -up. If I were a lesser man, I would blame my lack-luster scientific career on you, but I won’t. The mere presence of three tiny letters after my name gives me the last laugh in this matter, and that is enough for this chatty slacker:




Content created on: 7/9 December 2023 (Thurs/Sat)

Footnotes & References:[+]

How To Prepare A Speech For Your Smug Old Teacher

5 Min Read

The teacher smiled an evil smile as her devious plan came together.

But when that plan done blew up in her face? That was oh so much better…

“And in conclusion, fellow students, that is why Greek mythology is still relevant to our lives today, even in this modern era of technology and hyper-connectedness.”1This was not the topic of my speech–that particular detail is left to the annuls of history. But it was similar in nature, tone, and depth.

As I wrapped up my 3-minute impromptu speech in Mrs. Murray’s Freshman English class, what I heard wasn’t quite the thunderous applause every orator hopes to elicit from their audience. Instead I got the second best response: the rest of the class sat stunned in silence, except for a few scattered whispers of “damn, that was good.”

In fact, I think one of those whispers came from me–I don’t think anyone was more stunned by the eloquence and coherence of the auditory gem I had just dropped than yours truly. Like many folk, I’m not the biggest fan of public speaking, so you can imagine my anxiety after Mrs. Murray–out of nowhere–announced to the class that we would all have to give mini-speeches on the topic of her choosing with exactly –*checks notes*–ZERO preparation.

Oh, and guess who was hand-picked by ol’ Suzanne2If you’re wondering why I’m name-dropping my freshman English teacher, it’s because I finally remembered not only her last name but her first name too–after wracking my brain for over 4 years! to go first? I’ll give you one hint: it was the same guy she had sent to the principal’s office earlier in the semester for–and get this–“acting insolent and insubordinate when intentionally and habitually failing to bring a library book to class” to read when he was done blazing through his in-class work.

Yeah, I’m still a little miffed about being on the receiving end of the ‘Dumbest Reason For Getting Sent To The Principal’s Office (1995)’ award.

But now here I was on the other side of a terrifying speech that had seemed like it would most assuredly go sideways on me and end in embarrassment and humiliation. Not only had I survived, I had knocked it out of the frigging ballpark. And it felt ----- fantastic.

After a few more moments basking in the glory and admiration of my peers, I couldn’t help my newfound confidence peek through the curtains.

“Alright, who’s next?” I quipped3Okay, okay, I admit this probably doesn’t technically qualify as a ‘quip’–what are you? My Freshman English teacher or something? nonchalantly, scanning the crowd for anyone brave enough to try to follow my act.

In the process I happened to glance over at Mrs. Murray, to whom (not ‘to who’) I couldn’t resist flashing half a sh*t-eating grin.

She just glared at me.

“Okay, class, it looks like it’s time to move on to today’s lesson about past participles…” she said, brazenly gaslighting the entire class.

Not that my colleagues minded the deception–I’m pretty sure that the munchkins all away across the school in the Kindergarten classroom could hear the collective sigh of relief let out by everyone else in the class. I’m sure none of them was exactly chomping at the bit to endure the bullcrap I just had.

“Wait, what the hell is happening???” I confess that I was slightly confused by this turn of events. Wasn’t the entire class supposed to be partaking in this exercise? And now she’s acting like it never happened? Seriously, what the funk, Mrs. Murray?

I sat there silently for the rest of the period, mulling over the situation in my mind. Occasionally my gaze would wander across over to Mrs. Murray, who (not ‘whom’) had returned to her desk after a very brief, very half-assed lesson on past participles. And every time, I would catch her staring daggers back at me.

By the time the bell had rang, I finally understood what had transpired.

There never was an ‘impromptu orations’ in her lesson plan! She had no intention of making anybody else give a speech (though it was pretty cruel of her to make them sweat it out). That skinny witch had set me up–she had made that all up in hopes of harassing and embarrassing me–and only me–with a speech that she thought most assuredly would suck balls. No doubt it was because I was being a real Chatty Kathy in the middle of class (again), but that is very much beside the point…

The point of the story is karma can be a real b*tch, ain’t that right Mrs. Murray? You very unprofessionally attempted to publicly humiliate a rascally-but-ultimately-harmless student of yours, and what do you get for giving in to your petty impulses? Oh, that’s right, you ended up make him a g0d amongst [fresh]men, all thanks to a short speech that went a little sum’thin like this (with all apologies to my dear mother):

Side note: do you realize how hard it is to choose amongst all the Google image search results for ‘flipping the bird’??? So many great options…Mister Rogers, Dolly Parton, a newborn baby…oh the options were endless, I could barely pick one.

Anyways…despite realizing that I had bested Mrs. Murray and her nefarious scheme, I gotta say…a full 28 years later, and I’m still a little peeved about her big batch of nonsense that was targeted specifically at me.

But then again, isn’t this is what the holidays are all about?

Oh, sorry I forgot to remind you that around this time of year I often find myself expressing my thoughts in the universal language of gifs from the 90s NBC hit sitcom, Seinfeld.4Who I got to see performing live just last night, not to brag or anything. *Ahem*…

To which holiday do I refer? Thanksgiving? Christmas? Hanukkah? Chinese New Year’s? Nay, I’m speaking of…

And we all know that the tradition of Festivus begins with The Airing Of Grievances:

So buckle ups, Buttercups, cuz we got a couple weeks of celebrating this fine holiday ahead of us…

Content created on: 17/18 November 2023 (Fri/Sat)

Footnotes & References:[+]

Silly Rabbit, Affordable Dental Care Never Killed Anyone…Yet

5 Min Read

Was the question: “Eh, what’s up, Doc?”?

Ah, hell naw, the answer should never be “malpractice insurance premiums and patient death rates”…

“I finally got me some health insurance, so I’m going for The Trifecta, Doc–are you ready for Phase One?”

My new dentist just stared back at me blankly through his special tooth-pulling glasses that, for some reason, were designed to make him look like a buck-toothed rabbit–“ah, a guy with a sense of humor,” I surmised.

“What’s this ‘Trifecta’ of which you speak, young man?” he sincerely inquired.

I was more than eager to oblige his request, as I was just certain he would find my idea to be genius.

“Well, I’m glad you asked, Doc. See, it’s like this: I figure that us modern humanoids have three extraneous body parts that are more of a liability than an asset…” I intentionally left a pregnant pause hanging for dramatic effect.

“Ok…and to which three body part are you referring?” the Doc bit hard for my bait.

“The obvious ones of course: wisdom teeth, tonsils, and the appendix. What good are any of those doing us, amiright?” I said, again pausing, trying to draw him in to what I was selling.

“Uh, sure, I guess. Where are you going with all this?” the Doc seemed a bit more dull-witted than you would want in somebody who is about to take a set of over-sized pliers to your face.

“So what I’m proposing is that we, as a nation, get out ahead of all these potential unforced errors. Within 2 months of every U.S. citizen’s 18th birthday, I say that we should offer them completely free-of-charge a one-stop chop-shop: a single surgical event in which they get all three removed in one fell swoop. It’s genius, right?” I looked at him expectantly for affirmation of my ----- brilliant outside-the-box idea.

Instead, I got another blank buck-toothed bunny look before he eventually spoke up.

“That may not be such a good idea,” he said. “If those things aren’t causing any particular issues, then one probably shouldn’t be taking those unnecessary risks. And don’t even get me started on doing all three at the same time–the human body isn’t designed to be able to recover from that much trauma all at once.”

“Well, my wisdom teeth are indubitably the source of my occasional halitosis, so minor procedural risks be damned–grab your pliers and get those suckers outta my face! What’s the worst that could happen?” I implored him.

I had had those 4 calcium fortified bungholes in my mouth causing me to have bad breath for the 5 years of my entire adult life, and I couldn’t wait a moment longer to bid them good riddance…

“Just keep your eyes on my bunny nose, and we’ll be all wrapped up before you know it,” the Doc gently reassured me.

I wasn’t so much nervous as I was excited. Nevertheless, he had opened up the clinic just for me on that late Saturday afternoon, so it was borderline creepy having not another soul around, save for my Mother Dearest–my designated driver, if you will–waiting patiently in the lobby. So even though I had no doubt it would be smooth sailing to my newfound fresh breath and slightly-better-spaced toothy smile, I appreciated his calming presence.

After getting me nice and numb, we cruised right on through Tooth One and Tooth Two. On Tooth Three, well, that was a different story.

I was chilling like a villian when Doc gave that final tug to pop ol’ #3 out. Out it popped, indeed–the loud ‘schluuuuuup-POP!’ was immediately followed by the even louder metalic ‘CLACK!’ of his pliers snapping together. Empty, that is.

“OH,” was all the Doc managed to say aloud. But the look on his face said it all.

And by ‘all’, I mean ‘OH SH*T’–so dramatic that including an exclamation mark would do the sentiment a disservice.

“Don’t…move…” he said, clearly trying to not to lose his nerve.

“Why, whaass up, Dawk?” I attempted to quip, but was foiled by facial anesthesia.

“Uhhh…oh…uhhh…this is bad. This is real bad…”

I could see beads of sweat forming in real-time on his brow. I figured I would let him sweat it out a few more seconds. Meanwhile, I was feigning alarm on the outside, but was cool as a cucumber on the inside.

Why? Because I had an ace up my sleeve.

And by ‘ace up my sleeve’, I really mean ‘tooth caught in the back of my throat’.

But what the Doc didn’t know was that–very, very fortunately for his sorry malpractice-insured ass–was that I had reflexively caught my maverick molar with my tongue, and, if I didn’t ----- around too long, I wouldn’t have to worry about finding out what choking to death on my own esophageal blood in a deserted dentist’s office would feel like.

“Ahhhh…” I could hear relief wash over the Doc as he realized that the cat-like reflexes of his patient had saved him from watching another one of us bleed out in his dentist chair.

I could also see the relief wash over his face. And, oh, was it awkward…

If the so-called ‘point of the story’ for the last three weeks was that it is absolutely insane that we don’t have free, universal healthcare in this country, consider this the ‘counterpoint of the story.’ In pursuit of The Trifecta, I was mere microseconds from dying–dying!

And that was just Phase One. Do y’all remember what went down a year later when I got to Phase Two? Please tell me you do. Please tell me I didn’t not suffer through pure hell–replete with a visit from the Grim Reaper himself–to not have my story told. Go ahead, go back and read one of the most popular posts I’ve put out, Touched By An Angel, and its counterpart, My Time To Go, and behold the most amazing and stupid way to die from a tonsillectomy.

You do see what’s happening here, though? You give a ‘genius’ numbnuts like me absolutely free, no-strings-attached health services, and what do we do? We go run off and have completely elective ‘out-patient’ procedures that end up with us in the morgue. Y’all gonna have a smart-people blood-bath on your hands, I tell you what.

Oh, and though it’s beside the point, guess what? I still haven’t got around to Phase Three–the appendectomy–but guess who’s been having occasional discomfort in that exact region? And guess who’s getting the idea in their head they might just want to get a jump on a potential exploding appendix and have that sucker taken out against the advice of medical professionals?

And guess who didn’t learn the lesson from Phases One and Two that he is indubitably ill-fated and is destined to die in the most statistically improbabilistic way during a routine, yet unneeded, medical procedure?

Who has two big toes, and one of them has a tag on it?

No, Dear Reader, the answer is not ‘this guy!’–you think I would use such a bourgeoisie ‘who has two thumbs’ punchline in such a grave and earnest post? No!

Instead, I implore you to look at the Toe Tag1Yes, this is very much indeed an unpop-culture reference to the grunge band ol’ Phillip K. Ballz and I were in during our early high school years. of that handsome body on the slab…

Content created on: 11/12 November 2023 (Sat/Sun)

Footnotes & References:[+]

Celebrating 25 Years Of The Great 21-Trap-Flap Compromise Of ’98

6 Min Read

What’s that? You’re worried that maybe this ahistoric moment in sports may have scarred me for life?

Just wait until you see the other guy…

“You gotta be kidding me, man! I gave you a hole you could drive a truck through!”

I was one irate pirate, to say the least…

Now, we all know that scholars maintain that I wasn’t exactly what one might call an “athlete with some semblance of coordination.” But that didn’t stop me from playing football for good ol’ Rolla High School, no sirree, Bob!

Well, to be honest, it wasn’t like I really had a choice. With a student body weighing in at a whopping 69 students across 4 grades, just about every male was peer-pressured into joining the football squad so the Pirates could actually field a team. So despite my near complete lack of athletic ability, I was nevertheless involuntarily drafted to play.

And since I had hands of stone and an athletic mind just as dense, I landed on the offensive line–the center to be exact. Coach L figured that apart from the concentration needed to snap the ball to the quarterback or punter without screwing up, that position required the least thinking, and therefore where I could do minimal damage to our offensive efforts.

Heck, by my junior and senior years–when I was actually on the starting squad–I had made the poor life decision to eat so healthy that it was unhealthy, and was pretty light for a lineman (like, a good 20 lbs. lighter than your average corn-fed Kansan lineman). So for the most part, having me on the field was only marginally better than having no center at all and just having the quarterback snap the ball to himself.

In short, I plain sucked at football. And I felt bad for the 3-4 truly athletic guys who had to suffer thanks to me and the rest of the crew of mediocre players.

So, then, pray tell, why was I so pissed off that day in the locker room? Because despite all my sucking, there was one play that I executed like a mothertrucking champion: “21-Trap.” And how did I know I was so dang good at running this so-called 21-Trap? Because I, along with the entire team, was staring at videographic evidence of me actually doing my job right for once.

Just one tiny problem: our running back, an otherwise fine and intelligent athlete, couldn’t grasp the concept that he was supposed to run through the “1” gap.

Oh, what’s that? You’re not familiar with 8-man football plays? Well, fear not, Dear Reader, because I found a little resource to help you out. Please, observe the diagram below, in which the players on my team (on offense) are represented by circles.

In this diagram, I’m the center (black circle) and once I snap the ball, I take a hard right and block the dude trying to rush through the hole that will soon be created by our right guard (“RG”–red circle, and the “2” in “21-Trap” but not the “2” in the diagram) who was “pulling” left behind me and “trapping” whatever schlub he first ran into. And the result of this should be a big-ass gap where the left guard (“LG”, the “1” in “21-Trap”, but not the “1” in the diagram) was before he blocked to the right like me.

So now, our running back (the yellow “2” in the diagram)–who will remain mostly anonymous–had it easy: our running back, who I shall only call “Double-B” (who, incidentally, was the brother of “Double-D”, of Shotgun Wedding infamy), just had to run slightly left and directly on through that hole and, more often than not, right into the end zone.

But three games into the season, and what did every game tape show? They all showed the same dang thing: RG pulling left, LG and me blocking hard right, and Double-B…absolutely not running through the huge fricking patch of amber waves of grain in the 1-Gap. Instead, homeboy would do something like this:

Now, it doesn’t take a wild imagination to realize that about 1.5 seconds after the ball is snapped, the black circle and the yellow “2” circle will be occupying the same physical space. So is it really a surprise to hear something like this:


Yes, that’s right, upon watching the game tape, Double-B had the, um, ‘footballs’ to yell at me. So I had to set the record straight.

You stop running into me, you dumb jock! The “1” gap is on the LEFT…you know, where the GAPING HOLE in the line is,” I retorted. “I’m tired of being the one to receive the credit for the tackle just because you don’t know how to count to 3. Do you know how embarrassing it is for the announcer to give me credit for doing the other teams job? You’re making me look like a ----- moron out there…”

“Holy sheets, dude, that is one gaping hole!” Phillip K. Ballz, my best friend and star tight end on the football team, exclaimed as we trotted off the field after failing once again to make into the end zone against those pesky Satanta Indians.

“Thanks..I guess. But you meant to say ‘that was one gaping hole’, right? Yet another gaping hole that our ol’ dipsh*t Double-B didn’t have the sense to run through…” I muttered in disgust.

“No, man, I mean your elbow…you got a flap of skin flowing in the breeze and you’re gushing blood everywhere!”

I looked at my right elbow, which was a little sore after the full force of the barrelling train we called Double-B smacked into it during–you guessed it–21-Trap.

I gasped lightly in horror at the sight of an almost entirely red forearm.

“Darn you, Double-B! Darn you to heck!” I shouted as I shook my fists–one pink and dry and the other one sanguine and bloody–into the air.

“Dabnabbit, BJ, stop being such a drama queen!” I could literally hear Coach L’s eyes rolling behind me. I turned around toward him to reveal my bloodied arm, channeling my inner Carrie.

Coach L was non-plussed.

“Put a BandAid (TM) on that and get your lily-white ass back in there! I need you to at least pretend to play defense…”

“Bum Ba-dum Bum Bum Bum Bum!”

The photographer handling my senior pictures cocked her head at me quizzically.


“You know, the commercial1Okay, so I’m pretty sure this commercial wasn’t out back in 1998; I openly admit I am using it here for comedic effect.…’We are Farmers, Bum Ba-dum Bum Bum Bum Bum!’ ” I replied.

“The insurance company? Okay…”

“You asked me about the BandAid (TM) covering half my right arm that you are going to have figure out ways to strategically cover up, right?”

“Yeah…and…? I’m not making the connection here,” she said, with a lost look in her eyes.

“Ok, I admit that it’s a bit of a stretch…you see, my family and I are a bunch of farmers, and therefore very ironically, don’t have health insurance to cover stitches when you lose half the flesh on your elbow playing football. Yup…it’s just superglue, BandAid (TM), and bit of Duck Tape holding me together,” I regaled her.

“Oooh…maybe we shouldn’t cover that up after all. It’s like a badge of honor showing off your raw masculinity while playing a man’s-man’s sport–“

I cut her off before she could make the situation any more awkward.

“A teammate did this to me. I caught some friendly fire during the one play that I know how to run…which happens to be the one play where he cockily thinks he knows where he’s supposed to go, but actually doesn’t,” I explained.

“Oh,” she murmurred quietly, “I see. So are you, like, holding a grudge or something? You sound pretty bitter…like this is something you would still be ranting about 25 years later…”

“What? Who me? Do I look like the type of guy who would let something like some mild physical disfigurment fester for a quarter of century and then finally air his grievances in a semi-public forum? Pfft! Please!” I said dismissively.

“Ok, I believe you. But then tell me this: how are you emotionally handling this betrayal then?” she asked gently, as if this had somehow become a therapy session instead of a photoshoot.

“Oh that’s easy. With my incredibly poor blocking abilities up front on the line, my dude gets the living sh*t knocked out of him just about every other play. By my calculations, they guy’ll have CTE by the end of the season. So it all basically evens out.”

“Really? You think long-term brain injury and a barely noticable scar on your elbow are roughly equivalent?” she asked humbly-yet-increduously.

“Look, that butthead ruined my senior pics, so no, I ain’t never letting that sh*t go…”

Content created on: 14/15 October 2023 (Sat/Sun)

Footnotes & References:[+]

What? You See Sum-Ting Wong With The Great White Hope?

5 Min Read

Did you know…racism comes in many flavors?

Well then, ret me tell you a story–though I might not be doing anyone any favors…

“Let’s go get some Chinese food.”

I jerked my head up from my lab computer, startled to see Mark, my soon-to-be-roommate and slacker extraordinaire, standing in my lab doorway.

“Wha– wha– what are you doing here? And why the h*ll would we go get Chinese food at 3:45 in the afternoon?” I asked, thoroughly confused.

“Scoot aside. I need to show you something on your computer. And then it’ll all make sense, Young Grasshopper,” he said, with that sh*t-eating grin of his plastered across his face.

I gave him a long sideways glance.

“You not going to pull up an inappropriate video, play it at full blast, and then run off, are you?” I asked suspiciously, seeing as how that is exactly the type of prank he would find hilarious.

“Nah, man, you’re gonna want to see this–and I promise it won’t get you kicked out of grad school,” Mark reassured me with the face of a man with a couple of aces in the hole.

“Okay, but I swear, it better not be NSFW,” I said as I reluctantly gave up my seat to him.

With a few quick strokes of the keyboard, Mark had logged into his academic record in UNC’s system.

“The grades from my summer class posted today,” he said, utterly failing at acting nonchalant.

I perked up. Now he had my attention.

Quick side note here–if he doesn’t have your attention, Dear Reader, then would you be dear and go read my most recent musings here, which crucially has set up the story for today. (As usual, I’ll wait…)

“Sooo…I didn’t exactly get that ‘easy A’ in my Health class that I was counting on, but I did get a B+.”

I held my breath, waiting for the other shoe to drop–or in this case, the other grade.

He continued: “And apparently, I didn’t totally bomb the final in my math class…I got a B+ in it as well, thanks to your help, my friend.”

He intentionally paused for a moment, a comic attempt at letting the tension build.

“Don’t be a sh*t head, dude, just get to the ----- point.”

He grinned at me.

“You are not going to believe this…” he said scrolling down the page, past 10 years worth of transcripts, finally landing on the Cumulative GPA section.

My eyes rapidly scanned the page for the single-most critical number of Mark’s academic career.

“Speaking of ‘the ----- point’,” he quipped, “How about ‘point-zero-zero-six’ for a ----- point?”

It was an incredible moment. In fact, I have footage of me, staring at his GPA on the screen:

In front of that ‘.006’ was the most beautiful number in all of the English language: ‘2’.

“No, my friend, we did it,” Mark said with utter satisfaction. “And with a GPA over 2.0, I get to avoid the most shameful fate that could befall an Asian son: never graduating from college. Now let’s go celebrate with some effing Chinese food!”

For a brief moment, my stomach felt like it was trying to digest a bolder, as I realized how harrowingly narrow of victory it was. Just one more wrong answer over the whole summer in either of his two classes, and Mark would have had jack-squat to show for the last decade of his life.

I was pretty sure that had we known it would all come down to such a razor-thin margin of a singular question, we would have caved from the pressure.

I let out a long-ass sigh of relief, knowing that irregardless of how close we had come to driving off the proverbial cliff in the proverbial fog, we had done what we had set out to do: Mark was going to be able to graduate. The 10-year nightmare of his was finally over.

My mid-afternoon appetite for crab Rangoon quickly returned.

“I know just the person to ask for Chinese restaurant recommendations…”

“Ha ha–You don’t want to go any of the Chinese restaurants in Chapel Hill…” Dr. Wu, the head [Chinese] head of our lab proclaimed, his voice laden with the wisdom of the orient.

For a moment I was starting to question whether it was racist (or at least culturally insensitive) to ask a Chinese person which Chinese restaurant one should eat at. A

Dr. Wu continued: “…because they’re all run by Mexicans–hah!”

I about spit out my drink, and likewise I could see Mark trying desperately trying not to snicker. We definitely did not see that plot twist coming.

But I suppose if one asks a racist question, they shouldn’t be too surprised when they get a racist answer, after all…

“Ahhhh, moo-ving to-daaaaay, B-Jaaaay?”

With the ‘most authentic Chinese restaurant in Durham ran by actual Chinamen’ recommendation from Dr. Wu in hand, Mark and I were scurrying across the parking lot to his illegally parked car when we heard that unmistakable Chinese cadence from behind us.

I spun around to address the accusations Charles, the Chinese post-doc in our lab was lobbing at me.

“Huh, what? Oh…oh yeah. Yup, yes, that’s where were off to right now!” I stammered, as I suddenly recalled my conversation with him the previous week–the one in which I had told him “Sorry I can’t help you with whatever you’re asking me to do–I’ll be moving that day.”

Mark gave me that look that says, ‘You sir, are so full of sh*t,’ because he knew dang well that we weren’t going to be doing anything moving-related until 7 that evening when we were to pick up the UHaul truck.

I doubled-down on my half-lie: “Good memory, Charles, we are indeed moo-ving to-daaaaay. Thanks for remembering–but we really gotta go!”

As we got in Marks car, I finished my thought.

“…got get some Chinese food, that is, motherfucker…”

The point of the story is sometimes it’s pretty darn hard to figure out if you’re Asian-racist. Seriously, for realz–even for someone like me who may think themselves to be somewhat woke.1Like in it’s real sense, as originated by Erykah Badu–not the dumbass ‘anything that might make me be considerate of anyone unlike myself (heavens forbid!)’ meaning imposed on it by Fox & Friends. ----- dipsh*ts.

You see, the story didn’t quite end there in the parking lot of Phillips Hall. The problem is that Mark witnessed that infamous interaction with Charles, and of course he found it ----- funny, particularly because of how Charles said what he said. And that inside joke got repeated so much that it quickly migrated to my newfound marriage a few months later and infected My Beautiful Bride.

And even then it wouldn’t have been that bad, except that, coincidentally, I-as-a-physics-grad-student had joined the American Physical Society about that same time…which came with a complimentary subscription to their flagship publication:

Listen, I’m not going to apologize for My Beautiful Bride–who happens to be half-Asian herself–when she would once a month toss my mail on my desk in our home office and say-…

Wait for it…

Wait for it…

“Phy-siiics, to-daaaay, B-Jaaaay?”

Could it possibly be a legacy of racism we got going on here? Nobody lily knows.

But what is certain is that it’s ----- hilarious every time.

Oh, dear The Jesus, I feel so conflicted…

Content created on: 22/23 September 2023 (Fri/Sat)

Footnotes & References:[+]

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