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Bum Sandwich

5 Min Read

I definitely have lots of regrets–don’t you? If you’re somehow living out the motto “No Regrets”, I somehow suspect that you ain’t lifing right. Or you’re a psychopath. But who am I to judge?

One’s relationship with regrets can be a tricky thing. You have to hold them loosely and tightly at the same time. On one hand, you really need to take Elsa’s advice1 and let. That. Shit . Go. It may be cliche, but don’t get hung up on things that you can’t change. You done ----- up son. Give it up already.

On the other hand, I think it’s worth reflecting on your regrets,2Misappropriation of #NeverForget if for nothing else to avoid repeating unnecessary mistakes. If you want to take it to the next level, you can even examine what it reveals about yourself, at which point you can ask whether or not you want to be that person that made such a regrettable life choice. Then use that knowledge to move towards being that [presumably] better person.

On occasion, I suspect you will find me waxing short about various regrets I’ve had thus far in my life. If it isn’t clear by now, I am pretty capable of being quite a poopy person acting in a rather poopy-head,, I like to cling to the self-protecting hope that that is not who I am to the core. A key part of that hope is the notion that “what is important” is the willingness to own thy shit–and use it as all-natural organic fertilizer and in turn grow as a person/citizen of society. Also, in cases where I regret how I made other people feel, I think a part of me verbalizing my regret is trying to apologize in the sincerest way I know how.

Now, all that being said, I have to confirm your worst fears: no, I’m not really going to talk much about the specific nuances of the concept of regret, as I may have led some to believe by the last few paragraphs. I will at some point share more relevant stories, but for now I thought I would lightly ramble since I was on the topic, and eventually those other stories are going to need some broader context anyway. And also, I’m attempting to write past my bedtime, which is when I run the risk of becoming so incoherent that I actually become more coherent than my natural state.

Honestly, my motivation for today’s story was to set the Dear Reader’s expectations that I will on occasion serve up shorter, less interesting stories, in hopes of tempering the inevitable disappointment. Even more honestly, I’m really trying to lower the bar for what I can pass off as a blog post and save myself from the temptation to nervously talk on end just to fill the air. Clearly, I’m not doing the best job of exhibiting the virtues of brevity. I really just wanted to type a few quick paragraphs and get to bed at a decent time, but nooooooo.

But, I digress. In spite of my best efforts (really, though?!?).

After all that meandering prefacing, I actually do have a regret that I wanted to share with you. One evening when I was a single young buck in grad school, I was waiting to go home at the bus stop in downtown Chapel Hill. Nearby sat a modestly attractive young lady, probably about my age, eating a sandwich. And directly in between us sat a down-on-his-luck middle-aged man of lower socio-economic status.

By and large, I was minding my own ----- business, paying no real mind to my two companions, when I noticed the guy had started talking to the girl. Or at least talking at the girl. Either that, or he was talking to her sandwich. Honestly, it wasn’t really clear. He was asking her how her sandwich was, but it was almost…sexual. I could sense the smarm coming off of him, but I wasn’t sure if the object of his lust was the girl or the food.

She could definitely sense the smarm, too, because she was clearly very uncomfortable with the situation. So here’s what I regret: I regret I sat there and watched, and continued to mind my own ----- business. Maybe I was entranced by the situation, as my mind was stuck trying to figure out what was really going on. Or maybe a part of me was relieved that he was bothering someone else rather than me about whatever it was that he wanted.

Fortunately, she just ignored him and he hopped on the next bus. After the immediate tension broke, the realization of my missed opportunity smacked me upside the head. As soon as I sensed her unease, I totally could have and should have jumped on that grenade for her sake, so to speak. In action that would have been as simple as striking up a conversation with him and diverting his leering stare away from her. Had I really been on my game I would have offered to buy him a sandwich.

But alas, I didn’t, and I have to live with the consequences of my inaction. Which are surprisingly pretty much non-existent, save for my self-assigned sense of cowardice.

There is a real underlying moral to be mulled over here, though: at what point does one decide to go from being a simple by-stander to a reluctant, yet responsible, hero? Recently, on two separate occasions, I had to decide whether to call 911 on behalf of neighbors I barely knew, and get myself thrown into the middle of their situations. Ultimately, I did step in on their behalf both times, but not without what seemed like an eternity of uncertainty as to what my role and responsibility really was.

I don’t know if I can speak for anyone else, but for me these experiences were…surreal. At least surreal in the sense that the back of my mind kept trying to figure out “Is this really happening?” It took a surprisingly long time before I snapped out of it and was even aware of the question of what I could do to help. The real takeaway for me from all of this is that it really is worth running such thought experiments in my head, and essentially train myself to respond with the assumption that I’m being called into action. One day that assumption just might save someone’s life. Or at least the enjoyment of their sandwich…

Now, the story doesn’t quite end there, though that last line would have made for a pretty decent zinger to end on.

For whatever reason, I was recently recounting this story to my wife, when something occurred to me, all these years later. Although I had zero romantic motivations for intervening with the young lady and her sandwich, such champion-like action could have possibly had resulted in eternal, er, “gratefulness” on her part. Following my thoughts wherever they wandered, I continued to muse aloud.

“Who knows? Maybe I would have inadvertently found myself with a lifetime supply of on-demand booty calls…”

At that point I noticed my wife was giving me one of those looks.

[Ruefully under my breath:] “I regret sharing that last detail…”

Content created on: 19/20 August 2019 (Monday/Tuesday)

----- Bob Ross

4 Min Read

Fuck Bob Ross.

Don’t get me wrong, he was a great guy–may he rest in peace.

But seriously, ----- him and his happy little trees, too.

You may be wondering what the hell is wrong with me, as it is a widely accepted fact that everyone loves The Ross-ster. Don’t worry, I’ll address that in a moment.

Let me first state that I would be slightly disturbed if everyone felt this way about Bob. So, to be clear, this is not a universal ” ----- you” to him–that’s not the case I’m trying to make here. It’s a rather locally-sourced ” ----- you” instead. This is just, like, my opinion, man.1

Like many things in my life, I’ve had hints of raw talent here and there from my early days–namely artistic talent, in the case of today’s tale. But also like many things in my life, my attempts at artistry somehow always resulted in half-assery. As Daddy Pig might say, “I’m a bit of an expert at half-assing things.”2

Anyways, I clearly remember working on my masterpieces when I was young. Usually it was faces that I would draw, and I would always get out to a nice, solid start. Fairly realistic eyes, complete with a little gleam…nice strong bridge of the nose…not-too-caterpillary eyebrows conveying a friendly contenance…decent enough nose and nostrils…and lips that were still fairly human…

But there was always a voice in the back of my head telling me I should stop after the lips. Needless to say, I never listened to that voice. “Just the lips”3That’s what she said. were never enough for me.

Each time, I would witness my Goya turn into a Dali right before my eyes. It’s as if my subjects were the Nazis in Raiders of the Lost Ark, beholding the Ark of the Covenant for the first–and obviously, last–time. It wasn’t pretty. To be fair, I should clarify that 3/4 of the face would be at least serviceable. It would be the chin, the hairline, the ears, the misshapen and disproportionate body, and whatever the hell I attempted to put in the background that would look like it was melting.

(As an inappropriate use of parenthetical statements, I’m just now realizing that there was one exception to this madness: pirates. I guess that’s probably because the whole pirate experience–you know, scars, missing eyes and limbs, parrots, tattered sails and the like–was so ----- up that it was a nice match for my ----- up art skills. But I digress. Enough with the piracy already.)

So, pirates and their peg legs notwithstanding,4Its a pun. Pun intended. I could never produce a complete piece of art. Hell, I would have been happy to nail 50% of the drawing without dropping the ball.

I think I might have actually made it to 50% on several occassions, but instead of leaving the rest of the page blank and walking away [mostly] a winner, I never knew when to quit. It’s like a part of me–let’s call him The Back Seventy–would be like “Hey, there Front Thirty, that’s a nice picture you got going there. But we wouldn’t want to be too successful, would we? We can’t have that. Let me fix it for you…”

The point of the story is that pretty much my whole life I’ve had this deeply ingrained sense of inevitable doom, in which all previous hard work/good luck will eventually be trodden over by hubris, incompetence, and/or misguided ambition, if only given enough time.

Come to think of it, this actually is a pretty accurate template for most of my romantic endeavors, but that’s a story or two for another time…

I would like to believe that I’m starting to paint a clearer picture of why Bob Ross can go stuff all those paint brushes up his ass for all I care…but I’m afraid just the mere analogy of painting will trigger The Back Seventy in me to take over and drive this whole beautiful train of thought off the rails and over a cliff.

But ever the optimist, I shall attempt to at least connect the dots. Anyone reading this far deserves at least that much.

Most people I know coo over Bob Ross and how soothing it is to watch him paint, allowing his Zen voice to wash over their semi-clothed beings as they are lulled into blissful sleep. That’s nifty and all, and I suppose I’m happy for all y’all for whom that is the Bob Ross Experience. Congratulations.

Meanwhile, I’m over here projecting all my insecurities onto him, resulting in me being awash in nothing but anxiety.

You know how some people yell at the screen during horror movies, imploring them bitches not to go in that door and instead vacate the premises in a timely manner? Yeah, that’s me, imploring Bob “YOU DON’T NEED PEACEFUL MOUNTAINS IN THE BACKGROUND OR A GROVE OF YOUR HAPPY-ASS TREES! BE CONTENT WITH THE LAKE, MAN. WALK AWAY, BOB, JUST WALK AWAY BEFORE YOU LOSE IT ALL!”

But that asshole never listens. Instead, he just calmly sticks the landing, taunting me with what I can never have…

The point of the story is, embrace the things that bring you joy, but be hesitant to assume that this joy is universal.

You never know, one man’s angel might be another man’s be-fro’d demon.

Content created on: 17 July 2019 (Wed), Revised 24 July 2019 (Wed)

Footnotes & References:[+]

A Most Excellent Life Lesson

4 Min Read

“About time…about —damn time.”

That was my reaction when I read the clickbait article today confirming that Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure 3 was REALLY, TRULY HAPPENING. Sure, we have to wait over a year before it actually comes out, but we’ve waited 28 years thus far, so who can complain?

I was 8 or 9 when I first experienced Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure, and I was in love–hello, Joan of Arc! Hello, Bill’s stepmom! Seriously, though, how can one not be ape-shit over a cinematic masterpiece that features none other than George Carlin as Rufus? I wanted to name my hypothetical son “Rufus” because of him, for god’s sake!1I just realized…this whole time I had thought Rufus Wainwright was the inspiration for my Rufus predilection. This makes way more sense now. I don’t think I’ve experienced any of Mr. Wainwright’s catalog… Both Keanu’s and Alex’s acting careers where ripe and in season, good to the last juicy surfer/dumbass drop. Truly, it was a bygone golden age to which Keanu has yet to return. *Sigh* But! There is hope at last…I mean, Alex (aka Bill S. Preston, Esquire) came out of 25 years of acting retirement for this. This calls for a celebration…with a tangentially relevant tale, perhaps?

I wish I could lie and say that I was a true fanboy who has watched it over a 100 times, but hey, let’s be real. This was back when my family had to rent the VCR before we could argue about which movie to rent. So I saw it twice, maybe thrice, tops. Nonetheless, I still think it would be most righteous to count me as a fan. However…

However, I have to confess that I never saw the sequel. Some fan I am, right? Well, that just didn’t happen in a vacuum. You see, Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey came out late in the summer before I started fifth grade at Christian Schools of Springfield in Springfield (duh), Missouri. Now during the summers, my brother One Skinny J (aka 1SJ) and I would live with my “easy-going” dad on his farm in Kansas…pretty much the exact opposite of “Christian”, “Schools”, and “Springfield”.

The inferred point being, if we were going to see it, it would be with him. By my estimate, we would have had a 2-3 week window to make it happen. It’s no surprise that we never made it to the theater, with the farm and all…and also because I’m pretty sure that’s about the time we got grounded for stealing $20 out of our step-brother’s wallet. Which, by the way, was complete bullshit, because I was an unwitting accomplice, having been told that it had been miraculously “found under the couch” before I had agreed to help spend it at our local Corner Stop. Injustice, I say! But I digress…

Though I didn’t see the movie then, I, as a fan of modest proportions and an avid reader of the regional newspaper, had at some point picked up this little nugget of trivia: the original title was “Bill & Ted Go to Hell” (a fact true to this day–see Figure 1).

Figure 1. Proof that my memory is at least somewhat reliable.

Fast-forward slightly to Mrs. Greene’s 5th grade class a few months later. We had a fun class project where we split up into pairs and each group would write a chapter of a book, and then we would come back together to combine them into a single class story. My guess is that it was a joint English/history project, because the theme was time travel to the past. I was paired up with my best friend-girl, Katie, and we tore that shit up, traipsing all over the old west in our made-up adventure. It was good times.

Then it came time to name our book. Since it was time-travel themed, it reminded me of Bill & Ted, and I casually mentioned Bogus Journey’s original title. The Student Teacher, who was in charge of the project, gave me a slightly stern look, but my comments otherwise went ignored. Name after name after yet another contrived and uncreative name, I grew restless with the democratic process. I decided to finally connect the dots for them. Thinking myself rather clever, I raised my hand and proudly proffered “How about: ‘Mrs. Greene’s Fifth Grade Class…Goes to Hell’? Yeah, pretty good, huh?”

No. It was the opposite of good times.

Now forgive me for thinking that Ms. Student Teacher had plenty of context to understand what I meant: basically, our class <==> time-travel <==> Bill & Ted <==> “go to hell” (used in a semi-literal sense), therefore: our class <==> “goes to hell”. All the pieces were right there. Despite a logical and well-rounded defense on my part, I got my ass sent to the principal’s office and was lucky I didn’t get suspended. Once again, though, I gotta say it was complete and utter bullshit. Injustice, I say.

Anyways, the point of the story is: that’s when I realized that I could never be with someone who has no sense of humor. Cuz I sure the ----- didn’t have a crush on the Student Teacher after that.

On a side note, often I kill two birds with one stone and use my 6 y.o. daughter’s request for a bedtime story as an opportunity to workshop some of my narratives. For example, I was feeling pretty good when Lawnmower Man totally killed it with her a few nights ago.

Well, earlier this evening I decided to run this one by her. When I got to the part where I first mentioned “go to hell”, she asked what hell was. I was actually a bit surprised she hadn’t already been scared shitless by the idea of it a la one of her grandmothers. So I told her it was the “opposite of heaven”–nothing about eternal suffering, gnashing of teeth, lakes of fire, Satanic pitchfork sodomy, etc.–just the “opposite of heaven”. That was it.

It didn’t go over well. She kept plugging her ears, making it difficult for her to hear me trying to share yet another layer of context on top of what you’ve already read here. Needless to say, I bombed.

On top of that, she apparently ratted me out. Later in the evening the Boss Lady2aka my wife chided me, noting that she heard from a little birdie that “Daddy told me a very scary word tonight”.

Oh, for fuck’s sake people…CONTEXT!

Nonetheless, I would say that overall it was a pretty good day. After all this time, the Wyld Stallyns shall finally ride again.

I do declare, I must be in the opposite of Hell…

Content created on: 3 July 2019 (Wednesday)

Footnotes & References:[+]

Lawnmower Man

2 Min Read

One fine Saturday morning many moons ago, I found myself taking a shower with the bathroom door open. Now, the door opens in towards the shower, so even with it open, it would be difficult for anybody in the hallway to actually see you showering.

Anyways, afterwards, as I turned off the water and began to dry myself off, a distant sound caught my attention. Off yonder I could a hear a medium-level buzz as a neighbor mowed their lawn.

Feeling footloose and fancy free (after all, ’twas a fine Saturday morning), I decided to seize the opportunity to test out my pitch-matching skills. Without much thought, I lowered my jaw and let out an impressive “Ehhhhhhnnnnnnn!” Basically what any normal human being would have done in that situation.

I had resumed drying myself off, when I heard vigorous, yet stifled, guffawing coming from behind the crack in the door. I look up to see an eyeball in the crack, undulating in time with the suppressed laughter.

Unable to contain herself any longer, Natosha busts into the bathroom, barely able to spit out “What THE HELL was that?!?” in between irrepressible snorts.

“What? I heard a lawn mower so I was just mimicking it. Duh.” I stated matter-of-factly.

After she finally got done howling in mockery, she was eventually able to calm down enough to tell her side of the story. Which was basically as follows.

“I was lovingly watching you through the crack in the door, when all of a sudden you stopped what you were doing, got a really glazed look in your eyes, and then out of nowhere: ‘Ehhhhhhhhhhnnnnnn!’ You looked either possessed or…special. And we all know you’re a little bit of the latter…”

Believe it or not, we’re still married to this day.

The point of the story is, CONTEXT MATTERS. If you don’t know the full story, maybe don’t be so quick to be a judgy asshole, yeah?

More recently, I was doing fall yard work and needed to blow some leaves out of our driveway. We have an electric leaf blower, so it is a huge pain in the ass to get it out, unravel the cord, get everything plugged in, blow leaves for 90 seconds, then proceed to undo all of the hard work I put into setting it up. Instead, its much more efficient to use the lawnmower to blow stuff around, since I had it out to mow the yard anyways.

Of course, a neighbor drove by and saw me mowing our driveway.

Again, the moral of the story is: sometimes genius looks like a ----- idiot. Don’t judge.

Content created on: 1 July 2019 (Monday)

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