Your #1 Source of Unsolicited Life Advice

Category: My Own Damn Freud (Page 4 of 6)

Who needs to pay a psycho therapist when you can do it yourself! Paying for a shrink? To quote Gellieman: Pfffffft!

The Conspiracy Theory Of Everything

5 Min Read

Alien overlords. The Illuminati. Kevin James is funny. 5G causes exceptionally fast download speeds in urban areas. The Moon Landing was faked. The Earth is a flat, crisp, delicious, lightly-salted wafer.

Oh, those rascally conspiracy theories. They seem to be all the rage with youngsters these days.

And by “youngsters”, I really mean “boomers.”

I’m kidding, of course. It’s an established fact that boomers have the true nature of reality nailed down pretty accurately./s

For the rest of us lost at sea, I figured I would share one of the key take-aways from my very own time mentally lost at sea.

From my Surfboard Sessions in Search for Truth, let me paraphrase Rule #1: “whatever I think I know is probably at least partially incorrect.”

This thought almost single-handedly wiped out my entire belief structure that I had held up to that point in my life in my early 30s.

To quote French Garfield, “Oof, le OOF.”

Without having 100% confidence in my understanding of some greater truth,1Note that it is my understanding that is lacking, not the almighty deity or whatever the truly correct answer may be. I had to find a way to navigate through life in good-faith. I mean, I still had to function somehow, right?

Enter conspiracy theories. Every. Last. ----- One. Of. Them.

All of a sudden, I found myself unable to so easily eliminate most, if not all, of those pesky suckers. My mind was fertile ground, ready to thoughtfully consider almost anything. This couldn’t be good for business. This couldn’t be good for anybody.2Seinfeld/Kenny Rogers mash-up of a pop-culture reference.

I could wax long about how I came to my conclusions, but let me try to cut to the chase: as a rule of thumb, most likely that conspiracy theory be bullshit.

Which one, you ask? Whichever one you’re thinking of right now. The one right in front of me, piquing my curiosity. The one that you wish your loved one wasn’t buying into. It doesn’t matter–it’s most likely a load of male bovine excrement.

First off, they can’t all be true.3Again, see my post from last week Surfboard Waxes Philosophical. That alone should disqualify a majority of them.

But–and this is a fairly notable ‘but’ here–some of them are most definitely true. The odds that all things slapped with a Conspiracy Theory label are all false? That would have to be astoundingly small.

Given these two almost near-absolute truths, how does one decide which ones are the real ones? The ones worth believing in? The ones worth sounding crazy for? The ones that will save us from becoming alien hamburgers?

In layman’s terms, I like to approach it as if I were a gambling man: how much of my hard-earned money would I wager on the veracity of a randomly-selected Theory?

And the answer is…

Three percent. That’s my best–and rather generous–guess at how many Theories are largely true.4I’m simplifying things and assuming the remaining 97% is largely false. Even then, that would be what? Roughly 32-to-1 odds?5I had to look it up myself to be sure:

If I owed a bookie an insurmountable sum of money, and was desperately in need of getting rich quick, then I might consider taking those odds.

But I’m not. I’m just trying to live my life here, man.

Taking those odds would be insanely unwise. I would become one broke-ass mofo real quick. I don’t care even if the payoff is that extra-fuzzy sensation of being “in the know,” that feeling of specialness for being enlightened and not just another brainwashed sheep.

And y’all know me by now: I stand at the ready to not be bougie, so often the Forbidden Fruit offered by a Theory can be a rather tempting proposition for me.

But I gotta stay focused: the more improbable hoops of logic I need to jump through in order to believe some fantastical tale someone is trying to sell me, the more unwise buying what they’re selling would be.

There’s also one more possibility that should be considered: a given Theory’s purpose might very well be to misdirect us from what really is happening. You could easily run the risk of believing in something incorrect and rather improbable, meanwhile you’re dismissing the much more likely and perhaps obvious truth staring you in the face.

…and it’s at this point that I have to confess something to you: I got mad respect for the concept of Conspiracy Theories. You gotta hand it to ’em, it’s absolute genius.

True, it’s evil genius, but genius nonetheless.

It’s actually pretty beautiful in a twisted way: you wanna conspire to do some crazy shit? Well, don’t hold back on the ‘crazy’ part.

In fact, the more outlandish, the better. The key here is to make anyone who tries to get the truth out to the world sound crazy af. That should be your goal.

Then, on top of that, take a bunch of other partial-truths, turn up the fantastical factor a notch or two, and release them into the wild.

All you have to do after that is sit back with your mint julep and watch all the Truthers tumble down one rabbit hole after another, tuckering themselves plumb out playing some twisted game of Wacko Whack-A-Mole.6No relation to Woke Whack-A-Mole.

Alas, given that I will probably never find myself on the fun and cheeky side of a conspiracy theory, this is all a rather disheartening realization.

Not to go too nihilistic on you, but The Truth isn’t always going to win.

The stunning conclusion to this thought rampage of mine was: you want the truth? YOU WANT THE TRUTH?!? You can’t handle the exhausting burden of thoughtfully considering and extensively researching every last one of them to figure out which 97 of them are red herrings and which few you should be rightfully scared shitless of.7I didn’t want to say this out loud, but we are SO f*cked.

In other words, given the assumption that at least one of these crazy-ass theories explains more about the on-goings here on Earth than is comfortable for our small minds, even with the most earnest, open-yet-skeptical effort is almost assuredly fail.

Well, that’s just depressing.

Nevertheless, the path forward in a life lived in good-faith remains.

The point of the story is that being wrong on occasion is inevitable. Accept that and move on. Otherwise, you’re might find yourself unwisely betting on every ----- improbable claim that comes along out of fear of being made a fool.

Oh, the sad irony of it all8By this I mean, how sadly ironic it would be that, ones desperate attempts not to be made a fool directly resulted in them being a ----- fool.

A quick note: It just so happened that in the midst of planning out this blog post, HBO’s Emmy-Award Winning humor/news show Last Week Tonight did a much more thoughtful deep dive on the topic barely a week ago. I highly recommend checking it out, because, as you can imagine, they did an infinitely better and more thorough job than I ever could have. Plus, they actually have created a practical resource for constructively talking to your friends and family about questionable theories.

Other interesting articles on the topic (from a Christian perspective this time):

On Christians Spreading Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories–Christianity Today

Why Your Christian Friends and Family Members are so Easily Fooled By Conspiracy Theories

Content created on: 23/24/25 July 2020 (Thurs/Fri/Sat)

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Surfboard Waxes Philosophical

3 Min Read

Oh, the places your mind will go! (When your surfboard sure as shit ain’t going anywhere…)

(all apologies to Dr. SeusS)

Back in the day when I was a post-doc in Hawai’i, Mr. Boss Man Vandy highly encouraged his minions such as myself to take up surfing. As you can imagine, I was more than happy to oblige.

The one problem? I’m not the most athletically inclined. On top of that, it turned out that I was pretty much illiterate when it came to reading the incoming waves.

The end result of all this being that I would spend a lot of time just floating in the ocean, alone with my thoughts.

Now, when combined with the “Nowhere-to-go, nowhere-else-I-need-to-be” mentality that comes from living on a remote island such as Oahu, I found that I had an abundance of time to just…think.

Turns out, I forgot how much I thoroughly enjoyed just sitting and thinking deeply about something. And it was such a delight rediscovering my long-lost love of philosophizing.

So there I would sit on my board, just pondering the meaning of life and deeply examining my beliefs and values, unwittingly inviting a fate of becoming shark bait.1”Death by shark attack–that’s my final goal!” There, Stephen, I finally got a Grand Buffet reference in. And one of the earliest–and most uncomfortable–conclusions I came to was “most likely, I am wrong.”

Approaching it as a statistician–or if you wanna think of me in a bit sexier light, as an economist–I had to ask myself: “Of all the Big Questions in life, what are the odds I have nailed the answers to any of them?” And the humbling answer is, “Um, statistically speaking, probably not too many of ’em.”

Of course life isn’t that conveniently black and white, and so I should acknowledge that saying that I’m flat-out wrong on a matter might not be completely accurate. I have to allow for the possibility that my understanding is–if I’m lucky–merely incomplete.

Now, this isn’t exactly groundbreaking, or even the most original thought.

Heck, just recently when I was investigating the source of a loved latest one’s conspiracy theory,2Oh, I have thoughts on those too–just wait a few days and I should be writing on that topic as well. Michael Tellinger,3After reading his Wikipedia page, I feel, uh…”conflicted.” I came across this quote in his intriguingly entitled book Slave Species of the Gods: The Secret History of the Anunnaki and Their Mission on Earth:4Tellinger, M. (2012). Slave Species of the Gods: The Secret History of the Anunnaki and Their Mission on Earth. Inner Traditions/Bear. ISBN: 978-1-59143-807-6.

Figure 1. That uncomfortable moment when you realize that you might be on the same wavelength as Michael Tellinger…

Ugh. I haven’t had such an awkward moment of self-realization since that time Alex Jones proclaimed he was prepared to “eat [his] neighbor’s ass”5 if all societal hell broke loose, and all I could think was “way ahead of you, buddy.”6I had planned on writing a post or two on similar unorthodox thoughts that I independently had at the being of COVID quarantine; my apologies for not striking while the iron was hot.

Digression and complete lack of originality notwithstanding, it was still very much my own thought. And perhaps that is why it has had such a deep impact on my values and worldview–so much so that I would say it is a key pillar of who I am today.

So, as you often find yourself listen to this humble surfer-wannabe wax long about the various philosophies of life–from the mundane to the incredibly profound–it might be helpful to understand this critical detail. I don’t have the answers. I’m fumbling around in the dark just like the rest of us. And maybe even more clumisily than most!

I ain’t gonna lie: it’s not easy being much less certain about the true nature of reality. But I have discovered that, almost paradoxically, there is profound freedom in the midst of so much self-doubt.

Such a mindset can’t help but impart a deep sense of humility and a refreshing sense of wonder. In the end, the only “truth” I have full confidence in is that no matter what the truth is, it is well beyond my wildest imagination.

If we’re lucky we may catch glimpses of The Profound here and there, but there always be More.

As for all other matters pertaining to the human experience and beyond, I probably should always lead with this caveat I once heard uttered by some wise guy in a wetsuit:

“Oh, I am most indubitably incorrect, Good Sir!”

Suck-at-Surfing Socrates

Oh, and believe it or not, the point of the story is: if you believe that you’re probably right, well then, my friend, you’re probably at least half full of shit. And that’s being optimistic about it…

Content created on: 16/17/18/19 July 2020 (Thurs/Fri/Sat/Sun)

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His Name Is Robort Kirk…His Name Is Robort Kirk…

4 Min Read

No, the title is not a typo, and no, I didn’t accidentally get all trigger happy with Cut & Paste. Maybe this pop-culture reference from the 1999 hit movie, Fight Club, will provide the context needed for your appreciation of the mirth contained herein:

Okay, with that out of the way, let’s get right to today’s tale…

“My neighbor is a fellow that goes by the name Robort Kirk. He told me that he came from the U.S.S. Enterprise. He moved next door about two years ago. He acts strangely when he shaves because his hair grows back instantly.

Once, I saw him turn into a laser-beam & dissappear. He also has many models that appear to be out of a Sci-fi movie. The two most disturbing things about him is that he has no left arm & a robotic right hand.

Robort is usually depressed. He acts very disoriented with his surroundings. His legs are very short & stubby, so that might have something to do with it. He seems solemn because he never moves his eyes.

I guess he works at NASA because he is building a spaceship module. His probably has no doors, just ports. He could be an alien who android who has a human brain. He builds models in his spare time.

In the future he will finish his spaceship & go back to the Enterprise. I think when he got the brain transplant, they mixed up the programming disk with a disk with data about Star Trek.

Obviously, he will lose his job.

I think he is extremely weird. I want to move! I don’t like him or Star Trek!”

If you’re wondering what in the hell you just read, you’re not alone. Well, you see what happened was…I was doing a little excavating today and unearthed this sacred text:

His name is Robort Kirk. Hist name is Robort Kirk. His name is Robort Kirk…

That’s right, today’s tale was courtesy of a very special guest.

…and it was ME.1Watch this if you don’t get the joke:

Well, to be more specific, it was 8th-Grade B.J., joining us all the way from 1994!

And I have a lot of questions for him, such as, “What the hell are you talking about, man?”

Or “Dare I ask what the assignment was? Let me guess: ‘Imagine someone different than you and describe how you would be an intolerant asshat towards them.’ Am I close?”

Or “Dude, I’ve read much more coherent literature…written by our 7-Year-Old Self.

Seriously, this was a little embarrassing to read. I thought it was kinda cute when I originally read it, but that’s only because I just assumed that it was something I had written in 4th grade at the latest.

But I was almost 14 when I wrote this.

Amazingly, though, this wasn’t the most embarrassing thing I’ve read today written by 13-Year-Old BJ.

I also unearthed an old copy of the Hutchinson News2One of the most widely-distributed newspapers in the western half of Kansas. Seriously: from August 1994. One in which contained a Letter To The Editor which eloquently defended the honor of…Rush Limbaugh. I’m not going to say who wrote that letter, but I’m just going to say that I’d really rather not talk about that right now.

Oh! One last question:

That was your final draft? I’d hate to see what the first draft looked like…”

Well, guess who brought receipts?

Well, here’s a letter to my editor here (have no idea who my writing partner was): “You’ve been extremely helpful./s”3”/s” is Reddit-speak for “I’m being sarcastic, you dumb fuck.”

At least it would have been a fun drinking game where we take a shot of liquor every time that useless turd commented with “How can you tell?” or “So what?”

On the other hand–ooohh! Sorry, Robort, poor choice of words on my part. What I meant to say was, on the bright side, my editor did have a few good nuggets:

  • In reference to what happens when Robort shaves: “How can you tell? Have you been over when he has shaved?” Good point. And thanks for making me feel super creepy.
  • Why does he not have a robotic Left arm too?” Because, Good Sir, that would just make too much ----- sense. Who are you, anyway? The Logic Police?
  • “So he is not from the Enterprise, he just thinks he is.” Bingo! What a twist! Though in retrospect, I should give him/her much more for credit for actually pulling that key plot point out from my certified word vomit.

Welp! Thanks for taking this long walk down memory lane with me today. I know that it’s not necessarily a good look when I end it with an argument with an almost-imaginary editor from 25 years ago. Though I swear I haven’t been day drinking…again.

I suppose the point of the story is maybe you should be a little more cautious when “digging into the [proverbial] vault.” Just because you share it on a Thursday doesn’t mean that it was something you necessarily should be Throwing Back to.4This was such a throwback that I missed Thursday altogether and it landed on a Sunday.

Oh, yeah, and love your neighbor. How ----- hard can this be?5If you think this is personally directed at you, I would like to kindly point out that this was written well over 2 weeks ago.

Content created on: 3 November 1994 and 11 June 2020 (Thurs/Thurs)

Footnotes & References:[+]

Staying Centered In A Time Of Uncertainty

4 Min Read

Hi friends.

As you may have noticed as of late, on several occasions I have alluded to the fact that I recently decided to explore the world of qi gong.

If you’re not familiar with qi gong, it “is an ancient Chinese mind-body practice that restores wellness, builds mental and emotional strength, reduces stress, and increases vitality. […] Sometimes called the grandmother of tai chi, is one of the four major branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Because Qigong incorporates a variety of gentle breathing methods, flowing movements, and mindfulness meditation, it can be practiced by absolutely anyone, regardless of their age, health, religion, or fitness level.”

That definition comes to us courtesy of The Flowing Zen academy–of which I am a paying student. If interested, you can check out their handy Qigong FAQ blog post for more of an inside scoop of the ‘gong.

While I could probably talk for hours on the Hows and Whys of my decision to invest time and energy into such an endeavor, I feel like it’s worthwhile to at least provide some context in that regard.

Much of it boils down to investing in my own well-being. I am on the edge of 40, and within the past year had a minor health scare that made me think much deeper about how I go about “building my tomorrows out of today.”1This is in reference to a fantastic song by The White Buffalo released only last month:

Long story short, I don’t have any interest in spending the last decade or so of my life clinging on to the shitty hopes provided by a largely unnecessary pharmaceutical cocktail. Frankly, it breaks my heart to think of the several people close to my heart that have gone on before me in such a manner.

What I realized is that I am at a critical junction within my lifespan where I have some relative control over the arc my health takes from here on out. My lifestyle choices now–both large and small–will determine the quality of life I will be able to enjoy 20 years from now.

In other words, carpe diem.

You can think of practicing qi gong as part of a larger plan of preventative health care. I could live a more convenient Western lifestyle now and play out my life as an average American.

But come on, Be Real Talk here: look around and ask if that is something worth aspiring to at all?

Like I said earlier, I’ve seen how that played out for someone with essentially the same genes and UV ray exposure as me, and I have no desire to follow in their footsteps.

Well, at least you have some background info now, albeit somewhat half-assed.

A key plot point here is that I committed to the year-long Qigong 101 online class back in January. You know–when the new decade was full of nothing but hope and optimism.

Oh, and sorry to disappoint you, but the practice of qi gong does not entail a newfound ability of discerning the future. I was/am just as taken by surprise as everyone else by the real shit-show that 2020 is shaping up to be.

So, I didn’t originally go down this path with the immediate need of intense stress relief, etc.

But, just like everybody else, I am finding that it is helpful–no, imperative–to have extra tools to help me navigate this fucked-up epoch in which we find ourselves, in hopes of leaving some shred of my sanity intact.

What this might look like is surely different for everyone, but either way I hope that you have found something to moor yourself to through this storm.

To that end, I want to make sure that everyone knows about the invaluable gem the qigong is, in case maybe–just maybe–that is exactly the right thing for you in these weird times. In these ----- weird as shit times…

Sifu2”Teacher” in many Eastern traditions–if you chuckle at using this term than congratulations! You’re as big of an asshole as I am! Anthony–the heart and soul of Flowing Zen Academy–has graciously modified one of his paid online courses and turned it into a free qigong-based resource for anyone interested in exploring it and its many benefits. From what I understand, it covers quite a bit of ground, giving one a solid foundation for practicing and enjoying the benefits of qigong longer term.

Mind you, I am paying good money for much of this information, so I can attest that even though it is offered for free, it is actually pretty high in value.

Check out the course here.

Image courtesy of The Flowing Zen Academy

Honestly, I did not plan on writing about qi gong when I sat down at the computer this morning.

But today being Thursday, around noon I received my weekly email from Sifu Anthony with the links to this weeks Qi Gong 101 videos and material.

Acknowledging the moment we find ourselves in, not only with COVID, but also with the long hard look in the mirror America finds itself currently staring down, he shared some words that I thought was worthy of passing on to any ears that might be listening:

I am inviting you to go deeper, to learn and to practice so that you become someone who has a great capacity for being solid, calm, and without fear, because our society needs people like you who have these qualities, and your children, our children, need people like you, in order to go on, in order to become solid, and calm, and without fear.

Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese monk and Zen Master

No matter how you get there, here’s hoping that you’re able to find your way to becoming solid, calm, and without fear.

People like you3This may, in fact, NOT describe you. Or at least not in this moment. Maybe it’s time to find out what you’re really made of, and I have faith in your ability to rise to the challenge. are needed now more than ever…

If interested in learning more about the incredible life of Thich Nhat Hanh, a good place to start is here.

Disclaimer: I am not compensated in any form by The Flowing Zen Qigong Academy. On the contrary, I compensate them for a worthwhile and quality-of-life-improving product.

Content created on: 4 /6 June 2020 (Thurs/Sat)

Footnotes & References:[+]

Speaking Of Balls

3 Min Read

Back in my good ol’ college days, I spent one summer working as a counselor at a camp for troubled-by-Jesus teens.1See also: Wrestling the Machine It being a camp painfully trying to impress these youths, it included such amenities as a zipline, swimming pool, snack bar, and, critical to this story, a paintball field.

Once a week or so, us counselors had the option of engaging in paintball wars alongside the kids in our respective cabins. I took advantage of this on occasion, but didn’t really enjoy it nearly as much as I expected I would.

The main reason why was because engaging in these wars taught me something very discomforting about myself:

In general, I am one timid pussycat.

Okay maybe it’s fairer to say that I’m “extremely risk-adverse, even when the stakes are embarassingly low.”

Shamefully, my instinctive battlefield strategy was to hide out like a sniper, hoping my more bold teammates would do all the dirty work for me. For some dumb reason, I was deathly afraid of getting hit by a stupid little paintball. This was further stupified by the fact that, unless you were a fancy kid and brought your own high-quality paintball gun, you were stuck with a standard-issue, low-muzzle-velocity gun that the camp provided.

I mean, it would probably more effective and painful if we were just throwing them at each other.

As I am wont to extreme introspection, I found myself diving deep into my psyche, trying to understand this fear of slow-flying paintballs, and how I could better my image of myself in my own eyes. After all, if a man-boy doesn’t have his pride, then what does he have?

So what solution did I come up with? I was going to stare down my fears head-on…by means of a firing squad.

You see, the camp had a policy that required that “any paintballs taken onto the paintball field must remain on the paintball field.” So at the end of the match, if there were any unfired rounds, they had to be expended. In other words, the participants were already pointlessly shooting off an immense amount of ammo. Instead of letting all ‘dem ballz go to waste, why not just have them all unloaded on me?

Following the next session after I had had this ----- brilliant idea, I gathered my campers around and explained my plan to them. Sure, it took a little convincing them that this was what I did indeed want to do, but I was ultimately able to get them on board with my awesome, can’t-go-wrong plan.

Wearing no more protective gear than a face mask, I took 25 paces from where they had been instructed to line up shoulder-to-shoulder.2Bonus points for historically accuracy, right? I gently crossed my hands over my own precious paintballs–after all I had my legacy to protect–and yelled:

Alright you little mother ----- , give me all you got–and don’t stop until you got nothing left in the barrel!

Somebody THat was implicitly hired to be A positive role model

I had to resist the urge to dodge them, given that most of them were coming at me so slowly that I could have gone all Matrix on them. But two of those little ----- had brought their own weaponry…and, not coincidentally, knew how to aim. Yeah, they made me pay the price for my hair-brained idea.

Afterwards I counted around 25 welts and bruises covering me from neck-to-toe. You can bet your sweet butt that I wore every single one them as a badge of honor. Though it wasn’t my plan, I ended up being revered as a God3Sorry Mom, if I try to use g-o-d (with a little “g”), it gets censored, and then this sentence makes no ----- sense. walking amongst those teenage boys the rest of that week.

And I though I wasn’t some sort of paintball pro after that, at least I could be a true fearless leader to them youngsters. No longer afraid of death, my new strategy for being a positive role model was charging head-on at the pubescent enemies in an insane manner as possible. Usually I would go down in a blaze of glory–but not before providing more than enough cover for my kids to come in behind me and take out all those enemy chumps.

The point of the story is that sometimes you just gotta face down your fears in the most uncomfortable way possible if you want to truly overcome them. As a bonus, you just might inadvertently demonstrate to some kids what it looks like to have someone willing to “die” for them.

Well, won’t you look at that? In the midst of my sheer stupidity, them kids got their Jesus-themed lesson in after all…

Content created on: 12 & 13 March 2020 (Thursday/Friday)

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Crazy At The Bat

3 Min Read

While I grew up with a hard-to-explain-but-generally-greater-than-ten number of siblings, “J”, the brother closest to me in age by a long shot, was by far the most influential.

Of course, it was a whole mixed bag of “influential,” and a Dear Reader might be inclined to think it might be heavy on the side of the “bad influence” variety of influential. But to be fair to J, those make the most interesting stories, and I don’t talk as much about the good influence he was on me.

Now it’s ironic that I go through all that trouble to make that distinction, when today’s lesson isn’t really concerned with the more typical good/bad influence trope.

I’m thinking more of how certain experiences involving him have shaped and molded me in ways that persist to this day. It’s a peek inside my core programming, and a reflection on the skinny little fingers that punched that code into my system.

I remember when J & I were growing up in the sleepy little hamlet of Richfield, we would often go two doors down to the neighbor’s house to play baseball.

Well, that statement’s a little misleading. There was no neighbor because there was no house. But where the house used to be was the rectangular outline where the foundation had been, and for our purposes, was a more-than-adequate baseball diamond.

J, being the older brother, always insisted on being at-bat first. Me, being the younger brother, had no vote in the matter, so I always found myself pitching.

We would play for as long as it took to meet the three-outs threshold for an inning, but seeing as how there was only one player on each time, we had an array of arbitrary modifications to the official baseball rules. And one thing I remember for sure was that the net effect of all our custom rules did not favor the pitching team.

What I’m trying to say is that I had to work my ass off just to get 3 outs and earn my turn at-bat.

So you can imagine the heartbreak I endured when, almost without fail, when it came my turn to have fun and step up to the plate, J somehow came down with a case of the boredoms and decided he was done playing ball for the day.

Without. Fail.

Every. ----- Time.

At this point you may be wondering whether he was a bad older brother,1Also referred to as a typical older brother. or I was a ----- fool for repeatedly trusting him when I had more than enough historical data to accurately predict that I wasn’t going to get my turn.

Honestly, I’m not sure which is the more accurate description of the situation.

But I do know this: after all those ----- half-inning baseball games, I’ve grown up to really value the combination of justice and equality.

Ha. Justice and equality.

That’s the euphemistic way of saying, “I swear to god, if I hold up my end of the bargain but you don’t hold up yours, I’m going to find a bat and make up for all those lost innings all over your sorry ass.”

J.K. Kidding. I don’t advocate violence. But situations like that will get me fired up in an instant.

The point of the story is that even in the little things in life, be true to your word–your transactional promises, explicit or implied, carry weight. Sometimes they may not seem like much to you, but you can never tell when you might be scarring your little brother for life.

Womp. Womp. Womp!

Content created on: 19 February 2020 (Wednesday)

Footnotes & References:[+]

Killing Them Hardly

7 Min Read

If it isn’t obvious by now, I’m particularly fascinated by dreams. I find that they provide an interesting–and sometimes terrifyingly honest–peek into our psyches. It’s like saying to your Innermost Self, “No, tell me how you really feel about me.”

The downside to recounting dreams to the rest of the world is that so, so much of them make sense only while you’re experiencing them; the narrative within the dream is consistent enough in the moment, but the second you wake up and and say that first detail aloud (even if just to yourself), you realize, “Hey that makes no ----- sense at all!” At which point it becomes much more of a fustercluck describing to someone else what that experience was like.

I think for this very reason I don’t share here nearly as many dreams I would really like to. I do it for the sake of you, Dear Readers. After all, haven’t you suffered enough trying to make sense of my stories that really happened?

Well, I suppose that’s enough foreplay–let me get to the dream that I’m eager to regale you with today. I was going to share this one with last week’s dream-themed post, but I ran over my self-imposed time-limit. Let’s see if I can keep it short and sweet this time around, ya?

It wasn’t but a week or two ago when I found myself in a classroom setting that seemed to be on the border between a university and a medical center. So far, this makes sense, as I have worked in such a setting for the better part of the last 15 years.

Of course I hadn’t picked up on the detail that I was the only adult in the classroom besides the teacher, though I was clearly one of the students. Actually I’m not 100% certain I was going all Billy Madison with a bunch of 8-year-olds, because I also got the distinct vibe that I wasn’t able to communicate fluently, so there’s a pretty good chance that I was in, of all things, a Spanish-speaking elementary classroom located on a medical campus. Making sense so far…

We were reading from a classic novel as a class, and as a character appeared in the story, the next student with the same gender as that character would be assigned their part for the rest of the story. I was sitting in the front row of the classroom, on the far left side save for two young Mexican school girls further to my left.

All that to say, as soon as the first male character–a young boy–had a speaking part, the orating duties fell on my shoulders. I remember having a real hard time getting through the line or two in front of me. ‘Twas but a real trip on ye ol’ Struggle Bus, indeed.

We read some more, and it wasn’t but a minute or two before my character had another line. However, this time I simply for the life of me could not read the words on the page.

So I improvised.

While my goal was to get me out of the situation with some light humor, my definitely-not-in-the-text zinger turned out to be something of an over-achiever.

I was expecting maybe just a chuckle or two from the crowd, but instead I ----- killed it.

I mean, I had everyone in tears from laughing so hard. The teacher was on the ground unable to breathe. It was ----- near a literal riot–one that lasted for a good 2-3 minutes. Mind you, that’s an eternity in comedy-land.

So though I wasn’t in it for the compliments, I gotta say, the response I got felt good. Real good. I sat there, with my eyes closed, literally basking in my own glory, letting my ego soak up every last drop.

I remember thinking to myself, “This must be what it feels like to be a comic1Or comedien/comedienne to those not in the industry. when they tell a joke that just absolutely slays the audience…I think I could get used to this.”

My thought immediately after that, though, was “I gotta tell somebody about this!”

Since the Boss Lady–bless her soul–was the first person to come to mind, it reminded me that I was married, thus confirming that indeed I was a grown-ass man, in a classroom full of kids, in a foreign land. No, nothing odd about that…

At that point, the scene segued into later that night in the same classroom, where it was just me and few other random students doing our own unrelated things.

For my part, I was obsessed with writing down my unicorn of a one-liner before it escaped me. I found myself wandering around the room in search of a pen or pencil, when I came across the desk where I had been sitting.

To my delight, I found the scrap paper that I had been doodling on when I had uttered my epic phrase. Hilariously, the first thought that crossed my mind was, “I better save this–the historians are going to want to preserve this piece of comedic history.” Yeah, I know, a bit presumptuous, but it made complete sense in that moment.

On it I found a bunch of trigonometric diagrams and sketches, and scrawled at the top, the phrase “Uncle-Uncle B.J.” I have no idea why, but I found that phrase to be utterly hilarious as well. What can I say? I was on fire that day.

But at that point, I still hadn’t written the phrase down, and I just knew I was going to hate myself forever if I somehow forgot it. While my insurance policy was to just keep repeating it over and over quietly to myself, I just couldn’t take any chances.

Right about that time I had found a pencil, and just as I was about to jot it on my collector’s edition piece of scratch paper…the power went out campus-wide. Of course it would. How timely.

I remember having the sense that I, along with the other few students, really needed to make our way to another, safer, location on campus where everybody else was. That detail doesn’t matter too much, but my guess was that they were all at a football non-Americano2I.e. “soccer”.game.

We found our way out a side door and could see some stadium-like lights off in the distance, and determined that’s where we needed to head. Unfortunately, we were completely surrounded by a maze of tennis courts.

While the other students headed off to get lost, I stayed behind, desperately trying to write down My Precious words. However, given that I was using a pencil, laying on a not-so-smooth tennis court, and had virtually no light of which to speak, I wasn’t able to get more than about a word and a half down, so I had to resort back to muttering it to myself while I tried to find my way to somewhere–anywhere–else that had light and a smooth surface.

I eventually found another building, and so I let myself in via a nondescript side door, hoping that I wouldn’t be more lost inside than I had been outside.

But as soon as the door shut behind me, the loudest, most piercing alarm I had ever heard blew out my right ear drum, as I was still slightly turned with that side towards the door.

Simultaneously, as the power came back on, a blinding light/shock wave combination utterly blasted my right side.

The only thing I could think in that moment was “nuclear explosion?” and “welp, I guess this is my death.”

However, I remained conscious as it felt like the right side of my face was being melted off, so I shielded that side with my arms as best as I could, and kind of leaned into the curiously continuous wall of energy.3Ultimately, the best waking theory I have for what happened was that I had wandered into a particle accelerator lab, and I happened to be right in the path of the particle beam as it unexpectedly turned back on with the power. But it was never revealed in my dream what had happened, so I’m just guessing here.

This went on for about a minute, the whole while I kept thinking “Am I dead yet? No? How am I still alive? Okay…now am I dead? What? Not yet? Dear lord put me out of my misery already.”

Next thing I remember is opening my eyes to find that, no, I was not in heaven nor hell, but rather in (what I presumed to be) a burn victims’ ward of a hospital.

Two nurse-type ladies were with me and saw that I had came to, but continued to discuss me in the third person. I soon realized that one of them didn’t have any legs, so I wonder if they were not nurses, but rather victims of the unidentified blast as well.

One of them said, “Well, no, he sure isn’t dead, but we’ll see yet if he can handle being like this the rest of this life.”

Though I didn’t have a mirror, it become clear to me real quickly that I had suffered third-degree burns to my body, but especially to my head and face.

As I went to make a comment to one of them, much to my horror I discovered that my lips had been melted off, and I would never be able to speak again.

Noooooooo! The world must know of my turn as the Wittiest Man-child in the World!

I tried desperately speaking, whispering, grunting–anything–but I had been rendered a completely ineffective communicator. I’m not clear on this point, but I’m thinking the fingers on each of my hands must have been melded together, because you would think I would at least be able to write it down, right?

The remainder of the dream was mostly a Rocky-style montage of me going through vocal physical therapy, trying to regain my ability to speak. I was on a mission: nothing was going to stop me from telling me somebody how funny I had been that one time.

I don’t ever remember fully gaining the ability to speak. However, right before I awoke, the last scene involved me walking to some sort of rally with a group of prep-school teen-aged boys. The last thing I remember is approaching them, hell-bent on telling them the Wittiest Quip in the World. I just knew they were going to appreciate it.

As I neared them, I opened what used to be where my lips were, but before I could moan my line, I saw fear flash across their faces.

Oh, right. I forgot. I look like my face has bent by the flames of hell…

And that’s where the dream ended. It’s perhaps the most unfulfilled I have ever felt after awakening from a dream.

However, thanks to repeating it to myself over and over, I could remember what the line was, and could tell people in the real world!

Before I could forget, I turned to my phone and opened up my Notes app, where I furiously tapped out those words which would change the course of comedy forever:

In a young Dickens accent: "I'm sorry I don't have a very big Johnson, sir. I've never had much of a Willy on me."

Behold World, I have created the first-ever Dick(ens) joke.4Seriously, though, Dream B.J.?

Yeah, anyways, still not seeing how this could fail, I tried that out on the Boss Lady as soon as I got the chance…

Turns out, it wasn’t quite as funny in real life. Go figure.

It was definitely a bummer to realize that I may not have come up with the One Joke to Kill Them All after all…

But, hey, look on the bright side: at least I still got my big, beautiful lips, right?

Content created on: 29 January & 1 February 2020 (Wednesday/Saturday)

Footnotes & References:[+]

Kicked On A Plane

5 Min Read

Here’s a fun fact: something you may not know about me is that I’m a Caucasian male.

Not to minimize the troubles I’ve had in this world–I’ve had my share of true sorrow, heartache, and hardship–but sometimes I have to take a step back and acknowledge how being a white dude has affected my life story.

And the point of this exercise is not to come to the conclusion “thank the Lordy Jesus that I was born with a lilly-white tally-whacker1A regional American colloquialism for the male genitalia. in 20th Century U.S. of A!”

Rather, my hope is that my Tales from the Light Side will serve as a sharp and satirically self-deprecating contrast to the real issues that affect the many many people who don’t share the same demographics as I do.

Here’s to dreaming of world where all our kids can be plagued by asinine, non-existential dilemmas…

A few years ago, I flew out to Kansas to pack up my Beloved Mother into the largest UHaul available, and move her back to the small North Carolina hamlet I call home.

I was flying on Good Friday, so it was no surprise that the airports were hustling and a bustling. I had an early afternoon layover in Atlanta, where all that hustle and bustle caught up with Delta Airlines, as my flight to Wichita was overbooked.

Well, what do airlines do when the have too many passengers and not enough seats? They ask for volunteers to take a later flight, occasionally offering airline vouchers as compensation.

Now, I had heard about such things from one of my older brothers, who, being a single basketball coach, travelled often. Critically for him, he often had the flexibility in his schedule to take a later flight–and the $200-$700 in future plane tickets in the process.

I was always so jealous–y’all know how much I love being clever, and getting hundreds of dollars in travel for a few hours of your time always seemed like shrewd economics to me.

Anyways, after multiple calls for volunteers, the voucher reward had gone up to $600. For some reason, as I often have in life, I had initially automatically ruled out the possibility of me being one of the lucky ones to cash in on the opportunity. But once I heard $600, I started to seriously–and nervously–rethink my position on the matter.

I texted my mom real quick and told her about the situation, and asked whether it made a difference if I showed up at 7 pm or 11 pm. She told me to go for it…now I just had to work up the courage to actually take action!

I guess a little context might be useful here, and that is that unless I’m in a situation that I’m fairly comfortable in, I tend to be a shy, timid, uncertain and indecisive chap. So it actually would be quite the big deal if I had the cajones to put myself out there and volunteer for the later flight.

After about 5 minutes of self-pep-talking (and hoping/dreading that they would find all the volunteers they needed in the meantime), I finally worked up the nerve to stroll up to the check-in station2I’m sure that’s not quite the right term, but can’t seem to come up with the proper one in the moment. and casually ask if they needed any more volunteers.

I say “casually,” but I’m actually lying through my teeth. I’m pretty sure my voice cracked into a high-pitched screech mid-sentence, as if my testicles were just now dropping, no doubt confusing the airline clerk3Again, I’m pretty sure this isn’t the right term. in the process.

To my horror/relief, she said that yes, actually, they needed one more volunteer. So I replied with something suave and relaxed, implying that I do this thing all the time: “Uh, I, er, volunteer then. I want to be that last person. Please?”

She graciously smiled and took my info, thanking me in the process.

And then we awkwardly stood there, since clearly I didn’t know what was supposed to happen next.

Again, she was more than kind enough to tell me that I needed to hang out by the gate until boarding time, in case they had room for me on the flight after all.

So, I just chilled right by the gate first waiting for our boarding time to begin, then patiently waiting as all those non-$600-airline-voucher-having suckers boarded the plane.

As the line was slowing to a trickle, I heard the flight attendant call my name, saying that I was cleared to board.

Dazed and confused, I wandered on to the plane, slowly realizing what was happening.

At the same time I was realizing how much I did not want to be on that plane. I had finally worked up the courage to earn a coveted airline voucher, and now it was being viciously ripped from my hands. They might as well have been ripping my heart out while they were at it. Jerks.

I think this accurately describes my innermost feelings in that moment:

I was surprisingly emotional about the situation. As found my way to my seat, I actually had to fight back the tears.

Of course, it probably didn’t help that I had already bragged to the Boss Lady about scoring a $600 voucher, and now I would have to come home to her empty-handed. So not only had I disappointed myself, but I would be letting her down as well.

I was also surprisingly angry with myself, feeling like I could have at least put up a fight had I not been such a pushover panty-waste.

So I just sat there in my seat waiting for take-off, a whole hurricane of emotions and thoughts on the inside.

But as I did, I noticed that a couple of the flight attendants were confusedly counting seats in my area.

And in that moment, timid ol’ me said “Screw4This was supposed to say “fuck” here, but my Censorship plugin didn’t catch it. So here we are, using “screw” instead. Oh well. this. I’m the master of my own destiny, and if I have to manufacture a way off this plane, I will!”

Well, it wasn’t that dramatic in reality. But I did indeed take charge of my life in the moment, refusing be the victim of an on-time arrival at my destination.

I wasn’t going to let nobody kick me on to that ----- plane.

I persistently tried to get one of the attendant’s attention until they finally came my way.

“Excuse me, but were you expecting to find an empty seat back here? Because I’m pretty sure I’m sitting in a seat that rightfully belongs to someone else…”

After checking with the other confused attendant, it turned out that indeed, they had prematurely put me on the plane, and was extremely grateful that I was giving up my seat (again).

Once I got the official go-ahead to deboard the plane, I grabbed my carryon and strolled off that plane, ever so high on testosterone, adrenaline, and life. I was brimming with the confidence, like I had three tally-whackers…

And in an even more Caucasian turn of events, shortly thereafter I found out that for whatever reason the voucher would be for $800 instead of $600. ----- awesome.

Given that I now had 3+ hours on my hands to kill, I found my way to one of the nicer restaurants in the Atlanta airport and treated myself to a $70 meal. After all, I was still over $700 richer than when I woke up that morning. Plus, you gotta celebrate life’s little victories, ya know?

Several months later at the beginning of September, me and the family flew out to California for a cousin’s wedding. Thanks to my sweet, sweet $800 voucher, it only cost us ~$500 for the 3 of us to fly non-stop to and from LAX.

While there, one of our freer days happened to align with the first day of back-to-school for the students in Southern California.

Seeing a prime opportunity, I promptly used the funds that I didn’t have to spend on plane tickets, and dragged my family to local, notoriously over-crowded amusement park…on one of the least busiest days of the year.

Yes, my friends, in perhaps the most white ending possible for a story like this…

I went to ----- Disneyland.

Content created on: 22 January 2020 (Wednesday)

Footnotes & References:[+]

Nothing Could Be Finer Than a Trip to the Fair

8 Min Read

Ah, Fall.

Autumn is my favorite time of year for many reasons, but I think taking my annual trip(s) to the North Carolina State Fair is in the Top Two of my favoritest reasons.

With this year’s fair in full swing it seems like Nothing Could Be Finer1This is the NC State Fair’s slogan. Year in, and year out. It kinda feels like GroundHog Day… than regaling you with a random collection of my fair-related thoughts.

A trip to the State Fair can be an exciting adventure, especially when it comes to trying new food and riding thrilling rides.

But the quickest way to ruin all the fun is going with a large group. Whew boy, did I learn that the hard way the first year I went with my in-laws with our 6-month-old in tow.

It didn’t help that I’m a planner and my wife’s kin are more of the improvisational type. While the details of that episode don’t make for a very interesting narrative, I just want to say: Good News, Everybody! We’re still married 6 years after that incident.

Now, we could have saved ourselves much strife had I listened to the Boss Lady’s wise suggestion of just her and I coming back a separate night. Yet it wasn’t until the next year that we made another date-night like trip so we could enjoy the evening vibe of the Fair.

It was two years ago, though, with the Boss Lady 8 months pregos, that I stumbled upon a truly magical formula. Just like the time I met up with a friend for lunch at Chick-Fil-A and he ordered two sandwiches, the possibility of taking as many trips to the Fair as I ----- well pleased was a mind-blowing revelation. I fancy myself to be fairly open-minded, so I’m not sure why it took so long in either case to realize what seems obvious in retrospect.

I took three trips that year: once with my 4-year-old daughter, once with the Boss Lady, and once with my gluten-sensitive mother.

The beauty of the multiple trips is that I didn’t have to act so insecurely–yes, it is possible for a grown-ass man to act that way–about doing the things I wanted to do and trying the tasty foods I wanted to try. It was a rather liberating experience.

The best part was that I could focus on making sure my current companion enjoyed her time as much as possible, on account of my bucket-list being 1/3 of its original size.

So to bring the boring part of this post to a close, my main two fair-going tips are:

  1. Two’s company and three’s a crowd: take multiple trips if possible to keep your party size to a minimum. Trying to make everyone happy usually ends up with no one being happy.
  2. Make a plan with a map in hand. Fair technology usually lags behind the rest of society, but they’re starting to catch up. Still, I wouldn’t rely on the false promises of a Fair-provided smart phone app. Sort out the top 3 foods and top 3 attractions that you really want to hit up, and make sure you have a real good idea of where to find them. DO THIS BEFORE YOU GO–actually at the Fair is not the time nor place to prove your wild-goose chasing skills

I think what I love the most about the Fair is that Nothing Could Be Finer than the level of People Watching that it has to offer. If you ever fear that you might be living inside of a bubble, there’s nothing like a State Fair to re-educate you.

There are several games you can play here, and can be even more fun with a partner.

My personal favorite is assessing the “economics of couples,” for lack of a better term.

Questions to ask:

  • Do they look like they belong together?
  • Which one is out of their league?
  • Which one is settling?
  • Perhaps they are well-matched and/or deserve each other?

Relationships, whether we want to admit it or not, are largely transactional. If there seems to be a noticeable relational economic imbalance, try to imagine what hidden variables there might be that could make that particular pairing make more sense.

A sampling of theorems:

  • Is he packing some serious heat in his pantalones?
  • Alcohol.
  • Alcohol-induced kid.
  • Does he make a lot more money than he looks like he does?
  • Perhaps personality does matter?
  • Unreliable contraception.
  • Maybe the classic “light vehicular manslaughter/blackmail” combo?
  • The only limit is your imagination!

Another fun activity is taking turns pointing out random people and trying to guess, on a scale of 1 to 10, what level of executive function they possess. Do they appear to have a history of making good life choices? Or, are the like one hapless chap I encountered last year…

I had gone to use the restroom, and was doing my thang at the long row of urinals when in walks a young guy holding a hot dog in one of those coffee-filter-like hot dog napkin/holders.

He steps up to the urinal, and I can’t help but notice out of the corner of my eye that he is hesitant about something. I recoiled in horror as I realize that he decided that he had no choice but to put his hot dog on the floor by his feet while he whizzed only inches above.

I watched him as finished his business, shook off the PVD,2Post-void drip, because I know you were wondering. retrieve his dog from the ground, and take a bite on his way out the door.

I keep running that series of unfortunate events through my mind, re-contextualizing it as one of those “Noooooooo!” scenes from an action/war movie where a character lunges towards the bomb/grenade in a last milli-second attempt to advert explosive disaster.

Figure 1. How I fancy myself saving that young dude from his pee-pee hot dog. A: Total Recall style. B: Doin’ it like Derek (Zoolander). C: I could only hope to match Nic Cage’s dramatic flair, seen here in The Rock.

I feel like it was a moral failure on my part letting him eat that hot dog. Had I been quick on my feet (and on the zip), I should have smacked it out of his hands before…ugh, I can’t even type it without having to choke down a little bit of vomit. Anyways, in this alternate universe in my head, I would have also kindly bought him a replacement one.

…’cuz if your life is such that you’re going to piss on your hot dog and still eat it, you deserve every ounce of compassion I can mustard up.

I find that I often get lost in my own head when People Watching. Well, maybe it’s more akin to the Five Stages of Grief. Therefore, I present to you The Six Stages of People Watching:

  • Stage 1: Shock. Remember what I said about stepping outside your bubble? I mean, holy shit, though. There are some specimen that I’m stunned to discover that they even exist. You know, people that I never imagined possible. And I’m always amazed by the incredible diversity…of white people, in particular.
  • Stage 2: Gratitude. In a brief moment of clarity, I’ll have a fleeting thought of just how ----- fortunate I am. No, I’m not saying that everyone at the Fair is a bunch of sad sacks. Rather, it’s just that when I behold the spectrum and distribution of all the human experiences represented at the Fair, it is clear that in spite of perceived imperfections, my lot in life has been more than most people could ever hope for. It’s a humbling experience.
  • Stage 3: Disappointment. While I actually had a decent chance of finding “my people” on the Fairy Farm,3See: Finding Yourself on the Fairy Farm. there ain’t no way in hell I’m going to find them in the cultural haystack that is the Fair. Or, more likely, I would find them but not realize it because I would be in too much denial, saying “NO. I am nothing at all like that guy…who is essentially my doppelganger in both body and character…who also has a half-Asian honey hanging off his arm…why is she even with that chump…wait a minute…uh, let’s just move on to judging the next couple.”4Goddamn you, Funhouse Mirrors.
  • Stage 4: Condescension. If you’ve read enough of my musings around here, you know that I often implore all y’all of us to be non-judgemental in spirit.5See, for example, Lawnmower Man or A Pound Casual AssHat. Understand that most of the time, I’m preaching at myself. My ability to be a judgy pompous ----- is usually limited in scope under normal circumstances. But get me on some fairgrounds and you best stand back, or else you’re going to be feeling a gust of my air of superiority to yo’ face. If I were to enter into a mockery skills competition at the Fair, I no doubt would be taking home a Best in Show ribbon. There’s just too many opportunities to pass up…
  • Stage 5: Self-loathing. Without fail, I will achieve some unwelcome self-awareness in the midst of Stage 4. It’s never fun to realize how shitty you really can be.
  • Stage 6: Acceptance. Eventually I find some stasis, and learn to live with myself. The key is to acknowledge that, like everyone else I’ve encountered during my excursions to the Fair, I too am a complex and nuanced mixed bag of goodies, worthy of at least a little bit of self-grace.

I’ll end this with a tale that I guess technically falls under the People Watching motif.

First off, it needs to be understood that I’m a borderline cheapskate, so the fact I’m able handle all the wastes of money that the Fair has to offer is an accomplishment in and of itself. I’ve learned to relax and blow a little dough on the foods, but I’m still pretty resistant to spend money on rides, games, or other such non-sense.

Several years back, the Boss Lady and I were enjoying a rare baby-free evening at the Fair, when we found ourselves romantically wandering to no place in particular.

Passing through the Midway, we saw several Ripley’s-Believe-It-Or-Not type mini-attractions. The World’s Tallest Horse, the Bearded Lady–largely scoffable stuff like that. “There may be a sucker born every minute, but you mother ----- aren’t getting a dollar out of me!” I proclaimed loudly in my head.

We came across the World’s Tiniest Woman, advertised to be something like only 2 feet tall. For some reason, we said “Screw it! It’s worth $1 each to call their bluff!” We each paid our dollar, and filed in and around to where this tiny human being was supposed to be.

Now, I really don’t know what I was expecting. Maybe some sort of obvious and cheap optical illusion using mirrors and lenses? I’m not sure.

But when I came around the corner, I guess I wasn’t expecting to see a real live woman.

Yet, laying in a basket was a real live woman.

She seemed to have some genetic disease and appeared to have severely stunted growth, but nothing like the to-scale tiny person with tiny head, etc. that I thought they were advertising. Oh, and I believe she was an amputee to boot6No pun intended.–which I kinda felt like was cheating a bit. After all they said tiniest, not shortest.

Anyways, when I came around that corner, I found myself unexpectedly making direct and deep eye contact with her.

I think it would have been a little gentler of an experience if not for that detail.

Honestly, the whole thing was a shock. She said hi to the pair of us, but all I could do was stumble out of there in a bit of a daze.

We talked about the experience for the rest of the night, as there was a lot to unpack.

Neither of us realized that we were literally walking into a situation where a real person was going to be turned into a money-making spectacle. We simply weren’t emotionally prepared to be partaking in the patron side of a what was essentially a classic freak show. Had we known that we would be implicitly mocking and ostracizing someone, we most assuredly would have passed on the experience.

On the other hand…the Boss Lady made an excellent point that she (the World’s Tiniest Woman) had the opportunity to make a living for herself, and that our $2 could be seen as contributing to a decent enough cause.

And of course there was the whole issue of making inadvertent eye contact. We agreed that it was one of those moments were the awkward thought dominating your mind is “I don’t know where to look…”

I think we both would have been fine, had we known what we were getting into. After all, if one were being thoughtful, loving, and compassionate, then eye contact is probably one of the most dignified and respectful things we could have given her.

The problem was, however, that she could no doubt see the cognitive dissonance in our eyes, as we grappled with reconciling our skeptical expectations with the reality in front of us. It was basically breezing through Stages 1, 3, & 5 in under a second.

And even to this day still, I’m not quite sure I ever reached Stage 6…

Content created on: 23 October 2019 (Wednesday)

Footnotes & References:[+]

Finding Yourself on the Fairy Farm

7 Min Read

Some people know where they belong.

Typically accompanied with a strong sense of identity, this “deluxe package” model of human being knows themselves well, knows their role in society, and has full confidence that they are in the social circle that’s a right fit for them.

Gee, that sure sounds nice, doesn’t it?

As you may have guessed, I don’t consider myself to fall into this category. I’m not a completely lost soul, but I definitely feel like a wandering one.

I’ve lived most of my life in gray areas, hoping to fit in somewhere, while at the same time scared Scheiße-less of actually fitting in. Amongst my cool friends, I’m the nerd; likewise, I’m the cool kid when surrounded by nerdier amigos.

Another example would be that I can’t decide if I’m urban/hipster, or rural at heart. Knowing my luck, I’m actually–heavens forbid–a bougie suburbanite. Egads. Perish that thought.

While I think I secretly thrive on not completely fitting in anywhere, I have a strong desire for predictability and stability, and this keeps my soul restless with yearning for a community to call home.

Not too long ago I was listening to a podcast called Three Questions with Andy Richter. If you’re not aware of who he is, he is probably best known as Conan O’Brien’s late-night comedic side kick. In other words, a funny guy.

In this particular episode he was interviewing another comic. If I haven’t pointed it out before, let me do so now: when the muggles aren’t around to hear, comedians will refer to themselves as “comics”. I’m not sure why I find this so humorous, but I do.

Anyways, both Andy and his guest were recounting what it was like to realize that comedy was where they belonged. In both cases they described it as “finding [their] people”, and how wonderful it was to feel like they finally belonged somewhere after having struggled to fit in their whole lives.

Hearing them talk about it that way made my heart long for the same thing for myself.

And then a surprising thought caught me off guard: “Hey wait…am I a comic? Is that where I truly belong? Is that where I will thrive, live my #BestLife,1Term used ironically. and feel truly alive?”

With all the self-psychology I find myself dabbling in, you would think I would know myself pretty well inside and out. Turns out that there’s always more under the surface yet to be discovered, and sometimes it can come as shock to one’s self-image.

What I haven’t mentioned is that I’m not alone in my quest for this thing called “tribe.”2If you have to ask, it’s a A Tribe Called Quest pun. Collectively, the Boss Lady and I have been at a loss for awhile as to how we could rebuild our social circle, now that our lives are dominated by children.

Last year when our eldest daughter started kindergarten, somehow we ended up sending her to what I describe as a “daycare on a farm that got out of hand.” As you may recall from the tale of Two Lukes,3Since you didn’t read it when you were supposed to, here’s the link. it was a rather small enterprise, dominated by rascally preschool youths and culminating in a kindergarten class of only 6 kids (33.33% of which were named Luke).

Also key to this story is that the farm/school was in tune with an educational philosophy that shares the same name with a certain grape + nut salad. If you’re not familiar with it, I can sum it up in one word: fairies. For some reason, adherents to this educational model tend to be unusually preoccupied with pretending fairies are real.

Now, I don’t have time to go into a deep dive on that topic right now, but the important thing to note is that we were entering a culture that embraced approaching the world with child-like wonder.

While this had it’s pros and cons, it did leave us wondering…

“Is this where we would finally find ‘our people’?!?”

It was bound to be an adventure full of self-discovery.

The first half of the school year was rather unremarkable, but early in January I got a chance to fly solo and scope out potential kindred spirits. The husband of the woman who ran the school was hosting a Dad’s Night Out on the farm, where us dads of the students were to gather and relax by drinking beer, enjoying a bonfire fueled by a previously full-of-life Christmas tree, and shooting flaming arrows at bales of hay.

I was on the hunt for someone to whom I could say, “You look like a man I could be a best friend with,”4 and I was my usual optimistic self about my odds of success.

My first clue that things weren’t going to live up to my expectations was the beer.

It was sort of a beer pot-luck, where we were instructed to bring “six of [our] favorite beers to share.” I arrived alongside two other dads and we struck up a conversation while we were putting our alcoholic contributions into the cooler.

Dad #1: “Oh man, I can’t wait for you to try this Dark Chocolate Coffee Porter I brought. I just know it will bring you as much joy as it brings me!”

Dad #2: “Super. And you guys are going to love this rare IPA my wife got me for Christmas!”

Me: “Well, here’s six randoms beers that I know I sure the hell am never going to drink, but for some reason were in my house. I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to pawn them off on unsuspecting schmucks. Enjoy…”

And then as we achieved critical mass, one dad started sincerely asking how everybody’s days were going, and each response was met with a chorus of “That’s great!” “Awesome!” & “I’m happy for you!”

Meanwhile, I couldn’t help thinking to myself “Why are you ----- so positive?!?” Naturally, I found myself having a really hard time trusting them.5Related reading: Fiddy Percent.

It was becoming clear that I was definitely the Negative Nancy of the crowd. Or perhaps the unpleasant truth was that I’m just a big ol’ dick-head at heart? A real dick-heart, if you will.

Anyways, this trend continued as we migrated to the bonfire to continue conversing.

Dad #3: “So I took my toddlers camping in the middle of the summer…”

Me (under my breath): “What the ----- is wrong with you?”

I could hear a couple of other guys within earshot of my comment stifling their chuckles. So maybe I wasn’t the lone “realist” in the crowd after all. That gave me a brief glimmer of hope.

Later on, one guy brought up the local CineBistro,6One of those trendy new cinema/restaurant combos where the bring the fancy food right to your theatre seat. and I guess we were on the general topic of how nice it was. Anyways that must of inspired me to comment on my experience of how luxurious I personally had found it to be.

Only weeks earlier I had taken the Boss Lady there for our most recent anniversary. So, that had two implications:
1) it’s nice enough for an anniversary date, and
2) that evening ended pretty favorably for me, ergo if the place can warrant some anniversary action, then it’s gotta be REAL nice n’ fancy.

But, in my mind, the was an asterisk next to point #2, and for some reason thought it absolutely necessary that the gang understood that there was a confounding factor in my observations.

Namely, Aquaman. Yes, I was smart enough to take her to a movie that I knew would, er, “prime her pump”. I probably could have taken her to the shabbiest theater within 200 miles and still have achieved the same result.

So I suppose I felt innately compelled to share this key detail for the sake of full disclosure. That led to this whole tangent about our insidish joke about how the Boss Lady is attracted to Jason Mamoa because they look so ----- alike.

I mean, when you get down to it, we tend to love no one more than we love ourselves, right? It’s okay though; there’s at least a little Narcisse in all of us.

And objectively speaking, both the Boss Lady and Jason Mamoa are ----- beautiful people. ----- gorgeous, the lot of them. I mean, I think both have the potential to tempt many a person to try to play in both the baseball and softball leagues, if you get my drift. Or maybe I’m just projecting?

Fortunately, that whole last bit was not part of my campfire monologue. Instead, at the behest of an active listener amongst us, I rambled on about how for the longest time we had joked about how we were the karmic universe’s bizarro answer to the Khal /Khalisi power couple (from HBO’s Game of Thrones)…a dream which we finally realized the Halloween just the year before, as seen below.

In the midst of all this, I realized this crowd probably wouldn’t appreciate what essentially amounted to me bragging about how I coat-tailed off of Aquaman’s hotness to get laid. So, hoping that my tales of GoT cross dressing would be interesting enough to satiate the masses, I never circled back around to the original point of the story.

But! I didn’t anticipate these ----- being such attentive and sincere listeners. As I let my secondary story trail off into my signature ellipsis, one of them, perhaps the most positive of the bunch,  piped up.

“Oh, I’m sorry man, I didn’t mean to interrupt you talking about your wife and CineBistro with my questions. Please, continue.”

Shit. These elephants weren’t forgetting the story I had promised them. So I decided this would be the perfect opportunity to workshop my punchline for when I tell a tale that apparently is only interesting as long as it stays in my head.

You know, play it off as a boring pointless story rather than an inappropriate recounting of my intimate relationship with my wife (as if talking about it here is any better).

“Hah! You thought story was going to be much more interesting. Joke’s on you!”

That got a modest response from the fellas, but it didn’t take much recollection and introspection to realize that I hadn’t exactly nailed it, either.

This guy was showing sincere interest in me. His baseline was to assume that if I valued the thought enough to share it out loud with strangers, then it must be valuable and worthy of hearing. You got to be one well-adjusted human being to be just flinging around respect for others all willy-nilly like that.

In stark contrast, ol’ Captain Dickheart over here was essentially mocking and shaming him for being an example of an upstanding citizen of society.

Shortly after that incident, I bid the male cheerleading squad adieu and headed home, having had my hopes of finding “my people” crushed under the weight of all the positivity.

I’ve heard that some people often act out in less-than-desirable ways because they’re refusing to acknowledge a particular aspect of their identity or desires.

The whole way back I quietly rode in the passenger seat, with the inescapable curse of unpleasant self-knowledge behind the wheel, a smug grin plastered across his face.

I had uncovered a solemn truth about myself that evening.

No, it wasn’t that I was a closeted comic.

It was realizing I was cynically repressed.7Cynically Repressed was the original title of this post, changed only to avoid the humiliating experience of premature punchline.

Content created on: 23 October 2019 (Wednesday)

Footnotes & References:[+]

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