It’s the end of the year, and of course we gots to take a look back.
You better buckle up , Bud, ‘cuz you are in for a ton of fun, Jack…
Greetings and salutations! If you’re just tuning in, we just wrapped up 2024 and put a big-ass bow on it, placing it under the Christmas tree, hoping to forgot about it forever…
Well, actually I won’t get into the debate of whether it was a great year or the shittiest one on record. ‘Round here I like to keep things focused on the little picture, and while 2024 saw me transition from weekly musings to bi-weekly blabbings, I must say I had fun telling some of the stories that I have this year. Now the question is, will you enjoy reading them as much as I have enjoyed weaving them together? I sure hope so.
Looking back now, I kinda realize that I went off on primarily a handful of themes: technology and my love of candy, cheating–intentional and unintentional–and my on-going delve into all things identity fraud. Go ahead–click on any of the links to be taken to those particular collections (subject to me actually making those pages). In general, though, I suspect you came here to get a sampling of the best of the best of 2024 that The Point of the Story has to offer. Well, Dear Reader, you are in luck. Please, peruse below the highlights of what came forth from the loins of my mind in 2024.
Oh, and just for funsies, I injected the literary device of the unreliable narrator into my writings. If you come across one with the tag ‘Unreliable Narrator’ at the bottom, I invite you to read (or re-read) it with a suspicious eye. But then again, to you would I ever lie? [Obligatory elipsis ending…]
How To Fool Your Mom Into Dropping Ye Old F-Bomb
How To Fool Your Mom Into Dropping Ye Old F-Bomb
4Min Read
Have you ever caught yourself daydreaming about your clean-cut mom or dad suddenly cussing like a sailor?
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