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Month: July 2024

Having Such An Awesome Ninja Skill Ain’t Illegal, For Real?

7 Min Read

Maybe, just maybe, you and your buddy have watched a little too much TMNT.

And you know play time is definitely over when up rolls the MP…

“MUAH-HA-HA-HAH! Screw you fence!” I over-enthusiastically taunted the inanimate object in front of me, as my expertly-thrown knife hit its target it once again.

“You’re getting pretty good at this, amigo,” my junior-high bestie, Nick, said.

“And I, too, would like to affirm your bad-ass knife-throwing skills, my ninja!” I reciprocated. “Why don’t you take a turn or two?” I said as I gave the knife a good tug to dislodge it.

“It would be my pleasure,” Nick said, deftly taking the knife from my hand and gracefully flinging it toward the fence in one fell swoop.


That particular flick of his wrist must have had some extra sauce on it, because the knife dang near went all the way through the fence.

“Sweet shot, bro-ski!” I said.

Nick just stood there with his arms folded in triumph, as he knew he done did get a good shot in.

We paused for a moment to bask in our own glory. For a couple of youngsters like us–me ringing in at 14 years and Nick at 13–mastering such a cool skill as knife-throwing was a real thrill. Like, if we had to, we could fling a knife into the torso of a bad guy or the plank of a neutral-looking-but-secretly-threatening fence. It could potentially save our lives and/or the lives of those we love.

But had we not trained on the little fence surrounding the power transformer between my sister’s house and her neighbor’s? That knife would probably have just hit its target while oriented parallel to it, doing no damage before pathetically thunking to the ground. We would have looked like complete assholes in that scenario.

Our moment of ninja-like glory was short-lived though.

“Hey did you just see a pair of beady eyes peeping over that-there fence?” Nick asked, gesturing towards the neighbor’s backyard.

“Ah, don’t mind her. She’s just probably being a Nosy Nancy,” I demurred.

“You sure it’s cool?” Nick asked, for the first time considering that what we were doing might be considered mildly delinquent.

“It’ll be fine, man. She’s probably just jealous of our sweet, sweet, knife moves…”

“Young man, can we have a word with you?”

Those are words a young man never wants to hear. Especially when they’re coming out of the mouth of the MP–that’s Military Police, for you civilians out there–officer at your front door.

“Uh…yeah, I guess so,” I stammered. Normally, my nose was as clean as a whistle, and it would be my brother, 1SkinnyJay, who would have to worry about what the po-po might want with him. Incidentally, it was 1SJ that introduced me to the joys of knife-throwing…though surely that was irrelevant to this pleasant officer’s visit.

“Your neighbor here said she saw someone flinging sharp objects just outside her backyard, and that she fears for the safety of her children” the officer said.

I rolled my eyes at the thought of how little danger her kids might have ever been in.

“Nosy Nancy, you ----- ----- snitch,” I muttered under my breath.

“So, are you the one that’s been throwing knives at the fence around the corner?” he asked menacingly, gesturing in the general direction of our make-shift target.

“No, no, you’re mistaken…” I started.

“Oh, really?” the MP asked suspiciously.

“…there wasn’t just one of us throwing knives.”

Remember the incident Nick and I had with the rare candy? I sucked ass when it came to lying, but I was a ----- ace when it came to telling the truth. And I could tell this wasn’t going to end well for my accomplices.

“Do tell…” I definitely had the MP’s interest now.

“Yeah, of course I was one of the ones getting really, really ----- good at throwing knives. But you’ll also want to talk to my good friend Nick B. He’s almost better than I am. I can take you to his house, even, if you like,” I said, realizing that I was oversharing and not even making him work for the intel.

“Oh, that would be just lovely. So, you say it was you two fellas doing all that damage to the fence? Which, I might add, is federal property, seeing as how it is part of this fine Naval Base we like to call Point Mugu,” this officer said, clearly with the intent of intimidating me.

I think I peed myself just a little in that moment.

“Pfft! Do you think we would just come up with the idea by ourselves? Who do you think gave us the big idea to desecrate that fence in the first place?” I said flippantly.

“Heck, man, I don’t know. But twenty bucks says you’re going to tell me without me even having to ask,” the officer said, starting to get the hang of my game.

“It was my brother, Jason,” I stated matter-of-factly.

“…and there it is. You owe me twenty bucks?” the officer said.

“How about double or nothing?” I said, not really paying attention to what he was saying.

“Okay, so let me see if I got this straight?” he said, looking down at his note pad. “We got three minors that need to be held accountable for destruction of federal property? Is that right?”

“No! You forget about Josephina!” I blurted out, desperate to make sure that there was an accurate and factual accounting of events.

“Who, now?” he asked.

“My brother-in-law, who we’re living with here. Who do you think showed Jason how to throw knives. Jeez, get with it, yo!” I said condescendingly for some reason.

“It looks like we better round up the four of you degenerates and take you down to the station…”

“Mom, are we going to be homeless?” I asked without a hint of sarcasm or irony.

“I don’t really know, Honey,” she said, clearly wishing she could reassure me. “I told you that you needed to keep a low profile, seeing as how we’re living illegally here on Base with your sister.”

“Oh, yeah. Right.” I said quietly, deeply concerned that my loose wrist and even looser lips had ruined our housing situation (and maybe even have put Joe’s status in the military in limbo, to boot).

Long story short, during the preceding summer while I was staying with my dad, my now-presumably-ex-stepfather had moved my mom and brother from our home of 5 years in Springfield, MO, to Odessa, TX for some unknown reason. Then the dickhead just took the only vehicle they had and jetted out of there back to his mommy in Houston.

Well, this nut-sack had put my fam in quite the pickle, now hadn’t he? And, not realizing that the lease on her apartment back in Springfield wouldn’t technically run out for another week, my mom turned to my sister in California in her time of need.

“Sure, you can come live with us on this here fine Naval Base we call Point Mugu!” Sis had told her. “But, uh, technically, parents and siblings don’t qualify as dependents, so you’ll just have to be our ‘long term guests’, per se.”

And thus, my entire eighth grade year I lived as an illegal alien, never freely able to come and go off the base as I pleased. I either had to be in a vehicle with my sis or Joe driving–or on occasion, with Nick and his parents. But never could Mom just roll out with us to live normal lives in the surrounding cities.

Oh, I almost forgot that I was also able to smuggle myself on and off base on the the school bus–which, if you ask me, is actually kinda of a weak point in their security. Anyways, I digress…

“I really shouldn’t have drawn attention to us, should have I?” I said meekly.

“No you shouldn’t have,” Joe glared at me from across the table down at the MP headquarters. “Just let me do the talking, okay? We don’t need you unnecessarily volunteering any more facts…”

“You ----- ----- snitch” Jason muttered under his breath, as he ripped the board–the one we had thoroughly destroyed–off the fence.

“You little snitch,” Nick muttered under his breath as he hoisted the new replacement board into place.

“You little ----- , just had to go and snitch,” Joe muttered under his breath, as he handed me the screws and the drill.

“Fellas, fellas, no need to point fingers and say who-did-what and what-not,” I deflected, as I secured the new board in place.

I stepped back to admire our work.

But instead of looking at the newly-refinished fence, my three comrades were glaring at me.

“No, there is need to point fingers,” Jason seethed.

“Yeah, you were the one to get busted. Why did you have to drag us into your mess? My step-dad whooped my ass the second the MP left our house,” Nick said through gritted teeth.

“You couldn’t have fallen on a grenade for your brothers in arms, could have you?” Joe was clearly peeved.

“Fellas, fellas, come now,” I implored them. “Don’t be making the moral of this story ‘maybe it’s worth learning to lie every now and then for the sake of your brethren, you little snitch.’ Nay, the point of the story here is supposed to be: don’t judge an illegal alien until you’ve walked a kilometer in their shoes (on account of anyone coming into the U.S. from anywhere else in the world will indubitably be more accustomed to metric units rather than imperial units). Also keep in mind that on average they’re less criminally mind, lest their deviant behavior draws the attention of the authorities and gets them deported. So show them a little love, yeah?”

“Really? That’s what you’re going with here?” Jay said.

“I like the ‘don’t be a little snitch’ line better,” Nick chimed in.

“Me too,” said Joe. “Anyways, how do you explain to your imaginary audience you not getting kicked off base, when a true illegal alien would have got their ass deported for pulling the same stunt you did?”

“Yeah, man, we got off waaay easy just having to pay for the supplies and put in the time to repair this fence,” Jay noted.

“Fellas, fellas,” Nick said, half-mocking me. “Isn’t it patently obvious?” he said as he presented me as if I was a prize on the Price is Right and he were one of their models.

I sighed, reluctant to acknowledge my inherent privilege.

“It’s because I’m as Caucasian as a White Russian, my ninjas.”

Nick pensively stroked the peach fuzz on his chin for a moment.

“Somehow,” he finally said, “I think you’ve managed to culturally appropriate two different cultures here, all in one fell swoop…”

Content created on: 20/21 July 2024 (Sat/Sun)

Boy Ain’t Gonna Lie: He Chasing That Rare Sugar High

6 Min Read

Long story short, when Mom asked I said “screw it” and told her the truth.

“I fully intend to spend the evening abusing my sweet tooth…”

“Where you boys off to?” Mom asked us with a hint of suspicion–and to be fair, we probably did look like a pair of junior high boys with questionable evening plans.

“Uh, you cool if I spend the night over at Nick’s?” I asked her.

It was a Friday night, and Nick just lived down the street from us on Point Mugu Naval Base–a secure facility that we were somehow managing to live on illegally–so I didn’t think that it was too big of an ask. Even for Mom, who landed hard on the side of parenting that is the complete opposite of permissive.

“That depends,” Mom said slightly raising an eyebrow. “What do you plan on doing?”

Truth be told, we had just recently stumbled upon Nick’s step-dad’s secret candy stash, and we had been biding our time for a night when his parents and siblings would be gone most of the evening so we could dip our indulgent, grubby little paws into it. Included in that stash of high-end sweets were vintage Miami Spice Drops from 1986 (one of only two years they were ever made). Now, we had really never heard of such delicacies, but we could tell from the packaging that they weren’t your average gummy bears, so we were particularly excited to see what the presumed hub-bub was all about.

Just one problem though: all while I was growing up, Mom attempted to enforce a pretty hard no-sweets policy, and there was know way in hell that she would let me spend one more minute with Nick if she had even the slightest inkling what kind of sugary crack-cocaine was poorly hidden in his parents’ bedroom closet.

Oh, and just a second problem, too: my entire life I have been cursed with the utter and complete inability to tell a lie, especially when it come to my beloved mother. This curse bore down particularly hard on me during my 8th grade year–the year in which find ourselves now.

Nick glanced over at me kinda nervously in anticipation of our best laid plans blowing up spectacularly in our faces, on account of my stupid curse.

Thinking quick on my feet, I decided to lean hard into what I do best.

“We’re going to sit around and a sh*t-load of candy,” I said without a hint of sarcasm.

“Hah. Yeah right!” Mom replied with a half-snort. “You boys go enjoy your evening, and I’ll see you around lunchtime tomorrow, oh humorous son of mine.”

I just about had to drag Nick out the door by his ear, as he seemed to be paralyzed in disbelief that my little stunt of telling the whole, dirty truth had actually worked.

“C’mon, dude, let’s jet over to your place and get to snackin’ before you parents get home,” I said, reinvigorated by the success of my unconventional strategy.

“Bro,” Nick muttered on his way out the door, “I seriously gotta try telling the truth more often…”

“Hmmm…” Nick chewed thoughtfully on his Miami Spice Drop, investigating all the flavors and textures with his tongue and palate. “Very interesting…not what I was expecting.”

“Yeah, I agree,” I said, furrowing my brow and putting way too much thought into analyzing the flavor profile.

“First thing I really noticed was that they were unexpectedly fuzzy,” Nick said observantly.

“That’s true,” I said, holding one up to the kitchen light and inspecting it like a jeweler would inspect a diamond. “I would even dare say they look little bushes.”

“Yeah, this candy is very ‘bushy’–an interesting experience for the tongue, indeed…” Nick opined.

“Well, I guess that must of been a whole thing with fancy candies back in the 80’s?” I hypothesized.

“I suppose,” Nick said. “The 80’s in general seemed pretty obsessed with all things hair.”

“Hmmph,” I grunted, putting a period on that part of our conversation. “But how about the spectrum of flavors, eh?”

“Yeah, that was definitely way more nuanced than I was expecting,” Nick noted.

“Mmm-hmm. With most candies, it’s a single blast of sugar and a handful of flavors,” I commented. “But with these drops, I would dare say that the experience evolves in your mouth with time.”

“Oh, the unexpected depth and sophistication!” Nick raved. “That was definitely unanticipated, and was uniquely refreshing.”

“Not unlike getting squirted in the eye by one of those Old Faithful candies, I bet!” I quipped.

We both chuckled heartily at the memory of one of the other old exotic candies we had just sampled, a Gusher-like confection shaped much like a pearl featuring a juicy-filled center. The candy itself wasn’t particularly humorous; it was the bag that they came in, which featured a cartoon version of a man biting into one and accidentally squirting a nearby woman in the eye. Again, we just wrote it off as another weird-ass product of the 80’s.

“Oh, shenanigans!” he said as we went in for another round of belly-laughing at the thought of that utterly ridiculous packaging.

Right about that moment, though, we heard the garage door opening.

“Oh, shenanigans is right!” I said, perhaps dropping an expletive or two in there.

“Quick, you start making us some PB&J’s in the kitchen–we can eat them to cover the evidence on our breath, and it will also give you the chance to distract them while I run upstairs and put the goods back where I found them!” Nick ordered.

“That’s a Texas-sized 10-4, good buddy!” I said scurrying into the kitchen.

I could hear Nick’s footsteps on the upstairs landing just as the door leading from the garage to the kitchen opened and Nick’s family tromped in.

“Oh, hey B.J., I didn’t realize you were spending the night. What have you been boys up to?” Nick’s mom asked congenially.

“Oh, hi there, Nick’s Mom!” I said as casually as I could muster. “We’ve just been playing some computer games and I thought I would take a break to come down and make us a midnight snack.”

“Cool, cool” she said. “Well, you know that our pantries are always open to you.”

“I sure do, and I appreciate that so much, Mrs. Nick’s Mom. Anyways, I better get these PB&J’s up to Nick.”

I was having to spout falsehoods through my teeth, and I could tell that I was on the verge of having the wheels fall of this wagon of lies.

“But…are those just naked slices of bread?” Nick’s mom looked at my plate slightly confused.

Panic was setting in quickly, so I had to extricate myself from the situation, no matter the cost.

“Welp, gotta run! Nothing to see here! Or smell…”

“Any chance we could confer privately? ” Nick asked his step-dad.

Clearly exhausted with his fruitless interrogation of us, he acquiesced.

“Sure. You boys need to discuss whatever you need to. I’ll be waiting in here whenever you figure your shit out,” he said, though not in an angry way.

Turns out, Nick hadn’t stacked the candy back in their original location quite exactly as he had found them, and his mom had noticed this tiniest of discrepancies. It was upon further inspection that she had discovered several pieces conspicuously missing from some of the bags.

Now, I’ll never figure out why she cared so much about any of the candy being missing–I guess because it was vintage stuff they didn’t make any more, perhaps–but apparently she was accusing her husband of going and eating the candy behind her back. I didn’t get that either: it was his stash–or at least we assumed it was his–so why did she have panties all up in a wad over it.

Any how, he had quickly figured out that since he hadn’t been the guilty party, something else must be afoot under his roof.

“Okay, Nick, he’s offering to let us off the hook completely–we just have to come clean, alright?” I recapped the plea deal that was on the table.

Nick sighed deeply.

“Poor guy’s taking the fall for us, so I guess that’s the least we could do for him out of respect,” Nick conceded.

“Yeah, and seriously, my head is about to explode after denying our guilt for almost an hour straight,” I said rubbing my eyes with the palm of my hands. “I just wasn’t built to tell lies, yo.”

“Gotta, say, though,” he said, putting an affirming hand on my shoulder, “I’m proud of you for holding out as long as you did. You’re a good friend.”

“Thanks man. But maybe next time we just own up to our shit in the first place and face the music?”

I swore that living with a lie was worse punishment than anything Nick’s mom could have possibly dealt out, so it was a relief when we went back into the kitchen.

“Yeah, it was us,” Nick said with a sheepish look on his round face.

“Thanks, Mr. Nick’s Mom, for taking the blame for us,” I said gratefully, knowing that word of our little fiasco wouldn’t make it back to my own mother.

“Boys, I appreciate your honesty. Now, as you were soldiers, as you were…” he said, dismissing us, clearly glad that our hours-long standoff was finally over.

We turned to head back upstairs to where our computer game awaited us.

But right before we made it out of the kitchen, I turned with one last question for Nick’s step-dad.

“I just gotta ask, though…what was the deal with all that old candy anyways?” I inquired.

“Oh, I’m surprised it wasn’t right up your alley, boys,” he said with a wry grin on his face. “After all, don’t forget that you two little squirts are weird-ass products of the 80’s as well…”

Content created on: 6/7 July 2024 (Sat/Sun)


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