Your #1 Source of Unsolicited Life Advice

Month: June 2024

C’mon, People, There’s No Need To Be Sniffing Out That Mysterious Toxic Energy

4 Min Read

Some rooms just have a bad vibe in them, and it’s just a fact.

You need to accept there’s nothing we can do about it, and that’s that…

“Mr. Eiland! Do we have to keep practicing?” my fellow percussionist, Carrie, stuck her head out the door and desperately hollered at our band teacher.

Mr. E. had been contentedly working with the rest of the student-musicians in the main part of the Rolla High School band room, while those of us in the drum section had been sequestered in his office to work out our sh*t on our own.

“No, you can’t come out and join the rest of us just yet,” he hollered back. “Something is, uh, how do I put this? Something is ‘off’ in the rhythm department, and I can’t have it throwing the rest of the band off.”

“Okay, fine, but do we have to do it in your office? Whatever is off is even worse in that confined space,” Carrie protested.

“Yeah!” I said, popping my head out the office door behind Carrie. “The acoustics are terrible in here!”

Carrie looked back at me with one of those looks that say, “What in the ----- are you talking about?”

“What?” I shot back at her. “You accidentally hit an extra beat and it seems to bounce around forever in there.”

“Things do tend to linger uncomfortably long in there…” she said as she shook her dang head.

“What are you two jabbering on about?” Mr. E. chided us, still from across the other side of the band room. “Get back in there and get back to work–and don’t forget to shut the door behind you!”

Carrie and I groaned in unison, knowing that we had failed our other drummers in our quest to get our practice session relocated to a different, preferably more spacious, locale.

“I was really hoping he was going to let us jam out outside,” Carrie sighed nasally as we both trotted back into Mr. E’s office.

“I take it were still stuck in here?” asked Iris–percussionist 3 of 4–as she waltzed1Damn straight was time-signature based pun…ya konw, 3/4…waltz…you get it right? back in after a suspiciously long trip to the water fountain just outside in the hall.

“Dammit, one of us is —-ed up, and it’s not me!” said beater #4, good ol’ Double-B of 21-Trap infamy. He could be a prick sometimes, so his feisty attitude didn’t particular surprise me.

“Don’t you mean ‘is —-ing up’, Double-B?” I interjected.

“I know what I said.” Double-B glared at me.

“Yeah,” I said, wiping some sweat from my brow. “Ah, ’tis a real mystery. It could be any one of us,” my eyes darted around the room furtively. “But we may never know who…”

“Thwack! Thump…thump…thump.” The familiar crack of a pool stick hitting a cue ball was followed by the sound of billiard balls bouncing off the felt sides of the pool table…but conspicuously absent was the satisfying sound of any of them balls actually dropping into the table’s pockets.

My cousin, Rene,2I’m actually fuzzy as to which female cousin this was…it might have been Lisa, or perhaps Jennifer–either way I almost never hung out with them otherwise. sighed in mild exasperation after yet another fruitless turn on my part.

“This game is taking forever,” she muttered.

But it wasn’t like it was all my fault that it was dragging on endlessly; she wasn’t exactly droppin’ balls in pockets either.

“Yeah, I know what you mean. I can’t put my finger on it, but for some reason I’m just not on my game today,” I noted.

“Me, too,” Rene agreed. “I’m usually a regular pool shark, but something is amiss around here, and it’s really messing with me.”

“It must be this musty old school building,” I said gesturing around to the repurposed Richfield Grade School classroom which, up until the building had recently been turned into a modest community center, hadn’t been regular used since our mothers were 8th grade students there in the 60’s.

She looked around the otherwise empty room. On this particularly lazy Sunday, we appeared to be the only ones not just in the billiards room, but in the entire building.

“Yeah, something sure is off in here,” she concurred. “What say we just call this game a draw and jam outta here?”

“It is indeed a beautiful spring day outside, and the casual stroll back to Grandma’s house does sound rather pleasant,” I responded.

As we (rather loudly) racked the balls and put away the pool sticks, Rene all of a sudden paused and made a scrunched up face.

“There’s that smell again…” she noted.

“Yeah, let’s go on and get outta this confined space,” I said reinforcing our newly-laid plan.

“I need fresh air–NOW!” she said as she suddenly made a break for the exit.

Once outside, we both drew in two huge lungfuls of the crisp Kansas spring breeze.

With our heads cleared, I couldn’t help but muse aloud.

“That was really odd. I wonder if they have a mold problem that needs remediation…”

Rene just gave me a sideway glance.

“Mold? Here in Southwest Kansas? You know that we are technically in a desert climate, right?”

“Ah, ’tis a real mystery. It could be any one of many endless possibilities, then,” my eyes darted furtively back to the building we had just escaped. “But we may never know what…”

“Hold my beer…” is most definitely what Frito-Lay told Nabisco back in the mid-90’s when they saw the massively successful nonsense the latter had found in their well-intentioned-but-tragically-misguided non-fat Snackwell’s cookies.

With Proctor & Gamble’s recent food-science breakthrough, Olestra, in hand, those wily bastards took nutritionally dubious “healthy” snacking to a whole ‘nother level with the release of their Olean sub-brand of completely fat-free chips. I mean, this was revolutionary. Fat-free, yet they did not compromise the taste or texture of all of Frito-Lay’s greatest hits in the least–they were virtually indistinguishable for all intents and purposes. You see, the miracle lied within the fact that these Olestra oil-substitute would pass completely through one’s GI system without ever being absorbed…

Would this result in explosive diarrhea and unbearably horrific farts in large quantities that were nearly impossible to control?

Would anybody you know be so intent on living an extreme ‘healthy’ low-fat lifestyle that they would continue to regularly consume such a product having experienced such dire consequences after the first go-round?

Is it possible that any human could be so inconsiderate of their fellow man and woman that they would knowingly subject them to such inhumanities, just for their own personal benefit?

Can you conceive of such a self-focused psychopath that would inflict such suffering on others, then proceed to give a whole new meaning to the term ‘gaslighting’ by pretending that if anything was ‘off’ about the experience, that it must be the environment and surely not their own stank ass?

Ah, ’tis a real mystery.

*eyes dart furtively around the room*

But we may never know the answers to such questions…

Content created on: 22/23 June 2024 (Sat/Sun)

Footnotes & References:[+]

Behold: The Magic Jell-O Keeping You Out Of Jail, Bro!

5 Min Read

When you hear ‘pudding’, you’re bound to ask “Yum! What flavor?”

This time, though, you best not ask (and you’re welcome for the favor…)

“The sign of a true friend is…’pudding on a condom for Phillip’?!? Um…I have so many questions that I’m not sure I want the answer to.”

My beautiful bride looked up from my phone, wide-eyed and side-eyeing me at the same time. She had been poking around my Notes app looking for my grocery list, and instead she apparently found my reminder where I keep a short list of potential stories to blog about in the coming weeks.

“That doesn’t sound quite right…lemme see that!”

I took a quick glance at it then got my eyes back on the road like the safe driver that I was.

“Ahh, I see, it’s just a typo,” I reassured her.

“Whew! No condoms were involved. That’s a relief,” she demurred.

“Oh, no, there was a condom alright.”

“So, it’s supposed to be ‘putting’? ‘Putting on a condom’ for your male friend is any better?!? Is there something you need to get off your chest, my dear hubby? You been keeping any skeletons in the ol’ proverbial closet?”

“What? No, no, no. I meant that the it was supposed to in, not on,” I clarified.

“Hold up, mister! ‘Pudding on a condom’ was a gross enough mental picture, and you mean to tell me what you wanted to describe was ‘pudding in a condom’?!? You’re one sick puppy” she deftly passed judgement on me.

“No, no–“

“Wait just one sec,” she interrupted my rebuttal and proceeded to open up the car door and wretch lightly.

“You’re lucky we’re at a stoplight,” I said in an attempt to implicitly reassure the Reader that I didn’t marry a woman who would have such poor executive function as to open the door while in a moving vehicle.

“Are you done ye–“

She held up her hand to stop me as she went for one last round:


“You’re such a drama queen,” I commented once she was done with her over-the-top expression of disgust. “And for the record, ‘pudding’ was a typo, too. I guess I got double autocorrected when I hastily made that note.”

“Oh great,” she said as she rolled her eyes. “Lemme guess: I’m going to have to wait in suspense to find out what you really meant while you regale whoever will listen with another one of your trademark ‘short-story-long’ tales…”

“Hey, man, can you come over? I’m kinda in a pickle and really was hoping you could do me a favor.”

A little over a year after my ol’ buddy, Phillip K. Ballz, tried to sabotage my post-college career, I got a somewhat desperate sounding phone call from him. We had hung out on occasion since that particular incident–we both still lived in Manhattan after graduating from Kansas State–so it wasn’t completely abnormal for him to blow up my phone. However, I could tell from his voice that he wasn’t his usual laid-back self.

“Yeah, sure thing, amigo. I’ll be right over,” I said, blindly agreeing to whatever.

On the drive over, I mused to myself about the possible nature of his request.

“I probably better stretch my back first thing–it’s still a little tweaked from that one reckless round of disc golf, and I bet he needs my help moving a piano or some other heavy object.”

“Or maybe he needs my help giving Da Vinci, his cat with 6 fingers on each paw, a bath?”

“Oh, the possibilities are endless–but the truth is probably something completely asinine,” I thought as I got out of the car, somehow switching gears from bright-eyed imaginative optimism to overly-honest cynicism in the same mental breath.

“Jeez, there you are! Did you get lost on the way over here? Took you long enough!” PKB greeted me, clearly in the early stages of panic mode.

“I mean, I got a little lost in thought, maybe, but I otherwise came straight over here. What’s up?” I quipped, then inquired.

“Dude, so you know how I’m on probation, right?”

“Yeah, I’m mildly aware that you got into trouble with the law over some stupid recreational drug-related incident. So what about it?” I asked.

“Well, I have to take a certain test every couple months, if you know what I mean.”

“Really? That’s a condition of your parole?”

“My probation, not parole, you jackass. And yes, if I don’t keep my nose clean, then I’ll actually have to serve some time in the county jail,” he said with all seriousness.

“Well, good thing you know they’re going to test you in advance, right?”

His lack of response was starting to unsettle me.


The look on his face said it all.

“You really are a proper dipshit, aren’t you? You mean to tell me that your dumb ass knew that you would get thrown in the can if you done and went and smoked a fat blunt…and then you done went and smoked a fat blunt? Un-effing-believable.”

“Look, it was several weeks ago, and it should have been out of my system by now, but when I took a home version of the test, it still showed up. You gotta help a brother out, man!” he begged of me.

“Uh, I don’t know what I could possibly do to help you out of this j–“

“You can pass the test for me, that’s what!” he said, interrupting me.

“Wait, what? Oh. I see…Well, you’re not going make me complicit in your illicit activities! I’m a man of honor and integrity! You can get one of your other heathen buddies to do it, and leave me out of this!”

PKB looked at me like I was dumb as a rock.

“All my other friends are potheads like me–you’re the only friend I have around these parts that hasn’t gotten high in the last two weeks!”

“Oh,” was all I could muster.

You can’t argue with airtight logic like that.

“So…what do you need me to do?” I asked resignedly. I couldn’t stand by and let one of my oldest friends go to jail for a crime he did commit.

“Here you go. And you know where the bathroom is,” he said.

I looked down at the box he had just handed me.

“You gotta be ----- kidding me,” I muttered.1See the note at the end about the alternate ending that splits off at this point. “You could have at least got me some Magnums–I’m a ‘bigger’ guy, if you know what I mean.”

“Dammit, I got my test in less than 40 minutes, so forgive me if I don’t have time for your weird flex. Just go take care of business, will ya?” PKB said impatiently.

I didn’t bother shutting the bathroom door behind me to make sure he could hear everything.

“You know what they say really is true: size does matter…” I hollered across the house.

“Just shut your pie-hole and keep pissing in the condom!” PKB so rudely interrupted my punchline.

Nevertheless, I persisted: “…and you’re in luck cuz’ this big boy’s got a big ol’ bladder…”2As promised, here’s the original/alternate ending before I changed it at the last second.:

“Here you go. And you know where the bathroom is,” he said.

I looked down at the box he had just handed me.

“You gotta be ----- kidding me,” I muttered.

“Make it snappy though–I got my test in 45 minutes.”

“What the hell, Phillip? Cutting it kinda close, aren’t we?” I said somewhat incredulously, as I had no idea how close his head was to the chopping block. “Dammit, last thing I needed was pressure–you know I’m bladder-shy!” I said.

“Just go take care of business, will ya?” PKB said impatiently.

I skulked off to the bathroom, but intentionally left the door open so he could hear me when I loudly proclaimed, “I feel like this is a good time force some of The Jesus on you–and I quote: ‘Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life be pissing in a condom for his friends.’ This is literally What Jesus Would Do.”

“So, what’s your point, my dude?” he hollered back at me.

“Well,” I yelled, leaning back so my head was poking out the open bathroom door, “as The Jesus always says: ‘You’re welcome, you ----- dirty hippie…’ “

Content created on: 6/8/9 June 2024 (Thurs/Sat/Sun)

Footnotes & References:[+]


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