Your #1 Source of Unsolicited Life Advice

Month: October 2021

When Casper’s In The Car, Scary Good Times Are Never Afar

6 Min Read

“What would Jesus do?”

Surely not be giving out rides when it’s not his car…

“Aww! Poor dude really could use a ride…and so what would Jesus do? Jesus would most indubitably tell him, ‘Hop in, Broseph!’, amiright?”

It was Memorial Day weekend back in 2005, and I was kicking it with my best college buddy Andrew at his parents’ home in good ol’ Kismet, Kansas. He had introduced me to the hobby of “High Pointing” where you try to visit the highest point in as many states as possible, and thusly we had decided to take a day trip in Andrew’s mom’s car to go hike Oklahoma’s High Point.

Of course, that meant a ~3 hour little jaunt to Kenton, Oklahoma, home of one of the few topographically interesting features in the state, Black Mesa (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: In case you ever need to get from Kismet, KS to Oklahoma’s Black Mesa…now ya know!

“Wait!” you say, “That looks like you’re headed to New Mexico!”

And you would be right–as Andrew would say, “The highest point in Oklahoma is New Mexico!” He’s not exactly wrong, either: the highest elevation in the OK state is a hilarious 1000 ft from being in the wrong state altogether (see Figure 2).

Figure 2: Oklahoma’s High Point is comically close to just being Slightly Below Average1 Point, New Mexico.

Flatlander jokes aside, it’s actually a really lovely hike, and I recommend you plan an entire vacation around it the soonest chance you get. You won’t regret it!

Okay, maybe there’s a slight chance you might regret blowing all your PTO and savings just to get a scenic view of New Mexico rather than going to, say, Paris. But I digress…

I bet you’re still wondering what happened to ‘Broseph’, the dude in need of a ride. Ok, sure, I’ll humor you.

After spending a very Bro-mantic half-day hiking around Black Mesa, Andrew and I were all tuckered out and finally ready to head back to Kismet.2Fun fact: Kismet was one of the names I floated when were trying to name The Younger aka our second daughter. We had stopped in at the first gas station along our route–the trusty Toot N’ Totum in Boise City–to get some snacks and fill up on gas.

That’s when we met Casper, the aforementioned “Broseph.” And while he technically wasn’t a friendly ghost, he was short, scruffy and as white as one–as a ghost, that is.

He had approached us as we were rambling into the convenience store, and had asked us for a ride. In response, Andrew mumbled something along the lines of “we’ll think about it,” but we were mainly just trying to avoid the awkward interaction–because let’s face it, they’re always awkward af–and get back home and get some rest.

However, I made the classic mistake of giving a rat’s ass about what our Caucasian Savior might have hypothetically done, were he in our hiking boots. You can call it having a crisis of conscience, if it makes you feel less sacrilegious; either way my compassionate side had got the better of me, and that’s when I started cajoling Andrew into letting Casper hitch a ride with us.

To my charitable delight, Andrew, with a Slim Jim and Diet Coke in hand, finally gave in: “Fine, whatever. But you’re cleaning my mom’s car out if he leaves a funk and/or stank.”

“You got it, dude!”

I was so excited about actually making it out of my comfort zone and making the world a better place, that the risk of a phantom funk was well worth it in my book.

Outside, I shared the great news with Casper–though even in fulfilling his request, it was still much more awkward than I had anticipated.

“Hey man, which way you headed? You’re welcome to hitch a ride with us if you like!”

“Um, yeah…I’m trying to get to Oklahoma City…”

“Oh. Okay.”

Aww fudge-nuts. Had I just got us in over our heads?

“Oh. Well, that would add…*checks notes*…7 hours to our 3 hour trip, so…”

*awkward silence*

“I guess since we’re headed east and you’re headed east, how about we take you as far as Liberal?3Liberal, a city of modest size in SW Kansas, situated on the border with Oklahoma. It’s no Oklahoma City, but hey, it’s much closer than you are now.”

“Um, I guess that would work.”

“Sweet, well then, hop on in the back and let’s roll out!”

“So Casper, tell us about your life journey…”

While Andrew focused on driving, I took it upon myself to make Casper feel welcome in Andrew’s mom’s car.

Casper went on to regale us with how he had recently spent a year or two down in Florida…as part of the entourage of rapper Ja Rule (see Figure 3)–“just kicking it with Ja” as Casper put it.

Ja Rule performs during Q 100.5's Nightmare on Q Street
Figure 3: Ladies & gentlemen: Grammy-nominated musical artist, Ja Rule.

Wow, I had never really met anyone who had spent so much time with a celebrity. Fascinating, simply fascinating!

Of course, that also left me with more questions that I probably shouldn’t (and didn’t) ask. Like, “So how does a super-white guy like you get into a guy like Ja Rule’s inner circle?”

Or: “Was this before or after you started living on the streets?”

Or, now that I’ve looked up Ja Rule’s Wikipedia page, “Wait, isn’t Ja Rule based out of New York, not Florida?”

I honestly didn’t think much of these potential discrepancies in the moment, and we carried on conversing about this that and the other.

Twenty or so minutes later of me taking my turn to regale him with some much less interesting stories of my own, Casper got real solemn all of a sudden.

“I haven’t really told anyone this, but…”

“Oh, go ahead. You can tell us…”

“But…I used to be a Spook for the CIA. Of course, I can’t really talk about all the crazy sh*t I did for them…”

“Oh, okay. Cool…”

*moment of silence*

“What’s a Spook again?”

“A spy. I was a spy for the CIA.”

“Oh, okay…”

Unbelievable. Simply unbelievable.

This dude must have been a prodigy or something. I mean, he couldn’t have been more than 24 years old, and already he had spent a few years living in Ja Rule’s Florida mansion and had spent multiple years as a veritable Man in Black?!?

I couldn’t believe that I was actually in the presence of a living, walking, hitchhiking legend!

What great fortune I decided to give this dude a chance by offering him a ride…in Andrew’s mom’s car.

It was like…well, it was like kismet…

“Are you out of your ----- mind?!?”

Andrew hadn’t been as gracious to our guest as I would have liked, and had somewhat rudely and abruptly dropped Casper off at the first truck stop we came to as we rolled into Liberal. And as soon as he was out of the car, Andrew had turned his attention to me.

“What are you talking about, man? We just got to share a vehicle with the Most Interesting Man In The World!”

This was the first time that I had noticed Andrew didn’t look like his usual unflappable self.

“He. Was. Crazy. How did you not pick up on that?!? He was making all that sh*t up, and I’ll bet you anything he was schizophrenic.”

“Now that you mention it…yeah, that makes waaaay more sense.”

“I started getting nervous once he started nonchalantly bragging about being so close to Ja Rule.”

“Oh. Yeah…”

“So, what were you thinking, having him sit in the back?!? You should have sat in the back and kept an eye on him. That way, if he decided to murder one of us, you might actually have had a chance to do something about it!”

“Oh. Sorry…”

“Thanks to you, I spent the last hour of that drive just waiting to be stabbed in the back any moment. Pfft! ‘Ja Rule’, my ass!”

We sat in silence during the last little leg of our trip back to Kismet, most assuredly pondering our good fortune to not have been slain by that hitch-hiking little ghost of a man. On the bright side, at least we had a better idea of what Jesus would have done: Jesus would have made his ass sit in the front.

At long last, we pulled into Andrew’s parents’ garage, and as we got out of the car Andrew breathed what I mistook for a deep, deep sigh of relief.

“First thing in the morning, I’m going to need you to help me clean the funk out of this car. Otherwise, one whiff, and my mom will know that we’ve been picking up sassy vagrants4…”

…and that’s my story of how we survived an evening with Casper the Fu*king5The ‘*’ is standing in for the letter ‘N’ today, who is out sick with a cold. Crazy Spook.

Happy Halloween, everybody!

P.S. Please enjoy these other Halloween posts from the Point of the Story:

Little Bo Peep Has Lost His…Respect For Mainstream Gender Norms?

Kandy Karma, Part 1 (and don’t forget Parts 2 & 3)

Content created on: 29 October 2021 (Friday)

Footnotes & References:[+]

Five Horribly Dumb Reasons To Hurry To The Hospital

5 Min Read

This Halloween, why not visit one of the spookiest places on Earth:

The Emergency Department…mwah hah ha…

The Emergency Room. Remember that ol’ thang? Gone are the days of the Emergency Room, replaced by what I suppose is the politically correct term “Emergency Department,” and functionally supplemented by Urgent Care centers.

While the ER is in theory supposed to treat people who have suffered physical trauma, surviving a visit to one can be a traumatic experience itself. Just this past week, I had to accompany a family member to one of these God-forsaken places, and had the joy of staying there for almost 24 hours. Let me tell you, I had truly forgotten how ----- -up these places can be.

Some say that humor is one way of dealing with trauma, and so to help fend off some ED PTSD, I figured I would recount all the ways I have found myself in the ER.

All the stupid, stupid ways…

If playing on a swingset hasn’t sent you to the hospital at least once in your life, I dare argue you may have had a deprived childhood. By that metric, it took me until the summer before 6th grade before I truly experienced childhood.

Raise your hand if it was the “Watch me flip backwards out of this swing but not stick the landing” that did you in.

*raises hand*

Yup, good ol’ adolescent hubris did yours truly in–I landed squarely on my little ass instead of my feet after one such back flip. SMACK! Right on the ol’ tailbone. Man, I could barely walk back into the house to let my mom know I had messed something up down below.

Of course she kindly hauled me to the ER, where I promptly1Just kidding. It was the ER–it took 2-3 hours to be attended to. had my developing gonads bombarded by X-rays, only to learn that I only thing I had really bruised was my ego.

Okay, so that was admittedly a milquetoast ER story. What say we turn the stupidity up a notch…

The weekend before finals week of my spring semester of college, me and my frenemy, “Spanky” Spankewich, decided to proactively blow off some steam with a round of mountain biking on some nearby trails.

It had been raining recently, and when I tried going down a 2-3 foot incline, my back tire decided it would slide sideways down the hill instead of following its brother in the front in an orderly manner. But instead of crashing and burning, I suavely laid my bike down sideways, and landed on my feet at the bottom of the hill.

“Hooray! Did you see that Spanky? I totally should have wrecked but didn’t!” I exclaimed, pumping my fist in the air victoriously.

“Uh…dude, why is your arm all red?”

“Wha!? Oh, crap, that’s blood.

Turns out, there had been some random-ass broken beer bottle hanging out on the side of that hill, and I just happened to slide my right wrist perfectly over it as I was laying down my bike. And now I was spurtin’ my life force all over the place.

Yada yada ya, and I found myself getting sewn back together by some ER doc.

At first I was bummed by the incident, but then I found a silver lining: I was taking an Engineering Drafting course that semester, and part of our final consisted of manually drafting orthogonal views of some complicated geometric objects. This may not sound like much, but I despised such things, and was not looking forward to the final exam at all.

Needless to say, I was disappointed when I learned that having a sliced wrist on your dominant hand wasn’t a good enough excuse to get out of the exam.

Yeah, I may or may not have “accidentally” bled just a wee bit on my final drafts before turning them in…

When we lived in Springfield, Missouri, there was this big hill next to our school that led down to the soccer field, probably a good 8-10 feet high. One January when I was in 4th grade, Springfield got hit with a big freeze–cold enough to call off school, even if there was no snow.

Since we lived only a few blocks from the school, my bro, 1SkinnyJ, and I wandered over to try to go sledding on the frozen grass of that sweet, sweet high hill. Only problem was that we were a bit, uh, ‘cash-strapped’ and didn’t actually have sleds. So we improvised–there just happened to be a stack of old boards laying against the school, and we learned that they worked quite nicely.

Around my 6th or so trip down that hill, I took it a bit too steep, causing my board-sled to come to an abrupt stop at the bottom. My bottom, however, did not get the message and justg kept on going.

Now, this wouldn’t have been a problem, save for one l’il rusty nail that I had failed to notice hanging out in the board. As my body stayed in motion, sliding across the now-motionless board, that nail pierced my winterized jams and caught hold of some of my wobbly bits as they whizzed past.

You can imagine how the rest of this ER story goes: naturally ending in a tetanus shot–and the punchline you all just knew was coming:

“Doc, I think I just ripped myself a new butthole…”

As a kid, I was huge nerd. So huge, in fact, that one time in 4th grade I got so fed up with my classmates not shutting the ----- up while I was trying to work that I put in some ear plugs.

Fast-forward a few days later, and Mom was starting to get concerned about a notable dip in my awareness of my surroundings.

“Um, Honey, are you okay? Every time I ask you something when I’m standing to your right, you never respond.”

“Nope, I’m fine as far I know, Mom.”

“Maybe I should just take a peek in your right ear…”

*Peeps in my ear with flashlight*

Holy sm*kes, son! Have you put anything in your ears lately?!?”

“Oh, yeah…the kids at school would not shut up while I was working, so I may have possibly chewed up some wads of paper and used them as ear plugs. Why do you ask?”

*digs in futility in my ear for good 15 minutes*

“Well, you’ve done it this time, Boy Genius. It looks like we’re headed to the ER…”

In my defense, the idea of paper-wad earplugs was a pretty logically sound2Unintentional pun! one at the time, but after having to actually say it out loud a second time–this time explaining the origins of this fiasco to the ER doc holding the incredibly long tweezers usually reserved for removing cockroaches from ears–I began to appreciate the alternate perspective that maybe–just maybe–I was a bigger dipwad than I fancied myself to be…

It’s almost every kid’s dream to be a pirate. But it takes someone truly special to make that dream come true. I, being someone truly special, was on the verge of making that dream a reality. I just didn’t see it coming…

‘Twas the morning my dad was supposed to come and pick me up and take me back to Kansas. Fifth grade was behind me, and nothing but a summer of fun stood between me and sixth grade. Like any other day, I started out with a nice little shower, followed by brushing of the teeth and hair.

Except…except when I went to brush my hair, I somehow managed to brush my right mother ----- eyeball instead. Like I said, it takes someone truly special, and hey, what can I say, I delivered on that one.

The downside was that even after the ER fixed me up, my eye was sore as…hey, what’s that one word that roughly rhymes with “up” and flows well after “as”? I can’t think of that word right now, but you get the idea.

On the brightside, hell yeah, I had that eye patch I had fantasized about having since I was five (I’m not lying–I have plenty of drawings I had made from that era as proof of what my “ideal self” looked like).

Later that afternoon, when my dad rolled up and took one look at me, he exclaimed, in his best anachronistic Hank Hill3From King of the Hill. impression:

“Wha–Bobby Junior, what in the hell did you do to yourself this time, boy?”

Missing him completely as I went in to greet him with a hug,4Because of my lack of depth perception, dummy. I reassured him:

“Livin’ the dream, Dad. I’m just livin’ the dream…”

(But hey, at least I’m not this guy…yet.)

Content created on: 23/24 October 2021 (Sat/Sun)

Footnotes & References:[+]

Never Bet On Your Brother To Be The Better Man

4 Min Read

Almost everyone has had that little brother that won’t stop whining.

Or been that little brother…

“That’s not fair!”

As those words reverberated out of my little 9-year-old pie-hole and into the chasm that was the cab of my dad’s farm pickup truck,1Not the same one from last week; ’twas Big Red’s predecessor. I could hear another more subtle–and more painful–sound amidst the echoes of my whining.

It was the sound of a dollar bill stealthily crumpling out of my hip af fanny pack and fluttering off into the money clip of one of my much older brothers, whom we’ll call “Lyle”–wait…what?!? That’s his middle name? Dang, I’m just now finding this out? I’m such a terrible little brother.

Anyways, I digress…

‘Twas the summer of ’91–a year after our recently detailed foray into juvenile delinquency, but still 8 long years before the Crazy-Ass Summer of ’99–and my closest-in-age bro, 1SkinnyJay aka 1SJ, and I once again found ourselves taking a break from the bustling city life of Springfield, Missouri, finding respite in our dad’s farm in SW Kansas.

This particular summer, Lyle, late in his college years, had decided to join in the whole family farm business thing, and so us 3 brothers found ourselves spending copious amounts of time together.

Also that summer, I apparently was rediscovering my keen interest in social justice, and it wasn’t more than 2 or 3 weeks in before Lyle started to pick up on that theme.

“That’s not fair!” he would silently mouth behind my back, perfectly in sync with my audible gesticulations describing what a grave injustice it was that 1SJ got to get off the tractor a whopping 5 seconds before I did.

I actually don’t remember if that was one of the legion of situations that made me think, “Hey, man, this aggression against the harmonious balance of the Universe will not stand! I better say something…” followed immediately by the whiniest “That’s not fair!”

My “That’s not fair!” refrain was like clockwork–eventually to the point that Lyle was fed up with me boo-hooing about every tiny perceived hardship I found myself not-so-quietly enduring.

“Alright that’s it, let’s make a deal–no a bet: For every day this summer you go without saying ‘That’s not fair!’, I will pay you three dollars. On the other hand, every time you say it, you’ll owe me a dollar. Sound, uh…’fair’ to you?”

“Oh man,” I thought to my greedy little self, “this fool is just practically handing me $200!”

“You got it, dude!”2Err…that would be a Full House reference. I replied, thinking to myself how that verbal handshake might as well have been the sound of some mad coin clanging around in my fanny pack…

“And that, my friends, was the summer I learned how to show some executive function, as well as developing the skill of eternal gratitude for the all the wonderful little things in my relatively privileged life…”

…said no me, ever.

Yeah, wouldn’t it have been nice to have learned such great life lessons at such a ripe young age? Probably would have made for a more balanced and well-adjusted adulthood, that’s for sure.

But nooooo, did I make off like a bandit with hundreds of dollars thanks to that foolish bet Lyle made?

No. No, I did not. I guess I already said ‘nooooooo’, so I suppose I ruined the plot twist on this one.

Fair or not, we kept a running balance sheet of who-owed-whom for the better part of the rest of that summer. With a few weeks left, Lyle mercifully cut off the bet. Was it because he was embarrassed by how money he had lost? Pfft! Don’t I wish.

Nah, it probably had more to with the fact that I had ran up a tab of about $113 with him by that point. So yeah, you could say he was embarrassed–embarrassed to have such a hopelessly self-entitled little brother, that is!

Anyways, I’m guessing you’re not surprised to learn that I managed to blurt out “That’s not fair!” 100+ times in the span of ~40 days (which seemed impressive until I realized that’s only 2-3 times per day–pfft!).

You’re probably even less surprised to learn that, for someone with such a keen interest in fairness, I never paid him a single dime.

But I’ll bet he already knew that before he even made his little wager with me. I mean, given what we’ve learned about him here today, we can be pretty sure that he had the following divine revelation by the age of ten:

“Your middle name is Lyle, kid…


C’mon, you’re actually going to make me say it out loud?

Fine. I’ll say it:

‘Life’s not fair, kid. Get used to it.’

There I said it. You happy?

Oh, and be sure your little brothers get the message…Lyle.

The Universe, who apparently is a bit of an A-Hole…

The point of the story is…

*checks notes*


Oh sh*t.

That kind of ‘fair’.

Well, don’t I feel like a…um…”Universe.” I was supposed to be writing about the fair this whole time, instead of dragging my brother’s ass on account of his middle name.

Yeah, ‘fair’–you know, like the Morton County Fair, or the North Carolina State Fair. Fun and cheeky sh*t like that.

Well, though I may have copulated the canine on this one, you, Dear Reader, are still entitled to some fair-themed tales. So why don’t you enjoy my classic, The Prize Pig Story? Or perhaps take a philosophical stroll down the Midway with some deep thoughts about people-watching and other unsung Fair activities?

While you do that, I’ll be over here, feeling like this biker dude from the 2001 comedy classic, Super Troopers

Content created on: 15/16 October 2021 (Fri/Sat)

Footnotes & References:[+]

Unconditional Blood Lust: Could It Be The Best Gift Ever?

4 Min Read

Words your friend should never hear come from your lips:

“Man, I really nailed your mom…”

“Let’s kick his ass, Seabass! C’mon, after him!”

‘Twas a cold winter evening during my sophomore year in high school, and me and my bestie Phillip K. Ballz (aka PKB) had been chillin’ at the Corner Stop1As a reminder, it was/is the only convenience store in Rolla. minding our own ----- business. In the evenings Dad would sometimes let me borrow the farm pickup so I could go into town and have a bit of a social life, and since beggars can’t be choosers, there we found ourselves, sitting in the sweetest red Ford F350 flatbed diesel Rolla had ever seen.

I can only surmise we were just waiting for all the beautiful young ladies to come flocking to us because, c’mon, you know…the sweet kitty-magnet that I was driving and all.

Well, little did I know that such an ill-conceived plan was about to blow up spectactularly in my face…and it all started when that turd The Bard and one of his buddies streaked by on their bikes, talking some trash on us as they passed.

“But wait!” you say, “I thought you and The Bard were buds from Kindergarten, through grade school, and even after graduating high school! So what gives here?”‘

Ah, yes, a very keen eye you have, Dear Reader! Well, you see, at that time The Bard happened to be going through an awkward phase of being a little punk-ass b*tch, and PKB–also going through a similar phase of his own–had managed to get into some stupid schoolyard petty beef with The Bard over lord-knows-what.

Thusly on account of this pubescent feud, it was ol’ PKB who was that proverbial “scrub” that TLC so desperately tried to warn mid-90s teens about, hanging out of the passenger side of his best-friend’s ride, trying to holler at me.

Except instead of “me” being a beautiful young girl who don’t want no scrub, it was me, the driver of, um, how did I put it? Oh yeah: “the sweetest red Ford F350 flatbed diesel Rolla had ever seen.”

So what did I do at the mere suggestion of chasing down our arch-nemeses in a fit of bloodlust? I threw Big Red–I guess the pickup has a name now–in reverse, slammed my foot on the gas, and hauled [Phillip K.] Ballz out of that Corner Stop parking lot…


We hadn’t got Big Red more than 4 feet out of his parking spot before our fever dreams of beating the sh*t out of our classmates came to a very sudden, very violent halt.

“What the ----- was that?!?” I asked PKB, as it was quickly becoming obvious that we (well, I) had backed right into an immovable object.

PKB glanced back–a basic precaution that I had foregone in my haste to get to our street fight–and then looked back at me with pure panic in his eyes.

“Oh sh*t. That was MY MOM.”

When I finally got around to using my rear-view mirror, I was met with the image of the sharp corner of Big Red’s flatbed firmly embedded in the front driver’s side panel of PKB‘s mom’s green Ford Explorer, with her arm hanging out the driver’s window, mere inches from utter mutilation.2For the curious cats out there, she had wanted to talk to PKB and had pulled directly into our path. You can’t blame her too much for assuming that I would see her parked behind me, and would stop so the two could converse before we scurried off to our future aggravated assault charges.

“Oh thank God, it was your mom’s Explorer, not your mom! You bout gave me a heart attack there, you ----- drama queen…”


*sigh* “I think I would rather have had to deal with vehicular manslaughter rather than this,” I mumbled under my breath.

“What’s that?” PKB‘s mom apparently wasn’t too pleased that I was taking time out from my strawberry-cutting duties to make smart ass comments under my breath.

“Uh, nothing, Ma’am. Just saying sorry for making a crater in your fender, that’s all.”

“Harumph! That’s what I thought. NOW BACK TO CUTTING.”

“Hah-hah! Oooh boy, Mom sure owns your ass now!”

I’m not quite sure why PKB just had to go and rub my newfound “Indentured Servant” status right into my face at this point. I mean, it was his stupid need to get into a donny-brook with The Bard–a need that I had been trying to graciously help him satiate–that started this stupid, stupid series of unfortunate events, after all.

Alas, I couldn’t argue with him though: in exchange for not getting the cops involved–and thereby avoiding the prospect of being unnecessarily handcuffed–it seemed I had tacitly agreed to humbly be doing his mom’s bidding for the next few weeks or so.

And those ----- strawberries were only the beginning…3I really really wanted to end this story here, with the line “What a twist. It looked like I was about to go through a little-bitch phase of my own…”

Fun fact: usually, if the cops don’t get involved, neither will the insurance company. This had the unintended-yet-hilarious consequence of it being months on end before the Explorer got repaired.

And of course PKB‘s mom didn’t stop driving it in the meantime, so everywhere she went, the citizens of Rolla and the Greater Morton County Area would behold this enduring testament to the utter dipshittery of which their Golden Boy was capable.

No telling how many of them swore under their breaths at the sight of that cratered fender: “And this is the guy we’re pinning all our hopes on to put Rolla on the map?? Well, I guess we better get used to being known as the Tool Capitol of North America…”


Folks, the point of the story here really shouldn’t have to be stated: if you have to scurry off in your pickup to chase down somebody on a bike, with the hopes of at least threatening physical harm, please please please at least use your dang mirrors before you back that azz up.4Bonus punchline #2: “If you don’t, instead of cutting a b*tch, you just might end up a b*tch cutting strawberries.”

Or maybe–just maybe–avoid hanging out with violent psychopaths who have delicate little snowflake egos. That’s always an option too.

Nah, I’m just kidding–I’m only busting Phillip K.’s Ballz because it only seems fitting as a rite of passage for a wrinkly ol’ sac like him as he goes Over the Hill.

Happy 40th birthday, PKB!5Bonus #3: I almost titled this post “That One Time I Really Nailed Your Mom”. Or I could have also done, “Banging Your Mom Was Not Nearly As Fun As I Expected”. Bwahhhahahaha! I crack myself up! You will be my favorite dipshit, always and forever…

Content created on: 6/7 October 2021 (Weds/Thurs)

Footnotes & References:[+]

A Little Advice For Making Jail House Friends For Life

6 Min Read

“You boys have been found guilty of being incredibly frickin’ stupid.”

“I hereby sentence you little dumbasses to be friends for life…”

“I don’t want to go to prison!” *Sob* *SOB* *S.O.B.* “My daddy always said I had a butt that would make a black woman jealous…”

Our partner in crime was mostly assuredly dead, and my father’s racist and sexist commentary on my body image was only serving to egg on my worst-case-scenario imagination…

Oh, hello! I didn’t see you there! You maybe wondering what I’m going on about, and in that case you definitely need to take moment to check my previous musings, Introducing: Pony Boy and the Treehouse of Prison Time (as always, I’ll wait).

Ok, so now it makes sense right? My bro, 1SJ, my cuz, Pony Boy, and the new kid in town, NKOTB, had just been abandoned by my classmate and fellow posse member, Etu Brute, who wanted no part in our scheme to break into an unoccupied house in hopes of stealing any random items we might find inside. And thanks for reminding us all that the average of our Ring of Thieves was right around 11 years old–a key point of context, indeed.

So last I left you, us older idiots had sent NKOTB to break in through a window on the second floor of this house–which he had done successfully–and we had been waiting waaaaaaay too long for him to come downstairs and let us, his accomplices, in through the back door.

Fearing that gangly little ----- had managed to kill himself in the process, I was internally melting down at the prospect of, at only the ripe age of 9, being charged with murder, seeing as how it would be a death that occurred during the commission of a crime.

Oooooh…you can just taste the tension in the air…

“Um, guys, I kinda got lost trying to find the back door. I mean, I made it downstairs, at least…”

At the 6-minute mark, he popped his scraggly-toothed head out the same window he had entered through, and left us dumbfounded with the news of his failure.

It can’t help bring to mind the “You had one job” genre of memes, such as this one taken from the credits of Jurassic Park:

Jurassic World: Dinosaur supervisor demoted after letting everyone die in  Jurassic Park Phil Tippett | Metro News
Figure 1: Where the hell were you the entire ----- movie, Phil!?!

There was a moment of dead silence before we all busted out laughing. We simply couldn’t resist the temptation to drag his ass for another good five minutes over the fact…um, the fact that…well, just how exactly does one get lost in a 2-story, 3 bedroom house?!? It wasn’t exactly a labyrinthine chateau that he was working with here, amiright? Who let this dumbass into our group anyways?

“Okay, you just stay there,” Pony Boy called up. “We’ll come to you.”

Unfortunately, the back door was locked.

Even more unfortunate was that the front door was not locked, and therefore when we went around front and tried the knob, we were able to waltz right in…

“Man, there ain’t jack-sh*t in here!” You could definitely hear the disgust mixed with disappointment in Pony Boy’s voice.

I guess he was really looking forward to his acts of petty thievery–hopes which were quickly dashed when-surprise, surprise-the house was empty as vacant houses are wont to be.

The rest of us weren’t quite as vested in the whole endeavor, and quickly shrugged it off, taking the opportunity to explore the house like a bunch of curious kittens instead.

It was much to our chagrin, then, when we came back down the stairs, only to be greeted by the lone cop in Rolla. At his side was Sorg, the busy-bodied troll-looking middle-aged man who lived next door, and apparently had been watching us from his porch as we broke into the house.

“Oh, sh*t.” We collectively gasped, acknowledging that we were collectively screwed…

From that point, things were kind of a blur. What I remember so vividly was the all-encompassing sinking feeling of regret that leaves one questioning their life choices.

I also remember waiting outside with the Po-po for our parents and guardians to come, and guess who comes pedaling up on his bike to see what all the hub-bub was about? That’s right, the one person in our group with an ounce of sense in his brain, Etu Brute.

“Haha, you dummies! I told you it was a bad idea!” And then off he pedaled, enjoying the feeling of freedom breeze through his little 90’s bowl-cut, while we were left to sit and ruminate upon the ass-whoopings we were indubitably about to receive.

The real highlight though, was when NKOTB‘s mom showed up–and she was soooooo pissed

…at the cop.

But not because he had arrested her poor baby. Nope. She was absolutely livid that NKOTB appeared to still be able to enjoy the liberties of a non-criminal.

“What the hell are you doing? Put his ass in handcuffs! Teach that little shit a valuable life lesson…”

“Ma’am, your son is only 8. I don’t think that is either appropriate or necessary. We just–“

“I don’t care what you think! You need to scare his little thuggy ass straight! CUFFS. NOW.”

Sadly for her, she never got her wish. Instead of getting thrown in jail for the high crime of walking through an unlocked door to an empty house, we all just had to go down to the laughably-named “police station”–the back room of the lone hardware store in town–to be interrogated the next day.

Believe you me, that was the longest night of 1SJ’s and my little lives. Sure, Dad was pretty pissed in his own right–I mean, he cancelled all of our “Town Days” for the remaining few weeks of summer, and yes it sure sucked cornballs to have to go labor in the fields for the rest of our vacation.

But, still, knowing that you’re going to have to face the long tall shadow of the law when you wake up the next morning? Nothing like wondering if you’re going to be spending the rest of your life trying not to drop the soap in the shower to keep you up all night with ulcers, amiright?

Looking back, our “interrogations” kinda make me chuckle, but in the moment it was pretty traumatizing. I mean, the copper went through the trouble of separating us, and then–and I don’t why this is what really struck fear in my heart–he recorded the whole interview on tape.

He hit us with hard-ball questions like “Do you know who even owns that house?” and…and…and, um, that’s actually the only question I specifically remember (oh, what I would give to get my hands on those tapes now!).

In the end he was just like “Go, and sin no more.”

Well, he didn’t say that literally. It was more like, “All right you little sh*ts, don’t be going uninvited into other peoples’ house, you hear? It’s a waste of my time, and besides, I don’t really care to be publicly berated for not using handcuffs on minors…”

The point of the story is, first and foremost, even if you’re a kid, there’s no excuse for surrounding yourself by–and taking advice fro–shady characters with names like Pony Boy. Dammit, L’il Mee-Jay,1So that’s the tentative nickname for myself, whenever all my youthful escapades eventually get turned to an animated series: “The Many Shenanigans of L’il Mee-Jay”…has a nice ring to it, no? that nickname should have been your first clue that he was nothing but trouble…

But second and aft-most, if you want to forge a lasting friendship or two, all you need to do is engage in some mild larceny or other milquetoast act of criminal disobedience with some loose acquaintances.

You see, years later when I returned to Rolla to go to high school, that scraggle-tooted mother ----- we call NKOTB, with the little help of braces, blossomed into my high school bestie…also known as none other than the one, the only, Phillip K. Ballz, ladies and gentlemen!

And Etu Brute? You may know him from recent stories surrounding the events of The Crazy-Ass Summer of ’99–that’s right, ’tis The Bard!

Fuzzy feel-good life-lessons aside, in the end though, I can’t get help but always be reminded of this “headline” from the parody news website, The Onion, which pretty much sums it all up:

Content created on: 25 /26 September & 1 October 2021 (Sat/Sun/Fri)

Footnotes & References:[+]


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